16 Thomas
16 Thomas
16 Thomas
Pipe loop data from Thomas (1978) is compared with trends predicted by the Wilson and Thomas (1985)
turbulent flow theory. For a Bingham plastic clay slurry, the theory predicts that as the velocity reduces
towards transition, the pressure gradient tends closer towards the water curve. When granular particles,
such as sand, are added to the clay slurry, the behaviour changes. Depending on the particle size of the sand
and the rheology of the clay slurry, the mixture pressure gradient may trend away from the water curve as
the velocity reduces or it may tend to parallel the water curve, or it may trend towards the water line in a
similar manner as for clay slurry. These differing behaviours are determined by the size of the sand particles
relative to the thickness of the viscous sub-layer. If the sand particles are small enough to reside within the
viscous sub-layer they will increase the viscosity within the sub-layer and increase the pressure gradient.
Conversely, if the sand particles are too large to reside within the sub-layer, the viscosity is not increased
and the pressure gradient is lowered. These d/effects are separate from heterogeneous settling effects
which may accentuate the effects.
Fitton (2015, 2017) has noted a wide range of behaviour for different slurries in the transition region.
The d/ effects explored in this paper may explain some of these differing behaviours.
Keywords: Bingham plastic, non-Newtonian, turbulent pipe flow, viscous sub-layer
1 Introduction
Fitton (2015) has recently reviewed friction factor behaviour in the laminar/turbulent transition region for
non-Newtonian slurries. More recently, Fitton (2017), has further discussed this issue and given a method
of modelling the friction factor in the transition region. Considering experimental data for both pipe and
channel flows, he found a wide range of behaviour for different slurries in the transition region.
With regard to non-Newtonian pipe flow, Wilson and Thomas (1985) presented a new method of predicting
turbulent pipe flow for Bingham plastics and power law fluids. The theory was based on thickening of the
viscous sub-layer as the velocity reduces towards transition. On a logarithmic plot of pressure gradient
versus velocity, the Wilson–Thomas theory predicts a continuous trend of the pressure gradient reducing
towards the water line. For an all-colloidal sized Bingham plastic clay slurry, the pressure gradient is
predicted to be 10 to 20% lower than the ‘Newtonian’ prediction based on the plastic viscosity. This agreed
with the generally accepted view at that time (e.g. Bain & Bonnington 1970; Govier & Aziz 1972; Wasp et al.
1977) that the turbulent flow pressure gradient of a Bingham plastic was lower than the equivalent
Newtonian pressure gradient based on the plastic viscosity, and typically about 15% lower.
However, most slurries in the mining industry have a wide particle size distribution, with a top size typically
up to about 300 to 600 microns, and with only a small percentage of particles colloidal in size. This paper
considers the possible effects on the Wilson and Thomas (1985) theory of the wide particle size distribution
of typical slurries. Data from pipe loop tests of Thomas (1978) are analysed, but the analysis can be
considered to equally apply to open channel flow down deposit slopes.
2 Viscosity of suspensions
Before considering non-Newtonian turbulent flow we need to consider some aspects of laminar flow of
suspensions. It is well known that the addition of spheres to a viscous fluid increases the viscosity.
An often-used equation is that of Thomas (1965):
m/f = 1 + 2.5 Cv + 10.05 Cv2 + 0.0273 exp(16.6 Cv) (1)
m = viscosity of mixture (Pa.s).
f = viscosity of fluid (Pa.s).
Cv = fractional volume concentration of solids.
Landel et al. (1963) presented another equation which included the maximum packing concentration
(Cvmax) as a parameter.
m/f = (1 – Cv/Cvmax)-2.5 (2)
The present author (Thomas 1999) found that both Equations 1 and 2 with Cvmax = 0.75 agreed with his
own earlier pipe loop experimental data for sands in high viscosity Newtonian fluids (Thomas 1979), as well
as similar data of Shook et al. (1973). Thomas also tested sand in slimes slurries in a rotational viscometer
and plotted the plastic viscosity versus Cv sand. There was a lot more scatter in the data but the data were
encompassed by Equation 2 curves with Cvmax = 0.60 and 0.9.
