Engineering Encyclopedia: Oil Industry Applications of Aas/Aes Techniques
Engineering Encyclopedia: Oil Industry Applications of Aas/Aes Techniques
Engineering Encyclopedia: Oil Industry Applications of Aas/Aes Techniques
Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional
Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services.
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Services, Saudi Aramco.
Contents Pages
Water samples can be analyzed by AAS/AES with little or no sample preparation. Water
sample preparation may be as simple as dilution with deionized water or filtering to
eliminate background interferences. More complicated sample preparation for water
samples include extractions with chelating agents and addition of reagents to form
compounds that behave better in the atomization process. Instrument manufacturers and
the standard methods manuals describe these sample preparations for certain samples.
Fluids Correlations
A good water analysis can give definitive information for correlating zones between wells.
A water pattern (Stiff Diagram) drawn from laboratory data can match two waters. The
diagrams are drawn from a major constituent analysis that includes Na, Ca, and Mg that
are often determined by AAS. Figure 1, ABU SA’FAH Field Geochemical Water
Analysis, shows the Stiff Diagrams for waters from Wells #26, #31, #50 and #17. The
patterns clearly indicate that Well #50 is a different water.
During the drilling process, drill-stem test samples are sometimes recovered for water
analysis. A well log analysis may indicate that a particular formation correlates to a zone
in an offset well, but the water analysis provides confirmation.
The same type of water correlation tests have been used to determine if the water sample
collected from a drill-stem test is actually formation water or mud filtrate. An analysis of a
mud filtrate sample is compared to the test sample analysis.
In cases of brine contamination of a fresh water supply, the source of the brine may be
identified by trace metals or Stiff Diagrams.
10 Mg SO 10
1 Fe CO
Well #50
Figure 1
Geochemists have used elemental analyses of brines associated with petroleum to study
oil migration and accumulation in reservoirs. Figure 2, Average Elemental Composition of
Oilfield Waters, illustrates the variations in water composition with the geologic age.
Ba 60 40 10 8 -
B 36 20 13 0.88 7
Cu 0.63 - - - -
Figure 2
Water Compatibilities
In field situations that involve mixing waters from different sources, analyses are
necessary to determine if the waters are compatible. A produced brine containing a high
Ba concentration may be stable until mixed with a water of high sulfate concentration. An
example is shown in Figure 3, Analysis for Compatibility. The two waters were produced
in the same field, but from two separate reservoirs. The sand stone reservoir water
contained barium and the limestone water contained sulfate. When mixed, the barium
sulfate precipitation became a big problem.
Mg 897 1,089
Ba 220 7
Sr 168 199
SO 4 17 346
Figure 3
Water to be injected into producing oil field reservoirs should be compatible with the
connate water and the formation. Formation damage could occur if precipitates such as
BaSO are formed in-situ. Permanent damage can also occur in clay bearing formations. If
fresh water is injected into a formation that originally had saline connate water, clay
minerals can swell and permanently shut-off the reservoir porosity. AAS/AES analyses
can be applied to determine compatibility of injection water.
Scaling Studies
Complete water analyses of produced brine samples are needed to predict scaling
tendencies in the field. Elaborate computer programs have been devised to predict if scale
inhibitor chemicals will be needed. These programs rely on accurate analyses by
Corrosion Studies
Assistance in solving corrosion problems can often be given by atomic spectroscopy. Iron
concentration data in water above and below treating points can aid the metallurgist in
evaluating the treating chemical.
Bottle tests for corrosion inhibitors can also be evaluated by measuring the iron in
Environmental Applications
AAS and AES are the recognized techniques for analysis of the toxic heavy metals.
Methods have been published for environmental monitoring of industrial waste water,
offshore discharges and drinking water samples. Leachates of solid wastes are also
analyzed for toxic metals by AAS and AES.
The very low detection limits for graphite furnace AAS, cold vapor AA, and plasma
emission have made these techniques the accepted methods for determining toxic metals.
Figure 4 is a table published by Perkin-Elmer Corporation showing the detection limits for
selected elements using their AAS/AES instruments.
Figure 4
The toxic limits for heavy metals in drinking water are shown in Figure 5, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency Primary Drinking Water Standards. Note that the
detection limits in Figure 4 are µg/L and the contaminant levels in Figure 5 are mg/L.
Both units are commonly used in the literature and the analyst must be aware of this when
comparing data.
As 0.05
Ba 1.
