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We Will Be Using

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We Will be using

Minikube for Kubernetes

“This project incorporates various components to streamline

the building and deployment of a Docker image to a
Kubernetes cluster. It starts with the developer creating a
Dockerfile and pushing it to GitHub. Jenkins triggers an
automated pipeline upon receiving commits.

Jenkins connects to an Ansible server via SSH to build the

image based on the Dockerfile. After successful building, the
image is tagged and pushed to a Docker registry like Docker
Hub for storage and accessibility.

The Ansible server then establishes an SSH connection with

the Kubernetes server and executes a playbook. This
playbook utilizes kubectl commands to fetch the latest image
from the Docker registry. The Kubernetes cluster creates a
container for the application, which can be accessed using
the assigned IP address and port specified in the Kubernetes

By automating with Jenkins and Ansible, the workflow

reduces manual intervention, minimizes errors, and boosts
productivity. It enables organizations to adopt continuous
integration and delivery, facilitating rapid and reliable
application deployment while ensuring scalability and


Git, Linux,Jenkins,Docker,DockerHub Account,Ansible,

K8s(Deployment and service)

3 EC2 Instances
Jenkins (Default-jre+jenkins) (all traffic allow)(t2 micro)
Ansible (python+ansible+docker) (all traffic allow)(t2 micro)
WebApp(kubernetes cluster) → (docker+minikube)(t2 medium)(all
traffic allow)


To begin this project, ensure that you have the following components
and configurations in place:

1. Git, Linux, Jenkins, Docker, DockerHub Account, Ansible,

and Kubernetes (Deployment and Service) should be
installed and set up.

2.Three EC2 instances are required:

a. Jenkins: Use a t2.micro instance with the default JRE and Jenkins
installed. Allow all traffic.

b. Ansible: Utilize a t2.micro instance with Python, Ansible, and

Docker installed. Allow all traffic.

c. WebApp (Kubernetes Cluster): Use a t2.medium instance with

Docker and Minikube installed. Allow all traffic.

Here are the simplified steps for setting up Jenkins:

SSH into the Jenkins server and follow the instructions in the
documentation: Jenkins Installation Guide.

After installing Jenkins, access it using the public IP with port 8080 in
your web browser.

Retrieve the Jenkins administrator password using the following


cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

1. Install the suggested plugins and set up your admin user.

2.In the Jenkins dashboard, go to “Manage Jenkins” and install

the SSH Agent plugin.

3.Restart Jenkins to apply the changes.

SSH into the Ansible server

Create a bash script file named ansible.sh using the command nano

Paste the following data into the ansible.sh file:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible -y

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install ansible -y
Save the file and exit the editor.

Execute the script by running the command sh ansible.sh.

SSH into the Kubernetes instance

Install Docker and Minikube by following the instructions provided in

this GitHub repository: AWS Kubernetes.

Once Docker and Minikube are successfully installed and configured,

your instances are all set and ready for use.

Trigger Jenkins Job using Webhook

1. Set up a GitHub repository containing all the necessary

content for the project. You can use the following
repository: AWS Kubernetes Project.

2.Use the provided Dockerfile from the repository. Here’s the

link to the Dockerfile: Dockerfile.

3.Access your Jenkins dashboard and create a new item.

Choose the pipeline option and write a Groovy script.

node {
stage('Git Checkout'){
git ' https://github.com/AWSENG/Kubernetes_Project'
Apply and save the pipeline configuration. Trigger the Jenkins job by
clicking the ‘Build Now’ option. You will see the execution status, and if
it succeeds, the pipeline has been executed successfully.
Get back to your Jenkins server and run this command with your
pipeline project name to see the project.
To automate the process using a webhook, follow these steps:

1. Go to the configuration section of your pipeline project in


2.Check the box for “GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling”.

3.Apply the changes and save

To integrate Jenkins with your GitHub repository:

1. Go to the repository settings in GitHub.

2.Add a new webhook.

3.Specify the Jenkins server’s public IP followed by port 8080,

and append “/github-webhook/” to the URL.

4.Save the webhook configuration.

To add a secret in Jenkins:
1. In the Jenkins configuration section, go to “Manage Jenkins”
-> “Manage Users”.

2.Create a token from the “API Token” section.

3.In the pipeline project configuration, add the token as a


4.Set up the webhook in the GitHub repository. Once

configured, manual intervention won’t be necessary
anymore. The pipeline will be triggered automatically
through the webhook.

