QH GDL 502
QH GDL 502
QH GDL 502
Terminology 3
Version Control 4
Background 5
Purpose 6
1. Principles 6
Scope 6
Objective 8
References 73
Appendices 74
Security guidelines
Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 2
Term Definition
Threat Risk occurrence that would have a negative impact, AS4485.1:2021.
Hazard Potential source of harm, HB188:2021.
Security risk assessment Methodical process of identifying, analysing, and evaluating security
risks and of determining appropriate controls, AS4485.1:2021.
Risk acceptance The informed decision to take a particular risk, noting that risk
acceptance can occur without risk treatment or during the process or risk
treatment, and that accepted risks are subject to monitoring and review,
ISO Guide 73:2009, HB188:2021.
Risk tolerance The organisation or stakeholders’ readiness to bear the risk after risk
treatment to achieve its objectives, ISO Guide 73:2009, HB188:2021.
Risk avoidance The informed decision not to be involved in, or to withdraw from, an
activity in order not to be exposed to a particular risk, HB188:2021.
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 3
Document approval details
Document custodian
Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Approval officer
Joanna Griffiths, Manager QOVSU
Approval date:
Effective from:
This Guideline is due for review: 9 December 2025
Security Guideline for Queensland Health – Health Care Facilities 2001.
Version Control
Version Date Comments
V. 1 07.06.2022 This document supersedes the ‘Security Guideline for Queensland
Health – Health Care Facilities’ released in 2001, following changes
to Australian Standards
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 4
The Security Guidelines, Queensland Health (‘the guidelines’) have been updated by the Queensland
Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU) in consultation with the Queensland Security Managers Network
(QSMN) to ensure state-wide collaboration across Hospital and Health Services (HHS). These guidelines
supersede the pervious document ‘Security Guideline for Queensland Health – Health Care Facilities’ released
in 2001.
The guidelines have been developed with strong guidance taken from the updated Australian Standards AS
4485.1 and 2:2021 Security for Healthcare Facilities, which supersedes AS 4485.1 and 2:1997. This standard
outlines principles, standards, and common practices for the development of effective security systems
throughout healthcare facilities.
Separated into three specific sections, the guidelines expand on the previous content and aligns content with
updated standards and Department of Health strategic direction to promote systematic and contemporary best
practice for security arrangements within Queensland Health.
The content within the guidelines contributes to the Department of Health Strategic Plan 2021–2025 objective to
‘support and advance our workforce’ through strategies that ensure the workplace is safe, rewarding, enhances
wellbeing and adequately equips the workforce to perform at the highest level.
Recommendation with the guidelines supports the approach towards person-centered care and aligns with the
National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, Comprehensive Care Standard criteria through minimising
patient harm and reducing restrictive practices.
The implementation of the guidelines contributes to Recommendation 14 of the Occupational Violence
Prevention in Queensland Health’s Hospital and Health Services Taskforce Report 2016 (section 8.3.3. Security
Service Arrangements), regarding functions and roles.
The requirement to provide updated security guidelines to guide the development of local arrangements with a
degree of consistency, was identified at the inaugural Healthcare Security Managers Network – Leadership
Forum 2021. The forum provided an opportunity to connect HHSs security leaders with peers. Security leaders
identified the absence of formal security governance across Queensland Health HHSs.
The guidelines will promote consistency in procedural development by providing reference to relevant Australian
Standards, recommendations for minimum security arrangements, information regarding security models, and
role clarity regarding functions of the Healthcare Security Officer (HSO).
For information about how the guidelines support the Onboarding & Upskilling Security Managers Toolkit,
please see the Queensland Health Security Framework Queensland Health Security Framework | QOVSU |
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 5
The QSMN identifies the below vision and purpose relevant for security services in healthcare.
Our Vision: To provide a professional service that maintains a safe healthcare environment.
Our Purpose: To contribute to the delivery of innovative and coordinated security services and to promote a
safe environment through collaboration, effective use of resources, technology, and best practices.
1. Principles
This guideline contributes to the Department of Health Strategic Plan 2021–2025 objective to ‘support and advance
our workforce’ through strategies which ensure the workplace is safe, rewarding, enhances wellbeing and
adequately equips the workforce to perform at the highest level.
This guideline contributes to the Department of Health Strategic Plan 2021–2025 objective to
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 6
The scope of this guideline is for Queensland HHS employees (permanent, temporary, and casual) and all
organisations and individuals acting as its agents (including, but not limited to: Visiting Medical Officers and other
partners, contractors, consultants, and volunteers).
The guidelines are designed primarily for those stakeholders with direct responsibility for management of
security arrangements (in particular, those with line management of internal security services and personnel)
and responsibility of security risks within their HHS.
The guidelines are scoped to be referenced as a foundation from which health services may build their own
specific instructions for their specific needs based on local resourcing and risk assessments.
The guidelines are divided into three sections for ease of use:
Part C:
Part A: Part B: Standard
Security Risk Controlling operating
Management and risks through procedures for
Planning physical security healthcare
Part A: Security Risk Management and Planning, is a foundation from which health services may build their own
specific security risk assessments to develop local security plans designed for the specific needs of the HHS.
Part B: Controlling risks through physical security, has been established to support HHSs regarding physical
security control arrangements. This encourages HHSs to implement and monitor physical security controls
through local security risk management processes.
Part C: Standard operating procedures for healthcare environments, promotes the development of standard
operating procedures aimed at ensuring a safe environment through layering control measures and providing
clear instruction.
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 7
To achieve the best outcomes, physical security controls, SOPs, and security plans must be appropriate,
consider risk exposure, and aim to protect people, information, and property. It is the objective of the
guidelines to promote comprehensive security risk assessments to ensure any proposed security controls
are fit for purpose, developed, and implemented in consultation with stakeholders.
Each HHS is responsible for ensuring they have a risk management process to assess security risks and
develop security plans that suit the needs of their facilities. An objective of the guidelines is to recommend best
practice minimum security arrangements, physical security controls and security equipment for HHS
consideration. To enhance safe and secure workplaces HHSs should consider:
Promoting the application of security risk assessments to ensure all reasonably foreseeable security-
related hazards are identified, assessed, and where reasonably practicable, risks are eliminated, or
where risks cannot be eliminated appropriate control strategies are implemented to reduce risks
Ensuring security plans and physical security controls contribute to the safety of facility occupants and
the protection of property against the potential threat of criminal activity
Supporting the provision of safe services through documented security specific processes to evaluate
the effectiveness of existing controls
Encouraging consultation with staff at all levels including facility stakeholders, relevant committees,
workplace health and safety (WHS) professionals, healthcare security, clinical and operational staff
Ensuring physical security controls are informed by security risk assessments
Ensuring physical security controls contribute to the protection of property and people against the
potential threat of criminal activity, occupational violence, and support provisions of safe services
Ensuring SOPs are comprehensive and aligned with local security plans to reinforce the growth of a
positive security culture
This guideline aims to highlight necessary considerations to improve local practices and promote safe and
secure healthcare environments. Outlined within this guideline are key SOPs that each HHS should consider
benchmarking with reference to existing procedural instructions or development of additional documents. The
guidelines are not intended to supersede existing established local procedures, rather to further inform and align
practices (of each HHS) to promote consistency across Queensland Health.
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 8
Part A: Security Risk Management and Planning
1. Introduction
Security Risk Management and Planning has been developed to support HHSs in providing and maintaining
a safe and secure environment through risk informed security planning and effective controls.
This guideline outlines requirements to be implemented in accordance with legislative obligations and
accreditation recommendations in a manner consistent with Queensland Health objectives to ensure the
safety and security of employees, patients, visitors, and assets.
This guideline aligns with the Queensland Health Safety Management System. Elements from relevant Australian
Standards have been used to inform the risk management process of identifying hazards, assessing risks, controlling
risks, and reviewing control measures. Guidance is also taken from the Australian Government’s Protective
Security Policy Framework for security planning and risk management.
Security risk assessments differ from other risk assessments as they focus primarily on external perimeters
Australian Government’s Protective Security Policy Framework:
“Security planning establishes the strategic direction and sets out the expectations for the
efficient and effective security management practices in the entity. This includes ensuring
security risks are managed effectively and consistently across the entity to adapt to change,
minimise damage and disruption and build resilience”.
crime prevention. Security risk assessments provide a method to assess criticality, vulnerability, threats, and
physical security control measures. Security risk assessments provide an opportunity to engage security
professionals within HHSs and the ability to draw from local knowledge. Consultation and leadership enable
effective development of local security plans. Security plans increase risk mitigation capabilities and promote
a positive safe security culture.
The security risk assessment process outlined in this document (aimed to support stakeholders responsible for
managing security), predominantly focusses on the security of a facility, and its ability to avoid or protect against
potential impacts of criminal activity with a focus on external environments including plant and equipment, main
public spaces, and physical security controls.
The Occupational Violence Risk Assessment Tool (OVRAT) has a similar approach to identify risks, with a
specific focus on occupational violence prevention within wards and departments. Dependant on local
arrangements, both risk assessments may inform each other, compliment evaluations, and validate findings that
emerge from the different approaches and strategic focus.
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 9
2. A guide for assessing security risks
Security risk assessments provide methods for HHSs to identify threats, vulnerabilities, and risks, as well as a
method to measure the effectiveness of existing controls. Security risk assessment outcomes should inform
decision-making regarding HHS priorities. Security risk assessments should be conducted by qualified and
experienced personnel and require thorough consultation to ensure physical security controls are
implemented appropriately. Assessing security risks should involve a systematic, and collaborative approach,
drawing on the knowledge of local stakeholders.
Engagement with stakeholders during the assessment improves understanding, increases information
sharing, develops resilience, and promotes benefits post assessment.
When HHSs are conducting security risk assessments, they should consider seeking specialist advice,
communicating with stakeholders (internal and external), and requirements for planning and completing a
security risk assessment.
HHS security management may consider using the provided templates found through the appendices or create
their own reports. Please see the below Security Risk Management Process adapted from Handbooks HB167,
HB188, HB327 and QH-GDL-401-3-1:2021.
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
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The online crime map may provide relevant data Maps and statistics | QPS (police.qld.gov.au).
External consultants and security firms (preferably with knowledge and experience in healthcare security
management, and the health industry).
Internal professionals, such as security managers, security advisors (or equivalent), and Queensland
Health employees with appropriate qualifications or experience.
To comply AS 4485.2:2021, states that a Security administrator or equivalent position hold the below:
a) “Provide executive management with expert advice on security matters
b) Identify, assess, manage, and monitor security threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences to
the facility’s workers, property and information,
c) Develop a security risk management plan to address the identified risks outlined in section 3
and incorporating the requirements of the facility’s security governance mechanism,
d) Implement and manage the security function throughout the facility,
e) Develop and review security measures to control the risks to acceptable levels,
f) Monitor security arrangements to ensure that they are being applied properly and are
proving effective,
g) Liaise effectively with other agencies concerned with security matters,
h) Raise the awareness of workers and other about security matters and
i) Provide advice to planning groups on refurbishment and new construction projects.”
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
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HB 327:2010 Communicating and consulting about risk, consultation as a process states:
Where the purpose of the consultation is to obtain the views of others (usually stakeholders)
those being consulted should as far as practicable be equally informed about the relevant
issues and context as are those seeking the views
Where the purpose of the consultation is to obtain factual knowledge, the enquiry must be
framed in in a way that avoids ambiguity about meaning and provides those being consulted
with insight about the context in which the enquiry is being made
Reasonable time must be provided to allow all parties to the consultation to form considered
Sensitive issues should be approached carefully to ensure a balance between legitimate
expectations of privacy and the overall veracity of the consultation.”