More recently, the present author (Thomas 2010) found that Equation 3 closely followed the predictions of
Equations 1 and 2 with Cvmax = 0.75, which is a realistic value for Cvmax for wide size distribution slurries.
Figure 1 compares predictions using Equations 1, 2 and 3.
m/f = exp(2.7 Vr) (3)
Vr is volume ratio, defined as the ratio of volume of solids to the volume of fluid and is given by Equation 4.
Vr = Cv/(1 – Cv) (4)
Figure 1 indicates that the Equation 3 curve lies between Equation 2 curves with Cvmax = 0.60 and 0.9, so
that Equation 3 approximately describes the author’s plastic viscosity results for sand in slimes.
It can be noted that Thomas (1999) also conducted rotational viscometer tests on sand in slimes slurries
and found that the ratio of yield stress with and without sand addition was described by Equation 2
with Cvmax = 0.9. Figure 1 indicates that Equation 3 is in reasonable agreement with Equation 2 with
Cvmax = 0.9 up to Cv around 0.3.
In this current paper, Equation 3 is used for both the viscosity ratio and the yield stress ratio.
Eqn 1
10 Eqn 3
Eqn 2, Cvmax=0.75
Eqn 2, Cvmax=0.60
Eqn 2, Cvmax=0.90
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Volume Concentration Solids (Cv)
Figure 1 Comparison of Equations 1, 2 and 3
Figure 2 Pressure gradient ratio versus d/ (from Thomas 1977). Full data points, Cv = 0.12. Open data
points, Cv = 0.30
Using Equation 3 to predict the slurry viscosity, the predicted turbulent pressure gradients for a velocity of
3 m/s in a 105 mm pipe give a ratio J2/Jw = 1.23 for Cv = 0.12 and 1.68 for Cv = 0.30. These are reasonably
similar to Thomas’ (1977) predictions for d/= 0 in Figure 2.
With Jw = 655 Pa/m at 3 m/s in 105 mm pipe, Equation 5 gives = 0.038 mm (the 105 mm ID steel pipe
had a hydraulic roughness of 0.0095 mm due to smoothing from repeated testwork). Since the finest
sands tested had a d50 = 0.13 mm, Figure 2 suggests that the effective sub-layer thickness at which
particles start influencing the viscosity in the sub-layer is perhaps about four times larger than given by
Equation 5 with K = 5.
It should be noted that the J2/Jw ratios in Figure 2 are ratios of pressure gradient, with J2 including the effect
of the higher slurry density compared with water. If J2/Jw is expressed in terms of metres of slurry (water)
the ratios are lower. For example at Cv = 0.12 the predicted J2/Jw reduces from 1.23 to 1.03, and at
Cv = 0.30 J2/Jw reduces from 1.68 to 1.13.
Although not directly relevant to the current investigation, as an aside it is interesting to see the effect that
this differing behaviour at high velocities for fine and coarse particles has on the familiar Durand type plots.
Thomas’ (1977) loop tests relevant to Figure 2 also included tests at lower velocities where heterogeneous
settling effects are important.
Figure 3 shows Thomas’ (1977) data for coarse, 1.2 mm sand in three pipe sizes for the full range of
velocities in terms of the Durand (1953) parameters and
KD -1.5 (6)
= (J – Jw)/(Cv Jw ) (7)
= V2 √ Cd/(gD(S – 1)) (8)
KD = Durand parameter.
Cd = particle drag co-efficient.
g = gravitational constant (8.81 m/s).
D = pipe diameter (m).
S = solids specific gravity.
V = velocity (m/s).
J = pressure gradient of slurry (Pa/m).
Jw = pressure gradient of water at the same velocity (Pa/m).
Figure 3 Durand plot for 1.2 mm sand in 105, 53.8 and 18.9 mm pipes. Cv = 0.07 to 0.24
The coarse sand (1.2 mm) data in Figure 3 are well correlated on the Durand plot by the equation indicated.
In contrast, Figure 4 shows a similar Durand plot for Thomas’ (1977) fine sand (0.13 mm) data. Compared to
Figure 3, there is a wide variation and systematic trends, both with pipe diameter and with (velocity).