To work on Ansible and send the Dockerfile to the Ansible


1. Install SSH agent in the Jenkins dashboard. This allows

secure communication between Jenkins and the Ansible

2.In the pipeline configuration section, add the following code

to the Groovy script. Make sure to replace the Ansible Server
Private IP and the project name directory with your specific

stage('Sending Dockerfile to Ansible Server Over SSH') {

sshagent(['ansible-demo']) {
sh 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@'
sh 'scp /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/project-name/*
To access the full Groovy script, you can visit the following
link:(https://github.com/AWSENG/groovy_script_k8s_project). This
script contains the complete code and configuration for your reference
in the Kubernetes project.

Build Now to see if it succeed. as you can see it is:

Now you can go to ansible server and see if there is docker image
created or not by running this command

docker images

To add a stage for Docker image tagging in the Groovy script:

Do addition of this script as well. After adding this stage, save the
pipeline configuration. Full Groovy Script.

stage('Docker image tagging') {

sshagent(['ansible-demo']) {
sh 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@ cd
sh 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@ sudo docker
image tag $JOB_NAME:v1.$BUILD_ID shazabtanveer/$JOB_NAME:v1.$BUILD_ID'
sh 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@ sudo docker
image tag $JOB_NAME:v1.$BUILD_ID shazabtanveer/$JOB_NAME:latest'
Once saved, trigger a build of the pipeline to check for any issues and
ensure the execution is successful.

To push the Docker image to Docker Hub from Ansible using

Jenkins, add the following stage to the Groovy script:

stage('Push Docker Images to DockerHub') {

sshagent(['ansible-demo']) {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'dockerhub_passwd', variable:
'dockerhub_passwd')]) {
sh "docker login -u shazabtanveer -p ${dockerhub_passwd}"
sh 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@ sudo
docker image push shazabtanveer/$JOB_NAME:v1.$BUILD_ID'
sh 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@ sudo
docker image push shazabtanveer/$JOB_NAME:latest'

Before saving the pipeline configuration, make sure to create your

Docker Hub password variable using the Jenkins pipeline syntax.
Replace my credentials with your own.

After saving, you can access the full Groovy script at this link: Full
Groovy Script.

To login to Docker Hub on the Ansible server:

SSH into the Ansible server and Execute the following command:

docker login

As you can observe, there are currently no repositories listed.

Now, build your project and verify that the Docker images

Now its time to deploy on kubernetes cluster from docker hub.

Links to deployment.yml file, service.yml file and ansible.yml


First of all we have to make SSH connection between ansible

and kubernetes server and Jenkins and kubernetes server
because we have to run ansible playbook.

To make the necessary changes in the SSH configuration on the

Ansible server, follow these steps:

1. SSH into the Ansible server.

2.Open the SSH configuration file by running the command:

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Uncomment the lines containing the following configuration
settings: PermitRootLogin yes PasswordAuthentication yes

Save the changes and exit the file and Restart the SSH service to apply
the modifications:

service sshd restart

Install ansible in ansible server from ansible.sh file

Go to that location and make these changes in that file anywhere.

IP of k8S server

vi /etc/ansible/hosts
Now to check if it succeed run this command if ping success

ansible -m ping node

To establish an SSH connection between the Jenkins server and

the Kubernetes server, and copy files from Ansible to the K8s
server, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Jenkins server dashboard.

2.Create an SSH connection between Jenkins and the

Kubernetes server directly from the Jenkins server.

3.Add the following stage to the Groovy script:

stage('Copy Files from Ansible to K8S Server') {

sshagent(['kubernetes']) {
sh 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@k8s_ip'
sh 'scp /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/project/*
Make sure to replace k8s_ip with the actual IP address of your
Kubernetes server. You can access the full Groovy script at this
link: Full Groovy Script.

To generate the pipeline syntax for the K8s server, choose the SSH
agent and SSH username with a private key, and fill in the other
necessary details.

Trigger a build to see if the pipeline works successfully, ensuring the

files are copied from Ansible to the K8s server through Jenkins.

To deploy Kubernetes using Ansible and perform additional


Add the following stage to the Groovy script: code

stage('Kubernetes deployment using Ansible') {

sshagent(['ansible-demo']) {
sh 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@ cd
sh 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@ ansible -m
ping node'
sh 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@ ansible-
playbook ansible.yml'

Make sure to start Minikube on the Kubernetes server.

Save the changes and check if the build works successfully.

Additionally, you can run the following commands in the

terminal to check the deployment:

kubectl get pods

kubectl get svc

To access the deployed page, paste the IP address of the Kubernetes

server in the browser with port 31200 specified. You should be able to
access the page if everything is set up correctly.
By following these steps, you can deploy Kubernetes using Ansible,
perform necessary checks, and access the deployed page through the

“ Thank you for reading! I hope you found this article

helpful in your learning journey. If you have any
further questions or need additional assistance, feel free
to ask. Remember, sharing knowledge is a wonderful
way to help others, so if you found this article
beneficial, please consider sharing it with others who
might find it helpful too. Happy learning! ”

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