1 s2.0 S0301679X19306334 Main
1 s2.0 S0301679X19306334 Main
1 s2.0 S0301679X19306334 Main
Tribology International
journal homepage: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/triboint
Keywords: In the present study, experiments were conducted using an advanced micromechanical apparatus investigating
Shale rock the tribological behavior of interfaces between an organic shale against two different proppant simulants; one
Proppant composed of Leighton Buzzard sand (LBS) and the other composed of glass beads. A negative correlation was
Interface friction
observed between the coefficient of friction and the magnitude of normal load from organic shale-proppant
Hydraulic fracturing
interface shearing tests. At relatively low shearing velocities (0.2–0.4 mm/h) stick-slip shearing behavior was
found to be more prominent, and the change of shearing velocity had insignificant influence on the coefficient of
friction. Additional discussion is presented comparing these results from the present work with a previously
studied inorganic shale.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: huanhe6@cityu.edu.hk (H. He), linaluo2@cityu.edu.hk (L. Luo), ksenetak@cityu.edu.hk (K. Senetakis).
Received 26 August 2019; Received in revised form 21 November 2019; Accepted 12 December 2019
Available online 13 December 2019
0301-679X/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. He et al. Tribology International 144 (2020) 106119
2. Experimental study
H. He et al. Tribology International 144 (2020) 106119
2.2. Micromechanical apparatus used shale against LBS interface was investigated through two brands of tests.
Velocity-stepping type of shearing tests, which were adopted by previ
A newly developed two-axis dynamic micromechanical testing ous research works on rock interfaces, for example Dieterich and Conrad
apparatus constructed and introduced by He et al. [25] at City Univer [36], Dieterich and Kilgore [37] and Kohli and Zoback [23], were per
sity of Hong Kong was used to conduct the micromechanical experi formed on specimens BL5, BL6 and BL7 to investigate the effect of
ments. The schematic illustration of the apparatus is given in Fig. 2, shearing velocity on the frictional behavior of the specimens. The FN for
where its key components are illustrated. The vertically positioned tests BL5, BL6 and BL7 was equal to 1 N, 3 N and 5 N, respectively. The
loading system was designed to apply the designated normal load, while range of velocities covered for BL5 and BL6 were 0.4–40 mm/h and
the horizontal system was utilized to perform shearing on the interface. 0.2–40 mm/h, while the velocity range for BL7 was extended to 0.2–170
An image of a representative pair of BL specimen is given in the sub mm/h. For specimens BL8 and BL9, nine cycles of monotonic shearing
figure of Fig. 2, where it can be observed that the proppant simulant is were performed on individual shearing paths of the shale surface for
fixed onto the upper specimen mount and the shale is fixed onto the each pair of specimens under a constant normal load, and the velocity of
lower mount. The interaction between the proppant and the shale dur the shearing cycles varied between 0.1 mm/h to 4096 mm/h. The
ing the tests, i.e. the load and displacement in both normal and normal load magnitudes for BL8 and BL9 were 3 N and 1 N, respectively.
tangential directions, was monitored by high precision load cells (with a
repeatability of 0.01 N) and non-contact eddy current type of displace 3. Results and discussion
ment sensors (with a repeatability of 0.01 μm), and the sensor signal was
collected and transferred to the computer by a data logger with high 3.1. Effect of normal load on the shearing behavior
sampling rate capability (up to 20Hz). More technical details and cali
brations of the apparatus have been introduced by He et al. [25]. The shearing response of a representative specimen, BL3, under four
different normal loads (0.5 N, 1 N, 3 N and 5 N) is illustrated in Fig. 3(a)
in terms of mobilized coefficient of friction against shearing displace
2.3. Micromechanical testing program ment. The four shearing cycles were performed by shearing the same
pair of LBS and BS along four variant shearing paths next to one another.
Monotonic shearing tests were performed on three pairs of black The mobilized coefficient of friction reached a steady state value after
shale against glass beads specimens (denoted as BG1 to BG3) and four the initial regime of shearing displacement, where the shearing force
pairs of black shale against Leighton Buzzard sand specimens (denoted increased non-linearly with displacement. The shearing displacement
as BL1 to BL4) to investigate the effect of the normal load magnitude on required to reach steady-state sliding is denoted as the microslip
the shearing behavior of the specimens. The details of this set of tests are displacement [30]. As the normal load increased from 0.5 N to 5 N, the
listed in Table 1. For each pair of specimens in this set of tests, multiple microslip displacement of specimen BL3 increased from around 0.011
cycles of shearing were performed along different shearing paths of the mm–0.067 mm and the coefficient of friction decreased by around 12%,
shale surface at a constant shearing velocity of 0.4 mm/h, and the from 0.76 to 0.67. The tangential (shearing) stiffness against shearing
normal load (FN) of the shearing cycles varied from one another (ranging displacement plots of the four cycles of shearing of BL3 specimen are
from 0.5 N to 10 N). given in Fig. 3(b), where it can be observed that the stiffness gradually
The effect of shearing velocity on the frictional response of the black
Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the dynamic apparatus and an image of a representative pair of black shale-Leighton Buzzard sand (BL) sample in contact.
H. He et al. Tribology International 144 (2020) 106119
Table 1
Details of monotonic shearing test results under a shearing velocity of 0.4 mm/h.
Interface Test Normal Coefficient Microslip Initial
type code load FN of friction μ displacement Tangential
(N) (mm) stiffness KTo
H. He et al. Tribology International 144 (2020) 106119
H. He et al. Tribology International 144 (2020) 106119
Fig. 5. Coefficient of friction-displacement curves at varying shearing velocities: (a) specimen BL5 tested under 1 N of normal load; (b) specimen BL6 tested under 3
N of normal load; (c) specimen BL7 tested under 5 N of normal load.
and 0.0033, respectively, which indicate a slight velocity weakening specimen BL8 are plotted in Fig. 6(a). Fluctuation and discrepancies can
response. be observed among the curves; however, the elevated shearing velocity
Nine cycles of individual shearing cycles were performed on speci did not systematically alter the shearing response, including the initial
mens BL8 and BL9 under different shearing velocities (ranging from 0.1 tangential stiffness, the microslip displacement and the coefficient of
mm/h to 4096 mm/h) to further investigate the effect of shearing ve friction. The coefficients of friction of BL8 (FN ¼ 3N) and BL9 (FN ¼ 1N)
locity on the frictional behavior of the interfaces. Representative are plotted against shearing velocity in Fig. 6(b). In general, the co
mobilized coefficient of friction against shearing displacement curves of efficients of friction of BL8 were lower than those of BL9, however, no
H. He et al. Tribology International 144 (2020) 106119
The work described in this paper was fully supported by the grants
from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Adminis
trative Region, China, project no. “CityU 11206617” and project no.
“CityU 11214218”.
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