In Figure 4, the higher pressure gradients at high velocities caused by the d/ effect of Figure 2 causes the
Durand parameter to vary markedly from the Durand prediction. This is a major cause of the scatter
evident in Durand plots.
Figure 4 Durand plot for 0.13 mm sand in 105, 53.8 and 18.9 mm pipes. Cv = 0.12
The Wilson–Thomas turbulent flow curve is 10% below the Newtonian curve at the highest velocity, reducing
to 24% below the Newtonian curve at 2 m/s, just before transition. Unfortunately, no data was collected
around transition, so no confirmation of predicted transition region behaviour is available in this case.
The thickness of the viscous sub-layer () is given in the Wilson–Thomas theory by Equation 11:
= 11.6 eff/(f V*) (11)
eff = w/(du/dy) and for a Bingham plastic is given by:
eff = pl/(1 – y/w) (12)
Figure 6 Predicted rough wall friction factor; Thomas and Wilson (2007) compared with data of Slatter
and Van Sittert (1997, 1999)
The graph shows data for laminar and turbulent flow of a kaolin clay slurry with yield stress 8.5 Pa and
plastic viscosity 4.4 mPas in a very rough, 45.3 mm ID pipe of roughness 0.693 mm (k/D = 0.0153). There is
excellent agreement between the data and predicted turbulent flow friction factor using the rough wall
extension of the Wilson–Thomas theory presented in Thomas and Wilson (2007). There is a predicted and
observed halving of the friction factor between ReB = 1E5 and ReB = 2.3E4, which is explained by the
thickening of the sub-layer which engulfs the roughness within the sub-layer.
The behaviour in Figure 6 applies to a very rough pipe. In pipe flow, such high roughness would be unusual,
but could well apply to open channel flow on deposit slopes. Note that the fact that the 0.693 mm
roughness is engulfed within the viscous sub-layer near the transition region would similarly mean that if
0.693 mm particles were present they could also reside within the sub-layer.
5.1 The d/ effect also occurs with non-Newtonian slurries – clay slurry with
0.15 mm sand
The discussion concerning d/ effects in Section 3 related to fine and coarse sand in water. These d/ effects
also occur with fine and coarse particles in non-Newtonian slurries. Thomas (1978) discussed the d/ effect in
detail, with examples of both sand and coal particles in a clay ‘vehicle’ slurry in the homogeneous flow
regime, where heterogeneous effects were negligible, illustrating the higher pressure gradient with fine
particles and lower pressure gradient with coarse particles. For example, in a 105 mm pipe, a kaolin clay slurry
with 16.8% by volume concentration of 0.18* mm sand added, exhibited a 7% higher turbulent pressure
gradient at 3.5 m/s than with 18.5% volume concentration of 0.82 mm sand added.
*Note: Recent examination of the original data reveals that the sand, with 95% of particles between
0.1 mm and 0.3 mm, had a d50 size of 0.15 mm rather than the d50 of 0.18 mm as stated in the 1978 paper.
Some of Thomas’ loop test results reported in Thomas (1978) for 0.18 (0.15) mm sand in a clay slurry in a
105 mm pipe are compared with Wilson–Thomas (1985) predictions in Figure 7. The clay slurry has a
volume concentration of 3.56%, yield stress 1.35 Pa, and plastic viscosity 2.6 mPas. Clay slurry density is
1,049 kg/m3. The volume concentration of sand in the clay slurry is 16%.
Figure 7 0.18 (0.15) mm sand in Cv = 3.56% kaolin clay slurry in 105 mm pipe
The lower dashed line in Figure 7 represents the pressure gradient of water. The full line above the water
line is the Wilson–Thomas turbulent prediction for the clay slurry alone, based on the Bingham parameters
given above. The clay data agree reasonably well with the Wilson–Thomas prediction curve.
To predict the pressure gradient of the sand/clay mixture, the plastic viscosity of the sand/clay mixture has
been estimated using Equation 3 as follows: Cv sand in clay = 0.16. Therefore, Vr = 0.19 and Equation 3
gives a ratio of 1.67. Hence the yield stress of the sand/clay mixture is assumed 1.35 × 1.67 = 2.25 Pa and
the plastic viscosity is assumed 2.6 × 1.67 = 4.35 mPas.
