Llb-Law 2

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Year of entry: 2022/23

Programme Specification
1 Awarding body University of London
2 Teaching Institution Birkbeck College
3 Programme Title(s) LLB Law
LLB Law with Foundation Year
4 Programme Code(s) UUBLLAWL_C (3 year FT)
UUBFLAWL_C (4 year FT – with foundation year)
UBLLAWLL_C (4 year PT)
5 UCAS code M101 (4 year FT)
M100 (3 year FT)
6 Home Department Department of Law
7 Exit Award(s) Cert HE (LLB)
Dip HE (LLB)
8 Duration of Study (number of years) 3 years Full Time
4 years Full Time (with Foundation Year)
4 years Part Time
9 Mode of Study FT ✓ PT ✓
10 Level of Award (FHEQ) 6
11 Other teaching depts or institution N/A
12 Professional, Statutory Regulatory The LLB is accredited by the Solicitors Regulation
Body(PSRB) details Authority (http://www.sra.org.uk/home/home.page)
and students awarded the degree will be entitled to
receive a Certificate of Completion of the Academic
Stage of Legal Education for solicitors. It is also
recognised by the Bar Standards Board
(http://www.barstandardsboard.org.uk/), as a
Qualifying Law Degree for the purposes of completing
the Academic Stage of Training for the Bar.
In addition, the LLB will give students a firm grounding
in the 7 foundations of legal knowledge which now also
form the basis for qualification as a Solicitor via the SQE
(Single qualifying exam route) and as a barrister as
reforms to Bar qualifications are undertaken to match
reforms made by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority.
13 QAA Benchmark Statement Law

14 Programme Rationale & Aims

Main Aims
Generally, the School aims, through its undergraduate programme to provide students
• a three year full-time or four year part-time educational programme leading to an LLB;
• a degree programme which satisfies the requirements of the University of London and is
comparable in standard to law degrees from other Colleges of the University of London;
• A degree programme which teaches the 7 foundations of legal knowledge along with
further optional modules and meets QAA Law Subject Benchmark. The 7 foundations of
Year of entry: 2022/23

legal knowledge are required for the academic stage of Barrister Training, and functional
knowledge of the 7 subjects will be assessed as part of the stage 1 Solicitors Qualification
More specifically, the School of Law at Birkbeck aims to:
• provide undergraduate degree programmes which give a comprehensive grounding in
foundational subjects of English law and extend students’ legal knowledge and
understanding in specialist areas;
• provide students with an understanding of major legal concepts, values, principles and
rules of the legal system, legislation and case law;
• provide a broad appreciation of the range of possible approaches to legal scholarship;
• promote a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of law which enables students to make
use of theoretical frameworks developed in law, the humanities and social sciences;
• place the study of law within its historical, ethical, social, political, cultural and economic
• provide students with a knowledge of a representative range of contemporary debates in
law informed by an awareness of how the law has developed over time;
• bridge the gap between students’ understanding of the theory and practice of law;
• enable students to identify, locate and appraise legal materials;
• provide students with a range of subject specific and transferable skills which develop their
capacity to learn, meet the needs of the wider society and prepare students for employment
or further studies. These include IT literacy and the ability to work independently and in a

Distinctive Features
The most distinctive feature of the LLB programme is that its structure of teaching is
designed for students who need to balance study with paid work, family or other
commitments but desire to study in an environment led by academic staff with extensive
research expertise and publications in the field of study. Specific features include:
• Classes are standardly taught between 6pm and 9pm, Monday –Thursday
• Access to a full range of optional modules in the fields of human rights, criminal
justice, commercial and legal practice as well as to a range of distinctive optional
subjects relating to the research of academic staff.
Foundation Year Rationale
• The Foundation year consists of 120 level 3 compulsory modules.
• The programme is ideal for recent school/college leavers who do not have either the
requisite level 3 qualifications, or relevant work-related experience to make them
eligible for entry to the standard LLB three year programme.
• In addition, a significant potential cohort of students would be international students,
who are currently unable to benefit from College Certificate programmes because
Year of entry: 2022/23

such programmes are traditionally offered as part-time courses for which

international students are ineligible.

Foundation Year Aims

• Provide directed and supervised learning opportunities that facilitate the
development of study skills and enable students to prepare for undergraduate level
study of law;
• Develop knowledge and understanding of defined areas of the legal system and
introduce an awareness of current debates in those areas;
• Develop interpersonal and communication skills to clarify tasks, apply knowledge, and
communicate outcomes in narrowly defined topics of legal study.