Cr 0.05
Hg 0.002
Na 20
Pb 0.05
Se 0.01
Figure 5
Oil samples can be analyzed routinely by AAS/AES by either direct introduction into the
atomization source, or introduction after a pre-treatment. The pre-treatment may be as
simple as dilution with a suitable solvent such as toluene. A less simple pre-treatment
involves ashing the sample and dissolving the residue in an aqueous acid solution. The
ashing technique is used to concentrate trace metals and to avoid setting up the instrument
with a special organics burner or torch. Detailed procedures for these sample preparations
are found in instrument manufacturers’ manuals and published standard methods.
Figure 6, Trace Elements in Crudes, shows some examples of the amounts of trace metals
found in crude oil samples.
Figure 6
Crude oils contain organometallic compounds that can be correlated to the origin and age
of the crude. Petroleum geologist often use AAS or AES metal determinations in
geochemical basin evaluations.
Metals such as Ni and V are concentrated in crude oils in the forms of porphyrins. These
metals are routinely determined by AAS in crudes prior to refining. Ni and V are
detrimental to the catalysts used in the catalytic cracking process in refineries.
The heavy metals have been suggested as identifiers of crude oil spills on land or at sea.
Each crude has a characteristic trace element signature.
Many refinery support laboratories perform wear metals analyses in lube oil. The amount
of iron suspended in a used oil is indicative of the wear on the engine parts. AAS and AES
methods are both commonly used for such determinations.
Solid samples can be directly analyzed only by arc and spark AES and by graphite furnace
AAS. In actual practice, however, solid samples are routinely analyzed by all AAS/AES
techniques after dissolution. Solid samples are either dissolved in deionized water, strong
aqueous acids or converted to soluble salts by ashing or chemical reaction. These
techniques are described in detail in such books as Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater, American Public Health Association.
Metal Samples
Analysis of the composition of metals is useful to the metallurgist. Stainless steel types
may be identified by compositional analysis. Mixing stainless steel types in a single piece
of equipment can cause stress failures. Analysis of corrosion products provides data to
study the corrosion problem.
Refinery catalyst are heavy metals. Refinery engineers studying catalyst application and
efficiency require analyses of the catalyst materials. Such analyses can be performed by
AAS/AES methods.
Geologic Samples
Rock samples, drill cuttings or core samples may be analyzed by AAS/AES to provide the
geochemist additional data in identifying reservoir formations. Assays for precious metals
may also be performed by AAS/AES.
Unknown Solids
Often the operations support laboratory is asked to identify a material recovered from an
operating environment. These are called “whatsit” samples by the chemical analyst. The
operating engineer does not always describe the problem or reason for requesting an
analysis. Before working on such samples, the analyst should call the requestor and ask as
many questions as necessary to determine what information is needed to solve his
problem. If elemental analysis is required, AAS or ICP can be most useful.
2. Data Base: Vanadium and Nickel of Residues Above 343° C From Some Export
ELEMENT 304 305 310 316
% Cr 18 - 20 17 - 19 24 - 26 16 - 18
% Ni 8 - 10.5 10.5 - 13 10 - 14 10 - 14
% Mn 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
% Mo - - - 2.0 - 3.0
% Si 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0
%C 0.08 0.12 0.25 0.08
%P 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045
%S 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
%N 0.010 - - 0.010
a. Correlation of waters
b. Water compatibility
c. Corrosion or scale study
d. Environmental monitoring
e. Other
2. Identify the sample preparation needed and determine the concentration range for
the elemental analysis.
a. No sample preparation
b. Dilution with deionized water
c. Other
3. Identify accuracy required for the data to satisfy its purpose and identify the
AAS/AES techniques that will produce that accuracy.
a. Fast analysis
b. Slow analysis
5. Identify the single best AAS/AES analytical procedure for the sample analysis.
“API Recommended Practice for Analysis of Oil-Field Waters”, 1981, (API RP 45),
American Petroleum Institute, Dallas, TX, USA.
Boss, Charles B., and Kenneth J. Fredeen, Concepts, Instrumentation, and Techniques in
Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry, 1989, The Perkin Elmer
Corporation, USA.
Keenan, Charles W., Jessie H. Wood, and Donald C. Kleinfelter, General College
Chemistry, 1976, Harpers and Row Publishers, New York, NY, USA.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 1985, American Public
Health Association, Washington, DC, USA.
Valdo Valkovic, 1978, Trace Elements in Petroleum, The petroleum Publishing Company,
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
Willard, Hobart H., Lynne L. Merrit, Jr., John A. Dean, and Frank A. Settle, Jr., 1988,
Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, CA, USA.