HB 327:2010 Communicating and consulting about risk, benefits from communication and
consultation states:
“The main benefit from involving stakeholders is a shared and better understanding of the risk faced
and the range of treatment options. The following secondary benefits are derived from this
Reassurance to each stakeholder that all views are taken into account
Bringing together different areas of expertise
Endorsement or acceptance of subsequent decisions by people who may not benefit as much
as other
Enhancement of the decision-making process and change management
Improved transparency and assignment of a fair share of responsibility to manage risks to
those who are most likely to be affected by the consequence.”
Perceptions about the identified risks and how they are evaluated will always be present. An individual’s
perceptions often influence stakeholder willingness to adopt treatments or consider information, for many reasons.
Developing consistent and easily understood definitions, that are evidence based, can aid in communicating
recommendations, risk treatments, and proposed security improvements.
Planning security risk assessments is crucial to identifying mechanisms for communication with stakeholders, and
ensuring all interested parties are appropriately involved.
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
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2.3.1 Frequency
In accordance with AS4485, after a HHS completes an initial security risk assessment, a review of security
arrangements should be undertaken by HHSs at a minimum of every three years, or more frequently if the facility
undergoes one or more of the following:
Significant changes to its environments (internal and external)
Changes to its property and buildings
Experiences a significant increase in volume or severity of security incidents.
A security risk assessment should also be conducted in association with any decommissioning and planning
processes for new and redeveloped facilities or to reflect changes in the security risk environment and
national threat levels. For more detailed information about threat levels, refer to Appendix 1.
2.3.2 Scheduling
HHSs should establish a schedule or program to plan when, where, and by whom, security risk assessments
are conducted. This ensures evidence exists of past and planned assessments, and aids in monitoring and
reviewing progress. Scheduling should include consulting relevant stakeholders and governance processes
for committees responsible for addressing security risks and improving safe work environments.
2.3.3 Scope
HHSs should determine the scope of the security risk assessment.
The scope may include the below:
Specific inclusions, and exclusions
Objectives and expected outcomes
Responsibilities and relevant information
Risk assessment tools and techniques or methodology
Related processes and activities
2.3.4 Context
HHSs should determine the context of the security risk assessment. Context considerations should include:
List of stakeholders, oversight bodies and commitments
The purpose for the risk assessment
Reinforce risk management integration with culture of the facility and into core business activities and
decision-making (security is everyone’s responsibility, all staff have the responsibility to promote a
positive security culture)
Reporting requirements within the HHS
2.3.5 Criteria
In accordance with HB167, HHSs should determine the criteria of the security risk assessment. Criteria is a term of
reference by which the significance of a risk is assessed and should consider the following:
Definitions of consequences and likelihood
Consistency in the use of measurements
Demonstrate how risk is to be determined
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
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2.3.6 Retention
Security risk assessments are to be retained for a period of 7 years in accordance with AS 4485.2:2021, s 3.5
“performing risk assessments”.
This retention period aligns with Corporate Records Management Policy Framework, Business
Classification Scheme section v5 (2021) (BCS): Governance, Risk Management, Assessment and
Mitigation, which outlines the requirement to retain records relating to the identification, assessment and
monitoring of risks, including the implementation of risk reduction practices and procedures for a period
of 7 years after business action completed (disposal authorisation 1051, BSC).
When establishing local arrangements regarding restriction and classification guidance may be taken
from the PSPF, however, this is not a mandatory requirement.
Please see Appendix 2 Assessing sensitive and security classified information.
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 14
2.4.1 Risk and hazard identification
Security advisors (or equivalent positions undertaking the security risk assessments) and HHS stakeholders may
identify risks and hazards through facilitated workshops, interviews, questionnaires, research, and physical
inspections. Hazard identification includes consideration of all things and situations that could potentially cause
harm. Risk identification determines what, where, when, why, and how, something could happen. The following
factors should be considered:
Tangible and intangible sources of risk or cause of risk and indicators of emerging hazards
Threats and opportunities
Vulnerabilities and capabilities
Consequences and impacts
Previous criminal activity or events
Asset Identification
In accordance with AS4485, asset identification is the documentation and description of the primary property or
service (including critical assets / infrastructure), that may be exposed to, or harmed by a threat. Dependent on the
scope of the security risk assessment, the following information may be entered in the provided templates:
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
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Figure 4: interaction of building security factors (HB188)
Threat Assessment
Conducting a threat assessment is an important to part of the security risk assessment. The threat
assessment identifies the potential cause of an occurrence or thing which may result in harm to, or reduced
safety and security of people, property, information, and other threat sources may be defined as:
Non-deliberate threats such as human error, natural hazards/disasters, and equipment failure
Criminal risks such as theft, assault, abduction, arson, sabotage, vandalism, illegal occupancy (or
trespass), violent protests, and other type of attack such as armed or hostile vehicle attacks, cyber, IED
and CBR attack.
Threat types may include:
Malicious threats
Opportunistic threats
Threats of terrorism
Incidental threats
Please refer to Appendix 7 Threat matrix (capability vs intent).
Threat = capability x intent (this formular is found in HB167 and HB188, and is utilised as a method of measuring
the threat and providing an overall threat rating):
intent refers to the expressed or implicit aims, desires, motivational factors, or objectives associated
with the threat
capability considers attributes of a prospective threat that make it a credible source of threat
Criticality Assessment
Criticality assessment recognises and allocates importance to all resources. Potential impacts derived from the
criticality assessment are used to determine the overall risk consequence through defining how critical an asset is
and the impacts of losing such asset. The criticality matrix may inform the risk tolerance of an organisation
regarding the importance of assets and may influence the perceptions towards suggested risk treatments and
proposed controls through providing the scale of the resources’ importance.
Record findings, ratings, and protective security treatments and administrative controls (such as
governance, personnel, response procedures and the layering of physical controls)
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
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Communicate risk management activities and outcomes to stakeholders
Provide information for decision-making
Improve risk management activities
Controlling risks is an ongoing process. Controls must be reviewed regularly to maintain their effectiveness. For
information regarding the WHS risk register and WHS risk profile please see QH-GDL-401-3-1:2021.
Protective Security Policy Framework, Security planning and risk management, states:
“A security plan specifies the approach, responsibilities and resources applied to managing
protective security risks. The security plan allows entities to review the degree of security risk
that exists in different areas of operations and take action to mitigate identified risks.”
Please see Appendix 10 Example Security Risk Assessment templates as a method to record the security risk
assessment process. Please copy, paste, and add lines where required.
Whilst not mandatory, guidance maybe taken from the Protective Security Policy Framework:
Supporting Requirements | Requirement 1 - Security Plan Review, which states:
“The security plan (and supporting security plans) must be reviewed at least every two years.
The review process must include how the entity will:
a. Determine the adequacy of existing measures and mitigation controls, and
b. Respond to and manage significant shifts in the entity’s risk, threat, and operating
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
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3.2 Contents
HHS security plans should include specific security requirements and mitigation strategies such as physical security
controls and SOPs appropriate to threat levels and risk tolerances. Procedures may include how security personnel
are used, emergency response, and the organisations response to emerging threats including increased criminal
activity and change in the risk environment or business impact levels.
Please see Appendix 11 ‘Business impact levels for consequence of threat’.
The HHS security plan may detail:
The security goals and strategic objectives of the HHS, including the fundamental principles and how
security risk management intersects with and supports broader business objectives (including links to
business continuity planning and disaster management)
The security risk environment including threats levels that may potentially impact the protection of
people, information, property, and assets
The risk tolerance of the HHS (the level of acceptable risk after risk treatment and managing the
residual risk at a level that is as low as reasonably practicable)
The risk appetite of the HHS (the amount of risk that is accepted or retained to achieve objectives and
includes risk appetite and tolerance statements that describe approach adopted towards risk taking).
Please see Appendix
12 Risk appetite
and risk tolerance
Figure 5: Security planning and risk management example of risk tolerance regions
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 19
HHS security plans should also consider how to manage, avoid, or minimise risks that may jeopardise the
safety and security of people.
3.4 Procedures
HHS security risk assessments should also inform SOPs (or equivalent documents). The SOPs should support
the overarching security plan and be aimed at reducing or eliminating threats, strengthening existing controls,
and ensuring a safe environment. This is achieved through layering of control measures and clear instruction.
SOPs may be implemented to address the specific needs of individual facilities and services regarding physical
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 20
security controls, local practices for security personnel, or functions of the Healthcare Security Officer (HSO)
role. Part C: Standard operating procedures for healthcare environments may assist local security management
in reviewing or establishing SOPs.
The Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (Qld) deals with confidentiality and the responsibilities of the
health service and workers to protect information.
Specifically, section 142 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (Qld) prescribes:
(1) A designated person must not disclose, directly or indirectly, confidential information to
another person unless the disclosure is required or permitted under this Act...”
The Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) deals with information privacy as it relates to the fair collection
and handling in the public sector environment of personal information.
Australasian Health Facility Guidelines defines ‘physical security’ as:
“That part of security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard people, to P
prevent unauthorised access to equipment, facilities, material, and documents, and to
safeguard against damage and loss.”
To effectively implement controls which enable the delivery of ‘safe’ person-centred care, HHSs should
The following is taken from Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. Person-
centred care:
“…Key dimensions of person-centred care include respect, emotional support, physical
comfort, information and communication, continuity and transition, care coordination,
involvement of carers and family, and access to care.
… There is good evidence that person-centred approaches to care can lead to
improvements in safety, quality, and cost effectiveness, as well as improvements in
patient and staff satisfaction.”
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 22
consider promoting:
The safety of staff delivering care
A safe environment in which care can be delivered, and
The safety of those receiving or accessing care and visitors
HHSs should consider the use and placement of physical security controls as well as the impact of
controls or how controls may be perceived by consumers in the healthcare environment.
See Think Act 2nd Edition is a handbook for people who work in secure mental health services.
AS 4485.2:2021,
Published s 6.3:College
by the Royal Risks toof people states:
Psychiatrists Quality Network for Forensic Mental Health
“Risksthe handbook states:
encountered by people in healthcare facilities could include:
Aggression provides the framework
towards patients within which
by other care, workers,
patients, and treatment canorbeintruders
visitors, safely provided.
Neither patients nor staff can participate positively in the activities of the service unless they feel
first. There towards
are threeworkers, by inter-related
distinct but patients, other workers,
elements of visitors,
security or
in aintruders
secure mental
Aggression They are:
towards visitors by patients, workers, other visitors, or intruders
Relational security
Aggression towards patients by other patients, workers, visitors, or intruders
Abduction security (the
patients policies and
(including procedures
infants), visitors in
orplace to maintain safety and security)
Physical security to
Loss or damage (the fences,belonging
property locks, personal alarmspatients,
to workers, and so on that keep
or visitors people
and safe)”
acts of terror”
HHSs should consider the use of physical security controls including but not limited to:
Controls applied to reduce triggers for conflict and vulnerabilities and improving perceptions of
safety through the design of areas (e.g., incorporating the use of barriers, lighting, and signage in
waiting and reception areas)
Controls applied to minimise the risk of unauthorised access and the illegal removal of babies and
children from maternity and paediatric units (e.g., secure areas with proximity swipe card access)
Controls applied to aid in providing safe care to patients with mental health, cognitive impairment or
patients who may be at risk from wandering or absconding (e.g. workplace design factors inclusive
of the layering of security controls with crime prevention through environmental design concepts)
Controls applied to aid in providing safe care to patients with behavioural disturbances or patients in
custody who may require increased observation (e.g., the ability to increase security presence
(security specials) and video surveillance systems)
Controls applied to mitigate risks associated with the safe and secure storage of pharmaceuticals,
currency (cash), weapons, and illicit substances (e.g., secure containers, safes, or drug storage
Controls applied to contribute to the safety and security of high-risk areas such as Emergency
Departments and acute mental health units and inpatient settings (e.g., use of barriers, airlocks,
and duress systems)
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
Effective date: 9 December 2022 Page 23
Physical security controls may include restricting movement of people; influence over healthcare environment
activities, and the use of physical security.
