Mock 4 DR.M PDF

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Date submitted 27-Jul-2020 5:00 PM

Name Kmc Aussi
Username Kmc Aussi
Result Pass
Score 64 / 80 (80%)
Grade Pass
Duration 01h:27m:39s

Page: 1 Time: 00:00:21

✓ 1. The Frankfort-plane is a reference plane constructed by joining which of the following landmarks?

Points: Nasion and sella.

1/1 Porion and sella.
Porion and nasion.
Porion and orbitale. ✓

Page: 2 Time: 00:02:31

✘ 2. Here we are looking at the radiolucent area between the central incisors. This is:


Incisive foramen. ✓
Incisive canal cyst (nasopalatine duct cyst). ✘
Lateral (developmental) periodontal cyst.
Nasolabial cyst.

Page: 3 Time: 00:01:19

✓ 3. What is the most effective local anesthetic technique for a patient with trismus who requires a pulpectomy on a mandibular molar?

Points: Buccal nerve block.

1/1 Mental nerve block.
Vazirani-Akinosi block. ✓
Inferior alveolar nerve block.
Gow-Gates block.

Page: 4 Time: 00:00:34

✓ 4. The principle cause of failure of amalgam restoration is:

1/1 Improper cavity preparation. ✓
Improperly prepared amalgam.
Perio involvement.
Particles of amalgam.
None of the above.

Page: 5 Time: 00:01:32

✓ 5. 9 years old child came with his parents after trauma; the most feature that raise your suspects to NAI :

Points: Neck bruises. ✓

1/1 Foot bruises and abrasions.
Animal bites.
Hand bruises.
Presence of recent herpes simplex scar.

Page: 6 Time: 00:01:06

✓ 6. Which of the following varieties should be made in the proximal occlusal cavity preparation in
deciduous teeth compared to permanent ones:
The axio pulpal line angle should not be bevelled.
The occlusal lingual walls need not to be extended to self-cleaning areas.
The lingual angle should be sharper.
It is not necessary to include fissures in the occlusal outline. ✓
The occlusal isthmus should be proportionally wider.

Page: 7 Time: 00:00:55

✓ 7. The pulpal floor of the Class II cavity for a mandibular first premolar should be:

1/1 Perpendicular to long axis.
Parallel to occlusal plane. ✓
Tilted lingually.
Tilted bucally.

Page: 8 Time: 00:01:09

✓ 8. Maxillary anterior teeth in a complete denture are usually arranged based on aesthetics andphonetics.

Points: Their position is typically

Exactly over the ridge.
Facial to the ridge. ✓
3mm above the ridge.
Lingual to the ridge.

Page: 9 Time: 00:01:36

✓ 9. An eight-year old patient has a maxillary primary right first molar extracted because of caries. The preferred approach to minimize
a malocclusion is to :
1/1 extract the mandibular right first molar to equalize the tooth size ratio on the right side.
wait for the first premolar to erupt into the space.
extract the maxillary left first molar to maintain symmetry in the upper arch.
place a space maintainer. ✓

Page: 10 Time: 00:01:11

✓ 10. Which statement most accurately describes the finish line and margin of crown?

Points: The finish line should be placed in hard dentin when it is possible.
1/1 The crown margin at the gingival crest accumulates the least amount of food.
The location of the crown margin is more important than the fit and finish.
The subgingival crown margin is an etiologic factor in predisposing periodontitis. ✓

Page: 11 Time: 00:00:42

✓ 11. Overlapped interproximal contacts in a bite-wing radiograph are caused by an X-ray tube cone :

Points: with incorrect vertical angulation.

1/1 of incorrect length.
with incorrect horizontal angulation. ✓
of incorrect shape.

Page: 12 Time: 00:01:14

✓ 12. Gemination is :

1/1 tooth with 2 roots and one crown.
tooth with 2 crowns and one root. ✓
tooth with 2 crowns.
tooth with 2 roots.

Page: 13 Time: 00:00:16

✓ 13. Which of the following is staphylococcal infection:

1/1 Pancreatitis.
Scarlet fever.
Carbuncle. ✓

Page: 14 Time: 00:00:13

✓ 14. At birth, the oral cavity usually contains:

1/1 Sterile. ✓
S.mutans only.
S. mutans and S. salivavis.
Lactobacilli and S. mutans.

