Role of Rock Saturation Condition On Rock-Mud Inte
Role of Rock Saturation Condition On Rock-Mud Inte
Role of Rock Saturation Condition On Rock-Mud Inte
org/journal/acsodf Article
ABSTRACT: The rock saturation condition affects the rock elastic and strength
characteristics due to the role of fluid−rock interaction. However, the role of this
parameter has not been studied well for mud−rock exposure during drilling operations.
Hence, this study targets to assess the role of different rock saturation conditions on the
rock geomechanics changes during the rock exposure for the drilling fluids. During the
drilling operation, the mud filtrate invades the drilled formation pore system and
replaces the saturating fluid and consequent alterations occur for the rock elastic moduli
and failure properties. The current study employed Berea Buff sandstone rock type with
different saturation conditions (brine-saturated, dry, and oil-saturated) to interact with
drilling mud (water-based) through the filtration test to mimic the downhole rock−mud
exposure under pressure, temperature, and time conditions. Extensive laboratory
analysis was accomplished that covered the scratching test to get the strength of rock
samples, acoustic data determination, elastic moduli evaluation, and scanning electron
microscopy to assess the internal alterations of the rock pore system. The obtained results showed that the oil-saturated sample
showed the least filtration characteristics for the rock−mud exposure and the best condition to maintain the rock strength from
deterioration compared to the dry and brine-saturated samples. The rock strength showed a weakening behavior for the brine-
saturated and dry samples by 5 and 18% respectively, while the oil-saturated sample showed only a 2% strength reduction after the
mud exposure. Poisson’s ratio showed a 21% increase for the brine-saturated sample and the dry sample showed a small increase
from 0.2 to 0.22, while the oil-saturated sample maintains a stable Poisson’s ratio at 0.24. Young’s modulus showed an increase for
the dry and brine-saturated rock samples by 10 and 7%, respectively, while a 25% reduction for the oil-saturated. The spectrometry
analysis results showed the internal changes in the rock samples’ pore system for the brine-saturated and dry samples, while the oil-
saturated sample showed no internal changes that maintain the rock structure and strength after the mud exposure.
ment plans. Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio are precipitation and dissolution mechanisms based on the rock
considered the two most important elastic moduli, as they clay content and type.21,41 Experimental studies over an
are commonly utilized as inputs for reservoir modeling and extended pressure range reported that the overbalanced
determining other geomechanical properties through existing pressure applied during the drilling operation greatly affected
correlations or prediction using artificial intelligence techni- the rock petrophysical and geomechanical properties.42,43 Even
ques.15−17 Young’s modulus represents the rock stiffness the weighting material in the drilling fluid system affected the
characteristics and Poisson’s ratio represents the deformation pore system network, and the main cause was the particle size
behavior of the rock and drilled formations. On the other hand, distribution of mud solids.44
rock failure characteristics show the maximum level of applied 1.2. Role of Saturation Condition on Rock Character-
stresses before the rock failure occurs and are commonly istics. The rock saturation condition is one of the main factors
represented in terms of the tensile strength (TS) and that have a great impact on rock strength weakening and
unconfined compression strength (UCS) values. The rock dynamic behavior characteristics.45 In addition, the hydro-
geomechanical parameters are extremely influenced by mechanical characteristics behavior was found to be affected by
petrophysical characteristics of specific rock type in terms of the rock saturation, as the rock elastic properties showed
pore structure, lithological texture, grain bonding, saturating alterations with strength reduction with the increasing degree
fluid, and internal frame of rock grains.18,19 of water saturation for Tournemire shale, and the results
1.1. Rock−Mud Exposure. Once the drilled rock is showed that the clay content was the main reason for such
exposed to the drilling mud, a chemical interaction may start consequent alterations.46 A geomechanical study for different
and consequent changes occur for the drilled formation rock types showed that sandstone is the most affected rock
properties.20 The rock characteristics are influenced by the type (compared to tested marble and granite rock types) by
chemical interactions between the drilling fluid and rock the water content for the rock saturation condition as the rock
mineralogical composition that leads to severe alterations in elastic modulus and strength decreased from the dry state to
the pore system that show different behavior either due to the the water-saturated state, and the results revealed that the rock
plugging mechanism that is attributed to the precipitation porosity, mineral composition, and clay minerals type and
process and/or the opening mechanism that is attributed to content have a great impact on alterations in geomechanics.47
the dissolution process.21−23 Consequently, there will be The main reason for such sandstone strength weakening
alterations in the rock petrophysical characteristics such as observed is mainly the quartz hydrolysis behavior and clay
formation porosity, flow characteristic in porous media, swelling activity that affect the rock geomechanics.48−50 The
interior topography for rock, pore structure, and rock rock strength (UCS and TS) were evaluated for 34 samples of
geomechanics.24−26 sedimentary rocks [that have different sandstone and lime-
