A Practical Protocol For Calibration of Nutrient Removal

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575 & IWA Publishing 2011 Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.

4 9 2011

A practical protocol for calibration of nutrient removal

wastewater treatment models
Giorgio Mannina, Alida Cosenza, Peter A. Vanrolleghem and
Gaspare Viviani

Giorgio Mannina (corresponding author)
Activated sludge models can be very useful for designing and managing wastewater treatment
Alida Cosenza
plants (WWTPs). However, as with every model, they need to be calibrated for correct and reliable Gaspare Viviani
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile,
application. Activated sludge model calibration is still a crucial point that needs appropriate Ambientale e Aerospaziale,
Università di Palermo,
guidance. Indeed, although calibration protocols have been developed, the model calibration still Viale delle Scienze,
90128 Palermo,
represents the main bottleneck to modelling. This paper presents a procedure for the calibration
of an activated sludge model based on a comprehensive sensitivity analysis and a novel step-wise E-mail: mannina@idra.unipa.it

Monte Carlo-based calibration of the subset of influential parameters. In the proposed procedure Peter A. Vanrolleghem
the complex calibration issue is tackled both by making a prior screening of the most influential Département de génie civil et génie des eaux,
Université Laval,
model parameters and by simplifying the problem of finding the optimal parameter set by splitting
1065 av. de la Médecine,
the estimation task into steps. The key point of the proposed step-wise procedure is that Québec (QC) G1V 0A6,
calibration is undertaken for sub-groups of variables instead of solving a complex multi-objective
function. Moreover, even with this step-wise approach parameter identifiability issues may occur,
but this is dealt with by using the general likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) method, that so
far has rarely been used in the field of wastewater modelling. An example from a real case study
illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. Particularly, a model was built for the
simulation of the nutrient removal in a Bardenpho scheme plant. The model was successfully and
efficiently calibrated to a large WWTP in Sicily.
Key words 9 ASM, calibration protocol, GLUE, identifiability, sensitivity analysis,

wastewater treatment modelling


In recent years, the use of mathematical modelling of waste- can be used for predicting future states of the system or its
water treatment processes has gained increased interest, responses to assumed or expected changes in driving condi-
largely due to the great benefits furnished from its employ- tions (Reichert & Vanrolleghem 2001). Indeed, several mod-
ment during plant design phases as well as during operational els have been developed to aid the design, operation and
management. The integration of knowledge by means of research of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In 1987, a
mathematical models is useful for several reasons: (i) such Task Group of the International Water Association (IWA)
models make it possible to test hypotheses on functional introduced the Activated Sludge Model no. 1 (ASM1) for the
interactions in the system; (ii) they are compact and trans- description of biological chemical oxygen demand (COD)
parent archives of knowledge about a system that facilitate and nitrogen removal (Henze et al. 2000). Following the
communication among engineers and scientists; and (iii) they development of the ASM1 model, this Task Group developed
doi: 10.2166/hydro.2011.041
576 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

the ASM2 model to also include phosphorus removal, and, of intensive sampling and measurements of influent and
to compare results, the assumptions underlying ASM1 were effluent variables, every few hours over a period of a few
re-used as much as possible. days to a week, are typically used to capture the dynamics in
As with every model, for a correct and reliable applica- a WWTP (Sin et al. 2005; Freni et al. 2010). As a conse-
tion, ASMs need to be calibrated. Due to the fact that quence, model application to a full-scale WWTP can be a
ASMs are complex environmental models, model calibra- major challenge. Moreover, the large number of parameters
tion is a very challenging task. Indeed, complex environ- of ASMs in comparison to the limited amount of data
mental models are generally characterized by several means that not all parameters can be uniquely estimated
parameters to be assessed and also several model outputs (Weijers & Vanrolleghem 1997; Brun et al. 2002).
to be fitted with the measured data. Further, especially for With the objective of aiding modellers during such
the quality aspects limited data are generally available complex calibration studies, different systematic calibration
due to the fact that they require large economic as well as protocols have been proposed in recent years: the STOWA
human resources. Owning to these aspects, complex envir- protocol (Hulsbeek et al. 2002), BIOMATH (Petersen et al.
onmental models are generally over-parameterized and 2002; Vanrolleghem et al. 2003), the WERF (Water Envir-
identifiability issues have to be faced (among others, onment Research Foundation) protocol (Melcer et al. 2003)
Reichert & Omlin 1997; Weijers & Vanrolleghem 1997; and HSG (Hochschulgruppe) (Langergraber et al. 2004).
Dochain & Vanrolleghem 2001; Freni et al. 2011). In the An important characteristic of these protocols is that they
past three decades, the model calibration issue has been the do not have the ambition to estimate all parameters, but
object of numerous publications among the scientific litera- rather they estimate only a subset of them. The way these
tures and different model calibration approaches and opti- subsets are obtained is quite different throughout the dif-
mization techniques were proposed or discussed according ferent protocols (expert-based, prior sensitivity analysis,
to the modelling focus (e.g. Van der Molen & Pintér 1993; etc.). Sin et al. (2005) made an initial evaluation of these
Wang et al. 1995; Petersen et al. 2003). In the field of WWTP four protocols.
modelling the problem of model calibration and the issue of Importantly, in view of the approach developed in this
the identification, estimation and control of processes was paper, Insel et al. (2006), proposed a step-wise methodology
first discussed by Beck in 1986 underlying the important for model calibration of nutrient-removing SBRs. The meth-
role of model uncertainty in the model calibration (Beck odology considered four iterative steps, sequentially calibrat-
1986, 1987, 1991). The problem has also been undertaken by ing to NH4-N, O2, NO3-N and PO4-P profiles. Corominas
applying the ASM models. As a matter of the fact, several et al. (2008) integrated this approach into the BIOMATH
applications of ASM models are present in the literature protocol. As another important step forward, more recently,
concerning both pilot and full-scale plants, but only a few Sin et al. (2008) proposed a Monte Carlo-based calibration
deal with effective model calibration to real WWTPs (Van method for ASMs, similarly to Ruano et al. (2007) where
Veldhuizen et al. 1999; Brdjanovic et al. 2000; Petersen instead the Monte Carlo method was used to define identifi-
2000; Makinia et al. 2006; Vandekerckhove et al. 2008; able parameter subsets. Recently, Mannina & Viviani (2010a)
Mannina & Viviani 2009). All these applications, while and Mannina (2011) applied the step-wise methodology pro-
highlighting both the benefits and difficulties encountered, posed by Insel et al. (2006) for the model calibration of a river
have mainly served to show how laborious the implementa- water quality model. Although the number of model para-
tion of ASMs can be. Numerous applications of ASMs have meters was lower compared with the ASMs, the methodology
demonstrated, for example, that the ASM parameters are was very effective providing satisfactory results.
not universal in the sense that not all systems can be These calibration protocols tried to tackle the rather
modelled using the same parameter values (Weijers & complex calibration issue of ASMs, but this phase still
Vanrolleghem 1997; Brun et al. 2002). Site-specific model remains the weakest link in the overall modelling of activa-
parameters must be obtained by calibration with experi- ted sludge systems (Sin et al. 2005; Hauduc et al. 2009).
mental data. Dedicated measurement campaigns consisting Moreover, each calibration study published in the literature
577 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

