Progress in Compuing Progression Pathway
Progress in Compuing Progression Pathway
Progress in Compuing Progression Pathway
BY THE AGE OF 11, STUDENTS SHOULD • Use sequence, selection and repetition in programs • Detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs • Use technology safely, respectfully and
BE ABLE TO: • Select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices • Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals
• Understand computer networks and how they provide multiple services
Key Stage 2 National Curriculum
for Computing • Use search technologies
By the end of Progress Know and understand the key Apply knowledge and Analyse problems in Plan creative solutions to Develop confident and
in Computing, students concepts and principles of understanding of the key computational terms problems responsible use of modern
should be able to: Computing concepts and principles of information technologies
• Know the processes for logging into the school’s • Log into the school’s network proficiently • Identify the most appropriate tools to use when • Demonstrate proficiency in using the school’s
network • Send and receive emails successfully, using editing an image network and computing facilities
• Know the processes for sending and receiving emails appropriate language and content • Use image editing software with confidence
• Understand how to save, rename and organise files • Organise files and folders to facilitate ease of access
Getting started • Understand how to access files stored in the cloud and use
• Understand key principles of Internet safety • Demonstrate safe practices when using the Internet
• Understand the qualities of vector and bitmap • Be able to create and manipulate images
• Understand how to write basic formulae in a • Use a range of basic formulae to manipulate data • Identify the most appropriate functions to use when • Become proficient in the use of spreadsheets to
spreadsheet • Use conditional formatting developing a spreadsheet for a particular purpose handle data in a variety of situations
• Understand the concept of replication and the uses • Create graphs and charts to represent different • Identify the most appropriate chart or graph to • Interpret data from spreadsheets
of relative and absolute cell referencing types of information display different types of information
Introducing • Understand how to name cells and ranges within a
spreadsheets • Understand how to write a range of basic functions
including SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, COUNT and IF
• Understand how to use conditional formatting
• Understand how to use data in a spreadsheet to
create graphs and charts
• Know about important figures in the development • Present knowledge about computing using word • Select appropriate text and images for use in • Design presentations to convey information • Use word processing and presentation software to
of computing processing and presentation software presentations effectively present information effectively
Computing: past, • Understand Moore’s Law and how computer • Use formatting appropriately
technology has developed and changed over time • Ensure that work has been proofread and that
present and • Know how to format documents spelling and grammar has been checked
future • Understand the importance of aesthetics when
presenting information and have an awareness of
factors that can inhibit this
Programming in • Understand the concepts of sequencing, selection • Develop working programs in Scratch • Analyse the requirements of a program • Design programs in Scratch to solve specific • Use Scratch confidently to solve a range of problems
and iteration • Identify the processes needed to solve a problem problems
• Know about and understand the function of a range • Identify the correct input and output devices to use
Computing of input and output devices in a range of different situations
components • Know about and understand different types of
memory and storage and their use
• Understand a range of basic programming • Develop working programs in Python to solve • Analyse the requirements of a program • Design programs in Python to solve specific • Use Python confidently to write simple programs
Programming in constructs in Python
• Know how to print to the screen, perform
specific problems • Identify the processes needed to solve a problem problems
• Understand the structure and use of a range of more • Use a range of more advanced functions within • Identify the most appropriate functions to use when • Design spreadsheets for a range of purposes making • Use spreadsheets to handle data in a variety of
advanced functions spreadsheets developing a spreadsheet for a particular purpose use of a range of more advanced functions situations proficiently
• Understand how to use validation to create • Use validation within spreadsheets to minimise user • Interpret data from spreadsheets
Advanced dropdown lists error
spreadsheets • Know how to sort data and run simple queries • Develop and use macros to automate aspects of
• Understand the use of macros to automate spreadsheets
processes and know how to record, edit and assign
• Understand the concepts of abstraction, • Use the principles of abstraction and decomposition • Analyse different approaches to solving problems • Design algorithms to solve a range of computational
decomposition, pattern recognition and algorithms to produce algorithms to solve a range of problems problems
Algorithms • Know how to read and develop flow diagrams • Write flow diagrams to sequence the steps involved
in completing a task
• Understand a range of malware and the effects they • Demonstrate safe practices when using the Internet • Use computer systems safely and confidently
have • Use a range of ciphers to encrypt and decrypt text
Internet safety, • Know what precautions to take to maintain safety
cyber security online
• Understand the role of encryption in maintaining
and encryption safety online
• Know about a range of ciphers
• Understand binary and why it is used in computing • Carry out binary/denary conversions • Identify the output from simple logic circuits • Design an app to meet a brief
• Know how to convert between denary and binary • Encode and decode text and images in binary
Binary and • Understand how binary is used to encode text and
computer logic images
• Understand the concept of AND, OR and NOT gates
and their use in computer programs
• Understand how to use audio editing software • Record and edit audio files • Create a plan to develop a video • Use audio and video editing software with
Sound and video • Know about a range of effects that can be applied to
sound files
• Develop and edit videos
• Combine video and audio
• Review and evaluate work involving audio and video
editing • Understand how to use video editing software files
• Know how to combine images and sound
• Know a range of basic HTML tags to control the • Hand-code basic web pages including text, images • Identify the basic elements that are combined to • Design simple web pages • Be able to hand-code basic web pages, with an
presentation, styling and layout of information on a and hyperlinks produce a web page appreciation of layout and styling
Designing webpage
• Know how to include images and links on a webpage
• Use CSS to control the styling of a basic web page • Review and evaluate work involving websites
• Understand the role of algorithms in decision • Make informed judgements about whether activities • Consider the ethical implications of using modern • Research resources online, being mindful of • Use modern information technologies responsibly
The ethics of making
• Understand the importance of intellectual property
are morally acceptable or not
• Ensure that copyright has not been infringed when
information technologies copyright considerations and acknowledging sources
Projects • Develop a substantive product using a range of • Analyse the requirements of a substantive product • Plan a solution to develop a substantive product, • Use a range of software to produce a substantive
software and techniques studied at KS3 including sub-tasks and timelines product, with regard to copyright issues
(end-of-KS3 • Review and evaluate project work
Two projects chosen from
a choice of three
By the end of Progress Know and understand the key Apply knowledge and Analyse problems in Plan creative solutions to Develop confident and
in Computing, students concepts and principles of understanding of the key computational terms problems responsible use of modern
should be able to: Computing concepts and principles of information technologies
AT THE END OF KEY STAGE 3, • Understand several key algorithms that • Use a variety of programming languages, • Design, use and evaluate abstractions that model the state and behaviour of real-world problems • Understand a range of ways to use
STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: reflect computational thinking including a textual language, to solve a and physical systems technology safely, respectfully, responsibly
variety of computational problems and securely, including protecting their
• Understand simple Boolean logic and its use • Use logical reasoning to compare the utility of algorithms for the same problem online identity and privacy
Key Stage 3 National Curriculum
for Computing in programming and circuits • Undertake creative projects that involve
selecting, using and combining multiple • Collect and analyse data to meet the needs of known users • Recognise inappropriate content, contact and
• Understand how numbers can be represented applications conduct and know how to report concerns
in binary and be able to carry out simple
operations on binary numbers