Vacancy Circular APEO

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F. No. A-1202311/2023-Admin.

Government of India
NITI Aayog

Sansad Marg, New Delhi

Dated the *May, 2023

Subiect: Filling up of one vacant post of Assistant Photostat-cum-Equipment Operator in NITI

Aayog on deputarion basis - reg.

It is proposed to fill up one vacant post of Assistant Photostat-cum-Equipment

Operator in Level-2 (Rs.19900-63200/-) ofthe Pay Matrix on Deputation basis from amongst the
Officers ofCentral Govemment as under:

a) (i) holding analogous or equivalent posts; or

(ii) with 3 years' regular service in the LeveFl in pay matrix (Rs.18000-56900) or
equivalent; and

b) Possess ing the following education qualification and experience:

(i) 12ft pass;
(ii) Working knowledge of handling and operating photocopiers, projectors.
binding/cutting and other office equipment.
( iii) Skill in carrying normal maintenance of office electrical equipment, appliances
and fittings.

Iltllei 'Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of Competent Authority in the case of
candidates otherwise well qualifi ed."

2. It is requested to forward the application of interested & eligible officers in the enclosed
pro forma th-rough proper channel so as to reach the undersigned within 60 days from the date of
publication of this advenisement in employment news. While forwarding the applications, it may
please be ensured that the particulars of the candidates are verified. The applications must be
forwarded along with the following documents:

(i) Proof of educational qualifications and experience (seltattested);

(ii) Original/attested photocopies ofthe APARs for the last 5 years;
( iii) Vigilance clearance certificate;

(iv) lntegrity Certificate;

(v) No Major/Minor penalry cenificate for last l0 years.

3. The candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature
subsequently. Applications received without requisite documents or after prescribed date' will not
be entertained.

(Manisha il
Under Secretary to the Government of India
[gg[ Application proforma.
(Assistant Photostat-cu m-Equipmen t Operator)

I Name and address (In Block letters)

2 Date of Birth (in Christian era)

J i) Date ofentry into service

ii) Date of retirement under Central/ State
Govt. Rules

4 Educational qualifi cations

5 Whether educational and other qualifications

required for the post are satisfied. (lfany
qualification has been treated as equivalent
10 the one prescribed in the Rules, state the
authority for the same).

Qualification/ experience required as Qualifi cation/Experience possessed by

mentioned in the advertisement/ vacancv the Officer

Essential Essential
A) Qualification A) Qualification

B) Experience B) Experience

Desirable Desirable
A) Qualification A) Qualification

B) Experience B) Experience

6 Please state clearly whether in the light of

entries made by you above, you meet the
requirement of the post.

7. Details of employment. in chronological order (Enclose a separate sheet, duly

authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.)
Office/lnstt./ Post held Fronr To Level in pay Nature of
Organisation Matrix-/Level of duties/experience (in
the post held on detail)
regular basis

8 Natue of present employment i.e.

Ad-hoc or temporary or permanent

9 In case the present

employment is held
on Deputatiorl/
contract basis, please

a)The date of initial b) Period of c) Name of the d) Name of the

appointment appointment of parent office post and pay of the
deputation/Contract /organization to post held in
which you substantive
belong capacity in the
parent organization

l0 Ifany post held on Deputation in the past

by the applicant. date of return from the last
deputation and other details.
ll Additional details about present
employment : Please state whether r.vorking
under (indicate the name ofyour employet
against the relevant column)
a) Cental Govt.
b) State Governments
c) Union Territories
t2 Are you in the revised scale ofpay? Ifyes,
give the date from which the revision took
place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.

t3 Total emoluments per month now drawn Pav in the Cell

Level of
Pay Matrix
Total Emoluments

t4 In case the applicant belongs to an organization which is not following the Central
government pay-scales, the latest salary slip issued by the organization showing the
following derails may be enclosed.

Basic pay rvith scale of Dearness pay / interim Total Emoluments

pay and rate of increment relief / other allowances
etc. (with break-up

t5 Additional information, if any, which you

would like to mention in support ofyour
suitability for the post. Enclose a separate
sheet, duly authenticated by applicant
signature, if the space is insufficient.

t6 Whether belongs to SC/ST

t7 Remarks (if an1')

I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular / advertisement and I am well
aware that the information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the
documents in respect of essential qualification / work experience submitted by me will also
be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. The information
/ details provided by me are correct and true to the best ofmy knowledge and no material fact
having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/ withheld.

Signature of the Applicant



Tel. No.


Offi cel\4inistry/Department..........

F.No. .. ......... .... Date... . .... . .... ... ..... .

I Whether the officer meets eligibiliry requirement as on the YesA.lo

closing date of application
2.(a) Whether any vigilance case is pending or comemPlated against Yes,No
the officer
(b) Whether any Major/Minor penalty has been imposed on the Yes,No
proposed officer during last ten years
(c) Whether cadre clearance for the officer by the competent YesNo
authority has been ganted
(d) Whether integrity certifi cate enclosed Yes,No

Whether original APAR for the last 5 years/clean photocopy of

APAR Dossier attested on each page by an officer of the level Yes,No
of not lower than that of Under Secretary to the Go!'t. of Indi4
is enclosed


l. The applicant, ifselected, will be relieved immediately.

2. The applicant will not be allowed to withdraw this application subsequently.
3. Certified that the particulars furnished by the applicant have been checked from available
records and found correct.
4. Certified that the applicant is eligible for the post applied as per conditions mentioned in
the c ircular/advertisement.
5. Integrity ofthe officer is certified as'Beyond Doubt'.
6. No vigilance case is pending / contemplated against the Officer.
7. It is cenified that no penalty has been imposed on the officer during the last l0 years
(altematively, penalty statement during the last l0 years may be enclosed).
8. Attested photocopies of up-to-date ACRs/APARs for the last 5 years are enclosed.
Photocopies of ACRs/APARs have been attesled on each page by an Officer nol below the
rank of Under Secretary or equivalent.


Name, Designation & Tele No. ofthe forwarding officer.


Place: (Office Stamp)

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