has followed its own procedure in choosing the type of process behaviour. It should be applied prior to numerical
laboratory experiments for the influent characterization and parameter optimization (Brun et al. 2002; Petersen et al. 2002).
the kinetic/stoichiometric parameter estimation, the defini- The influence of parameters can be affected by operating
tion of parameter subsets to be calibrated, the hydraulic conditions, the parameter values of the model, influent com-
characterization and the settling characterization. This varia- position and type of sensitivity index (Saltelli et al. 2000).
bility in approaches makes it difficult to compare the results The proposed parameter subset selection procedure is
(Sin et al. 2005; Hauduc et al. 2009) and, unfortunately, the based on the methodology proposed by Weijers & Vanrolle-
point made by Sin et al. (2005) that a standard approach in ghem (1997). In particular, the sensitivity analysis proposed
performing a calibration study for a WWTP model is lacking, here is divided into six connected sequential steps (Figure 1).
still holds. The sensitivity analysis begins by considering the set
Bearing in mind the considerations discussed above and of model outputs of interest to the modeller (Step 1 of
knowing that the calibration is still considered one of the Figure 1). More specifically, the experiments may be
main bottleneck/time-demanding tasks in a modelling study planned according to the pursued objective in order to
(Hauduc et al. 2009), the aim of the present work was to collect as much information as possible. The sensitivity of
propose a useful, flexible and simple procedure for model these representative model outputs will then be evaluated.
calibration. The peculiarity of the proposed procedure is that However, to accomplish the sensitivity analysis, a priori
the combination of issues connected to the model complexity, assumptions on the model parameter values must be made.
the lack of data and the large number of parameters involved In particular, default values drawn from the modeller’s
is solved by making a previous screening of the most influen- experience as well as from the relevant literature are
tial model parameters, the grouping of outputs and subse- employed. The a priori values of the model parameters are
quently estimating the parameters in a step-wise manner. The used as initial guesses for carrying out the sensitivity ana-
procedure will be illustrated with a full-scale case study of a lysis (Step 2 of Figure 1).
WWTP with a Bardenpho scheme. In Step 3 of Figure 1 the variation range of the model
parameters and the type of distribution that will be used in
the Monte Carlo simulations are defined. The variation
PROPOSED PROCEDURE range for each parameter should be the broadest range
drawn from the relevant literature (Hauduc et al. 2010).
In this study, a sensitivity analysis and model calibration Using a Monte Carlo sample, one model parameter is varied
methodology is proposed. The methodology consists of dif- at a time (OAT), in order to evaluate the influence of the
ferent steps in two major phases. In the first phase a pre- parameter on the model output (Step 4 of Figure 1). To
liminary sensitivity analysis is carried out with the aim of quantify the influence on the model outputs, the likelihood
reducing the number of model parameters to be calibrated. A measure of each model output and the corresponding
novel feature is that rather than pursuing a single subset of sensitivity coefficient are calculated (Step 5 of Figure 1).
different parameters, different subsets are selected, each In the present study the following equation was employed
focusing on a different group of output variables to be as a likelihood measure
described by the model under study. In the second phase
the model calibration is performed by means of a group-wise s MjOj
Lðyi /Yj Þ ¼ exp ð1Þ
Monte Carlo technique. In Figure 1, the sensitivity analysis s2 Oj
and the model calibration flow-chart are shown.
where yI, represents the i-th set of (randomly generated)

Proposed parameter subsets selection procedure model parameters and s2Mj–Oj is evaluated as

Sensitivity analysis is a decisive procedure to identify the sMjOj ¼ ðMj;i  Oj;i Þ2 ð2Þ
parameters that can have significant effects on modelled i
578 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011


1. Define the set of representative model


2. Define the set of a priori model

parameter values

3. Define the variation range and

distribution of each model parameter

4. Monte Carlo simulations with

variation of single model parameters

5. Calculate the sensitivity coefficientsi,j

6. Define the set of the influential

parameters for each representative
model output
i. Define N groups of representative model
outputs and their calibration order
ii. Select the sensitive parameter subsets for
each group


iii. Select the first group of model outputs and
corresponding parameter subset

7. Monte Carlo simulations with

the variation of influential parameter
subset for the selected model outputs

8. Calculate the overall model efficiency

9. Select the calibrated parameter subset …

… i= 1,2, ..., N
i= 1,2, ..., N values

Are all calibrated

parameters also influential
for the next group?
Yes No

a. Include all influential b. Fix the non-

model parameters in the influential parameters
following i-th step
c. Include all influential
model parameters in the
following i-th step

10. Calibrated model parameters

Figure 1 9 Flow chart of proposed sensitivity analysis and model calibration methodology.
579 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

