Speaking Questions
Speaking Questions
Speaking Questions
Yes, for me is difficult because I'm nervous and I forget what I'll say, my hands
sweat or tremble. I feel that people look at me too much and that scares me
I think it's true because most of the students study about it, they practice a
lot and they have the ability to speak. the people who listen to them are
Yes, I think this is important because it helps to relate to other people and have a
good communication, a message is clearly communicated, we need to express
ourselves well, for example to try to convince a client, or to make a presentation of
our work, when presenting an advertising campaign, etc.
4. Who are the most popular public speakers you know? Do you like them? Why?
Why not?
In my country we have former President Alan Garcia, he is one of the best speakers
in the country but a corrupt former president. Another speaker is Mario Vargas
LLosa who won the novel prize for literature 2010. I like mario vargas llosa a lot
because he is one of the best speakers and writers since he loves to write, at the
same time criticize and try to make everyone understand it.
You are what you do, not what you say you will do (C.G. Jung) he was a Swiss
psychiatrist, psychologist and essayist
It means that Your actions determine what you are, not your words. This phrase is
interpretable in different contexts. For example, in romantic relationships, when you
promise but do not fulfill; or when you want to achieve something in life, because you
can have many ideas, but if you do not go into action, they will stay in that, in ideas.
7. What are the quotes you usually remember or are important to you? Why are
they important to you?
Part 2
I would have liked to learn to dance marinera to play piano when I was a
child. I would also have bought many toys
9. What do you think about people who like having thing done?
I think
10. What do you do when you are in your euphoria?
11. What advice would you give people who live in crime-ridden neighbourhoods?
14. Do bankers hold too much power in today’s society? Which other people have
power? What do you think about them?
15. Do think it’s true that behind every powerful man is a powerful woman?
Part 3
16. What do you think about lotteries? Are they a good or a bad thing?
17. Do you or would you spend money on a lottery? Why? What for? How do you spend
your money?
19. How much do you spend a week/a day? What do you spend on?
Part 4
Function globally
25. Do you feel comfortable asking favours? How do you feel when someone asks you
for a favour?
26. When was the last time you ask somebody to do you a favour? What was it?
27. When was the last time somebody asked you to do them a favour? What was it? did
you grant the favour or refuse it?
29. What habits or experiences as a child helped you deal with money?
30. What do you think about the financial situation in your country? The cost of living,
spending, salaries, borrowing, debts, banks, saving, jobs, education, investment.
1. ¿Es difícil para usted hablar en público? ¿Por qué? Por qué no?
2. ¿Los buenos oradores manipulan a su audiencia con técnicas retóricas?
4. ¿Cuáles son los oradores públicos más populares que conoces? ¿Te gustan? ¿Por
qué? Por qué no?
5. ¿Qué técnicas o estrategias utiliza para prepararse para una presentación pública?
7. ¿Cuáles son las citas que usualmente recuerdas o que son importantes para ti? ¿Por
qué son importantes para ti?
Parte 2
9. ¿Qué piensas de las personas a las que les gusta que te hagan algo?
11. ¿Qué consejo le daría a las personas que viven en barrios criminales?
12. ¿Te gustaría tener una vida suntuosa? ¿Por qué? Por qué no?
14. ¿Tienen los banqueros demasiado poder en la sociedad actual? ¿Qué otras
personas tienen poder? ¿Qué piensas de ellos?
15. ¿Crees que es verdad que detrás de cada hombre poderoso hay una mujer
Parte 3
17. ¿Gastarías o gastarías dinero en una lotería? ¿Por qué? ¿Para qué? ¿Cómo gastas
tu dinero?
20. ¿Le debes dinero a alguien? ¿Cuánto cuesta? Por qué no?
Parte 4
Función global
25. ¿Te sientes cómodo pidiendo favores? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando alguien te pide un
26. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que le pediste a alguien que te hiciera un favor? ¿Qué
27. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que alguien te pidió que le hicieras un favor? ¿Qué era?
¿Le concedió el favor o lo rechazó?
30. ¿Qué piensas sobre la situación financiera en tu país? El costo de la vida, el gasto,
los salarios, los préstamos, las deudas, los bancos, el ahorro, el empleo, la educación, la