Planner of Metric Spaces Fall 2020
Planner of Metric Spaces Fall 2020
Planner of Metric Spaces Fall 2020
Program: BSc. (Hons.) Mathematics
Course Title/Type/Code: Metric spaces/ Major/ MATH303
Semester: Fall 2020
Section(s): A.
Credit hours: 3
Instructor: Sajda Jamil
Introduction: Metric Spaces is a course of pure mathematics .It provides a foundation for more
advanced courses in mathematical analysis and a new perspective on many of ideas which are
studied in calculus and real analysis.
As the Euclidean distance function for the plane has three properties: non –negativity, symmetry,
and the triangle inequality property. In a similar way the Euclidean distance on n-dimensional
space satisfies the same properties. This observation is used to raise these properties to the status
of axioms and to say that any function that satisfies these properties is a well -defined distance
function known as metric. Most important and familiar metric space is 3-dimensional Euclidean
space .Other metric spaces occur for example in elliptic geometry and hyperbolic geometry.
Its main focus is on the study of examples, properties and different types of metric spaces, open
and closed sets, convergence, completeness, continuity and contraction mapping theorem, which
guarantees the convergence of quite general iterative processes.
Metric spaces course has many applications in other fields of mathematics for example in
solvability of differential equations using its fixed point theory or contraction mapping theorem.
Structures of spaces of functions like Normed spaces and Hilbert spaces also depend on metric
spaces to describe their properties and characteristics.
Metric spaces methods have been employed for decades in other fields as well for example in
internet search engines, image classification or protein classification.
For deep understanding of this course students must have a background knowledge of properties
of real numbers and concepts of continuous and bounded functions. Course consists of study of
basic concepts and their mathematical applications. A number of solved examples during class
would help students to increase their problem solving skills
Course Objectives:
To familiarize the students with metric spaces and their examples.
To study different types of metric spaces
To develop the skills in students for theoretically proving the theorems/results related to
open balls, closed balls, open sets, closed sets, limit points, boundary points.
To study Relation between convergent and Cauchy sequences.
To enable students to find limit points of convergent sequences in different metric spaces
To develop acquaintance of concept of fixed point theory
To enable students to differentiate between continuous and uniformly continuous functions
in metric spaces
To develop analyzing and problem-solving skills
Learning Outcomes: After studying this course the students will be able to
Define metric and metric spaces.
Recognize metric spaces
Find Open and closed subsets of different metric spaces.
Find limit points of subsets of metric spaces
Find diameter of bounded subsets of metric spaces
Differentiate between Convergent and Cauchy Sequences.
Identify convergent sequences in metric spaces and their limit points
Differentiate between complete and incomplete metric spaces
Give examples of continuous and uniformly continuous functions
Lectures will be given to explain the basic concepts. Group discussion and question-answer
sessions will be held to analyze and critically evaluate the subject matter being studied.
.Assignments and projects will be assigned to increase the students organizing ability, analytic
skills, confidence level and creativity.
For online teaching, Kinnaird (LMS) MS Teams software will be used. Course materials (pdf
files) and course lectures will be presented in a variety of formats
Lectures (Power Point Slides / Explanation of each slide)
Video Conference/Live Discussions
Class Discussions /Whatsapp and email discussions
Online Tests, Assignments
Teaching methodology might change to class room teaching if college takes decision
to convert online classes into physical classes.
Lectures will be held as per the College time table. Rules and protocols of attending online classes
will be shared with the students before the start of online classes.
* Subject to free slots mentioned in time table which will be communicated later.
Attendance will be routinely observed. An absence of 6 lecture-hours from class during the
semester shall be considered excessive and grade detrimental. A student shall be marked
absent if she leaves the class during the lecture. If a student is absent for more than six
lecture-hours she will be withdrawn from the course (please see Student Handbook)
Metrics and Metric Spaces, Examples of metric Spaces, Distance between sets, Diameter of a set,
bounded sets, Bounded metric spaces, Open Balls or Spheres and Open sets, Neighborhoods,
Interior points and interior of a set, Exterior points and Exterior of a set, Neighborhoods, Limit
points and closed set, closure of a set. Dense sets, Nowhere dense sets, Frontier of a set.
Convergence in metric spaces, Complete metric Spaces, Continuity in metric spaces.
4th week(28th Bounded sets, Bounded Metric Spaces, Cauchy Shawar’z inequality,
Sep-2nd Oct) Minkowski’s inequality
7th week Syllabus for week 7 has already been incorporated in the previous weeks.
Two extra classes will be taken as make up.
5th week (30th Cauchy sequences, Complete Spaces, Continuity in metric spaces
Nov-4th Dec) ASSIGNMENT-2
7th week Syllabus for week 7 has already been incorporated in the previous weeks.
Two extra classes will be taken as make up
1. Z.R Bhatti, Metric Spaces, 6th ed. (Salman Publishers, 2017) (text book), pictures of
relevant material will be shared and book is easily available in market also..
2. D.Majeed, Element of Topology and Functional Analysis ,2nd ed. (Ilmi Kitab khana,
2008), book is easily available in market.
3. E. Kreyszig, Introduction to functional Analysis with applications ( John Wiley and
Sons.2004 )
4. M.Amin, Metric Spaces ,(Ilmi Kitab Khana,2008).
5. M.O.Searcoid,MetricSpaces,(Springer,2015)
6. W.A. Sutherland, Introduction to Metric and Topological Spaces,( Clarendon Press
Assignments will be sent through MS Teams. No late assignment will be acceptable. They
have to be mailed to MS Teams class.
Different assignments will be given during the course. These assignments are located at different
stages in the course, at the point where the students need to reflect on the information covered,
and show their understanding of it. Pre mid and Post mid assignments will constitute 10 % of
Assessment will be based on correct and complete working as well as correct justification
of each step.
Assignment 1 will be titled as “Examples of Metric Spaces and open balls” and will consist of
application based questions given from Recommended Text 1 and other Recommended books.
Assignment 2 will be titled as ’’limit points and convergent sequences in Metric Spaces”.
Questions based on basic concepts as well as applications will be given from Recommended
Text 1 and other Recommended books to enhance clarity of concepts of taught topics.
Submission of Assignments
Final Project
It will be a group project consisting of 2 or 3 students .Each group will be studying and
analyzing assigned topic such as Metric Spaces in matrices ,continuity in metric spaces,
contraction mapping and complete Metric spaces .
The project report and its oral presentation will make up 10% of evaluation.
The assessment will be based on the quality and content of the report and the quality, brevity
and concepts clarity of presentation of the project report.
Short tests (objective and subjective type) which would emphasize application as well as
knowledge, will be administered at regular intervals .These tests shall check a student’s concepts
and problem-solving abilities. Pre mid and Post mid Tests will make up to 20 % of evaluation.
Examination questions will vary from short, objective type to essay type answers. Protocols for
taking tests/quizzes shall be communicated to the students.
Final Grade
Letter grades will be assigned. (For Details see Hand Book) which will be based on
assignments, final projects, tests and examinations.
Grade Format
Assignments 5%
Tests 10%
Midterm 25 %
Assignments 5%
Tests/Quiz 10 %
Project 10%
Final Examination 35 %