which is the sum of squared errors between model output Following the evaluation of the sensitivity coefficients, the
(Mj,i) and observation (Oj,i) of the j-th variable, while s2Oj is set of the most influential parameters for each representative
evaluated as output is defined (Step 6 of Figure 1). To achieve this
important step, first the sensitivity coefficients for each
sOj ¼ ðOj;i  Oj Þ2 ð3Þ model output are scaled to the maximum sensitivity coeffi-
i cient for that output, obtaining the scaled sensitivity coeffi-
cients (ss,i). Thereafter, the scaled sensitivity coefficients (ss,j)
which is the sum of squared errors between the observations are sorted in decreasing order. According to the adopted
(Oj,i) and the average value of the observations (O j ) for the procedure a model parameter was considered influential if
period under consideration. its average scaled sensitivity coefficient was larger than 0.1.
The likelihood measure according to Equation (1) varies This procedure is basically established to ensure that at least
between zero and one, with a likelihood of one corresponding one parameter will be selected for each output available
to a perfect fit (Nash & Sutcliff 1970). As for large errors, as (Weijers & Vanrolleghem 1997).
the ratio goes to infinity, the likelihood becomes zero. Following Insel et al. (2006), the idea to group the model
Because the model is characterised by more than one output, parameters to be calibrated has been adopted. In contrast, in
it is suggested to use an overall model efficiency according to this case parameters were not grouped according one output
the following equation variable, but rather different groups of model outputs and
corresponding influential model parameters were selected.
Ei ¼ aj Lðyi /Yj Þ ð4Þ The groups were formed by putting together all variables
j related to TSS, COD, N and P respectively. Subsequently,
an appropriate calibration hierarchy must be established on
where Ei represents the weighted sum of the likelihood the basis of interdependency of state variables (Step 6i of
measures of the n model outputs computed on the i-th Figure 1). For each group of outputs, for example, the nitro-
selected parameter set (yi) and aj is a normalizing constant gen outputs (NH4-N, NO3-N, TKN) the influential para-
that represents the weight of the j-th model output. For each meters will be identified. In this way it becomes possible to
model output j, it is proposed to compute the weight aj by establish the order in which the step-wise procedure of the
dividing the maximum value of the likelihood measure of the model calibration will be carried out (see below). It is
model output j by the sum of the maximum values of the important to note that it can happen that some parameters
likelihood measures of the other n  1 model outputs. This belong to more than one model output. This is due to the fact
weighting is of course performed after all Monte Carlo that those parameters influence more than one process. For
simulations have been completed. the calibration of these parameters one should choose the
The sensitivity analysis is now finalised by calculating so optimized parameter value on the basis of multiple model
called sensitivity coefficients according to the following outputs, as explained below.
  Proposed calibration procedure
 ðEmax; j  Emin; jÞ/E; j 
si;j ¼   ð5Þ
ðKmax; i  Kmin; iÞ/K; i
Following the sensitivity analysis, the set of model parameters
to be calibrated has been reduced to the set of influential ones
where j and i, respectively, represent the model output and grouped according to a number of related model outputs. For
the model parameter, Kmax,i, Kmin,i and K,i, are respec- the calibration, our experience is very good with the general-
tively, the maximum, the minimum and the average values of ized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) methodology
the ith parameter while Emax,j, Emin,j and E,j are the (Beven & Binley 1992). GLUE is based on Monte Carlo
maximum, the minimum and the average values of the simulations: a large number of model parameter sets are
efficiencies. generated from the multidimensional parameter space, each
580 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

with random parameter values selected from uniform prob- corresponding to the first group is influential for the next
ability distributions for each parameter in order to explore group all model outputs of the first group will also be included
the whole confidence region (among others, Freni & in the next group. The final set of calibrated model parameter
Mannina 2010). No correlation between parameters was values is obtained by combining the values of the parameters
assumed. The acceptability of each set is assessed by com- that were fixed in previous steps (Step 10 of Figure 1).
paring predicted to observed data throughout a chosen
likelihood measure/efficiency. This leads to a division of
all parameter set in two categories: parameters sets that MATERIALS AND METHODS
allows acceptable description of the data and set that are
unacceptable. The Monte Carlo sample dimension was Case study – plant description
selected, verifying that the analysis had converged. Conver-
gence was evaluated by analyzing statistics and variations The municipal activated sludge WWTP under study is located
and changing the sample dimensions between 1000 and in Sicily (Italy), with its effluent discharged in the Mediterra-
10000 simulations (Bertrand-Krajewski et al. 2002; Freni nean Sea. The plant was designed for a capacity of 40,000
et al. 2009a, 2009b; Mannina & Viviani 2010b). inhabitant equivalents (IE). The influent of the WWTP consists
The proposed model calibration is composed of four steps, of domestic and the non-industrial part of wastewater pro-
as shown in the bottom part of Figure 1. The procedure begins duced by a nearby refinery. After the pretreatment step (coarse
with the selection of the first group of representative model grit removal, fine grit removal, screen with rotating panel, sand
outputs and the corresponding model parameter subset (iii of and grease removal) the influent is introduced into an equal-
Figure 1) previously identified by the sensitivity analysis pro- ization tank with a volume of 1700 m3 in which the waste-
cedure (i.e., Step 6ii Figure 1). The model parameter subset is water is discontinuously aerated (3 h/d). The effluent of the
calibrated according to the model outputs and the objective equalization tank flows to the biological nutrient removal
function (Equation (4)) by carrying out the necessary Monte activated sludge plant (Figure 2) that consists of an activated
Carlo simulations. For each Monte Carlo run, the likelihood sludge reactor, according to a Bardenpho scheme, and a
with respect to each representative model output (Equation secondary clarifier (with a volume of 2885 m3). The activated
(1)) is calculated. After the Monte Carlo simulation has been sludge reactor is composed of three completely mixed com-
carried out, the overall model efficiency is determined (Equa- partments of different sizes. The first compartment operates as
tion (4)) and the best parameter values selected according to an anaerobic zone, the second as an anoxic zone and the third
the maximum value of Em,i (Step 8 in Figure 1). as an aerobic zone, with volumes (V) of 900, 1140 and
Once the parameter subset values are evaluated, it is 5800 m3, respectively. Return activated sludge (RAS) from
checked whether all model parameters corresponding to the the bottom of the secondary clarifier and internal mixed-liquor
first group are also influential for the next group of model recirculation (MLR) from the end of the aerobic zone are,
outputs. If all model parameters are influential for the next respectively, pumped to the anaerobic and anoxic zones. The
group they will all be included in the following i-th step influent flow rate (Qinf) is an average 400 m3/h; the mixed-
(Step 9a of Figure 1) and the procedure returns to Step 7 of liquor recirculation flow rate (QMLR) and the return activated
Figure 1. Instead, if only a part of the model parameters sludge recirculation (QRAS) are generally set, respectively, to
corresponding to the first group are also influential for the 3 and 1.5 Qinf. The waste activated sludge (WAS) is simply
next group, the non-influential parameters are fixed at their dewatered by a belt-press filter. The sludge retention time
calibrated values (Step 9b of Figure 1) before returning to (SRT) during the period under study was around 20–25 days.
Step 7 of Figure 1 and the remaining parameters are included
in the following i-th step (Step 9c of Figure 1). The procedure Measurements
including Step 7–9a or c is repeated for the N groups of model
outputs by using the same parameter evaluation described All necessary design and operational data, such as zone
above. It is important to stress that if at least one parameter volumes, pump flows, Qinf, QMLR, and QRAS were initially
581 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

Section 0 Section 1 Section 3

CODTOT; CODsol;N-NH4 CODsup; N-NH4; P-PO4 CODsup; CODsol ; N -NH4; N-NO3
N-NO2; P-PO4; TP TPsol; TSS P-PO4; TPsol; TSS; SVI
Section 2
CODsup; N-NH4 Section 4
Anaerobic Anoxic Aerobic
tank tank tank
V=900m3 V=1140m3 V=5800m3


Section 5
CODsup; N-NH4 ; N-NO3
TSS; TPsol

Figure 2 9 Flow sheet of WWTP with locations of sampling points.