HHSs should consider:
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts that inform the placement
of physical security controls and environment
Workplace design to deter, delay and minimise potential criminal and antisocial activity
Monitoring and response controls designed to detect security issues and enable an adequate
response to emergency events, and to recover evidence (post event)
Entry/exit control (access control) designed to deter, detect, and minimise the potential for
unauthorised access, thus minimising potential exposure to crime
Security alarm systems inclusive of duress and intruder alarm systems enable appropriate
responses to security incidents
well-informed vulnerability analysis identifies weakness or gaps within existing controls and offers the
opportunity to address short falls.
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Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
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Deter an attack Detect an Delay an Respond to Recover
attack attack an attack from an
Figure 7: Determining
vulnerability HB167
Consultation with healthcare security services is crucial when making changes to the workplace or
undertaking works that impact existing security controls. Consultation with local security professionals
ensures all reasonably foreseeable risks are minimised and controls are considered in the initial planning
for new buildings or redevelopment and refurbishment of existing buildings. This ensures risks are
controlled effectively and that new risks are not introduced.
Workers who work in the subject area environment or discipline should be consulted as often these workers
best placed (i.e., security professionals) to offer insight into identifiable risks, as well as relevant and
solutions. Collaboration and information sharing across workplace health and safety (WHS) professionals,
clinical, and operational staff optimises the effectiveness of risk control measures.
Queensland Health – Capital Infrastructure Requirements : Volume 1 – Overview states: C
“s 2.7.4 Undiminished safety, Redevelopments including new additions shall not diminish
the safety level that existed prior to the start of the work”.
“s 5.3 Work health and safety, project managers, design managers, architects, engineers
and others involved in the design process, have an important role to play in identifying
health and safety risks that could arise throughout the life cycle of the building or structure
and, where practicable, eliminating risks through design.”
“…incorporating CPTED can significantly reduce real or perceived fear and risk of crime as
well as the considerable costs associated with adding security equipment and personnel after an
incident has occurred or in response to changing standards”.
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3.1.1 CPTED Concepts
CPTED concepts maximise the risk to offenders by increasing the likelihood of detection, and effort
required to commit crime through:
Territoriality and ownership
Natural surveillance and lighting
Natural access control
Image, management, and maintenance
Combining CPTED concepts can reduce a facility’s vulnerability by eliminating spaces that are isolated,
devoid of people, reducing areas of potential concealment or entrapment and addressing areas that provide
opportunities for unforeseen crime to take place or make it difficult for others to respond or provide help.
Territoriality and ownership
Territoriality and ownership can be increased by establishing clear barriers and distinction between public
and staff only areas. This encourages staff adopted ownership and control of their work areas, which
translates into:
Staff occupying an area taking responsibility for their safety and security
Easy identification of intruders
Challenging of unauthorised access and discouraging trespass
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Figure 8: Surveillance principle (buildings and public areas are positioned to maximise passive surveillance)
(Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Guidelines for Queensland)
Natural access control
Natural access focuses the movement of people by strategically directing them towards areas of natural
surveillance. This may include physical elements such as doors, fences, strategically placed shrubs and
hedges, walls (ideally transparent), and barriers to guide movement.
Natural access is supported through:
Effective use of sensor lighting, landscaping, and furniture
Limiting the number of access and egress points to discreetly direct both foot and vehicular traffic in
ways that decrease the potential for opportunistic crime
The removal of natural ladders (objects that may be climbed or used to climb)
orkplace design
HHS facilities should consider several options to achieve an optimal combination of security arrangements.
Design should be based on the principle that the management of security risks is not achieved by
technology or staffing alone, but rather a combination of factors and with adequate consultation.
HHS environments have different functional areas that will have unique requirements or considerations for
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3.2.1 Landscaping
Landscaping may impact the ability of intruders to gain access and carry out their intended actions and should be
monitored by HHSs. Trees and shrubs should be trimmed away from doors and windows to prevent formation of
natural ladders and reduce the ability of intruders to conceal themselves and gain access to roofs, windows,
balconies, and staff only areas. Landscaping should not reduce the capability or effectiveness of physical security
for best results to be no higher than 0.7m (ground cover) and clear line of sight to 2m (where
Figure 9: Example suitable landscaping (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Guidelines for
3.2.2 Lighting
HHS facilities should establish and maintain external lighting systems as follows:
Illumination to all areas of access/egress, parking and any other service or activities provided by
Lighting that is effective at deterring potential intruders and enhances the possibility of detection
Lighting that is sufficient for safety and security whilst having low energy consumption and - where
practical - connected to an UPS.
Ensure lighting supports surveillance and does not jeopardise visibility.
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Example of overlapped lighting for consistent illumination for pedestrians
Figure 10: Example lighting (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Guidelines for Queensland)
Further information can be found in Appendix 16 AS4485.1 Security lighting levels standards relating to lighting:
AS/NZS 1680.1:2006: Interior and workplace lighting Part 1 – General principles and
recommendations, sets out general principles and recommendations for the lighting of interiors of
buildings for performance and comfort
AS/NZS 1158.12.2-2012: Lighting for roads and public spaces – Vehicular traffic (Category V)
lighting – Guide to design, installation, operation, and maintenance
3.2.3 Barriers
Purposely designed barrier protection may include fences, walls, gates, boom gates, permanent bollards,
guard, and handrails. HHSs should consider establishing appropriate barriers to guide traffic and control risks
related to pedestrian safety, accidental vehicle collision or hostile vehicle mitigation.
Establishing barriers can increase the protection of access points, critical assets, and infrastructure such as
fuel and gas tanks, water mains, fire suppression systems, and other vulnerable areas such as reception,
waiting rooms and cash and drug holding areas. There are various forms of barriers available for HHS
Passive barriers: such as trees, benches, sculpture features and statues, walls, bus shelters and light or sign
poles and so on may be effective at protecting assets if reinforced, however static.
Active barriers: such as retractable bollards, drop arm barriers, sliding gates provide the dynamic use
3.2.4 Signage
Signage can be used to inform or direct staff, visitors and others or warn of restrictions or potential danger.
HHSs should use signage with printed display characters or fonts of sufficient size to allow the message to be
read at 10 metres by a person with normal sight and placed at a height of 1.5 metres.
The colours used for signage should be in accordance with the Queensland Health conventions and in all
cases the message text shall contrast sufficiently with the background to be clearly legible to the observer.
Colour combinations that present a challenge for people with visual impairments or an inability to perceive
certain colours should be avoided. Signage can be one method to regulate and control safety related
behaviour, to warn of hazards and to provide emergency information.
Security guidelines
AS 4485.2:2021 s4.2.2.5 Signage, states, signage is critical for CPTED principles of territorial
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9 December and activity support.
2022 Page 29
For further information regarding wayfinding, please see Queensland Health Wayfinding Design Guideline.
Wayfinding design incorporates coordinated design elements that assist wayfinding including the built
environment, signage, type of signage, terminology, and location.
AS 4485.2:2021 s4.3.9 Video surveillance, states: “For the safety of workers and for maximum
effectiveness, a VSS should be monitored by a competent person able to respond to incidents or
report the incident to someone who can respond”.
Installation, management, and use of video surveillance must be in accordance with the Hospital and
Health Boards Act 2011 (Qld), Crime and Corruption Act 2001 (Qld), Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld),
Public Records Act 2002 (Qld), Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld), Privacy Act 1988 and Australian Privacy
Principles that govern standards, rights, and obligations around:
The collection, use and disclosure of personal information
An organisation or agency’s governance and accountability
Integrity and correction of personal information
The rights of individuals to access their personal information
Surveillance system signage
Signage to advise that VSS/CCTV systems are in operation is to:
Be in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld)
Displayed in public areas at consistent intervals
Be placed in line of sight or in a way that limits visibility by the public
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3.3.2 Security equipment
Security equipment should be obtained from reputable suppliers only. Where possible, HHSs should adopt an
integrated approach to security, ensuring new/additional equipment is either compatible with existing equipment,
systems, and processes, or does not hinder or disrupt their effectiveness or function. The security equipment and its
installation should comply with all relevant standards and manufacturer’s recommendations.
Consider the following criteria in selecting a reputable supplier and/or security installer:
Willingness to use only quality security equipment which is fit for the purpose and meets appropriate
industry and Australian Standards
The company’s previous experience in supplying/servicing public or private health care organisations
Security equipment may include, but may not be limited to:
HHSs should consider what type of access control restriction is suitable and most effective for areas, dependant
on the intended restriction of the access point. This may be determined by a security risk assessment.
Access control systems may utilise numerous methods to facilitate security access to authorised persons and to
restrict unauthorised persons from accessing areas or access to areas at designated times (such as the case for
in patient areas that lock down outside of visiting times). Examples of secure access include:
Proximity card / swipe card / bar code card / magnetic card
Keypad PIN entry
Key lockable doors, locks combination, pad locks etc
HHS work unit managers and the nominated person must be informed as soon as possible if a key or an
electronic access control device be lost or damaged or if a PIN is compromised.
A staff separation or termination should allow work areas or units to remove individual access from workers
whose employment has ended. Keys, proximity cards, ID cards (and so on) must be returned, the staff
member’s credentials removed from access-controlled areas and information removed from staff databases.
Access control systems allow entry, exit, and door activity audits to be carried out on any controlled area. Work
unit managers may request any such audits and should be accompanied by a request for electronic information
for auditing purposes.
Security controlled access doors may be fitted (in some circumstances) with a remote door lock mechanism.
This mechanism can be used to remotely lock or unlock a door to permit or deny access to persons to within an
access-controlled area. Doors fitted with remote door locking mechanisms should be managed according to a
locally developed access control protocol.
Keys, PINS or codes, proximity swipe card and the like should not be duplicated or communicated to any
other person than to whom the access was granted.
Restricted areas
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Each HHS determined the appropriate resourcing for restricted areas. A restricted area may be considered burglar
or intruder resistant (in part or in full) and if it possesses any of the following physical security features in line with
Specific controls established to restrict unauthorised access
A means to identify authorised persons
Video surveillance options
A means of logging or recording access (entry / exit)
A means of raising the alarm in the event of forced entry
Signage indicating restricted access
Tamper evident barriers, highly resistant to unauthorised entry/exit, with no unsecured openings
Video surveillance and security alarm system with reliable communications link to an effective
Access control to specific functional areas may require stronger considerations towards the level of
restrictiveness. These areas include but are not limited to laboratories, pharmacies, clean utility and medication
rooms, mortuary, mental health inpatient units, and plant rooms.
This action reduces potential risks to these areas may include unauthorised access, contamination of sterile
areas, theft of medical supplies and restricted substances, theft of sensitive information, theft of personal
belongings or medical equipment, threats, and acts of violence or potential disruption or cessation of critical
Areas applying physical security controls as treatments to risks should measure against the criticality,
vulnerability of the areas, asset, and capability of the physical security controls.