Rock−mud exposure is a critical topic due to the rock stone] in dry and saturated conditions, and the results
sensitivity and fluid activity for chemical interaction and rock recorded that the saturated rock samples showed a severe
characteristic changes, and the topic is well covered for shale reduction of 53% in average strength but a 16% increase in
formation;27,28 however, there is a research gap for sandstone compressional and shear wave velocities.51 The rock strength
formation.25,29 The sandstone mineralogy has quartz and clay reduction is a common conclusion that can be observed for the
minerals with different categories and the content greatly rock water-saturation phase; in addition, the propagation of the
affects the rock structure in addition to the frame of quartz and acoustic wave is affected by the saturation condition and
clay particles when exposed to drilling mud systems.30 showed increased performance, and the rock porosity controls
Consequent dissolution might occur for the rock minerals the degree of saturation impact on the rock physical−
due to the pH value of the fluid and the temperature range of mechanical characteristics.52 The interior pore system is very
the downhole environment.31 This dissolution behavior affects critical for propagating the acoustic waves, and studies through
the cohesion bonds for the cementing minerals among the rock the literature reported that rock mineralogy significantly affects
grains, the swelling rate of clay, and the consequential degree the shear wave, while the saturating fluid greatly affects the
of the rock plasticity behavior.32 The rock petrophysical compressional wave type through the sonic data acquis-
characteristic in terms of rock fluid storage capacity (porosity) ition.20,53,54 The effect of fluid saturation on rock geo-
and fluid flow features are affected accordingly by the rock mechanics was studied for tight sandstone formation, and it
pore system structure changes.33,34 In addition, the rock was found that the strength reduction was higher for the brine-
geomechanical properties show some extent of alterations for saturated samples than for the rock samples with oil
the rock’s interior pore system and bonding strength for rock saturation.55
particles, formation strength behavior, and elastic moduli.35,36 As the rock saturation condition has an excessive influence
Recent studies provided the applications of nanomaterials for on the rock features and due to the shortage to cover this
enhancing the rheological and filtration properties of the research gap for the rock−mud interaction, this paper presents
drilling fluid systems, which are considered successful technical new contributions through experimental research to demon-
solutions for the drilling operation to protect the reservoir zone strate the impact of saturation condition on the rock−mud
from damage and improve the mud functionality that affects exposure for the drilling operation. Different saturation
the operation performance and cost savings.37−40 conditions (dry, brine-saturated, and oil-saturated core
Previous studies by the authors assessed the extent of the samples) were studied for the Berea Buff sandstone rock
impact of different downhole parameters on the rock−mud type to determine the saturation condition on the exposure
exposure and concluded that extended exposure time during process for the drilling fluid and drilled formations. Water-
the exposure process greatly decreased the pore system flow based drilling fluid that was weighed using barite was utilized
characteristics with an associated decrease in strength.3 The for the experimental work. Extensive laboratory work was
mud filtrate that commonly invaded the drilled formation was achieved to assess the rock characteristics before and after the
found to cause internal pore system alterations by different rock−mud exposure like rock mineralogy (X-ray diffractions),
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35961−35969
ACS Omega Article
acoustic and elastic moduli determination, strength (scratch ition and elastic moduli determination to represent the
testing), and spectrometry of scanning electron microscope to premud interaction properties.
study the internal rock topography changes. An adapted filter 4. Filtration test: the rock samples were exposed to a
press cell was utilized to house the samples for exposure to the filtration test that was executed for the main core
drilling fluid (WBM) during the filtration test. In addition, this samples through different experiments for each satu-
study is considered one phase of a comprehensive research ration phase using the same drilling formulation (WBM)
and the same pressure, temperature, and time con-
work accomplished to evaluate the rock−mud exposure impact
ditions. These parameters were designed to mimic the
on the rock pore system and geomechanics as different downhole conditions through the drilling operation as
downhole conditions were tested and evaluated in previous the temperature was designed to be 200 °F and 300 psi
studies that investigate the role of extended exposure time, overbalance/differential pressure was applied. The
mud filtrate, clay content and type, and overburden pressure as experiment was extended to 30 min and the filtrate
downhole conditions affecting the mud−rock exposure. fluid was collected and recorded through the filtration
Consequently, the impact of rock saturation conditions on test as per the standard procedures.57
the rock pores system and geomechanics was studied. 5. Rock characteristics re-evaluation: the evaluation of rock
properties was repeated after the filtration test to assess
2. EXPERIMENTAL WORK AND MATERIALS the saturation influence on the exposure process for the
rock and drilling mud and consequent modifications to
Sandstone rock samples (Berea Buff) were utilized for the the rock structure, sonic wave propagation, elastic
current study to represent the drilled rock formation under moduli, and strength.