recorded. An intensive dedicated measurement campaign effluent TSS concentration is due to the abnormal functioning
was carried out from 01 March 2006 to 12 April 2006. The of the secondary settling which sometimes occurred during
grab wastewater samples were withdrawn from the effluent of the measurement campaign.
each zone (sections 1–4 in Figure 2) and from the RAS As discussed above, six sampling sections were consid-
channel (section 5). It is important to underline that the ered; the collected data were all used for the model calibra-
samples were not withdrawn simultaneously. Indeed, tion, while the average values for each component and
between samples at one and a subsequent section, a lag section were adopted as initial conditions.
time was set according to the hydraulic retention time Another 1-day sampling campaign was conducted, during
(HRT) of the corresponding tank. The HRT of each tank which samples were withdrawn only from the influent chan-
was computed by dividing the volume of the tank to the nel every 2 hours between 8:00 am (19/06/2006) and 8:00 am
inflow for the tank, also taking into account the recycle flow. (20/06/2006). The data were used to determine the daily
The following characteristics of the samples were ana- pattern of several influent pollutants necessary for the imple-
lyzed according to IRSA methods (Istituto di Ricerca Sulle mentation of the long-term WWTP simulation.
Acque 1994): total suspended solids (TSS), (CODsup), CODsol,
NH4-N, NO3-N, NO2-N, orthophosphate (PO4-P), TP, total Influent characterization
kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), sludge volume index (SVI), dis-
solved oxygen (O2) and air-flow rate. The measure of CODsup Influent characterization is one of the dominant factors in
was performed on supernatant samples (the supernatant WWT modelling (Roeleveld & van Loosdrecht 2002). This
samples were taken from the surface after 2–3 minutes of influent characterization consists of translating data available
decantation), whereas the measures of CODsol and TPsol were from the WWTP into data that can be used in the model
performed on filtrate samples (through a 0.45 mm GF/C (Vandekerckhove et al. 2008). In this study influent charac-
filter). In Table 1 the average values of the measured variables terization was carried out by means of data collected during
are reported. It is important to precise that the high average the measurement campaigns.
582 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

Table 1 9 Average measured values during the campaign from 01/03/2006 to 12/04/2006

Average measured values [mg/L]

No. Section k CODsup CODTOT CODsol O2 P-PO4 TP TPsol N-NO2 N-NO3 N-NH4 TKN TSS SVI

0  422 78.5  1.5 2   0.5 32.5 33.5* 190 

1 239    2.26  2.64   22  6667 
2 120.5        1.3 15  6800 
3 54  11.5 2.5 0.64  1  18.8 0.09 20* 9400 80
4            180 
5 173      0.75  7.8 0.08  10550 

(*only two measures)

Regarding the influent organic matter fractions, four soluble phosphorus (SPO4 model component) and TP was
components were considered: the soluble biodegradable considered as the sum of PO4–P and the other phosphorus
COD (SS, the sum of SF and SA), the non-biodegradable fractions.
soluble COD (SI), the biodegradable particulate COD (XS)
and the non-biodegradable particulate COD (XI). Hetero- Model description and assumptions
trophic and autotrophic biomasses were considered neg-
ligible in the influent. With the aim of defining an appropriate The previously described sensitivity analysis and model cali-
set of fractionation coefficients, exclusively connected to the bration methodology has been applied to calibrate a model
CODsup, the procedure as indicated by Makinia et al. (2005) able to describe the nitrogen and phosphorus removal pro-
was preliminarily employed. Since the volatile fatty acid cesses on the basis of data collected at a real municipal
(VFA) and BOD5 concentrations were not measured, the activated sludge WWTP.
following assumptions were made by drawing upon the In order to simulate the nitrification-denitrification/
relevant literature (Henze et al. 2000; Makinia & Wells enhanced biological phosphorus removal processes occurring
2000; Meijer et al. 2002; Ferrer et al. 2004): the VFA fraction in the studied full-scale WWTP, the ASM2 was selected
(SA) was set equal to 8 per cent of the CODsup and the BOD5 similarly to Amano et al. (2002). The model was used to
equal to 45 per cent of CODTOT. The fractional coefficients simulate the following variables: ammonia (NH4-N), nitrate
derived according to Makinia et al. (2005) as well as the (NO3-N), total soluble phosphorus (TPsol), supernatant COD
employed hypotheses are: FSF ¼ 0.25, FSA ¼ 0.08, FSI ¼ 0.02, (CODsup), dissolved oxygen (SO2), particulate material (XTSS)
FXS ¼ 0.55 and FXI ¼ 0.1 (Table 2). These values were con- and soluble COD (CODsol
sidered as parameters in the calibration procedure and were The CODsup, CODsol, XTSS and TPsol were assessed as
then adjusted to obtain the best fit between the measured and follows from the ASM2 state variables
simulated values.
Regarding the nitrogen components, it was assumed that CODsup ¼ SF þ SA þ SI þ f NS ?ðXI þ XS þ XH þ XAUT
the measured values for NH4–N and NO3–N were equal to þ XPAO þ XPHA Þ ð6Þ
SNH4 and SNO3, respectively. The ratio between SNH4 and
TKN was assumed equal to 70 per cent in order to cope with where fNS represents the non-settleable fraction of the parti-
the absence of specific data on such concentration values. culate organic variables and has been computed subtracting
Accordingly, SND and XND were taken as 20 and 10 per the CODsol from the CODsup and by dividing by the sum of
cent of the indirectly derived TKN, respectively (Henze et al. the particulate organic variables.
2000). Concerning the phosphorus model components, the
measured values of PO4–P were considered as inorganic CODsol ¼ SF þ SA þ SI ð7Þ
Table 2 9 Default model parameter values, calibrated model parameters values, parameter variation ranges, literature references and influential model parameters (x). (*) variation range adapted as a percentage of default values and

taking into account, on the basis of literature studies, the reasonable physical values, (**) the variation range was defined on the basis of FSF, FSA, FSI, FXI

Description Symbol Unit Default Calibrated Range Reference CODsup,1 CODsup,2 CODsol,3 XTSS,1 XTSS,2 XTSS,3 SNH4,1 SNH4,2 SNH4,3 SNO3,2 SNO3,3 SPO4,1 SPO4,3 TPsol,1 TPsol,3

Saturation KP gP/m3 0.01 0.005– Henze et al.

coefficient 0.015 2000 (*)
for P in
Yield YAUT gCOD/gN 0.24 0.23 0.05–0.3 Weijers & x x x x x
coefficient Vanrolle-
nitrifying ghem 1997
Maximum mH d1 6 1.8 0.6–13.2 Jeppsson x x x x x x x
growth rate 1996
on substrate
Maximum mAUT d1 1 1.09 0.2–1.2 Pedro x x x x x x x x
growth rate, Afonso,
nitrifiers 2002
Saturation KPS gP/m3 0.2 0.1–0.3 Henze et al.
G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling

coefficient 2000
for P in PP
Fraction XI fXI gCOD/ 0.1 0.08 0.05–0.4 Weijers & x x x x x
generated in gCOD Vanrolle-
biom. lysis ghem 1997
Saturation KPHA gXPHA/ 0.01 0.007– Henze et al.
coefficient gXPAO 0.015 2000 (*)
for PHA
Anoxic ZNO3H – 0.6 0.72 0.55–0.9 Henze et al. x x x x x x
hydrolysis 2000 (*)
Anaerobic ZFE – 0.4 0.24 0.2–0.45 Henze et al. x x x x x x x x
hydrolysis 2000
Maximum mPAO d1 1 0.912 0.67–1 Henze et al. x x x
growth rate 2000
of PAO
Fraction of fSI gCOD/ 0 0.001 0–0.0178 Weijers & x x x
inert COD gCOD Vanrolle-
in part. ghem
substrate 1997 (*)
Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011
Table 2 9 (continued)

