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1) All are true with regard to change occurring in a community during succession except :-

(1) It is orderly and sequential

(2) It is in response to environment
(3) Number and types of species remain same in all stages
(4) There is a change in structure and composition of environment

2) The given age pyramid represents a

(1) Fast expanding population

(2) Slowly expanding population
(3) Stable population
(4) Declining population

3) When heat gain or heat loss is the functions of ____, heat production is the function of ____ of the
body of an animal

(1) Volume, Surface area

(2) Surface area, Volume
(3) Volume, Volume
(4) Surface area, Surface area

4) Consider the following four condition (I – IV) and select the correct pair of them as adaptation to
environment in desert lizards :
(I) Burrowing in soil to escape high temperature
(II) Losing heat rapidly from the body during high temperatures
(III) Bask in sun when temperature is low
(IV) Insulating body due to thick fatty dermis

(1) I and III

(2) II and IV
(3) I and II
(4) III and IV

5) The total mass of living material at a trophic level at a particular time is called
(1) Gross primary productivity
(2) Standing state
(3) Net primary productivity
(4) Standing crop

6) In a field experiment, when all the Pisaster starfish were removed, more than 10 invertebrate
species became extinct within a year, because of :-

(1) Intra-specific competition

(2) Inter-specific competition
(3) Environmental struggle
(4) Interference competition

7) Which of the following ecosystem service would carry the heaviest price tag?

(1) Nutrient cycling

(2) Soil formation
(3) Climate regulation
(4) Recreation

8) Which of the following is not a step involved in decomposition?

(1) Immobilisation
(2) Fragmentation
(3) Catabolism
(4) Humification

9) Ecology at the level of organism tries to understand how different organisms are adapted to their
environment in terms of not only survival but also reproduction. This referred as :-

(1) Developmental ecology.

(2) Behavioral ecology
(3) Synecology
(4) Physiological ecology

10) An assemblage of population of plants, animal, bacteria and fungi that live in an area and
interact with abiotic environment all these together form :-

(1) Biological community

(2) Ecology
(3) Ecosystem
(4) Environment

11) Temperature, Water, Pathogen, Light, Predator, Soil, Parasites, Competitors.

How many of the above given are the most important key elements for variation in condition of
different habitats ?
(1) 4
(2) 5
(3) 8
(4) 6

12) Which of the following is not a limitation of ecological pyramids ?

(1) it does not accomodate a food web

(2) it has not given any place to saprophytes
(3) it does not take into account of omnivores
(4) it does not accommodate a simple food chain

13) Process in which the fitness of one species is significantly lower in the presence of another
species is best defined as :-

(1) Competition
(2) Predation
(3) Commensalism
(4) Amensalism

14) Plants capture only ____ of PAR & sustains the entire world :

(1) 1 – 15%
(2) 1 – 10%
(3) 2 – 10%
(4) 2 – 20%

15) A migratory fish is ‘X’ with respect to tolerance of narrow range of temperature and ‘Y’ with
respect to tolerance of wider range of salinity. ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are :-

(1) X-Eurythermal; Y-Stenohaline

(2) X-Eurythermal; Y-Euryhaline
(3) X-Stenothermal; Y-Euryhaline
(4) X-Stenothermal; Y-Stenohaline

16) In different population interactions when cattle interacts with ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’, respectively the
cattle likely to be ‘Beneficiary’, ‘Neutral‘ and ‘Detrimental’ in :-

(1) A-Cellulolytic bacteria; B-Cattle egret; C-Ticks

(2) A-Cattle egret; B-Cellulolytic bacteria; C-Ticks
(3) A-Streptococcus bacteria; B-Cattle egret; C-Ticks
(4) A-Streptococcus bacteria; B-Cattle egret; C-Cellulolytic bacteria

17) The mechanism that promotes coexistence rather than competitive exclusion can be explained in
(1) Balanus and Chthamalus
(2) Goat and Abingdon tortoise
(3) Five closely related species of warblers
(4) Visiting flamingos and Resident fishes

18) By the following process the water soluble inorganic nutrients go down into the soil horizon and
get precipitated as unavailable salts

(1) Fragmentation
(2) Leaching
(3) Catabolism
(4) Mineralization

19) Assuming that the energy transfer efficiency between trophic levels is 10%, how much
‘productivity’ of plants is required to produce 100 kg of tiger biomass if the plants are eaten by deer
and deer in turn are eaten by tiger?

(1) 100 kg
(2) 1000 kg
(3) 10,000 kg
(4) 1,00,000 kg

20) What type of ecological pyramid would obtained with the following data ?
Secondary consumer : 120 g
Primary consumer : 60 g
Primary producer : 10 g

(1) Inverted pyramid of biomass

(2) Pyramid of energy
(3) Upright pyramid of numbers
(4) Upright pyramid of biomass


Predator are important for a natural ecosystem because :–

(a) They keep prey population under control.
(b) Help in maintaining species diversity
(c) They are used in biological control method.

(d) They reduce the intensity of competition among competiting prey species.
(1) Only a, c, d
(2) Only a, b, c
(3) Only a, b, d
(4) All of the above

22) How much amount of carbon is fixed annually by photosynthesis by plants?

(1) 4 × 1016 kg
(2) 4 × 1013 kg
(3) 4 × 1019 kg
(4) 4 × 1010 kg

23) Which of the following ecosystem produces maximum organic matter?