Unauthorised entry could severely disrupt operations through malicious damage or deliberate attack. Typical
control measures to restricted areas may include the following considerations:
Plant room doors should be secure by construction
Plant room doors which open into publicly accessible spaces may be alarmed to trigger a security
response, alarms may be linked to CCTV systems to record and audit access
Where practical plant rooms should be designed in a manner to prevent, deter or delay forced entry or
wilful damage
3.4.2 Keypads
HHSs should consider keypads where proximity swipe card are not appropriate. PIN key locks (i.e., keypad locks)
provide manual security measures to areas of a lower security risk. PIN codes should be changed regularly to
prevent obvious wear on individual keys. A register of all PIN codes should be maintained by the responsible HHS
department. PIN key locks should have a key override facility, being keyed to the facility master key provided to
authorised personnel in the area. A list of names of personnel to which the PIN has been provided should be
AS 4485.2:2021 s4.3.313.2 Setting the lock, states: “Although the setting of a combination lock
could be jeopardised by the careless or negligence of users, combination locks can offer a greater
level of control and convenience than key locks of equivalent quality”.
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3.4.3 Locks and combination locks
HHSs should assess the need to implement locks and combination locks to restrict access to assets. Locks to all
intruder-resistant and restricted areas should comply with the requirements of AS 4145.2 (Durability D3, Physical
Security S3 and Keying K6) level 3 and AS 4145.2 (Durability D1, Physical Security S1 and Keying K3) level 1.
AS 4145.1:2008 Locksets and hardware for doors and windows, sets out requirements for
AHFG:2018, s3.5.2 Doors, Security Issues, states: “As a risk management measure,
mechanical locksets for doors and windows in buildings, specifies general design all perimeter
doors should be provided with locks to prevent unauthorised entry or exit. In the case
performance requirements, and procedures for testing mechanical locksets for their resistance of openings intotoa
secure or
forced area or courtyard,
unauthorized security
entry and may still beunder
efficiency breached in a variety
conditions of ways.
of light Any usage.
to heavy decision to omit locks
should be formally recorded.”
AHFG:2018 s3.5 Doors and associated hardware, states: “As a risk management measure, all
perimeter doors should be provided with locks to prevent unauthorised entry or exit. In the case of
openings into a secure area or courtyard, security may still be breached in a variety of ways. Any
decision to omit locks should be formally recorded.”
improved safety and security, HHSs should consider safety glass, laminated glass, or impact resistant
transparent panels (i.e., plastics) applied to glazed windows and glass panel doors in high pedestrian traffic
areas and main access points.
AHFG:2018 s3.9 Window types, state: “…To prevent unauthorised access through windows, a
restriction device should be used. This applies particularly to areas that may accommodate children
or people with cognitive impairment or mental illness. Refer: AS2047 Windows in Buildings -
Selection and installation.”
Safety glazing materials consist of laminated, wired glass, toughened, plastic materials (polycarbonates) and
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films. Some of these are defined in AS/NZS 2208:1996 Building safety materials.
Further information can be found in standards relating to windows including:
AS 1288: Glass in Buildings - Selection and Installation
AS 2047: Windows in Buildings - Selection and Installation
AS/NZS 2208: Safety Glazing Materials in Buildings.
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3.5 Security alarm systems
3.5.1 Duress alarm systems (personal or mobile devices and fixed systems)
Duress alarms may be necessary for the personal safety of staff working in areas subject to real or potential
violence or aggressive behaviour. HHS should consider the following recommendations for duress use and
Decisions regarding installation and response may be informed by a security risk assessment
Duress systems should be easy to operate
Duress systems (buttons) should be easily identifiable, and staff should be orientated on their location
and use
The placement of the alarms needs to be considered carefully before installation to promote
identification and reduce accidental activation (false alarms). Points to consider are accessibility,
especially under stress, whether the alarm is silent or audible and type (e.g., button, knee or foot
Duress alarms are only as effective as the response to any activation.
o Any response should be carried out by personnel capable of quickly assessing and managing the
o Responders should ensure their own safety and the safety of others
o All persons providing a response should be trained in local activation and response. Protocol.
o Where possible the preferred response will involve HSOs, an Internal Response Team (IRT),
Emergency Response Team (ERT) or equivalent, or an escalation process to QPS
A process should exist for reporting damages and faults, so that any issues with buttons are rectified
as soon as reasonably practicable
Consideration should be given to introducing personal duress devices for high-risk areas or when staff
are working in isolation or areas with limited hard-wired duress devices
All duress alarms should be tested / audited at a frequency informed by a security risk assessment
Personal duress devices promote the ability to raise the alarm whilst being carried on the person, this
option is considered as both operationally functional and dynamic resource that promotes staff safety
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Part C: Standard operating procedures for
healthcare environments
1. Introduction
This guideline outlines suggested standard operating procedures (SOPs) that HHSs can implement to
maintain a safe and secure healthcare environment. HHSs are encouraged to use this guideline to develop
procedures to suit the specific needs and resource allocations of the HHS.
This guideline outlines requirements to be implemented in accordance with legislative obligations and
accreditation recommendations in a manner consistent with Queensland Health objectives to ensure the
safety and security of workers, patients, visitors, property, and assets.
This guideline aligns with the Queensland Health Safety Management System. This guideline utilises
elements from relevant Australian standards to inform recommended physical security controls and draws
from the Australian Government’s Protective Services Policy Framework and Queensland Government’s
Protective Services Framework regarding security planning.
This guideline aligns with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, Comprehensive Care
Standard criteria for:
‘Minimising patient harm’ (through the development of staff and teams who share responsibilities to
predict, prevent and manage aggression and violence)
‘Minimising restrictive practices’
This document contributes to the Department of Health Strategic Plan 2021–2025 objective to ‘support
and advance our workforce’ through strategies that ensure the workplace is safe, rewarding, enhances
wellbeing and adequately equips the workforce to perform at the highest level.
HHSs should consider SOPs that contribute to a healthcare environment consistent with a ‘person-centred
care’ approach. This approach aims to support various services in providing safe, quality health care
experiences that respects a person’s individual preferences, needs, and values. HHS SOPs procedures
should be designed to support the development of a ‘positive security culture’. Please see the dynamic risk
assessment and escalation process (circle of control, influence, and concern,) adapted from Stephen Covey’s
‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’.
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Figure 11: Dynamic risk assessment considerations
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Figure 12: Escalation process (circle of control, influence, and concern)
AS4485:2:2021 s5 Security Officers, states: “Each facility should determine the need for services The
of security officers. Security officers may need to perform a variety of functions within the
healthcare facilities. The type of security service to be provided should be determined via security
risk assessment. Security officers are an important service group within the facility structure and
can assist patients, workers and others in routine and emergency situations”.
benefits of in-house security services ((a) above) include increased control over recruitment, training, operations,
increased supervision, and better flexibility for changes to duties within changing clinical environments and
legislation. Such changes to duties can become problematic when outside of the agreed service agreement of
contracted services ((b) above), if contracted for. Hence the importance of strong tender processes, contract
management and service agreements to minimise ambiguity.
Benefits of contracted services include industry experience and external management systems that require
less internal responsibilities inherent with the inhouse model (managing an employment relationship).
Consideration and consultation with stakeholders are required when deciding what type of services to utilise.
This ensures services can deliver high care and professional expectations.
If a HHS is considering outsourcing security services, please refer to Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Queensland Government Contracting Out of Services Policy.
For any services that are contracted out, the comparable wage rates conditions apply. Further
Section 3.1 Services
advice regarding currently
outsourcing canprovided
be found in-house (i.e., by a Public
in the Queensland government
Healthagency), of the above-
Sector Certified
mentioned policy states: “It is the policy of the government that in order to maintain existing
Agreement (No. 10) 2019, 6.5 Contracting Out 6.5.1, which states, “It is the clear policy of the
employer notjobs, there will
to contract outbe orno contracting-out
to lease of services
current services. Thecurrently provided
parties are in-house
committed other than
to maximising
in circumstances where:
permanent employment where possible. Please review the agreement closely before considering
Actual shortages exist in appropriately skilled in-house staff
There is a lack of available infrastructure capital or funds to meet the cost of providing new
technology; or
It can clearly be demonstrated that it is in the public interest that services should be
contracted out.”
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2.1 The role of healthcare security
The role of healthcare security can be categorised into four main areas:
2.1.1 Authorisation and appointment under the Hospital and Health Boards Act
2011 and Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998
Dependent on the HHS and its expectations of the security function, HSOs may be appointed as either
authorised persons or security officers or both under the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (Qld) (‘HHBA’).
The HHBA, provides the following powers:
To control traffic and give directions on health service land (s 174)
Seize and remove a vehicle (s 177)
Power to require name and address and other matters (s 185(2))
Power to direct a person to leave the health service’s land or part of the health service’s land (s 183)
HSOs may be authorised to provide direction and respond to breaches of the Queensland Health Smoking
Management Policy (Smoking Policy under the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 (Qld)
(‘TOSPA’) (New no-smoking laws - Smoke-free Healthcare) and Smoking laws in Queensland, Queensland
The TOSPA, provides the following authority:
power to require name and address (s 38(2))
power to direct person to stop smoking (s 40A(2))
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3. Local standard operating procedures (SOPs)
HHSs should consider the following elements when developing new or reviewing established operational
instructions such as duty statements, procedures, work instructions etc. The following guidance is not
intended to replace, supersede, or substitute any existing local practices.
This guideline does not cover all the standard operating procedures and considerations required to establish
effective security operations. HHSs are encouraged to explore the specific needs of their area and provide
instruction where appropriate.
Procedures relating to security arrangements should be created and reviewed with a view to continuous
improvement as outlined in AS45001. HHS and facility SOPs are to be implemented to identify local practices,
and functions of the HSO role.
Security risk assessments provide evidence to inform the development and continuous improvement of SOPs
(or equivalent documents). SOPs are to be guided by the overarching security plan and aimed at reducing or
eliminating threats, strengthening existing controls, and ensuring a safe environment. This is achieved through
layering of resources and control measures. Please refer to Security planning and risk management.
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of legislation that may be related to each generic function or that may need to be considered when
implementing procedure examples. This guideline may highlight common legislation for reference related to
some functions.
HHSs and security services are required to be familiar with legislation which may impact performance of their
HHS SOPs should concisely and accurately describe the way workers are to perform certain security tasks.
These SOPs ensure healthcare and security teams work in unison, expectations are clear, and tasks are
completed cohesively with stakeholders, with a degree of consistency. Expectations can be set and expressed
through consultation with relevant stakeholders such as leadership positions within Health and Safety Units (or
equivalent), Emergency Departments, Mental Health Inpatient Units, and security services.
The contents of SOPs should address specific risks or required functions that reinforce a positive security
culture, when establishing or reviewing written instructions for HSOs or facility workers performing security
functions. Local SOPs may be summarised and consolidated in the HHS security plan and / or maintained as
a list of separate procedures which work cohesively to inform operations and provide evidence of the security
HHS SOPs should be developed for HSOs activities, appropriate to the nature and level of the identified
security risk. HHS SOPs should:
Monitor compliance with instructions for pre-determined activities and reporting
Prevent the potential misuse of equipment, and damage or loss of property
Include protective security aspects of operational arrangements that promote protection from harm (or
fear of harm), throughout the facility
Prevent and respond to security incidents (including occupational violence and criminal activity) and to
outline requirements and expectations
Operational instructions, such as shift specific duty statements or lists may consist of tasks that are to be
performed, responsibilities associated with tasks, and any essential requirements for the performance of tasks
such as who completes certain tasks, and where and when tasks are completed. This establishes clear
understanding between line management and the HSO about their role and function. These documents can
be beneficial for new starters in planning their shifts during orientation, induction phases of onboarding and
may be provided to new starters as part of a welcome package or recruitment briefing.