15 Entry Criteria
• Requirement for those who have recently studied qualifications with a UCAS tariff
equivalence : 120 UCAS tariff points/ A-levels (BBB).
• For mature students with experience: no specific A-level requirement. Admission is at
the discretion of the admissions tutor.
• Diploma in Law, University of London International Programmes (studied at Birkbeck):
successful completion with a minimum mark of 40% enables entry to the 2nd year of
the LLB programme at Birkbeck
• Diploma in Law, University of London International Programmes (studied at an
institution other than Birkbeck): successful completion with a minimum mark of 50%
enables entry to the 2nd year of the LLB programme at Birkbeck.
• Certificate of Higher Education in Legal Methods (from Birkbeck): successful
completion with a minimum mark of 50% enables entry to the LLB with optional credit
for a first-year module.
• Applicants will need to complete a written exercise in reasoning and analysis and
attend an admissions event.
• Applicants are required to demonstrate that they meet the College’s English language
Credit for previous equivalent law studies may allow transfer into Year 2 at the discretion of
the admissions tutor.
Foundation Year
Formal entry requirement to the LLB with Foundation year is at a level not higher than the
standard Clearing entry of CCC equivalent and no lower than DD/DDE or equivalent. Non-
traditional qualifications and/or paid/voluntary work or other relevant experience may be
taken into account, as appropriate. All applicants will, in addition, be subject to test and
64 UCAS points
GCSE English and maths grade C or equivalent
Year of entry: 2022/23

16 Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme of study, students will be able to:
• Identify the main characteristics of the legal system, including general familiarity with
its institutions and procedures;
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a wide range of legal concepts, values,
principles and rules of English law and an ability to explain the relationships between
them in a number of particular areas;
• Give an accurate statement of the law in key areas of foundational subjects;
• Present a sound and generally accurate knowledge and understanding of the detail of
the law and its context in relation to most areas of law studied;
• Identify the political, economic, commercial, social and cultural factors that inform and
underlie legal theory and doctrine;
• Have an understanding of the problems, tensions and contradictions within certain legal
theories and doctrines;
• Identify contemporary debates which are relevant to law.

Foundation Year
The Foundation Year aims to provide support to students who do not meet the formal entry
requirements for direct entrance onto the degree (but who can demonstrate the ability to
complete the degree) in order to help them develop the foundational skills and knowledge
required for successful completion of the degree.

Upon successful completion of the Foundation Year, students will be able to:
• Convey knowledge of defined areas of legal studies and be able to communicate and
debate contemporary issues in those areas;
Relate principles and concepts in areas of study to underlying theoretical frameworks
and approaches;
• Carry out self-directed work in the form of portfolio assessments;
• Collect and review information in preparation for a variety of assessments such as
essay and exams
• Analyse and review a range of sources of information and evaluate them;
• Demonstrate the necessary study skills required to pursue the study of law at level 4
and beyond.

17 Learning, teaching and assessment methods

The School of Law employs a variety of teaching and learning strategies to enable learning
outcomes to be achieved. In particular we promote student learning through lectures;
seminars; virtual learning; private tutorials; web based independent skills tutorials;
weekend and pre-sessional skills workshops; public lectures and research seminars. We
employ a diversity of assessment tools including independent research essays, seen and
unseen exams, group work, oral presentations, reflective journals and creative and critical
thinking exercises.
Year of entry: 2022/23

18 Programme Description
Part Time (4-years)- A degree programme which teaches the 7 foundations of legal
knowledge along with further optional modules and meets QAA Law Subject Benchmark.
The 7 foundations of legal knowledge are required for the academic stage of Barrister
Training, and functional knowledge of the 7 subjects will be assessed as part of the stage 1
Solicitors Qualification Exam. Students will take a total of 360 credits, with 120 credits
across each FHEQ levels of 4, 5, and 6. Each year students complete 90 credits and, pending
progression each year, complete the degree in 4 years.
Full Time (3 Years) - A degree programme which teaches the 7 foundations of legal
knowledge along with further optional modules and meets QAA Law Subject Benchmark.
The 7 foundations of legal knowledge are required for the academic stage of Barrister
Training, and functional knowledge of the 7 subjects will be assessed as part of the stage 1
Solicitors Qualification Exam. Students will take a total of 360 credits, with 120 credits
across each FHEQ levels of 4, 5, and 6. Each year students complete 120 credits and,
pending progression each year, complete the degree in 3 years.

Foundation year. This year of study provides students with a thorough grounding of a range
of skills relevant to support study toward a qualifying law degree, including the ability to:

1. Read and analyse primary legal material, such as case law and statutory provisions
(Reading the Law , Law of the Trial)
2. Read and analyse secondary material, such as policy documents and academic articles
(Legal Systems, Reading the Law, Law of the Trial)
3. Develop practical skills relevant to the study and practice of law, Legal problem solving
and public speaking (Law of the Trial, Reading the Law)
4. Develop generic and discipline specific writing skills (Fundamentals of Study, Law of
the Trial)

On completion of the level 3 Foundation Year, all students will take 120 credits at Level 4 and
will graduate with 480 credits with the remaining 240 credits distributed between level 5 and
level 6 modules. In the foundation year, students will begin studying the compulsory
foundations of legal knowledge whilst strengthening their understanding of the basic
concepts and methods of legal study and the classification of the common law. In years 2-4,
students will continue to study the foundations of legal knowledge.

Pathways of Specialisation:
Pathways are degree designations, or specialist classifications, that operate as exit awards.
Students who complete the requisite modules (as designated in the programme handbook)
as qualifying modules for a particular pathway may elect to graduate with the specialist
designation of that pathway. They may also choose to graduate without such specialisation.

