Lesson 1 History of Microbiology
Lesson 1 History of Microbiology
Lesson 1 History of Microbiology
Roman Philosopher
Lucretius and Girolamo
Let's Answer!
Who introduce the concept of aseptic technique?
A. Robert Koch
B. Louis Pasteur
C. Edward Jenner
D. Rudolf Virchow
Louis Pasteur
- He resolved the issue of spontaneous generation
- He stated that microorganisms are indeed present
in the air and can
seemingly sterile
solutions, however
the air itself does
not create microbes.
- He showed that
microorganisms can
be present in non-
living matter.
- He started that
microbial life can be destroyed by heat (basis of
the aseptic technique)
- He provided evidence that microorganisms cannot
originate from mystical forces present in nonliving
Let's Answer!
Based on the experiment of Cohn, which cellular
structures are heat-resistant?
A. Endospores
B. Yeast
C. Maggots
D. Animacules
Let's Answer!
Which antibiotic did Alexander Fleming discover?
A. Salvarsan-
B. Bacitracin
C. Penicillin
D. Erythromycin
Let's Answer!
Who introduce the concept of aseptic technique?
A. Robert Koch
B. Louis Pasteur
C. Edward Jenner
D. Rudolf Virchow
Based on the experiment of Cohn, which cellular structures are heat-resistant?
A. Endospores
B. Yeast
C. Maggots
D. Animacules
A. Howard Florey
B. Edward Jenner
C. Louis Pasteur
D. Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier
A. Salvarsan-
B. Bacitracin
C. Penicillin
D. Erythromycin