Description Symbol Unit Default Calibrated Range Reference CODsup,1 CODsup,2 CODsol,3 XTSS,1 XTSS,2 XTSS,3 SNH4,1 SNH4,2 SNH4,3 SNO3,2 SNO3,3 SPO4,1 SPO4,3 TPsol,1 TPsol,3

Saturation/ KNO gN/m3 0.5 0.34 0.1–0.55 Weijers & x x x

inhibition Vanrolle-
coefficient ghem 1997
for nitrate (*)
Rate constant bH d1 0.192 0.264 0.02– Jeppsson 1996 x x x x x x x
for lysis 1.44
Hydrolysis rateKH d1 3 2.76 0.96–3 Jeppsson 1996 x x x x x x
Maximum rate qFE gSF/ 3 2.928 1.5–3 Henze et al. x x x x
for fermen- (gXH*d) 2000
Saturation KOH gO2/m3 0.2 0.29 0.01–0.5 Jeppsson 1996 x x x x x x x
coefficient (*)
for O2 heter.
Rate constant qPP gXPP/ 1.5 1.34 1–1.5 Henze et al.
G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling

for storage of (gXPAO 2000

PP *d)
Ammonifica- KAMM m3COD/ 0.04 0.04– Jeppsson 1996
tion coeffi- (g*d) 0.08
Saturation KOA gO2/m3 0.4 2.5 0.4–3 Jeppsson 1996 x x x x x x x
coefficient (*)
for O2 autot.
Rate constant bPHA d1 0.2 0.1–0.2 Henze et al.
for lysis of 2000
Dacay rate of bAUT d1 0.15 0.05–0.2 Jeppsson 1996
Saturation KA gCOD/m3 4 3.52 3.5–4.5 Henze et al. x x x x
coefficient 2000 (*)
for SA
Saturation KPP gXPP/ 0.01 0.017 0.01– Henze et al.
coefficient gXPAO 0.02 2000 (*)
for poly-
Yield coeffi- YH gCOD/ 0.625 0.45 0.38– Jeppsson 1996 x x x x x x x x x x x
cient of gCOD 0.75
Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

Table 2 9 (continued)

Description Symbol Unit Default Calibrated Range Reference CODsup,1 CODsup,2 CODsol,3 XTSS,1 XTSS,2 XTSS,3 SNH4,1 SNH4,2 SNH4,3 SNO3,2 SNO3,3 SPO4,1 SPO4,3 TPsol,1 TPsol,3

Rate constant bPP d1 0.2 0.1–0.3 Henze et al.

for lysis of 2000
PHA require- YPHA gCOD/gP 0.2 0.1–0.3 Henze et al.
ment for 2000 (*)
PP storage
Reduction fac- ZNO3D – 0.4 0.57 0.55– Henze et al. x x x x x x
tor for deni- 0.85 2000 (*)
Saturation KX gXS/gXH 0.1 0.036 0.01– Pedro x x x x
coefficient 0.15 Afonso,
for particu- 2002
late COD
Saturation KNH gN/m3 1 1.41 0.2–1.5 Henze et al. x x x x
coefficient 2000 (*)
G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling

Maximum KMAX gXPP/ 0.34 0.2–0.51 Rieger et al.
ratio of gXPAO 2001
Inhibition KIPP gXPP/ 0.02 0.01– Henze et al.
coefficient gXPAO 0.03 2000 (*)
for XPP
Fraction of SF FSF gCOD/ 0.25 0.18 0.1633– Weijers & x x x x x x x x x x x
in influent gCOD 0.25 Vanrolle-
total COD ghem 1997
Fraction of FSA gCOD/ 0.08 0.09 0.02–0.1 Henze et al. x x x x x x x x
SA in gCOD 2000
total COD
Fraction of XI FXI gCOD/ 0.1 0.093 0.09– Henze et al. x x x x x x x x
in influent gCOD 0.1307 2000
total COD
Fraction of SI FSI gCOD/ 0.02 0.021 0–0.0178 Henze et al. x x x x x x
in influent gCOD 2000
total COD
Rate constant qPHA gXPHA/ 3 3.84 2–6 Henze et al. x x x
for storage of (gXPAO 2000 (*)
Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

PHA *d)
586 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

TPsol,1 TPsol,3


XTSS,3 SNH4,1 SNH4,2 SNH4,3 SNO3,2 SNO3,3 SPO4,1 SPO4,3

where iTSS,XI, iTSS,XS, iTSS,BM, iTSS,XPP and iTSS,XPHA represent,

respectively, the TSS contents of XI, XS, of the sum of XH,

XAUT and XPAO, of XPP and XPHA.

TPsol ¼ SPO4 þ iPSF ?SF þ iPSI ?SI ð9Þ


where iPSF and iPSI are respectively the P contents of soluble

substrate SF and the P content of inert soluble COD SI.
For the sake of conciseness, in the following, the differ-
ences between the developed model and the ASM1 and

ASM2 models are outlined, referring the reader to the litera-

ture for the definitions of all model state variables, biological
CODsup,1 CODsup,2 CODsol,3 XTSS,1 XTSS,2

processes, stoichiometry and kinetics (Henze et al. 2000).

Similarly to ASM2, the developed model includes cell
internal storage compounds. However, to improve model
performance, some of the ASM1 processes and components
were considered for addition to ASM2. In particular, the
ammonification process was employed to describe the release
of ammonium (SNH4) from soluble biodegradable organic
nitrogen (SND). In further analogy to ASM1, the hydrolysis
Henze et al. x

Henze et al. x

of particulate biodegradable organic nitrogen (XND) was

et al. 2007
Henze et al.

included as a separate process.

2000 (*)


In contrast to ASM2, chemical precipitation of phos-



0.5–0.72 (**)

phorus was not included in the model because no chemical

flocculants were added.