three different saturation phases [brine-saturated (3 wt % The mineralogical composition (Figure 2) for the rock
potassium chloride), dry, and oil-saturated], and WBM samples (sandstone type) was determined using X-ray
formulated by barite as weighing material for mud−rock
tool that scratches different cutting depths for the rock samples pores and the driving flow mechanism for more than one phase
and measures the normal and shear forces that are correlated in the rock pore system.66
to an existing data bank of different rock types to finally A general observation from the filtration properties for the
provide UCS profile and average UCS value for the rock rock−mud exposure is that the oil-saturated rock sample
samples using the analysis software for the machine.59,60 provides the least filter cake thickness and mud filtrate volume,
Furthermore, the tensile strength of the rock samples was while the filtration characteristics are higher than those of the
calculated through the UCS-TS correlations61 and specifically brine-saturated rock sample and the dry sample has the highest
used eq 162 filtration due to the easy fluid displacement performance for
the mud filtrate during the rock−mud exposure.
TS = 0.0963UCS0.932 (1)
3.2. Sonic Data Measurement. The compressional and
where UCS is the unconfined compressive strength and TS is shear wave velocities were determined for the three saturation
the tensile strength (MPa). conditions pre- and postmud exposure as shown in Figures 4
The scratching machine uses sonic probes as an acoustic
data acquisition system for sending and measuring the wave
velocities for the compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) waves.
Consequent determination of the elastic moduli was achieved
as per standards of the American Society for Testing and
2.3. Rock Interior Pore System. The rock scanning was
accomplished for the treated rock samples by a scanning
electron microscope, and this approach helped to discover the
interior alterations of the rock pore system after the rock−mud
exposure process that reveals the changes and modifications for
the interparticle cementing. Such an analysis represents the
driving mechanism for precipitation and dissolution pro-
Figure 4. Compressional wave velocities for the three saturation
3. RESULT ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION conditions (pre- and postmud exposure).
3.1. Filtration Test. The three rock samples with different
saturation conditions were exposed to the drilling fluid through
the filtration test (rock−mud exposure process) and the test
results were recorded. The mud filtrate invaded the rock
samples’ pore system during the filtration process by the action
of overbalance/differential pressure by displacing the existing
saturation fluid from the rock pores.
The test values of the recorded filtrate volume and filter cake
thickness are mainly the key factors that affect the invaded
pore system of the drilled rock. The recorded filtration results
for the collected mud filtrate volume and filter cake thickness
are shown in Figure 3. The results revealed that the dry
Figure 6. Poisson’s ratio for the three saturation conditions (pre- and
postmud exposure).
Young’s modulus showed an increase for the dry and brine- Figure 9. Tensile strength for the three saturation conditions (pre-
saturated samples as shown in Figure 7, while the results and postmud exposure).
Figure 10. Spectrometry internal rock topography for the three saturation conditions (pre- and postmud exposure).
behavior of the mineralogical composition of the drilled changes in the rock’s internal topography, confirming that the
saturated rock, especially for the microcline minerals and the oil saturation preserves the rock structure and strength from
new bonding of the hydrated quartz during the mud exposure deterioration.
The drilling operation design through different fluid-bearing 4. CONCLUSIONS
formations is affected by these alterations for the rock elastic The impact of saturating fluid in the rock−mud exposure
and strength characteristics; hence, the mud−rock exposure process was studied through this research for the WBM and
has to be clearly understood for the sandstone rock mineralogy sandstone rock types under the downhole conditions during
and the drilling fluid chemical composition and activity. the drilling operation in terms of pressure, temperature, and
3.5. Interior Pore System. Thin sections from the core exposure time. The following outcomes are drawn from the
samples were scanned using scanning electron microscopy obtained results:
(SEM) spectrometry, and the results are shown in Figure 10, 1. The filtration properties for the rock−mud exposure
which compares the pre and postmud exposure through showed that the maximum filter cake thickness was
different saturation conditions. Slight changes in the internal recorded for the dry sample while the oil-saturated
surface topography were observed for the brine-saturated rock sample had the lowest values for the filter cake thickness
sample after the mud exposure and these changes increased for and collected mud filtrate.
the dry condition, and this observation was attributed to the 2. The sonic data in terms of Vp and Vs showed an
clay minerals swelling and microcline deformation as the dry increase for the dry and brine-saturated samples, while
sample interacted directly with the mud filtrate from the water- there is a decrease in the sonic waves for the oil-
based drilling fluid. The oil-saturated rock samples showed no saturated sample after the mud exposure due to the rock
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ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35961−35969
ACS Omega Article
ACS Omega 2022, 7, 35961−35969