Special consideration should be given to sensitive information that may jeopardise the integrity of the HHS or
facility if published or disseminated. Procedures containing sensitive information may not be suitable for public
disclosure. Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples that should be considered sensitive information:
The frequency and type of patrols to be carried out and times of specific duties
Detailed list of role, functions, and contact details
Details of access control, and afterhours entry/exit procedures
How to operate, respond to, and test security alarms, and other systems
Escalation processes to internal pathways and external services and other means for HSOs to gain
support during and post incident
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3.2.1 Equipment changes and handover or equivalent considerations
HHSs may consider establishing a written instruction or checklists for HSO handovers conducted at the start
and finish of each shift. This may consist of expectations such as:
Location and time of handover
Who is expected to attend?
How the handover is to be facilitated
Who facilitates the handover?
What information is relevant for oncoming group / shift
A structured and repeated handover inclusive of equipment checks ensures HSOs have the appropriate
resources and information at the commencement of their shift. In addition, this process ensures:
Equipment is functional, assigned appropriately, and collected by the appropriate HSOs, please see
security equipment, Controlling risks through physical security.
Security keys and vehicle keys and logbooks / sign out records (if appropriate) are retrieved by
oncoming shift please see key management, Controlling risks through physical security
Correspondence is enabled through awareness of important emails and bulletin / data / notice, or
white boards and any special or specific instructions relevant for the commencing shift
Oncoming HSOs are briefed to understand any additional duties, issues or risks that may impact the
shift and previous team is relieved
Patrols serve as to deter, detect, delay, and respond to criminal activity through increased overt monitoring of
an area facilitated by a uniformed security presence and are an effective control to improve the safety and
security of an area.
Dependent on local security management, HHSs should consider procedures for conducting patrols that set
performance indicators, expectations, and may include defining patrol zones that divide the facility campus
into more easily monitored areas, improving response time and visibility. This can be represented on a map
for HSO reference (this may be provided in recruitment briefings and displayed in security offices or controls
as required).
Active patrols are an effective risk mitigation strategy to reduce HHS vulnerabilities. HSOs should aim to
achieve as many patrols of their assigned areas as practical during their shift.
Patrol routes should be at the officer’s discretion but should be random in nature and schedule, when
conducted in addition to or outside of key stipulated times required to ensure patrol zones receive the desired
attention. It may be necessary to stipulate key times for patrols and identify high risk areas to ensure these
areas are sufficiently covered.
Random patrols conducted frequently decrease the likelihood of patrols being circumvented by persons who
observe the security system / program with the intent to penetrate controls or commit offences. This may
occur if an individual intentionally observes and learns patrol timeframes or periods of time between patrols.
HSOs should spend a significant portion of each shift patrolling, either on foot or in a security vehicle
(dependent on HHS resources), internal and external to the facility buildings. The discipline of patrolling is the
very essence of the security function and considered the base for all other duties aimed at preventing crime,
preserving peace, and protecting information, and assets. The number of patrols required each shift, the
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patrol area, and the type of patrol (internal or external, on foot or vehicle) may be informed by a security risk
Patrols have the following purposes:
To ensure vulnerable or critical points or key areas are frequently checked /monitored to maintain
security and effectiveness against intrusion for any unauthorised purpose
To check for intruders and identify potential trespassers or the unauthorised presence of persons
To provide the opportunity to ascertain whether suspicious persons have reasonable cause /
justification to be in the areas or buildings (and persons intentions)
To provide a unique opportunity for HSOs to personally observe activity, and monitor individuals,
and/or situations, which could pose a threat to the safety and security of patient’s, visitors, staff (and
others) and assets (property, infrastructure etc.)
To increase a HHSs capacity to deter criminal activity (such as theft) through an active uniformed
presence and to detect potential breaches to facilities and restricted areas within facilities
To check barriers, access control (doors and windows) and the functionality of various physical
security controls (such as lighting), typically includes non-technical visual inspection and informal
physical assessment of a designated patrol zone
To report any damages and hazards through local arrangements
To check for potential fire hazards and to assess firefighting equipment (such as status of fire
indicator panels and mimic panels)
Patrols completed by HSOs on foot offer a unique opportunity for direct, personal interaction with members of
the public / community, staff, and patients. Vehicle patrols allow officers to efficiently cover large external
areas safely.
Effective and active patrols are enabled by HSOs with the correct knowledge, skills, and attitude.
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alarms, typically for areas that are not staffed or in use after hours. Local instructions specific to the installed
equipment should guide how this is achieved, associated times, and who to contact if issues are experienced
(facility stakeholders and alarm monitoring companies or internal equivalent control room arrangements).
PINs / alarm codes must not be shared outside of the security service. Please see entry / exit control (access
control) of Controlling risks through physical security.
HHS SOPs should enable an effective and appropriate response to activated alarms. HSOs responding to
alarms should conduct an informal dynamic risk assessment and seek advice or confirmation through
communicating with their supervisor (or equivalaent on duty or oncall management) or control room operator
prior to entering an area and conducting an investigation (open communication is key to the maintenance of
HSOs may respond with the support from colleageues (in attendance), dependent on local resourcing and
expectations, particularly if trespass is likely.
Appropriate safe practices and response to activated intruder alarms and duress alarms may be built into local
response procedures referencing escalation pathways to gain additional support internally (with IRT, ERT, or
equivalent response team) or through QPS through facility specific code black processes (dependent on local
arrangments). Other related instructions may include the management of incidents of trespass or intruders,
promoting safe response and dynamic risk assessment.
In some HHSs, an activated duress alarm will automatically declare a Code Black response and be used as
the method to engage an appropriate pre-determined and resourced response.
AS 4485:2021 4.3.1 Duress alarms states: “The nature of the response to a duress alarm
activation should be determined locally. Whoever responds should be quickly on the scene and
capable of assessing the situation they may be confronted with (e.g. an assault) in a competent and
safe manner”.
SOPs should outline that those responsible for responding to security alarm activations should ensure their
own safety first, followed by the safety of others present. Security response to activations should be facilitated
in a manner so as not to escalate the threatening persons and align actions with training in local activation
and response protocols.
For information regarding physical control elements of security alarms please see sections: Duress alarm
systems (personal and fixed) and Intruder alarms of Controlling risks through physical security.
AS 4485.2:2021 s4.3.4 Car park security and control states: “Parking areas should be regularly
AS 4485.2:2021 s6.6.8 Movement of workers and other at night states: “The period of greatest risk is
patrolled by security and security escort should be offered between the workplace and parking areas.”
at night when there are fewer people on the premises and there are more opportunities for threatening or
criminal activity under the cover of darkness.”
Peak times and scheduled activities are to be determined by each HHS based on specific needs of its
facilities and risk exposure (for example, staff changeover times). Requests may come from wards,
departments, facilities, or staff.
A security risk assessment should determine the specific needs of work areas, whilst consultation with HSOs
will ensure activities are practical.
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professional cash transit couriers / security providers in consultation with local services (please refer
to security models)
Depending on local arrangements, typical activity may include the following examples:
HSOs may be engaged to assist in transporting cash to and from areas in the facility (within
jurisdiction) dependant on local practices
HSOs may escort other HHS staff to and from areas with consignments of money
External service providers may service ATMs and businesses positioned on site (on health service
land), however businesses on site may organise their own secure transport activities
For areas off site (not on health service land – not in jurisdiction of HSOs) the facility may arrange
external service providers to ensure the safe transport of currency
AS 4485.2:2021 Missing patients, states: “Healthcare facilities should establish protocols and
procedures for dealing with missing patients.” To
ensure the safety of vulnerable or at-risk patients, HHSs should consider SOPs for reporting, locating, and
returning wandering or missing patients. SOPs must consider appropriate legislation in relation to patient care
in relation to the patient’s status (voluntary / involuntary).
The Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 (Qld) (‘GAA’) seeks to strike an appropriate balance between,
the right of an adult with impaired capacity to the autonomy in decision-making, and the adult’s right to
adequate and appropriate support for decision-making. When responding to or managing events related to
wandering or missing patients, the GAA and other acts related to involuntary treatment should be considered.
Wandering or missing patients should be reported to the facilities security services (or equivalent responsible
designated services) as soon as it is ascertained that the patient is missing.
The report should contain a full description and characteristics of the patient and factors that may assist
security services in locating and effectively communicating with the wandering or missing patient. This may
Name, age, or date of birth (D.O.B), and description of patient
Patient status (voluntary / involuntary and information specific to the relevant legislation), examples:
o Guardianship and Administration Act 2000
o Mental Health Act 2016
o Public Health Act 2005
Relevant medical information, injuries, special communication needs, and specific safety concerns
The likelihood of potential aggressive behaviour and any other relevant information that may assist in
finding the patient, verbally de-escalating the patient and reasoning with the patient about their return
to the ward / department
If HSO’s (or equivalent responsible designated services) haven’t received the appropriate information to
enable an effective search, clarification should be sought from the ward / department requesting assistance.
HSOs should search within the parameters of the healthcare facility (hospital and health service land) only. If
there is concern that the person has moved outside of HSO jurisdiction, QPS should be engaged for support.
All staff should be aware of their ability to escalate to QPS if there are legitimate concerns that the person has
absconded from the facility (while under an Act which statutorily compels them to remain at the healthcare
facility to receive treatment) or concerns exist for their health, safety, and wellbeing (regardless of whether the
patient is receiving treatment involuntarily under an Act or not).
If HSOs locate the wandering or missing patient, HSOs are to inform the related ward / department at the
earliest convenience. HSOs are encouraged to communicate and engage with the patient if safe to do so or
wait for support to escort patient back to the relevant ward / department.
If assistance is required from ward staff / clinical staff to persuade the patient back the related ward /
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department or in cases where the patient refuses to return, HSOs should be aware of local support available
to them.
In cases where the patient is threatening the safety of others or themselves, a Code Black may be initiated to
ensure the safety and wellbeing of the patient. Whilst awaiting an appropriate response, staff may consider
withdrawing to a safe distance and maintaining observations of the patient.
Examples of responding to a wandering / missing patient: In
Medical ward nursing staff call HSOs and explain an elderly patient known for wandering
was missing from the ward (receiving treatment under the GAA). HSOs search the external
areas of the facility and locate the elderly patient. HSOs contact the medical ward and a
nurse responds. Staff successfully communicates with the patient and the patient agrees to
return to the ward.
HSOs are assisting nursing staff locate a missing patient. Together, staff locate the patient.
As staff approach in a non-threatening manner. the patient begins to use offensive language
and is showing high risk indicators for potential aggression. Staff maintain a safe distance
from the patient and activate a Code Black to enable a coordinated response. The patient
walks near a roadway and is standing on the footpath (out of the facility jurisdiction). Staff
withdraw and monitor from a distance so not to intimidate the patient and to reduce the
likelihood of the patient walking into traffic. Staff contact QPS for urgent assistance.
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HHS SOPs should consider:
Encouraging communication between QPS, clinical staff (ED) and security services
Processes to engage the security service where appropriate for assistance at the request of the of the
department and inform security services of the situation
Establishing appropriate supports in consultation with HSOs
Following advice from previous section: Responding to wandering and missing patients, if a patient
attempts to abscond
Where a patient is involuntarily receiving treatment under a specific act, HSOs may be accompanied
by clinical staff or at a minimum, acting on clinical direction to promote a safe, person-centred, and
coordinated response
Consider activating a Code Black if the patient is threatening or escalate to QPS where the patient
successfully absconds
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3.2.10 Managing an Emergency Examination Authority (EEA)
HHSs should develop local SOPs to manage EEA presentations at facilities if required.