As in most WWTPs the nitrite and nitrate inflow con-

Calibrated Range


centration were assumed to be zero, so the influent soluble

nitrogen only consists of ammonium and biodegradable

organic nitrogen. Besides, the measured values of the tem-



perature and pH, respectively close to 201C and neutrality,


were not strongly varying during the simulation period. The

gP/gCOD 0.4

gCOD/m3 4

latter two considerations enabled further simplification of the


model equations and therefore a reduction in the number of


model parameters to be considered for the calibration. The



kinetic parameters’ temperature dependency did not have to


be taken into account during calibration and the alkalinity of


Rate constant bPAO

Oxygen mass Kla

the wastewater was not introduced as a model component.

Table 2 9 (continued)

Nevertheless, whenever the model is used at other

for growth

total COD
for lysis of

PP require-

Fraction of
ment for


temperatures than 201C, the developed model uses the tem-

on SF

XS in

perature correction term according to van’t Hoff- Arrhenius,

in line with the ASM models (Henze et al. 2000).
587 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

WWTP influent model where m(t þ ) and m(t-) are respectively the measured mean
value at the time t þ 1 and t1.
To carry out WWTP simulations, a continuous input series in
terms of quantity and quality data is needed. To compose WWTP hydraulics model
such a long-term dynamic time series starting from discrete
measured input data, a truncated Fourier series was employed In the present study no WWTP flow propagation modelling
(Mannina & Viviani 2009). Indeed, such series, after the has been performed. Indeed, as usual in WWTP modelling, an
evaluation of the input characteristics on the basis of the instantaneous flow propagation was considered through the
measured data, enables the simulation of a continuous plant, neglecting any flow attenuation due to storage effects.
WWTP inflow. In this study, the Fourier series used is just a However, in term of mixing regime, only three CSTRs were
sum of three superimposed sinusoids that is multiplied with considered, assuming each one to be perfectly mixed.
the daily measured concentration to make up a long-term
dynamic time series. Accordingly, the generic input variable, Settler model
Y, can be modelled by the following equation
Concerning the settler, an ideal point settler was implemented
YðtÞ ¼ m?ð1  ðb1 ?sin ðo1 ?t þ f1 Þ þ b2 ?sin ð2o2 ?t and the concentrations of the soluble components in the
þ f2 Þ þ b3 ?sin ð3o3 ?t þ f3 ÞÞÞ ð10Þ
return activated sludge were assumed to be equal to the
effluent concentrations from the aerobic reactor. The con-
where b1, b2, b3, o1, o2, o3, f1, f2 and f3 are the series
centrations of the particulate components were computed by
parameters, t is the time and m is the daily average value of the
means of the mass balance in the clarifier, as suggested by
simulated variable.
Qian (2008).
As shown in Figure 3(a) the Fourier series moves through-
out a line that generally coincides with the horizontal line
whose value is the average of the variable being modelled. To
generate a long term series, since m value is generally not
constant from day to day, a linear relationship was considered
WWTP influent model
to avoid discontinuities (see Figure 3(b)). More specifically, a
line connecting the first average parameter value to the
Starting from the collected data base, the measured data were
following one was used. In order to evaluate the average
modelled according to the Fourier series Equation (10) by
value, for the generation of a long term series, the simulated
adjusting the parameter values of the Fourier series to mini-
variable is computed by using the following equation
mize the sum of squared errors. Figure 4 compares the daily
mðtþ Þ  mðt Þ patterns of the modelled input data according to the Fourier
mðtÞ ¼ ?ðt  t Þ þ mðt Þ ð11Þ
tþ  t  series with the measured profiles.

(a) (b)
6 1.5
Concentration [mg/L]

5 Measured
Average line
4 1
2 0.5
0 0
8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 0.00 4.00 8.00 0 1 2 3
Time [h] Time [d]
Figure 3 9 Example of Fourier series pattern for a day with measurements every two hour (a) and for three days obtained by coping the (a) pattern into (b).
588 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011
Concentration CODsup [mg/l]

Concentration CODsol [mg/l]

1000 250
900 CODsup measured CODsol measured
800 CODsup simulated 200 CODsol simulated
600 150
500 100
300 50
100 0
8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 0.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 0.00 4.00 8.00
Time [h] Time [h]
Concentration NH4-N [mg/l]

Concentration PO4-P [mg/l]

80 5
NH4-N measured PO4-P measured
70 NH4-N simulated 4 PO4-P simulated
30 1

20 0
8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 0.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 0.00 4.00 8.00
Time [h] Time [h]
Figure 4 9 Measured and simulated values during 19–20/06/2006 in section 0.

Once the Fourier parameters were estimated, a long input Fourier series or other similar methods can induce bias into
time series for the overall simulation period (1 March to 12 data. Indeed, the uncertainty associated to the data of the
April) was created starting from the measured daily values of diurnal influent profile can propagate throughout the model
the influent concentrations (Figure 5). This pattern was leading to pour results. Indeed, the uncertainty in the model
determined by copying the daily pattern (19–20 June 2006) input could be higher than the model parameters uncertainty.
described by the truncated Fourier series to the full simulation In view of this fact, it is advisable to reduce the input
period on the basis of Equation (10). It is worthy to mention uncertainty by gathering new data before carrying out
that the forecasting of diurnal influent profile by means of the model calibration assessing the kinetic parameters.

140 1000 300

SNH4 simulated 900 CODsup simulated CODsol simulated
Concentration [mg/L]

120 SNH4 measured 250

800 CODsup measured CODsol measured
100 700 200
80 600
500 150
60 400
40 300 100
200 50
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time [d] Time [d] Time [d]

6 40 800
SPO4 simulated SND simulated 700 Xtss simulated
Concentration [mg/L]

5 35 Xtss measured
SPO4 measured XND simulated
30 600
4 500
3 20 400
15 300
10 200
1 100
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time [d] Time [d] Time [d]
Figure 5 9 Long-term series for the main model input.
589 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