The full line above the clay only curve in Figure 7 is the Wilson–Thomas prediction for the sand/clay mixture
based on these estimated Bingham parameters. Transition velocity is about 1.1 m/s. The uppermost dashed
curve in Figure 7 is the Newtonian prediction for the sand/clay mixture based on the mixture plastic
viscosity. For this relatively low yield stress slurry, the Wilson–Thomas prediction is only slightly below the
Newtonian prediction.
The mixture data points clearly trend towards the clay slurry curve at high velocities. This suggests that as
the viscous sub-layer thickness decreases at the higher velocities, a lower proportion of the particles are
able to enter the viscous sub-layer and increase the viscosity in the sub-layer. As per the discussion in
Section 3, this results in a lower pressure gradient at high velocities. Using Equation 11, the predicted
viscous sub-layer thickness () is 0.14 mm at V = 4.75 m/s pertaining to the highest mixture data point.
Less than half of the sand particles are less than 0.14 mm, suggesting that the majority of the sand cannot
reside within the sub-layer. Hence there are fewer particles to increase the viscosity of the sub-layer and so
the pressure gradient reduces. This supports the contention that the trending of the mixture data points
towards the clay curve at high velocities is associated with the viscous sub-layer d/ effect.
Conversely, at the lower velocities, more of the sand particles are able to enter the sub-layer and increase
the viscosity resulting in a higher pressure gradient. For example, at 1.2 m/s the calculated sub-layer
thickness is 0.8 mm, which is thick enough for all of the sand particles to enter the sub-layer and increase
the viscosity and the pressure gradient. A stationary bed was observed at the lowest velocity (0.86 m/s)
with deposition coinciding with transition at around 1 m/s.
The overall result is that for this medium-size sand, the d/ effect causes the sand/clay mixture pressure
gradient to roughly parallel the Newtonian curve for all velocities rather than converging towards the water
curve as predicted by the Wilson–Thomas theory and as occurs with the clay slurry.
The lower dashed line in Figure 8 represents the pressure gradient of water. The full line above the water
line is the Wilson–Thomas turbulent prediction for the clay slurry alone, based on the Bingham parameters
relating to Figure 5, with transition to laminar flow predicted at around 1.9 m/s.
To predict the pressure gradient of the sand/clay mixture, the plastic viscosity of the sand/clay mixture has
been estimated using Equation 3 as follows: Cv sand in clay = 0.174. Therefore, Vr = 0.207 and Equation 3
gives a ratio 1.75. Hence the yield stress of the mixture is assumed 6.6 × 1.75 = 11.5 Pa and the plastic
viscosity is assumed 4.9 × 1.75 = 8.57 mPas.
The full line above the clay only curve in Figure 8 is the Wilson–Thomas prediction for the sand/clay mixture
based on these estimated Bingham parameters. The predicted transition velocity is 2.25 m/s.
The uppermost dashed curve in Figure 8 is the Newtonian prediction for the sand/clay mixture based on
the mixture plastic viscosity.
In the turbulent region above 2 m/s, the mixture data points clearly trend towards the clay slurry curve at
high velocities. This suggests that as the viscous sub-layer thickness decreases at the higher velocities, a lower
proportion of the particles are able to enter the viscous sub-layer and increase the viscosity in the sub-layer.
As per the discussion in Section 3, this results in a lower pressure gradient at high velocities. Using Equation
11, the predicted viscous sub-layer thickness () is 0.36 mm, at V = 4.4 m/s pertaining to the highest mixture
data point. Only 10% of the sand particles are less than 0.36 mm suggesting that the majority of the sand
cannot reside within the sub-layer at 4.4 m/s. Hence there are fewer particles to increase the viscosity of the
sub-layer and so the pressure gradient reduces. This supports the contention that the trending of the mixture
data points towards the clay curve at high velocities is associated with the viscous sub-layer d/ effect.
With this relatively coarse 0.82 mm sand, heterogeneous effects are also important. At the highest velocity
data point (4.4 m/s) it is predicted that about 13% of the sand will be flowing heterogeneously rather than
fully suspended. This probably explains why the higher velocity data points in Figure 8 are still above the
clay curve, even though 90% of the sand particles are larger than the viscous sub-layer thickness and so
should not be contributing to the pressure gradient.