QPS and Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) may detain and transport a person to a public sector health
service facility in emergency circumstances under the emergency examination authority (EEA) provisions of
the PHA. This may apply where the QPS or QAS officers reasonably believe that:
The person’s behaviour indicates the person is at immediate risk of serious harm, and
The risk appears to be the result of major disturbance in the person’s mental capacity caused by
illness, disability, injury, intoxication, or other reason, and
The person appears to require urgent examination
Most patients under EEA are adequately managed in the ED environment, however there are patient
presentations that require increased preventative measures and monitoring due to a high likelihood of
attempts to abscond. Please see Chapter 4A Health of persons with major disturbance in mental capacity of
the PHA regarding:
The health of persons with major disturbance in mental capacity, including detention in treatment or
care place and examination
Returning persons who abscond from a Public Sector Health Service Facility while under an
Emergency Examination Authority.
Please refer to the PHA for all appropriate information regarding EEA management and the following
o Emergency examination authorities | Queensland Health
o Emergency examination authorities - Frequently asked questions (PDF 306 kB)
o Powers and responsibilities under Chapter 4A of the Public Health Act 2005 (PDF 210 kB)
o EEAs: Information for Hospitals and Health Services (PDF 288 kB)
o Information regarding searches of a person under an EEA (PDF 238 kB)
Example scenario: HSOs are providing a security special / presence within ED for a known
aggressive person on an EEA (under PHA). As staff approach to communicate with the patient,
HSOs correct their positioning and move closer to enable an effective safe response (if required). As
staff move away, so do the HSOs. It is expected that HSOs work collaboratively, and under the
direction of the clinician delivering care.
When facilitating a security presence, the HSOs focus should be on effective verbal de-escalation and an
understanding of how to engage local incident response resources such as Code Black activation, which is
available to support HSOs at all times. The HSO must also be aware of escalation processes to engage
support from the QPS through 000.
HSOs may share workloads to support each other, and the wellbeing of colleagues assigned to specific duties
related to security presence / special. HHSs are encouraged to develop contingent arrangements to be
utilised in cases where a request for an increased presence cannot be fulfilled to the extent requested.
3.2.12 Patient search and escort (Mental Health Act 2016 (Qld))
HHS SOPs should consider increased security presence during patient searches and escorts (facilitated by
clinical staff) depending on the level of risk present.
HHS SOPs should consider when it may be appropriate for Authorised Persons (defined in MHA) to facilitate
searches on patients and their possessions whilst receiving treatment under the MHA:2016. Depending on
the level of risk present, support from HSOs may be required to maintain a presence whilst the search is being
conducted. HHS SOPs should also consider the utilisation of HSOs to accompany Authorised Persons in
transporting patients under the MHA:2016 within Authorised Mental Health Services for Examinations and
HHS SOPs for patient searches may consider the following processes:
Authorised Person under the MHA develops a plan to carry out search
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Authorised Person under the MHA:2016 engages security services for a collaborative response
If the patient becomes aggressive or threatening on during search, procedures should enable
escalation to engage either a Code Black response of QPS (as appropriate)
HHS SOPs for patient escorting may consider the following processes:
Authorised Person under the MHA:2016 develops a plan to transport the patient
Authorised Person under the MHA:2016 engages security services for a collaborative response
If the patient becomes aggressive or threatening on route procedures should enable escalation to
engage either a code black response of QPS (as appropriate)
Please refer to the MHA:2016 and the following information:
o Mental Health Act 2016 | Queensland Health
o Clinical Guidelines and Procedures website.
o Transport of patients: MHA training videos | Queensland Health
o Transport, movement, and patient absence
Please see: Key topics: Mental Health Act 2016 | Queensland Health
The Drugs Misuse Act 1986 (Qld), states: “…it is a crime for a person to unlawfully have
possession of and/or supply a dangerous drug, or a relevant substance or thing. This includes Illicit
drugs and drug paraphernalia”.
AS4485.2:2021 Lost property, states: “Patients, visitors and workers should be encouraged to
report all losses, both personal and facility, as soon as the loss is noticed, as delays in investigation
reduce the opportunity of a positive outcome”.
HHS SOPs should consider the management of lost and found property to ensure risks related to property
loss and damage are minimised. In addition to making positive contributions to theft prevention, a proactive
lost and found procedure should promote returning property to the rightful owner in a timely manner. The
following is only relevant to security services undertaking this responsibility within their own HHS, this function
may or may not fall within the remit of ‘security’.
HHS SOPs to effectively manage and control lost property should include tasks such as:
Collection or receiving of items (including receipt of documentation i.e., time, date, and name person
responsible for handing over the items)
Recording and itemising of lost property items
Investigating and attempting to contact the owner
Process for fielding enquiries
Storing (retention period)
Disposal of unclaimed items (waste or charity donations)
Periodic auditing of inventory and documentation
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must be authorised and controlled. This is to ensure the site’s integrity and security is not compromised, to
ensure privacy legislation and confidentiality policies are upheld. This includes the use of personal mobile
devices to film and take photos on HHS land.
All requests by external bodies for filming/photographic images must be referred to the relevant HHS
Communications, Engagement and or Corporate Affairs Department (or equivalent) for approval.
If a staff member observes an individual or group taking photographs or filming, they should report to security
services (or to the delegated response area) pursuant to local processes. If security (or equivalent) observes
or are informed of an individual or group taking photographs or filming individuals, buildings / structures on
HHS land / facilities, security should attend, investigate, and seek to confirm whether authority has been
Should local security services ascertain that the photography or filming is not authorised, officers are to take
the following action as appropriate:
Direct the individual/s to cease and desist from taking further photographs/filming
Explain the rationale behind this direction in conjunction with this procedure
Where appropriate, explain that, should there be non-compliance with this direction, the individuals
concerned will be considered to be committing the offence of “conduct causing a public nuisance”
under s. 182 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 If necessary, QPS should be contacted.
Patients and family members are to be encouraged and given the opportunity to ask questions and clarify
information. Staff are responsible for providing information in a way that is understandable and that meets
their needs and are to check consumer’s understanding of discussions.
AS 4485.2:2021 s 8 Incident procedures, states: “All security incidents, suspected incidents and
near misses should be reported and investigated. A security incident is deemed to have occurred
when there is –
a) actual or attempted harm to a person within a healthcare facility or its grounds,
b) a threat or perceived threat to harm, or suspicious activity toward a person or facility, or
incite a fear of risk within a healthcare facility or its grounds,
c) loss of, or damage to attractive assets or dangerous items owned or in the possession of
the facility, or belonging to any person to whom it owes a duty of care or
d) loss, compromise, or misuse of sensitive or vital information.”
AS 4485.2:2021 s 8.2 Preservation of crime scene evidence, states: “It’s important to maintain
the security and integrity of a crime scene and to prevent evidence from being contaminated, Fir
destroyed, lost or altered”.
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must be heavily restricted to ensure nothing is moved or touched to minimise the loss of valuable evidence.
It may be appropriate to take steps to secure the area from curious onlookers and others. Take precise
notations of time and events as they occur, including all persons who have entered and exited the scene for
example members of staff providing assistance and those involved in the incident.
Extreme caution must be used when entering the scene. Movement should be calm and deliberate and HSOs
should be aware that possible evidence (fingerprints etc) might be found on doors, door locks and knobs, light
fittings, floors, and walls. Ensure gloves and appropriate PPE is worn.
If property or people are moved in the interests of life preservation or establishment of death, notes should be
taken of what was moved from where and where it was moved to.
Where it is confirmed that a person is deceased, the scene should not be disturbed, however the use of
privacy / trauma screens would be considered appropriate.
Any items at the scene that pose an immediate risk to safety should be removed and placed in a suitable
secure location, such as Illicit Substances and Weapons safe, or a secure receptacle. Items should be
handled only by one person and secured appropriately. Please see section on weapons and illicit substances.
HSOs and facility management positions may be required to liaise with QPS investigating officer and provide
initial support to secure the scene. The investigating officers may stand down first responders at their
discretion. Police have power to access and declare crime scenes and conduct activities of investigation in
crime scenes, under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (Qld).
In addition to the above and dependant on local arrangements there may be occasions where HSOs are
required to preserve Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) incident scenes until such time as WHS teams /
Worksafe QLD Inspectors arrive on scene. If this is a requirement SOPs should reflect this task.
HHS SOPs should consider establishing post incident management processes to support HSOs and other
staff after being involved in security incidents or after being exposed to occupational violence. This may be
facilitated by leadership position inside the security service, ERT / IRT (or equivalent) or from the affected
work area.
Post incident investigations may include the following considerations:
Immediate or preliminary investigations should be carried out by appropriate persons, such as
Security Manager / Security Administrator (or equivalent position or position assuming this function),
following established internal processes
Threats, assaults, and criminal activity should be reported to appropriate leadership positions within
the organisation and via RiskMan. Depending on the nature of the incident, QPS involvement may be
required (if there is indication of a criminal offence police must be informed immediately).
Interviews with involved parties or eyewitnesses are required to ascertain the appropriate information
and review of incident reports, available footage may be made available through local processes and
dependent on local arrangements
Post incident considerations, may include but may not be limited to:
Procedure for reporting the incident and initiating investigation and support
Instructions for debriefing and investigation of the incident to identify when it occurred, who was
involved, and what could be done to prevent recurrence
Procedures for providing support to any person(s) involved in or affected by the incident
Exploring points of view to determine the effectiveness of operations, clarity of objectives, strategies,
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communication, and equipment, which may see a reinforced value of training, procedures and
equipment use
The Occupational Violence (OV) Incident Response Kit has been designed specifically to support managers
to navigate the process following the occurrence of an OV incident and provide immediate and long-term
support to employees.
QOVSU have also developed an OV Toolkit for Employees. This has been designed to support employees
following an OV incident. Both the OV Incident Response Kit and OV Toolkit for Employees are tailored to the
HHS. For further information please see the Factsheet: Incident Response Kit and Incident response kits.
The severity and outcome of an incident will determine the measures required for appropriate post-incident
management. Appropriate measures could include:
Providing medical treatment
Providing relief staff (to allow individuals exposed to the incident time to recover and regain
Incident debriefing / operational debriefing
Employee support options.
Establishing a post incident debriefing procedure may outline expectations for meetings held at the end of an
incident or event. This presents the opportunity for all participants involved in an incident to review plans and
operations including, pre-determined arrangements, the response to the incident, and its effectiveness or
Post incident debriefs provide the opportunity to share feedback, identify gaps in performance or processes
and utilise the meeting as a mechanism to acquire and promote learnings and staff development.
Post incident debriefs may be conducted as hot debrief or after-action review (AAR), facilitated as soon as
practicable, as a hot debrief within 72Hrs post event, and cold debrief / post event analysis (PEA), within 6
weeks post event. Consideration should be given to facilitating a multidisciplinary review of the incident, with
local practices as determined by the HHS.
Factors for facilitating debriefs include, but may not be limited to:
Using non-emotional language and maintaining professionalism
Ensure as far as practical that the environment is comfortable for staff to meet
Promote accountability and only constructive feedback
Document the name of the person(s) facilitating the debrief, date, time, those in attendance and
relevant outcomes and actions
The healthcare facility may identify people who are suitably qualified or experienced or in the best position to:
Coordinate the post-incident response
Conduct debriefings and
Provide counselling (or advice on means to arrange counselling and associated resources)
In alignment with the QH Health, Safety and wellbeing consultation standard, the post OV incident feedback
and review process should promote consultation with workers, support workers, and Health and Safety
Representatives to participate in managing OV risks.
The Queensland Health Operational Briefing and Debriefing Guide prepares outlines how, debriefing tasks
are to be completed and roles of each task in the response of the event or activity. This guideline
recommends briefings should follow the SMEACS-Q format, as outlined below:
Situation − the current and predicted situation of the event
Mission − event or activity objective of the group
Execution − how the mission will be accomplished; what agencies are involved?