Parameter subsets selection The results of the Monte Carlo simulations were used to
evaluate the sensitivity coefficients of each j-th model output
As discussed in the previous paragraphs, the model contains and i-th model parameter, according to Equation (5) (Step 5
41 parameters. To avoid the problem of overparameterization of Figure 1). Then, a set of most influential model parameters
and related identifiability issues a reduction of the number of for each representative model output was selected according
model parameters was carried out by means of the sensitivity to the procedure described above (Step 6 of Figure 1).
analysis shown in Figure 1. More specifically, the model In Figure 6, the results of the sensitivity analysis for four
parameters were changed one at a time and the importance of the 15 model outputs, CODsup,2 (a), SNH4,1 (b), XTSS,2 (c),
of each model parameter was assessed for all model state and SPO4,1 (d), as well as the total model influence of the
variables for which we have measurements. parameters, computed as the sum of the sensitivity coeffi-
The modelling objective in the present work is the descrip- cients of all variables (e), are reported. The coloured area
tion of the variable concentrations in different reactors and not indicates the set of influential parameters for the correspond-
only in the effluent. According to this objective an appropriate ing model output. As can be observed, some parameters are
experimental campaign was performed, and all relevant vari- influential for more than one model output, for example, Kx is
ables were measured. For the present study, 15 model state influential both for CODsup,2 and XTSS,2.
variables were considered, namely, SNH4,1, CODsup,1, SPO4,1, In Figure 6(e), the sums of the scaled sensitivity coeffi-
TPsol,1, XTSS,1, SNH4,2, SNO3,2, XTSS,2, CODsup,2, SNH4,3, SNO3,3, cients of all representative model outputs j for each parameter
SPO4,3, TPsol,3, XTSS,3 and CODsol,3. According to the flow chart i (SSSi,j) are reported, revealing that FSF, YH and mAUT are the
in Figure 1, these variables were considered as the set of model most influential model parameters in this case study. Such a
outputs (Step 1 of Figure 1). The first model parameter values, result is consistent with Ruano et al. (2007) who also found
mainly drawn from the literature, were also considered as a FSF as one of the most influential model parameters in
priori model parameter values (Step 2 of Figure 1). ASM2d. They also found a high sensitivity for mAUT. On the
To perform the sensitivity analysis a uniform distribution other hand, baut showed a low influence, again similar to
was chosen for each model parameter (Step 3 of Figure 1). Petersen et al. (2002) and Ruano et al. (2007).
The upper and lower bounds of the uniform distributions of Table 2 summarizes the results of the sensitivity analysis
the model parameters were defined according to the broadest for each of the selected model outputs. By means of the
range found in the relevant literature (Jeppsson 1996; Weijers performed analysis, that is, quantitative prioritization of the
& Vanrolleghem 1997; Henze et al. 2000; Afonso & da model parameters, it is possible to gain insights in the
Conceic¸ão Cunha 2002; Iacopozzi et al. 2007; Di Bella et al. performed processes. Among the non-influential parameters,
2008; Flores-Alsina et al. 2008; Sin et al. 2009; Mannina et al. the sensitivity analysis reveals that, with the exception of
2010) (Step 3. of Figure 1). Note that a similar study has been KAMM, bAUT and KLa, they are all parameters related to P
recently performed by Hauduc et al. (2010). In Table 2, the removal, indicating a higher relevance of the N-removal
values of the default model parameters along with the varia- processes over these processes. This agree with the fact that
tion range, their literature references and the final calibrated the biological phosphorus removal remained is limited during
values are reported. the measurement campaign. However, it has to be stressed
By varying one parameter at a time, a large set of para- that with respect to their level of sensitivity the parameter
meters was obtained and the corresponding Monte Carlo significance level may be different from one plant to another
simulations were carried out (Step 4 of Figure 1) for the because of changes in process scheme and available data
44 days simulation period. It is important to remark that (among others, Ruano et al. 2007).
for each simulation conduced the model was first run for By means of the sensitivity analysis, the number of model
the steady-state conditions and then for the dynamic ones. parameters to be identified was reduced from 41 to 27,
For each model run, the model likelihoods for each of the enabling a better capability for calibrating the model in the
chosen 15 model state variables were calculated (according second phase of the procedure. Although the number
to Equation (1)). of model parameters has been drastically reduced, not all
590 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 6 9 Scaled sensitivity coefficients for CODsup,2 (a), SNH4,1 (b), XTSS,2 (c), SPO4,1 (d) and SSSi,j (e); (the coloured zone indicates influential parameters for the corresponding model output).

influential parameters can be expected to be identifiable since Once the influential model parameters were singled out,
an OAT sensitivity analysis has been performed. In this they were clustered into four groups according to the model
respect, a specific investigation based on an identifiability output group. The selection of the groups has been done
analysis (see Weijers & Vanrolleghem 1997; Sin et al. 2008; according to the objective of the study and the modeller
Freni et al. 2011) should be carried out. Nevertheless, in this experience. In particular the model variables of the same
study we limited ourselves to single out the most influential ‘nature’ were put together forming a group and subsequently
parameters since the GLUE method for calibration can a reasonable calibration hierarchy has been established.
handle indirectly identifiability issues in contrast to other According to the step-wise calibration procedure, the calibra-
parameter estimation methods. tion of the parameters that were influential towards XTSS,1,
591 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

XTSS,2, XTSS,3 (i.e., total suspended solid concentration in the equal to 201C. Therefore, the kinetic model parameters
first, second and third tank, respectively) was to be accom- refer to that temperature.
plished. Following this first step, the other model parameters, The most influential model parameters calibrated for the
CODsup,1, CODsup,2, CODsol,3, SNH4,1, SNH4,2, SNH4,3, SNO3,2, N model outputs, based on the scaled sensitivity coefficient,
SNO3,3 and finally, SPO4,1, TPsol,1, SPO4,3, TPsol,3 were assessed are mAUT and KNH. The calibrated value of the nitrifiers
and included as model outputs in the parameter identifica- growth rate, mAUT ¼ 1.08 d1, is in agreements with literature
tion. The model parameters influential towards each group values (referred to a temperature of 201C): 1.2 d1 (Makinia
are reported in Table 2. et al. 2005), 1.8 d1 (Rieger et al. 2001), 1 d1 (Henze et al.
2000) and 0.55 d1 (Ferrer et al. 2004). Conversely, referring
Calibration to KNH ¼ 1.41 gN/m3, there is a substantial difference with
the value presented by Makinia et al. (2005) where the value is
Once the model parameters were defined with respect to 0.2 gN/m3. However, lower values of this parameter are
each group of the model outputs, 10,000 Monte Carlo model commonly encountered in pilot plants due to a lower diffu-
runs were performed considering a uniform distribution of sion limitation related to the higher turbulence and smaller
the parameters and simultaneously varying the influential flocs in comparison with full-scale plants (Henze et al. 2000).
parameters belonging to the selected model output group. Among the calibrated parameter values to be discussed there
The same parameter ranges as used in the sensitivity analysis is also YPO4 because it’s calibrated value (YPO4 ¼ 0.11 gP/
were used (see Table 2) and no correlation between para- gCOD) is not very close to the default value (Henze et al.
meters was assumed. For each run, the simulation outputs 2000), see Table 2. However, similar results were obtained by
were compared with the measured data, calculating the like- Machado et al. (2009) that explained their result by the
lihood according to Equation (1). presence of glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs) not
The final result for each model output group was the set considered by ASM2.
of values of the model parameters as selected on the basis of Starting from the calibrated model parameter values, a
the maximum overall model efficiency, calculated according dynamic simulation for the entire period was carried out. The
to Equation (4) (Step 9 of Figure 1). In this case, making a results of the simulations are presented in Figure 7. Further-
selection of the model parameters by grouping according to more, to assess the quality of the model fits, the mean
the proposed procedure, it was possible to obtain by the absolute error (MAE) and the root-mean-squared error
GLUE only one parameter set value in correspondence to (RMSE) were used as quality indices. According to Table 3,
the maximum efficiency. a summary of the above indices and the model efficiencies
In moving from one group of model calibration outputs to Equation (1), globally satisfactory results were obtained, as
the next group, if a parameter was influential towards more confirmed by the values of L(yi/Yj) ranging between 0.12 and
than one model output, its value was assessed more than once 0.7. For TSS and COD for the 2nd and 3rd tank, L(yi/Yj) is a
and the final value adopted would be the one corresponding little lower. In addition, the values of MAE indicate that the
to the last output. model can be considered unbiased.
The values of the model parameters obtained in this A good prediction accuracy with respect to the long-term
way are consistent with previous studies (Van Veldhuizen behaviour of SNH4 (Figure 7(b)), CODsup (Figure 7(a)) and
et al. 1999; Brdjanovic et al. 2000; Henze et al. 2000; SPO4 (Figure 7(c)) was observed in the anaerobic zone (sec-
Rieger et al. 2001; Meijer et al. 2002; Ferrer et al. 2004; tion 1). The simulated values show an acceptable agreement
Makinia et al. 2005, 2006; Sin et al. 2008). However, some with the measured ones. Similarly, in section 2, the model fits
values of the calibrated model parameters require further the measured SNH4 values well (Figure 7(d)), although in
discussion and it has also to be kept in mind that some some cases the model overpredicts. Such a disagreement is
differences may be due to the modified structure of the likely due to the imperfect anoxic conditions in the second
ASM2 model applied herein. As aforementioned the tem- tank that caused the nitrification process to occur there as
perature was constant in the simulated period and set well by using the recycled oxygen. Indeed, due to the recycle
592 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