Hence the pressure gradient trend away from the clay curve as the velocity decreases is due to a
combination of the d/ effect (more particles entering the sub-layer and thereby increasing the pressure
gradient), and heterogeneous effects. Note, however, that laminar flow was possible with this sand/clay
mixture at velocities below the 2.25 m/s transition velocity. Deposition did not occur until 1.16 m/s.
For example, Figure 9 shows the data of Figure 7 plotted as friction factor versus Reynolds number.
The Reynolds number is based on the relevant plastic viscosity and density applying to the clay slurry, the
sand in clay slurry, or water, whichever the case may be.
Firstly, considering the clay only, there is a difference between the Wilson–Thomas prediction for the clay
and the clay data. Since the Wilson–Thomas theory is known to predict the behaviour of some slurries, the
difference in Figure 9 can be viewed as one of the possible variations in behaviour noted by Fitton.
Addition of non-colloidal size sand to the clay slurry would be expected to make it more Newtonian in
behaviour than the clay. Apart from the highest Reynolds number data points, Figure 9 does show the
sand/clay mixture friction factor data above the clay and closer to the Newtonian line. However, previous
discussion in Section 5.1 has explained how the d/ effects reduce the pressure gradient at high velocities,
thereby explaining the lowering of the sand/clay mixture friction factor at higher Reynolds numbers.
Figure 9 illustrates the differing behaviour of just two slurries. Mine tailings slurries generally have a wide
particle size distribution and can be viewed as comprising coarser ‘granular’ particles in a non-Newtonian
‘vehicle’ slurry. Therefore, similar d/ effects as discussed here with regard to the ‘artificial’ mixtures of
sand in clay slurries can be expected to also occur with typical mine tailings.
6 Conclusion
The Wilson–Thomas (1985) theory for turbulent flow of Bingham plastics predicts a lowering of the
pressure gradient towards the water curve as the velocity reduces towards transition. Thomas (1977)
tested various narrow size sands in water in three different size test loops. He investigated the differing
behaviour when particles are small enough to reside within the viscous sub-layer compared with those that
are larger than the sub-layer. Thomas (1978) extended the investigation to non-Newtonian slurries by
testing clay slurries with and without the addition of relatively narrow size distribution sands of various
sizes and wide size distribution coal particles added.
The current paper has compared the measured pipe loop pressure gradients of Thomas (1978) with
predictions based on the Wilson–Thomas (1985) theory. For sand/clay mixtures, Bingham yield stress and
plastic viscosity of the clay slurry are increased as a function of the volume concentration of sand added.
This increase is quantified as per Thomas (2010).
For any particular sand/clay mixture slurry, as the velocity reduces, the thickness of the viscous sub-layer
increases, meaning that a greater proportion of the sand can reside within the sub-layer and increase the
viscosity within the sub-layer. This results in the pressure gradient of the sand/clay mixture slurry trending
further away from the water curve, in contrast to the clay slurry which trends towards the water curve as the
velocity decreases. The data of Thomas (1978) show similar d/ effects with wide size distribution coal added
to the clay slurry, indicating that the same effects will occur with typical wide size distribution tailings.
Fitton (2015, 2017) has noted a wide range of behaviour for different slurries in the transition region.
A friction factor plot of the 0.15 mm sand in clay test results (Figure 9) has illustrated how the d/ effects
explored in this paper may explain some of these differing behaviours. In some cases, heterogeneous
settling effects, which increase as the velocity reduces, will add to the d/ effect.
The loop test data discussed in this paper refers to ‘artificial’ slurries of sand in clay. Mine tailings slurries
generally have a wide particle size distribution and can be viewed as comprising coarser ‘granular’ particles in
a non-Newtonian ‘vehicle’ slurry. Therefore, similar d/ effects as discussed here with regard to the ‘artificial’
mixtures of sand in clay slurries can also be expected to occur with typical mine tailings. More recent pipe
loop data for ‘real’ slurries in large pipe diameters needs to be considered to investigate this further.
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