(1) Temperate Deciduous forest

(2) Tropical rain forest
(3) Coniferous forest
(4) Tundra

24) In a hypothetical population of 100 individual having ‘r' = 0.5/female/year, what will be the
population size in 6 years (with e = 2.72) showing exponential rate of growth ?

(1) 1218
(2) 739
(3) 2012
(4) 448

25) During ecological succession :

the changes lead to a community that is in near equilibrium with the environment and is called
pioneer community
(2) the gradual and predictable change in species composition occurs in a given area
(3) the establishment of a new biotic community is very fast in its primary phase
(4) the numbers and types of animals remain constant

26) A negative interaction in which Cuckoo lays its eggs in the nest of Crow and lets the crow
incubate them is called:-

(1) Hyperparasitism
(2) Mutualism
(3) Brood parasitism
(4) Proto-coperation

27) Types of interaction that occur in predation and parasitism are :-

(1) +, +
(2) –, –
(3) +, 0
(4) +, –

28) An ecosystem is an interacting system of

(1) Communities
(2) Communities and their environment
(3) Populations
(4) Individuals

29) Who among the following have recently put price tags on ecosystem services i.e. nature's life-
support services?

(1) E.P. Odum and et al

(2) Dr. R. Mishra and P. Maheshwari
(3) Elton and Tansley
(4) Robert Constanza et. al.

30) The annual net primary productivity is ______ and ______ billion tones on land and oceans
respectively :-

(1) 170 and 70

(2) 70 and 55
(3) 55 and 70
(4) 115 and 55

31) Which of the following is incorrect for observation made by A.V. Humboldt?

(1) Species richness increases with increase of explored area

(2) S = CAZ
(3) The larger the explored area, more is steepness of slope of line
(4) Log S = log C + A log Z

32) Which of the following vertebrate group occupy almost 50 percent space in global biodiversity
chart of vertebrate?

(1) Mammals
(2) Birds
(3) Reptiles
(4) Fishes

33) Which one of the following is an example of ex situ conservation ?

(1) Sanctuary
(2) National Park
(3) Biosphere reserve
(4) Zoological park

34) Western Ghats come under "Hot Spot" category because of :-

(1) High elevation

(2) Tropical climate
(3) Evergreen forest
(4) High endemism

35) The World Summit on Sustainable development held in :-

(1) 1996
(2) 1992
(3) 2002
(4) 2000

36) Find odd one with respect to Alien species invasions in India :

(1) Parthenium
(2) Lantana
(3) Ophrys
(4) Clarias

37) Which of the following is not included in "The Evil Quartet".

(1) Over exploitation

(2) Alien species invasions
(3) Co extinction
(4) Competition

38) Many species like Steller's sea cow and passenger pigeon are not found now a days. What's the
reason ?

(1) Over Exploitation

(2) Alien Species Invasions
(3) Co Extinction
(4) Competition

39) Which sacred groove is found in Rajasthan ?

(1) Khashi and Jaintia hills

(2) Sarguja area
(3) Chanada and Bastar areas
(4) Aravali Hills

40) Which of the following is not the reason of higher biodiversity in tropical regions :-

(1) Lesser seasonal variations

(2) More availability of light
(3) Higher amount of rainfall
(4) Short evolutionary time

Identify the label A, B , C in the given diagram of species diversity of vertebrates :-

(1) A-Mammal, B-Reptile, C-Amphibian

(2) A-Reptile, B-Amphibian, C-Bird
(3) A-Mammal, B-Birds, C-Reptile
(4) A-Reptile, B-Birds, C-Amphibian

42) Threat to the indigenous cat fishes in our rivers due to introduction of ?

(1) Nile perch

(2) Clarias gariepinus
(3) Lantana
(4) Parthenium

43) Arrange the following taxa according to the impact of danger on them in Ascending order :-
Mammals, Amphibians, Gymnosperm, Birds

(1) Mammals → Birds → Gymnosperm → Amphibian

(2) Birds → Mammals → Gymnosperm → Amphibian
(3) Amphibian → Birds → Mammals → Gymnosperm
(4) Gymnosperm → Amphibian → Mammals → Bird

44) According to Alexander von Humbolt, in the graph of species area relation of area A,B and C,
which of the following area was steeper slope and maximum species richness respectively.

(1) A and B
(2) C and A
(3) C and B
(4) C and C

45) Select the incorrect match :-

(1) Lungs of the planet - Amazon rain forest
(2) Extinction due to over - exploitation - Passenger pigeons
(3) Nile perch - extinction of Cichlid fish
(4) David Tilman - Rivet Popper hypothesis


Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A. 3 3 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 3 3 4 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 1
Q. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
A. 4 2 2 3 2 3 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 1 4 4
Q. 41 42 43 44 45
A. 3 2 2 4 4


1) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 250

2) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 227

3) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 224

4) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 226

5) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 247

6) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 233

7) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 255

8) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 243

9) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 220

10) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 241

11) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 221

12) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 250

13) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 234

14) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 245

15) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 222

16) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 235-237

17) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 235

18) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 243

19) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 247

20) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 248-249

21) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 233-234


NCERT Pg. # 254

23) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 243, 262

24) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 230

25) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 250

26) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 236

27) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 232

28) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 241

29) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 255

30) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 243

31) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 262

32) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 260

33) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 267

34) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 266

35) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 267

36) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 265

37) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 265

38) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 265

39) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 267

40) NCERT-XII Pg. # 261,262


NCERT-XII Pg. # 260

42) NCERT-XII Pg. # 265

43) NCERT-XII Pg. # 264


NCERT-XII Pg. # 262

45) NCERT-XII Pg. # 265

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