Page: 15 Time: 00:00:19

✓ 15. All of the following are properties of fluoride except:

1/1 It is excreted rapidly by kidneys.
It deposits rapidly in bone.
It is bacteriostatic.
Crosses the placental barrier.
It produces extrinsic tooth stain. ✓

Page: 16 Time: 00:01:20

✓ 16. In primary teeth, failure of Ca(OH)2 pulpotomy is MOST likely to produce:

1/1 Internal resorption. ✓
Necrosis of the pulp.
External resorption.

Page: 17 Time: 00:00:59

✓ 17. A child consumes a toxic dose of fluoride. You will:

1/1 Give milk, calcium tablets or magnesium tablets. ✓
Give a lot of fluids.
Induce vomiting.
Give a lot of fluids and sodium bicarbonates.
Ask patient not to eat for 45 minutes .

Page: 18 Time: 00:00:20

✓ 18. The laboratory findings in Paget’s disease show:

1/1 Normal calcium, normal phosphate and elevated alkaline phosphate. ✓
Decreased calcium, increased phosphate and elevated alkaline phosphate.
Elevated calcium, elevated phosphate, and elevated alkaline phosphate.
Normal calcium, increased phosphate and elevated alkaline phosphate.
Increased calcium, normal phosphate and decreased alkaline phosphate.

Page: 19 Time: 00:03:01

✓ 19. 30 years female patient come with swelling related to molar tooth which is indicated for extraction. She told you that she is allergic
to penicillin so the best action:
1/1 Prescribe erythromycin then extract.
Prescribe clindamycin the extract.
Prescribe erythromycin and metronidazole then extract.
Prescribe strong analgesics after extraction. ✓
Refer her to GP.

Page: 20 Time: 00:02:46

✘ 20. Pt comes to the dentist complaining of gum bleeding,lost gum stipplings and areas of swelling that easily bleed.pocket depth 4-
5mm and no attachment loss.
0/1 most probable diagnosis ?
Chronic periodontitis.
Medication induced gingival enlargement. ✓
Acute gingivitis.
Chronic gingivitis. ✘

Page: 21 Time: 00:00:34

✓ 21. The most common reason to refer a child to a pedodontist is problems with:

1/1 Rampant caries.
Space maintainers.
Endodontic treatments in primary teeth.
Behaviour management. ✓

Page: 22 Time: 00:00:39

✓ 22. Full mouth x ray survey at birth reveals:

1/1 Ten teeth are present.
Twelve teeth are present.
Twenty teeth are present.
Twenty-four teeth are present. ✓

Page: 23 Time: 00:03:22

✓ 23. 64-year-old man came to the clinic complaining of pain related to tooth #35, Clinically
there was a fluctuant swelling related to tooth #35.
1/1 The radiograph showed tooth #35 non- restorable with a periapical abscess. Patient has diabetes type 2.He took his regular meal
and medicine dose.
Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
extract tooth #35. ✓
extract tooth #35, and prescribe antibiotic.
give prophylaxis antibiotic, then extract tooth #35.
incision and drainage, extract tooth #35 and prescribe antibiotics.

Page: 24 Time: 00:00:58

✓ 24. A 50 year old woman has a history of rheumatoid arthritis, bilateral enlargement of one or more salivary glands and lacrimal
glands, as well as dryness of the eyes, nose, mouth and throat.
1/1 The diagnosis is
Gardner syndrome.
Erythema multiforme.
Sjögren syndrome. ✓
Plummer-Vinson syndrome.
Reiter syndrome.

Page: 25 Time: 00:00:13

✓ 25. The MOST common cause of gingival enlargement is:

1/1 Drug induced.
Plaque induced. ✓

Page: 26 Time: 00:00:17

✓ 26. Bitewing x rays are taken to assist in the detection of caries:

1/1 Lingually.
Interproximally. ✓

Page: 27 Time: 00:01:03

✘ 27. The leeway space in an 8 year old child :

Points: occurs with premature loss of primary molars.

0/1 is greater in the maxillary arch than in the mandibular arch.
will provide space for eruption of the permanent incisors. ✘
is approximately 3.5 mm in the mandibular arch. ✓
allows accommodation of premolars that are larger than the primary molars.

Page: 28 Time: 00:02:13

✘ 28. What is the most common complication observed in the following fixed partial denture?


Intrusion of natural teeth. ✓

Implant failure. ✘
Framework fracture.
Loss of tooth.

Page: 29 Time: 00:00:22

✓ 29. The initial priority in treatment of horizontal fractures is:

1/1 Immobilization. ✓
Calcium hydroxide treatment.
Preservation of pulp.
Root canal treatment.