Administration and Logistics − recording requirements, logistical arrangements
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Command and Communications – Emergency Operation Centres activation status; business
continuity plans activated, etc.
Safety − hazards (known and potential)
Questions − from and to the audience (to confirm understanding)
AS 4485.2:2021 s8.3.1 Reporting, states: “Security departments should compile and maintain
reports, occurrence logs, shift reports and any other documentation relevant to the performance of
the section’s duties”.
HHS SOPs should consider requesting HSOs carry a notebook throughout their shift. This notebook is to
document duties as completed and information that has been collected throughout their shift. The writing
styles are at the discretion of the HSO completing the entries, however, entries must be factual and reflect a
sequence of activities in a time / date specific manner in a chronological order. The notebook is the first line of
documentation used, prior to formally documenting information in the Shift Log / Incident Report. Reports
should consider the following: who, what, when, where, how, and why, an incident happened, or activity was
HSOs are to record the date and shift times (preferably in 24hr time) and any incidents attended to during the
shift. Writing is to be legible, in pen and on numbered pages. HSOs may be ordered to produce their
notebook in court (if necessary); therefore, entries are to be correct and professional.
Valuable information is captured through reports and occurrence / shift logs (or equivalent) maintained by
HSOs every shift. Information entered and recorded may represent a more formal version of the notes initially
documented in notebooks. Information is collected to record activities and sharing intelligence and data,
contributing to the continuous improvement and capability of the security service.
Reports and occurrence / shift logs of this nature are to maintain records of all incidents, significant events,
security related information and activities carried out with indications of what work was done, when, and by
whom. Entries are to be time specific, factual, complete, clear, and concise, with events noted in a
chronological order.
Incident reports may follow HSO attendance at security incidents emergency codes, including Code Red and
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Orange, Code Purple, Code Black, or upon responding to any other event involving aggression, occupational
violence, or security related incident. HSOs are responsible to completing and submitting incident reports in a
timely manner, ensuring information is accurate, factual, clear, and concise. Dependent on local
arrangements incident reports (of the above nature) may be maintained within the reports and occurrence /
shift logs previously mentioned as occurrences or entered in RiskMan.
RiskMan is the state-wide integrated safety information system. It will guide and prompt information where
appropriate. As standard code black reporting protocol, incident reports are to be completed by the work unit
or person who activated or initiated the Code Black, however HSOs can complete a RiskMan incident report
at their discretion. HSOs may complete a RiskMan incident report for incidents involving personal injury, near
miss, to report an identified risk or hazard, and add to existing incident reports.
HSOs should contact their local Health and Safety Unit / WHS representative if they require assistance
navigating the system or completing a RiskMan incident report.
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Supporting documents
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Appendix 1
Security risk environment and national threat levels.
Summarised from HB188, methods for threat identification may consider the below:
Identification of existing building vulnerabilities includes factors that:
certain expected probable possible
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Appendix 2
Assessing sensitive and security classified information, (PSPF)
Security classified information
Sensitive SECRET
Low to
No Low Extreme Catastrophic
medium High business
business business business business
business impact
impact impact impact impact
For further information please see Business impact levels for consequence of threat, PSPF (example).
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Appendix 3
Consequence assessment, (Health, safety, and wellbeing risk management guideline QH-GDL-401-3-
Type of
Negligible Minor Moderate Major Extreme
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Appendix 4Likelihood (probability) assessment, (Health, safety, and wellbeing risk management guideline
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Appendix 5Security control rating, (HB 167) (example)
Control rating Description
Appendix 6
Security in depth factors R2D3, (HB 188) (summarised)
Principle Definition (R2D3 model)
Deterrence controls provide a psychological barrier to discourage offenders from considering the
building in question as an attack target, or from initiating an attack
Detection controls should enable the timely detection of unauthorized access, suspicious activity or
other behaviour associated with threat sources
Delay controls should be designed to obstruct the progress of offenders during any attempted incursion
into a building site or attack scenario
Response controls should also be put in place to prevent or counter the incursion, damage, or other
impact associated with the attack scenario
Recover controls should be applied to reduce business interruption and restore operations in a timely
manner after an actual or attempted attack
Components of a security control environment, based off HB 167 (example of how controls can be measured)
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Deter Detect Delay Respond Recover
Signage Yes No No No No
Security risk
assessments and Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial
Security access
Yes Partial Yes No No
Security alarms
(intruder and Yes Yes No Yes Yes
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Appendix 7
Threat matrix (capability vs intent), (HB167 & HB188) (example)
Little Expressed Determined
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Appendix 8
Vulnerability matrix, (HB 167 & HB 188) (example)
Assessment criteria
controls are non-existent, critical, and urgent improvements have been identified
it is almost certain controls will be breached or fail
Very high /
extreme there is recent evidence of widespread control failures
there are no mitigations, redundancies or contingencies in place, severe disruptions to business
are likely
controls are largely ineffective, significant areas for improvement are identified
there is an increasingly likely probability of the controls being breached
there is recent evidence of significant numbers of controls being breached
few contingencies are in place and significant disruptions to the business are expected
most controls are functioning, but a number of areas for improvements are identified
there is moderate possibility of controls being breached and limited evidence that controls will
there is recent evidence of a small number of controls being breached
contingencies are in place for only a few key areas of the business to manage potential
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Appendix 9
Criticality matrix, HB 167 (example)
Impact (example only)
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Appendix 10
Example Security Risk Assessment templates, (based off HB 167) examples only – please copy and paste in an appropriate document and add additional lines and
photos / images where needed
General site information
Date of assessment
Facility name:
Facility (consider adding a map) Organisation:
Description of facility Services provided by the facility and facility location, size, positioning, boundaries, surroundings, major geographic features, land use and impacts
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Threat source identification and assessment template (example)
Expressed or implicit
objective Threat = capability x intent
Attributes of a prospective
Provide brief - malicious threat - little threat that make it - low
explanation / description
- opportunistic threat - expressed credible - medium
and evidence where - non-deliberate
available. - criminal risk - threats of terrorism - determined - extensive - significant
Consider the below Add details if required - incidental threat Intent refers to the aims, - moderate - high
examples, if not relevant; desires, motivational - low
remove. - Add details if required - extreme
factors, or objectives
Add details if required Add details if required
associated with the threat,
add details if required.
(unauthorised access)
Vandalism (property
Assault (patient,
visitor, public, staff)
Human error
(accidental and
nondeliberate actions)
Natural hazards /
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Threat rating (capability
Threat (description) Threat source Threat type (scenario) Intent Threat capability
vs intent)
Equipment failure
Examples: Special
considerations / not
mandatory (for Only add if relevant
example of lower
likelihood and higher
consequence) factors
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Security control assessment template (example)
Proposed security improvements
Physical control measure (examples below) Yes No Control rating description / Vulnerabilities
& treatment
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Proposed security improvements
Physical control measure (examples below) Yes No Control rating description / Vulnerabilities
& treatment
- deter unauthorised access
- doesn’t impede on existing controls
- motion detection / security lighting
- location of lighting
- number of lights
- adequacy of lighting quantity and placement
- compliance to standard
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Proposed security improvements
Physical control measure (examples below) Yes No Control rating description / Vulnerabilities
& treatment
- location
- number of cameras
- adequacy of cameras quantity and placement
- storage of footage
- compliance to standard
Staff identification
Visitor control
Intercom system
Key management
- types of keys
- number of keys
- location of keys
- register and issuing of keys
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Proposed security improvements
Physical control measure (examples below) Yes No Control rating description / Vulnerabilities
& treatment
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Security risk treatment plan template (example)
No. Risk description and rating (examples below) Risk treatment strategy and option Complete by (date) Responsibility and commitments
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Appendix 11
Business impact levels for consequence of threat, (PSPF) (example)
2. Low to
1. Low 3. High 4. Extrem
Business mediu 5. Catastrophi
impac impac e
impact level m c impact
t t impact
Limited damage Damage to the Serious damage Exceptionally grave
damage to the
to the national national to the national damage to the
Consequence national
interest, interest, interest, national interest,
of threat interest,
organisations, or organisations, organisations, or organisations, or
individuals or individuals individuals individuals
or individuals
Risk management
Extent of risk appetite Risk tolerance level Management action
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Appendix 13Special security considerations / not mandatory (for example of lower likelihood and
higher consequence factors)
Based off AS4485 Security in specific locations and HB188 Threat types, weapons and tactics, the following
areas require special attention in applying risk mitigation strategies and although not applicable to every facility,
may consider the following:
Carparks and external environments
o CPTED considerations applicable to shift workers
Building entrance / exits, thoroughfares, lobby’s, waiting areas etc.
Plant rooms and critical infrastructure
Helicopter landing sites / helipads
o Access control and emergency retrieval
Waste disposal / storage areas
o Storage and disposal of hazardous substances, clinical waste, and drug diversion prevention
o Storage and disposal of weapons and other illicit substances
Mail rooms
Loading and unloading bays
Areas that host special events and high-profile visitors
Inpatients, mortuary, worker accommodation, and isolated work areas
Pharmacy and pharmaceuticals
o Receiving pharmaceutical stock
o Storing pharmaceuticals
o Internal distribution of pharmaceutical
Newborn and paediatric security
Storage and transport of cash
Emergency departments (ED)
o Access control to ambulatory and ambulance entrance
o Design of ED including waiting and reception / triage / nurses’ stations
o Duress alarms either mobile or wall mounted / fixed point duress alarms
o Video surveillance, considering procedures, location, coverage, and type
Mental health facilities
o Physical security: maintenance and correct use of appropriate equipment, technology, and
appropriate building design
o Procedural security: application of se procedures, routines and audits that enable safe
o Relational security: formation of a therapeutic relationship between workers and patients,
centred in a continuing risk assessment
Typically linked to a relatively deescalated likelihood and escalated consequence the below are some
examples and notes regarding potential threats and linked vulnerabilities.
Potential threat (examples Potential vulnerability considerations (and contributing factors) (examples only and
only) notes)
Theft occurs when physical lack of security personnel presence and patrols
security controls are
surveillance monitoring capabilities
ineffective at deterring and
detecting criminal activity level of human activity in and areas (crowded places)
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Potential threat (examples Potential vulnerability considerations (and contributing factors) (examples only and
only) notes)
Arson incidents can be facility and contents could be effectively damaged or destroyed by fire
motivated by a desire to cause
large scale destruction or combustible goods stored insecurely inside the facility buildings, or easily
could be a result of accessible
recklessness with fire or surrounding environment / climatic conditions
deliberate use of fire to cause fire detection and prevention mechanisms
significant damage and
threaten the safety of others design allows for rapid escalation of fire / absence of compartmentation in
potentially using accelerants. building layout
Improvised explosive devices critical assets within facility and location of facility
(IEDs) have potential to be level of human activity in and areas (crowded places)
delivered or detonated in
several ways including letters, public access points
parcels, and motor vehicles. points of vulnerability in building
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Potential threat (examples Potential vulnerability considerations (and contributing factors) (examples only and
only) notes)
Cyber-attacks / threats have devices applications and networks components that allow organisations to
potential to undermine the digitally interact (internal / external)
effectiveness of electronic (IT)
building automation and computer-based controls systems
and connected physical
security controls. systems connected to the internet
Appendix 14
A guide for two-way / radios communications
Maintaining radio communication protocol preserves the security of the information being transmitted. Persons
operating radios should avoid using names, instead opting for controlled and designated call signs. Call signs
commonly include phonetic alphabet and associated number, such as: S1 / Sierra 1 (security officer no.1) or
F2 / Foxtrot 2 (FSSO 2), and so on (as determined by each HHS).