(a) 500 (b) 50

Simulated 45
400 40
350 35
300 30
250 25
200 20
150 15
100 10
50 5
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Time [days] Time [days]
(c) 4 (d) 45
3.5 40

3 35
1 10
0.5 5
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Time [days] Time [days]
(e) 14 (f) 18
8 10

6 8
2 2
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Time [days] Time [days]

(g) 16
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Time [days]
Figure 7 9 Comparison of simulated and measured concentrations during the long term period.
593 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

Table 3 9 Calibrated model fit composite average values for the estimation of the daily input
pattern would likely be better and could have provided a
Model output MAE [mg/L] RMSE [mg/L] Likelihood [-] No.data [-]
better agreement between measured and simulated values.
CODsup,1 52.85 71.89 0.45 31
Further, a quantification of the uncertainty associated with
CODsup,2 48.39 58.41 0.37 33
the model input and model parameters may help in under-
CODsol,3 3.55 4.24 0.38 27
standing the need for gathering new data. However, it has to
XTSS,1 1921.42 2490.62 0.33 33
be stressed that uncertainty analysis in wastewater modelling
XTSS,2 2205.84 2610.72 0.3 33
field is limited to few studies (Bixio et al. 2002; Benedetti et al.
XTSS,3 1174.78 1550.09 0.7 33
2008; Flores-Alsina et al. 2008; Belia et al. 2009; Mannina
SNH4,1 5.90 7.33 0.54 33
et al. 2010).
SNH4,2 3.99 5.18 0.65 33
SNH4,3 0.90 1.10 0.21 33
SNO3,2 0.75 0.99 0.13 33
SNO3,3 6.28 7.52 0.28 33
SPO4,1 0.37 0.46 0.6 33
A procedure for calibration of an activated sludge model
SPO4,3 0.59 0.79 0.15 33
based on a comprehensive sensitivity analysis and a novel
TPsol,1 0.53 0.64 0.4 33
step-wise Monte Carlo-based calibration of the subset of
TPsol,3 0.94 1.14 0.12 33
influential parameters has been presented. A mathematical
model of a nitrification/denitrification enhanced biological
phosphorus-removal process was successfully used to illus-
of activated sludge a part of the oxygen mass is also recycled trate the procedure on a full-scale plant.
into the anoxic tank. Regarding the XTSS,2 the good accuracy The number of parameters to be calibrated was reduced
between observed and simulated values is shown in thanks to an accurate sensitivity analysis, during which the
Figure 7(e), with the exception of the first period for which influence on model response was evaluated by varying each
a modest mismatch is also evident for the other variables. The model parameter within its variation range using the one at a
model also shows an acceptable agreement with the mea- time method. The model was subsequently calibrated by
sured data for XTSS,3 (Figure 7(g)) but it shows bias for the utilising the GLUE methodology in order to deal with any
soluble COD in section 3, CODsol,3 (Figure 7(f)) (Table 3). remaining the problem of model parameter ideantifiability.
Comparing the simulated with the measured concentrations The model parameters were calibrated through a new step-
of the overall set of selected model outputs it can be observed wise procedure involving different subsets of model para-
that the model shows a weak ability to simulate the SNO3,3, as meters corresponding to model outputs groups that were put
demonstrated by the low likelihood value (0.28). Further- together before. In the illustrative key study the iterative
more, the SNH4 in the first tank as well as the SNO3 in the procedure has been applied for four model output groups
third tank are generally overpredicted. Such results could be using calibration hierarchy must be established on the basis of
due to incorrect influent ammonia concentrations that are interdependency of state variables (first TSS group, second
higher than the real values. With regard to the TPsol,3 it COD group, third N group and at the end the P group). At the
presents the lower likelihood value than for the other, proving end of the procedure, the values of the model parameters
that modelling the biological phosphorus removal process were evaluated and showed to provide a good fit between
does not work well. Indeed, once the parameter values of the simulated and measured data.
Fourier series are evaluated, the prediction of the simulated A further development of the presented research will
daily influent concentrations depends on the analysis of the regard the uncertainty assessment of the model results.
single measured value of the considered day. Such a value Such an aspect is crucial for the assessment of the model
may not be representative of the daily value and this will thus reliability and is a field that is still underdeveloped due to the
affect the overall simulation of that component. In this case, fact that only a few studies have been performed until now.
594 G. Mannina et al. 9 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal modelling Journal of Hydroinformatics 9 13.4 9 2011

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dochain, D. & Vanrolleghem, P. A. 2001 Dynamical Modelling and

Estimation in Wastewater Treatment Processes. IWA Publishing,
London, UK.
The authors are grateful to the three anonymous reviewers for Ferrer, J., Monrenilla, J. J., Bouzas, A. & Garcı̀a-Usach, F. 2004 Calibra-
their helpful comments and criticisms which greatly helped us tion and simulation of two large wastewater treatment plants
to improve the quality of the paper. Peter Vanrolleghem holds operated for nutrient removal. Wat. Sci. Technol. 50(6), 87–94.
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First received 2 March 2010; accepted in revised form 25 August 2010. Available online 5 January 2011

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