Page: 30 Time: 00:00:38

✓ 30. Which of the following muscles does not form the floor of the mouth?

1/1 Mylohyoid.
Platysma. ✓

Page: 31 Time: 00:00:52

✘ 31. During extraction of a maxillary third molar the tuberosity is fractured; however, it completely separated from the mucoperiosteum.
Which of the following procedures should be employed?
If fractured tuberosity is greater than 2 cm, leave in place and suture.
Remove the tuberosity and suture. ✓
Leave the tuberosity and third molar and stabilize if required . ✘
Leave the tuberosity and stabilize if required.

Page: 32 Time: 00:03:25

✘ 32. 35 years old patient complains of swollen gums, present for several years this is:

Points: Chronic gingivitis. ✓

0/1 Pregnancy gingivitis.
Atenolol therapy.
Vitamin C deficiency.
Cyclosporine associated enlargement. ✘

Page: 33 Time: 00:00:27

✓ 33. Multiple osteomas and supernumerary teeth may be associated with:

Points: Gardner’s syndrome. ✓

1/1 Down syndrome.
Gorlin’s syndrome.
Cleidocranial dysplasia.
Ectodermal dysplasia.

Page: 34 Time: 00:00:13

✓ 34. Hutchinson’s incisors and mulberry molars are associated with :

Points: Rickets.
1/1 Congenital Porphyria.
Congenital Syphilis. ✓
Cleidocranial Dysplasia.

Page: 35 Time: 00:01:50

✘ 35. What is the ideal length for a post in post-core in an endodontically treated tooth:

0/1 Same as the anticipated crown.
2/3 of the tooth root. ✓
½ of the tooth root.
1.5 times that of the crown. ✘

Page: 36 Time: 00:00:28

✓ 36. What is characteristic feature seen in pyloric stenosis:

1/1 Erosion of maxillary central incisors. ✓
Loss of appetite.
Vomiting of undigested food.

Page: 37 Time: 00:00:52

✓ 37. Mercury content in an amalgam can be reduced by using :

Points: adequate condensation. ✓

1/1 low copper content alloy.
fast setting amalgam.
high zinc content alloy.

Page: 38 Time: 00:02:34

✓ 38. What does the fixing solution in developing X rays do:

1/1 Removes exposed silver halide.
Fixes the developed film.
Clean the film.
Removes unexposed silver halide crystals. ✓

Page: 39 Time: 00:01:37

✓ 39. Which of the following is a radiographic feature of dentino-genesis imperfecta:

1/1 Small pulp chambers and root canals, normal enamel. ✓
Pulp is normal but dentine is abnormal.
Enamel is missing but dentine formation is normal.
Enamel and dentine show disturbances.

Page: 40 Time: 00:00:15

✓ 40. Periodontitis is a disease that has:

1/1 A slow progression.
Intermittent progress.
Cyclic or burst progression. ✓
Rapid progression.

Page: 41 Time: 00:01:13

✓ 41. The MOST common consequence arising from premature extraction of deciduous molars is:

1/1 Loss of speech sound.
Loss of facial contour.
Loss of vertical height.
Loss of free-way space.
Loss of arch length. ✓

Page: 42 Time: 00:01:05

✓ 42. A Kennedy Class II denture with no provision for indirect retention causes :

Points: gingivitis due to food impaction.

1/1 temporomandibular joint dysfunction.
dislodgement of the saddle area during mastication. ✓
resorption of the supporting edentulous area.

Page: 43 Time: 00:00:17

✓ 43. The objective of pulp capping is to:

1/1 Preserve vitality of coronal pulp.
Preserve vitality of entire pulp. ✓
Preserve vitality of radicular pulp.
Regenerate a degenerated and necrotic pulp.
None of the above.

Page: 44 Time: 00:01:37

✓ 44. It was decided that this film should be retaken. Can you find the reason?


Black rectangular BID cone cut.

Somebody wrote on the film.
Film packet was reversed. ✓
Excessive fog.

Page: 45 Time: 00:01:50

✘ 45. A 10 year old patient has lost a maxillary permanent central incisor. The most appropriate management is :

Points: place a bonded resin bridge (Maryland bridge). ✓

0/1 delay treatment until all permanent teeth are erupted.
place a removable space maintainer. ✘
place a single tooth implant.
place a conventional fixed partial denture.

Page: 46 Time: 00:00:25

✓ 46. High copper amalgams are superior if:

1/1 Copper is not available for a secondary reaction.
Copper amalgam is burnished.
Copper is available for a secondary reaction. ✓
None of the above.