The primary function of a call sign is to protect the identity of the parties involved in the radio transmission and
serves to simplify matters when communicating between large groups of people. A call sign may be assigned
to each position. Call signs are based on areas of responsibility. A call sign is not owned by an individual
rather it is occupied by a position (shift dependant) or role when on duty.
When transmitting messages call signs used in conjunction with correct protocol ensures messages remain
concise and easily understood. Consider the following:
Start the message with your call sign and indicate to the call sign of intended contact
Finish transmissions with the word OVER, informing the call sign you are communicating with, that you
are waiting for their reply
Use the word ROGER to let them know you have understood their transmission
To end the conversation, use the word OUT. This informs the recipient that you are finished with the
The below are commonly used phrases that should be used in conjunction with the phonetic alphabet:
o Affirmative / Affirm — Yes
o Negative — No
o Come in — requesting contact
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o Go ahead— ready for you to send your message
o Copy— message has been heard and understood
o Over — I have finished talking and I am listening for your reply (over to you)
o Standby— pause for the next transmission or further instruction
o Out — I have finished talking to you and do not expect a reply
The phonetic alphabet reduces the chance of confusing transmissions or misunderstanding messages
involving the spelling of words or letters (i.e. car registration letters).
Phonetic alphabet
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Appendix 15A guide for BWC procedures
Procedures include, but may not be limited to the following:
HSOs are to be advised of the specific purpose of the BWC, trained in use, and educated in the
ethical use of the devices and any use of the device must be able to withstand later scrutiny
Only BWCs supplied and managed the HHS through local arrangements should be used within the
HHS’s facilities
BWCs may be activated prior to attending or during the below situations (depending on local
arrangement). When recording cannot be commenced beforehand, the BWC is to be activated as
soon as practicable:
o When exercising a power under legislation
o When applying a use of force or in response to incidents involving occupational violence or
duress activation
o To provide a record of evidence which assists in the investigation of an offence or suspected
At the commencement of shift, HSOs are to ensure the BWC is fully charged, and all previous data
collected has been uploaded prior to removing from the docking station
HSOs performing operational duties are to wear and use a BWC during their shift, The BWC should
be worn in a location where the lens will not be inadvertently obscured
Where practicable, HSOs are to advise involved persons that they are recording their activities and
conversation at the earliest possible opportunity by stating words to the effect of: “I must advise you
that events and conversations that take place between us are being video recorded for the purpose of
accuracy when recalling this incident”
HSOs are to exercise reasonable care to ensure that the device remains functional and undamaged
Initial statements at the time of the incident can be recorded on a BWC, and written statements should
also be obtained from witnesses for presentation in court.
BWC do not remove the necessity for HSOs to make written notes or obtain written statements from
witnesses. BWCs are used to corroborate and not replace evidence from other sources
At the conclusion of shift, the BWC device is to be returned to the docking station to charge and
upload data
A BWC register may be established to ensure:
o The shift supervisor or equivalent position checks each BWC device when returned,
o Details of the return are entered in the BWC register
o Loss or damage is investigated to determine the cause
o May be reviewed monthly along with an audit of the Evidence.com cloud storage system
o The ability to review and share recorded footage is restricted to the management positions
within the security service or staff delegated
Employees have a right to apply to review recorded images except in cases where authorised
agencies or the HHS are exercising their legislative powers and review of images by staff would be
deemed to affect the integrity of an investigation
Evidentiary integrity
BWC data may be used as evidence in a court. The content of images shall be clear and contain the
Evidence.com program. which complies with the criteria of this requirement and produces:
Creation date
Date and time stamp
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Proof of non-tamper
Verification methodology
All captured footage is uploaded through the docking station and stored within the ‘Evidence.com’ program.
Management positions (or equivalent) within the security service have the administration rights and work
within Evidence.com program for compliance.
Delegated positions have the right to view and share any footage for the purpose of an investigation through
the Evidence.com program. The Evidence.com program produces a log number for any access through the
system and records any viewing of footage and shared footage for compliance. The Delegated positions right
to the system does not allow them to tamper, delete or copy any footage.
Evidence.com program is a protected system with controlled rights and access. Officers have right to view
only the camera they have assigned to themselves. The Evidence.com program produces a log number for
any access through the system and records any viewing of footage for compliance.
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Appendix 16AS 4485.1 Security lighting levels
Walkways 20 10
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Appendix 17Selecting commercial safes and vaults to protect physical assets, other than classified
assets, PSPF
2. Low to
Busines 1. Low 3. High 4. Extreme 5. Catastrophic
s impact business business business business
level impact impact impact impact
Determined by an Determined by an
entity risk entity risk
AS 3809 AS 3809 high
Zone assessment, locked assessment, Not to be held unless
commercial safe or security safe or
One commercial commercial safe or unavoidable.
vault. vault.
container vault
recommended. recommended.
Determined by an Determined by an
entity risk entity risk AS 3809 medium
Determined by an
Zone assessment, locked assessment, security safe or Not to be held unless
entity risk
Two commercial commercial safe or vault unavoidable.
container vault recommended.
recommended. recommended.
AS 3809
Determined by an Determined by an Determined by an AS 3809 high or very
Zone commercial safe or
entity risk entity risk entity risk high security safe or
Three vault
assessment. assessment, assessment, vault recommended.
Security planning and risk management – Guideline, Appendix 3. Assessing sensitive and security classified
information, PSPF
Security planning and risk management – Guideline, Appendix 7. Business impact levels for consequence of threat,
PSPF (example)
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Appendix 18AS 4083: 2010, s2 Emergency codes, states: “Colour codes for emergencies in a facility, other
than those listed, shall not be used as they may lead to confusion.”
a) Fire / smoke code red typical initial actions may include (but are not limited to):
Ensuring the immediate safety of anyone within the affected or impacted vicinity
Taking measures to ensure fire authorities are notified: Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
(QFES) (Fire Communications Centre), in emergency call 000, in non-emergency call 13 QGOV (13
74 68). Contact Us | Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (qfes.qld.gov.au)
Contacting appropriate emergency officer (s), this may include: HSOs, IRTs, ERTs (or equivalent
response teams) which may be contacted through internal mechanisms such a switchboard operator
(if personnel have not responded to activated alarms)
Corporate services - fire warden roles and responsibilities, states: “Ensure you know the
R.A.C.E. procedure in the event of a fire:
R = remove people from immediate danger
A = alert: call emergency number 000 / break glass / notify nearby staff
C = confine fire and smoke (if possible, close windows and doors)
E = extinguish (control fire if safe to do so) or evacuate (through nearest fire exit or
smoke door)”
Note. The above information is guidance only and does not supersede existing policies, procedure and
plans utilised by HHSs.
Dependant on the HHS or facility expectations or roles and responsibilities delegated to HSOs may
include that of the: Chief Fire Warden or Area / Floor Warden during times of code red activations and
duties may include liaising with and escorting QFES, controlling the Fire Indicator Panel (FIP), and other
fire systems.
Please refer to: AS4083: 2010, for a general action plan in response to fire or smoke and refer to local
procedures and plans for specific instructions for local processes to be followed in the event of fire /
smoke: code red.
Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 (Qld), defines: first-response evacuation instructions and
evacuation coordination procedures.
b) Evacuation code orange typically involves the rapid and safe removal of persons (patients, visitors,
staff, and others) from a facility or area within the facility.
AS 4083:2010 describes the authority to evacuate. For best results this standard should be referenced when
developing evacuation (code orange) instructions.
AS 4083:2010 s5.8.2 Assessing the situation, states: “The situation should be assessed by a
senior staff member, present in the area at the time, before the decision to evacuate is made,
having regard to the:
(a) Seriousness and relevance of the threat to human safety
Security guidelines
(b) Proximity of hazards which may be relevant to the situation, and
Queensland Occupational Violence Strategy Unit (QOVSU)
(c) Nature and type of patient in the area”
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The following summarised evacuation stages may be worth considering dependant on the severity of
the situation:
Stage 1 removal of people from the immediate danger area
Stage 2 removal to a safe area
Stage 3 complete evacuation of building
Note. The above information is guidance only and does not supersede existing policies, procedure
and plans utilised by HHSs.
Dependant on the HHS or facility duties delegated to HSOs may include that to assist in evacuation
processes during and outside code red activations. This may include, assisting through maintaining
communications with involved parties, providing clear direction, escorting persons from one area to
another, and assisting with head counts or roll calls to verify occupant attendance, as determined
necessary by the HHS.
Please refer to: AS4083: 2010, for further information and refer to local practices for evacuation (code
orange). Local evacuations instructions should align with Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008
(Qld), which sets out evacuation instruction, evacuation signs and diagrams, and evacuation practice
and plan requirements.
c) Bomb threat code purple AS 4083:2010 outlines:
Types of specific and non-specific threats (written, telephone, and suspect objects including mail)
Identification of suspect objects and actions to be taken, such as mnemonic (HOT UP)
questioning as per below:
o Is the item:
Obviously, a bomb?
Typical of its environment?
o Has there been:
Unauthorised access?
Perimeter breach?
Processes to evaluate (threats and actions), notification responses (involving emergency
services), search activities (with or without evacuation) and evacuation options (including partial
AS 4083:2010 s5.4, states: “Bomb threat is a serious public nuisance of modern times. Each bomb
threat could be a prank or a warning of an impending bomb attack. Usually, they are committed by
individuals seeking to create a state of alarm and confusion. The problem may be minimised by
proper site-specific planning and nomination of appropriate decision – making authorities.”
Note. The above information is guidance only and does not supersede existing policies, procedure
and plans utilised by HHSs.
Dependant on the HHS or facility duties delegated to HSOs may include that to assist in evacuation
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processes and other tasks as necessary in response to threats made against the HHS or facility.
d) Infrastructure and other internal emergencies: code yellow AS 4083:2010 identifies the following
as code yellow events:
Electrical failure
Medical gases (oxygen, air and other gases and suction) failures
Water supply failure
ICT (information communication technology) failures
Incidents involving hazardous substances
Structural damage
The above-mentioned events and any other event that has potential to adversely impact service
delivery and the or the safety of persons may require frontline support from HSOs to effectively
manage. Actions may include access control (restricting or providing access to areas), wayfinding,
escorting contractors / service providers and so on. Please refer to local plans, practices, and
functions for information.
e) External emergency: code brown AS 4083:2010 identifies the following non-exhaustive list of events
that may cause a code brown:
Aircraft, train, or bus crash
Structural collapse
Natural disaster
Emergencies at another facility
A code brown may be declared if resources from the facility are required as part of a health response
to an external emergency. Again, this may require frontline support from HSOs to effectively manage
with actions that may see an increased presence requested (such as within ED) and actions like the
supports mentioned for code yellow. Please refer to local emergency plans and sub plans (or
f) Personal threat (armed or unarmed persons threatening injury to others or themselves, or illegal
occupancy): code black AS 4083:2010 defines responses to code black events in following three key
1) Unarmed confrontation, arising from threats of violence, threats made in a violent manner
and threats of suicide, where these threats are made by an unarmed person
AS 4083:2010 s5.6.2 Unarmed confrontation, states: “…The proper evaluation and management
of the aggressive, agitated, violent or threatening patient can decrease assault… The planning
process should involve appropriate medical, nursing, administrative and security staff. Staff
specialised in mental health are important in such planning, with the aim of minimising the risk of
injury to staff, patients and others.”
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stay out of danger, raise the alarm, follow notification and escalation processes, observe
activity, and follow procedures to preserve the crime scene.
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