The pathways on the LLB and LLB with FY are:

• LLB (Hons) in Law and Human Rights

• LLB (Hons) in Law and Commercial Law
Year of entry: 2022/23

• LLB (Hons) in Law and Legal Practice

To be eligible for the designation of LLB (Hons) in Law and Human Rights, students must
complete the Human Rights (30 Credits, Level 5 or 6) and 30 additional credits in optional
modules classified as Human Rights optional modules
To be eligible for the designation of LLB (Hons) in Law and Commercial Law, students must
complete 60 credits in optional modules classified as Commercial Law optional modules..
To be eligible for the designation of LLB (Hons) in Law and Legal Practice, students must
complete 60 credits in optional modules classified as Legal Practice optional modules.
For more details about the pathways, including a list of indicative options credits, please see:

19 Programme Structure
Full Time programme – 3 years
Year 1
Level Module Code Module Title Credits Status*
4 LALA157S4 Legal Systems and Methods 30 Compulsory
4 LADD033S4 Constitutional and Administrative Law 30 Compulsory
4 LADD034S4 Contract Law 30 Compulsory
4 LALW056S4 Criminal Law 30 Compulsory
Year 2
Level Module Code Module Title Credits Status*
5 LADD037S5 Tort Law 30 Compulsory
5 LALW095H5 Foundations of Property 15 Compulsory
5 LALW096H5 Land Law 15 Compulsory
5 LALW066H5 Law of the European Union 15 Compulsory
5 Various 45 credits of level 5 option modules 45 Options
Year 3
Level Module Code Module Title Credits Status*
6 LALW097H6 Trusts Law 15 Compulsory
6 LADD039H6 Legal Theory 15 Compulsory
6 Various 90 credits of level 6 option modules 90 Options
Part Time programme – 4 years
Year 1
Level Module Code Module Title Credits Status
4 LALA157S4 Legal Systems and Methods 30 Compulsory
4 LADD033S4 Constitutional and Administrative Law 30 Compulsory
4 LADD034S4 Contract Law 30 Compulsory
Year 2
Level Module Code Module Title Credits Status
4 LALW056S4 Criminal Law 30 Compulsory
5 LADD037S5 Tort Law 30 Compulsory
5 Various 30 credits of level 5 option modules 30 Option
Year of entry: 2022/23

Year 3
Level Module Code Module Title Credits Status
5 LALW095H5 Foundations of Property 15 Compulsory
5 LALW096H5 Land Law 15 Compulsory
5 LALW066H5 Law of the European Union 15 Compulsory
5 Various 15-credit level 5 option module 15 Option
6 Various 30 credits of level 6 option modules 30 Option
Year 4
Level Module Code Module Title Credits Status
6 LALW097H6 Trusts Law 15 Compulsory
6 LADD039H6 Legal Theory 15 Compulsory
6 Various 60 credits of level 6 option modules 60 Option
Full time with Foundation Year (4 years)
Year 0
Level Module Code Module Title Credits Status*
3 CASE002S3 Fundamentals of Study: Learning through the 30 Core
Global City
3 LALW040S3 Legal Systems 30 Core
3 LALW041S3 Reading the Law 30 Core
3 LALW042S3 Law of the Trial 30 Core
Year 1
Level Module Code Module Title Credits Status*
4 LALA157S4 Legal Systems and Methods 30 Compulsory
4 LADD033S4 Constitutional and Administrative Law 30 Compulsory
4 LADD034S4 Contract Law 30 Compulsory
4 LALW056S4 Criminal Law 30 Compulsory
Year 2
Level Module Code Module Title Credits Status*
5 LADD037S5 Tort Law 30 Compulsory
5 LALW095H5 Foundations of Property 15 Compulsory
5 LALW096H5 Land Law 15 Compulsory
5 LALW066H5 Law of the European Union 15 Compulsory
5 Various 45 credits of level 5 option modules 45 Options
Year 3
Level Module Code Module Title Credits Status*
6 LALW097H6 Trusts Law 15 Compulsory
6 LADD039H6 Legal Theory 15 Compulsory
6 Various 75 credits of level 6 option modules 90 Options
CORE – Module must be taken and passed by student; COMPULSORY – Module must be taken, mark can be
reviewed at sub-exam board; OPTIONAL – Student can choose to take this module

20 Additional Programme Information

Progression on to LLB from Cert HE
Year of entry: 2022/23

Note, students who progress onto the LLB having achieved marks of 50% in all modules on
the Certificate of Higher Education will be exempt from having to complete the compulsory
Level 4 module entitled ‘Legal Systems & Methods’ (LALA157S4) as part of their LLB
programme. Students who progress onto the LLB not having achieved marks of 50% in all
modules on the Certificate of Higher Education will have to complete the compulsory Level
4 module entitled ‘‘Legal Systems & Methods’ (LALA157S4) as part of their LLB programme.

21 Programme Director Dr Kojo Koram (LLB)

Dr Maria Tzanakopoulou (Foundation Year)
22 Start Date (term/year) Prior to 2003/4
23 Date approved by TQEC Prior to 2003/4
24 Date approved by Academic Board Prior to 2003/4
25 Date(s) updated/amended 30 June 2021 (for 2021/22)

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