Page: 47 Time: 00:00:23

✓ 47. Where is the narrowest part of the pulp:

1/1 At the orifices.
At the radiographic apex.
At the dentino-enamel junction.
DCJ. ✓

Page: 48 Time: 00:00:45

✓ 48. Patient on anti-coagulant therapy requires an extraction to be performed. Which of the following
is NOT true :
Minor post-operative bleeding can be reduced somehow by using tranexamic acid.
Prothrombin value (INR) of 3 is enough to perform extraction.
Heparin should be administered sub-cutaneous.
It takes at least 8 hours for heparin to take effects. ✓

Page: 49 Time: 00:04:53

✘ 49. Assess this case regarding the retained primary molar:


Recognize the ankylosis and rebuild the occlusion.

Chart the missing tooth.
Assess the adjacent teeth for early root caries.
All of the above. ✘
Leave it alone. ✓

Page: 50 Time: 00:01:36

✓ 50. During the administration of local anaesthesia, positivie aspiration with blood will most likely occur in :

Points: Inferior alveolar block. ✓

1/1 Anterior superior alveolar nerve block.
Long buccal nerve block.
Post superior alveolar block.
Mental/incisive nerve block.

Page: 51 Time: 00:00:09

✓ 51. What is TRUE:

1/1 Boiling point of acrylic acid > boiling point of water. ✓
Boiling point of acrylic acid is similar to that of water.
Boiling point of acrylic acid < boiling point of water.
None of the above.

Page: 52 Time: 00:00:49

✘ 52. The final deposition of ameloblasts occurs in:

0/1 Secondary enamel cuticle.
Primary enamel cuticle. ✓
Acquired enamel cuticle. ✘

Page: 53 Time: 00:00:39

✓ 53. Microdontia occurs during what stages of dental development?

Points: Initiation.
1/1 Mineralization.
Morphodifferentiation. ✓

Page: 54 Time: 00:00:48

✓ 54. What is the reason for the altered cast technique when doing a distal extension RPD:

Points: Retention.
1/1 Esthetics.
Support. ✓

Page: 55 Time: 00:03:53

✘ 55. In this panoramic film, there are at least three positioning errors. They are:


Chin not on chin rest, head twisted, and tongue not on palate.
Chin too high, head twisted, and slumped. ✘
Chin too low, patient too far forward, and slumped.
Chin too high, patient too far back, and tongue not on palate. ✓

Page: 56 Time: 00:03:49

✘ 56. Two technique errors are visible in this image. Identify the cause of the two errors :


Insufficient vertical film placement and rectangular BID cone cut.

Elongation and partial image obscurity.
Excessive positive vertical angulation and bent film. ✘
Insufficient positive vertical angulation and processor damage to bent film. ✓

Page: 57 Time: 00:00:55

✓ 57. Community water fluoridation MOST effectively achieves is:

1/1 45-55% reduction of caries.
90-95% reduction of caries.
Reduces smooth surfaces more than pit and fissures. ✓
Reduces pit and fissures caries more than smooth surfaces

Page: 58 Time: 00:00:27

✓ 58. A patient with a history of angina suffers an attack while in the dental chair. Prompt relief can be
anticipated in MOST instances from:
Putting the patient in up right position.
Intra muscular administration of morphine sulphate.
Subcutaneous administration of epinephrine.
Oral administration of short acting barbiturates.
Sublingual administration of glyceryl tri-nitrate. ✓

Page: 59 Time: 00:00:14

✓ 59. In X-rays filtration is used to:

1/1 Reduce exposure time.
Reduce size of the beam.
Increase exposure time.
Remove low energy X rays. ✓

Page: 60 Time: 00:00:25

✓ 60. What is not correct about Long Buccal Nerve:

1/1 Supplies skin over buccinator.
Supplies mucosa over lower and upper molars
Supplies the buccinator muscle. ✓
Passes through two heads of pterygoid muscles.

Page: 61 Time: 00:00:15

✓ 61. The following is the porcelain restoration with the highest strength :

Points: Feldspastic.
1/1 Lithium disilicate.
Zirconia. ✓

Page: 62 Time: 00:00:49

✓ 62. The MOST common cause of severe gingival enlargement is:

1/1 Leukaemia.
Drug induced. ✓
Plaque induced.

Page: 63 Time: 00:01:11

✓ 63. Note the dilacerated premolar root. The condition that affects this sinus is:


Sinus elongation.
Acute sinusitis.
Pneumatization. ✓
Chronic sinusitis.

