May 28 Conversation 9 To 10
May 28 Conversation 9 To 10
May 28 Conversation 9 To 10
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Materia: Conversation
Nombre del maestro: Gloria Mariela García
Semana del: al 28 De May 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Competencia de la semana:
Use some high beginning English grammatical structures to accurately and effectively express
ideas at the sentence level.
Indicadores de logro:
Activity 5
Use the following questions to begin a conversation with your partner.
‘Robin Hood was right – taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor is the
best way to reduce poverty in the world!’
Do you agree?
DESIRES: Rank these with your partner. Put the most important things to spend money on at the top.
Change partners often and share your rankings.
• house • family
• car • entertainment
• jewellery • technology
• hobbies • clothes
POOR: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word "poor".
Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them.
A researcher has made a report that says having a lot of money makes you a bad person. Professor Paul
Piff spent ten years looking at the personalities of rich people and found that their behaviour was very
different to the behaviour of poor people. Dr Piff said rich people are more likely to break rules, not follow
the law, and not care about other people. He also said wealthy people cheat more at games and are less
likely to help other people. Professor Piff told the BBC that: "Wealth makes you more [worried about] your
own interests, your own desires, your own welfare." He added that rich people think their own goals and
needs are the most important thing in their life.
Professor Piff also found that poorer people are more generous than rich people. The poor give a higher
percentage of their money to help others than the rich. He said poorer people give one-and-a-half times as
much as richer people. He said: "The wealthier you are, the less generous you are. You give significantly
smaller portions away to [other people]." However, he did say that rich people could change their
behaviour and become nicer and more generous. He said rich people can help others more if you tell them
that giving and helping is a good thing. He said: "Reminding people of the benefits of cooperation, or the
advantages of community, causes wealthier individuals to be just as [giving] as poor people."
1. What is the job of the person who said rich people are "bad"?
2. For how long did the man spend looking at rich people?
3. What did a doctor say rich people are more likely to break?
4. What did the man say were the most important things for rich people?
5. What did the man say wealthy people cheat more at?
6. What do poorer people give more of than richer people?
7. How many times more generous did the man say poorer people are?
8. What did the man say rich people could become (apart from nicer)?
9. What did the man say about giving?
10. What did the man say people needed to be reminded about?