Page: 64 Time: 00:00:35

✓ 64. A patient with no positive history came along for scaling. The moment you pick up the scaler you punch your finger, what should
you do?
1/1 Complete the procedure as nothing has happened. ✓
Check patient's blood for Hepatitis B antibody HBsAb.
Check patient's blood for Hepatitis B antigen HBsAg.
Check dentist's blood for Hepatitis B antibody HBsAb and HIV antigen HIVAg.
Check dentist's blood for Hepatitis B antigen HBsAg and HIV antibody HIVAb.

Page: 65 Time: 00:00:58

✘ 65. Dental features of cleidocranial dysplasia include all of the following except :

0/1 Delayed eruption of secondary dentition.
Retention of deciduous teeth.
Missing secondary dentition. ✓
Cyst formation of unerupted teeth. ✘

Page: 66 Time: 00:00:20

✘ 66. What is the histopathology of the pathogenesis of the plaque following 21 days of plaque
Primarily infiltrate of lymphocytes.
Infiltrate of plasma cells and early bone involvement . ✘
Primarily infiltrate of plasma cells. ✓
Infiltrate of neutrophils.

Page: 67 Time: 00:00:20

✓ 67. Which of the following liquids is not suitable for prolonged immersion of cobalt chrome partial
Alkaline peroxidase.
Hypochlorite solutions. ✓
Soap solutions.
Any of the above.

Page: 68 Time: 00:00:18

✓ 68. The elastic properties of rubber impression materials:

1/1 Improves with time. ✓
Improves when exposed to temperature.
Deteriorates with time.
Deteriorates when exposed to temperature.
None of the above.

Page: 69 Time: 00:00:17

✓ 69. Which of the following is the most radiosensitive?

1/1 Nerve.
Young bone.
Reproductive organs. ✓

Page: 70 Time: 00:00:18

✓ 70. The most common cause of fracture at the isthmus of class II dental amalgam restoration is:

1/1 Delayed expansion.
Inadequate width at the isthmus area.
Moisture contamination of the amalgam during placement.
Inadequate depth at the isthmus area. ✓

Page: 71 Time: 00:02:05

✓ 71. patient dental age can be :


6-7 years.
7-8 years.
8-9 years. ✓
9-10 years.

Page: 72 Time: 00:00:19

✓ 72. The MOST frequently retained deciduous teeth in permanent dentition are:

1/1 Lower third molar.
Second lower molars. ✓
First lower molars.
Second upper molars.
First upper molars.

Page: 73 Time: 00:01:50

✓ 73. In spite of the fact that many of the teeth are obscured, three different errors can be noted:


Large fixer stain, head tilted, patient too far back.

Paper in cassette, head turned, patient too far back.
Apron shadow, head turned, patient too far back. ✓
Cassette light leak, head tilted, head turned.

Page: 74 Time: 00:00:51

✘ 74. Which technique can be used for impressions of hyperplastic tissues?

0/1 Open tray. ✓
Altered cast.
Closed mouth.
Functional impression. ✘

Page: 75 Time: 00:00:43

✓ 75. Density of film is decreased by increasing the:

1/1 MA.
Exposure time.
Developing time.
Rinsing time. ✓

Page: 76 Time: 00:00:22

✓ 76. When the mandible is in its physiologic rest or postural position, the contact of teeth should be:

1/1 Maximum.
Not present. ✓

Page: 77 Time: 00:00:09

✓ 77. Dentinogenesis imperfecta develops in:

1/1 Morphology stage.
Initial stage.
Histodifferentiation stage. ✓
Proliferation stage.

Page: 78 Time: 00:00:51

✓ 78. Concerning condensation of restorative gold:

1/1 It is the Achilles heel of direct gold restoration. ✓
It may vary widely and has no influence on the final restoration.
The degassing procedure is not important.
Clinical tech are more important than the physical properties of restorative gold.
All of the above.

Page: 79 Time: 00:02:02

✘ 79. This young adult is missing her 1st premolars; there is also a technique error in this film. Which choice best represents this case?


Bent film and foreshortening.

Static electricity and shovel-shaped incisor syndrome. ✘
Bent film and orthodontic root resorption. ✓
Nasolabial fold and taurodontism.

Page: 80 Time: 00:00:38

✓ 80. The immediate concern in the management of facial trauma should be:

1/1 Fixation of fractures.
Securing a blood unit to replace any loss.
Neurological consultation.
Checking the breath and insure a free-airway. ✓

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