Fraccionamiento de La DQO (Para Memoria de Cálculo)
Fraccionamiento de La DQO (Para Memoria de Cálculo)
Fraccionamiento de La DQO (Para Memoria de Cálculo)
Water Science & Technology Vol 52 No 10– 11 pp 61–68 Q IWA Publishing 2006
E.-H. Choi*, B. Klapwijk**, A. Mels*** and H. Brouwer****
*Department of Environmental Engineering, Pusan National University, South-Korea
**Sub-department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen, the Netherlands
***LeAF (Lettinga Associates Foundation), Wageningen, the Netherlands
****TNO-MEP, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands
Abstract Wastewater contains various organic components with different physical and biochemical
characteristics. ASM No. 1 distinguishes two categories of biodegradable organic matter in wastewater,
rapidly and slowly biodegradable. In general there are two methods for wastewater characterization: based
on filtration in combination with a long-term BOD test or based on a respirogram. By comparing both
approaches, we showed that in wastewater three categories of organic compounds with different
biodegradation rates can be distinguished. These categories are referred to as readily biodegradable, rapidly
hydrolysable and slowly hydrolysable organic matter. The total biodegradable COD can be found from a
long-term BOD-test combined with a curve-fit and the readily biodegradable and rapidly hydrolysable from a
respirogram. The slowly hydrolysable is the difference between total biodegradable COD and the sum of
readily biodegradable and rapidly hydrolysable COD. Simulation with characterization based on filtration for
a pre-anoxic reactor with a certain N-removal compared with the N-removal of the same plant with
wastewater according to the modified characterization shows different results of each wastewater,
especially with regard to the effluent nitrate concentration.
Keywords activated sludge model; wastewater characterization; biodegradability; respirogram
Wastewater contains various organic components with different physical and biochemical
characteristics. In ASM No 1 (Henze et al., 1987), the organic matter is subdivided in
four categories: 1) readily biodegradable (soluble), 2) soluble inert, 3) slowly biodegrad-
able (particulate) and 4) particulate inert. In the Netherlands a method has been devel-
oped by STOWA (Dutch foundation for applied water research) to standardize the
characterisation of wastewater (STOWA, 1996; Roeleveld and Loosdrecht, 2002). The
COD is divided into a soluble and particulate fraction by filtration over a membrane filter
with a pore size of 0.1mm. The soluble influent COD (CODinf,sol) is subdivided into bio-
degradable and inert by assuming that inert COD can be found from the effluent COD of
low loaded activated sludge plant (CODeff,sol). The total biodegradable COD (BCOD) is
based on a long-term BOD-test combined with a curve-fit. In Table 1 the calculations
necessary to find the concentrations of the four organics components are presented.
Another approach to characterize a wastewater with reference to the biodegradable
organic components is the Respirogram-method (Ekama, 1986; Brouwer et al., 1998). In
this method a respirogram (Figure 1) is used to calculate the concentration readily biode-
gradable COD (SS) and slowly biodegradable COD (XS). A peak in such a respirogram
presents the readily biodegradable COD (Ss) while the slow decrease of the respiration
rate represents the slowly biodegradable COD (XS). 61
Table 1 Translation of COD and BOD to components in ASM No.1 components (STOWA)
The aim of this article is to prove that the biodegradable organic components in munici-
pal wastewater should be subdivided into three categories (readily biodegradable, rapidly
hydrolysable and slowly hydrolysable) and to propose a Modified Respirogram-method for
estimating the concentrations of these three categories of organic components in waste-
water. By simulating the performance of a pre-anoxic wastewater treatment plant we com-
pared the effect of the STOWA- method of wastewater (2 categories of biodegradable
organic matter) with the Modified Respirogram-method (3 categories of biodegradable
organic matter).
During BOD measurements growth and decay of biomass takes place. During the test a
part of the BCOD is converted into inert bacterial residuals, resulting in an underestima-
tion of the actual BCOD. This can be corrected for by using equation 2. The factor fBOD
has a value of 0.15 according to Roeleveld & Van Loosdrecht (2002)
BCOD ¼ BODtotal ð2Þ
1 2 fBOD
We concluded that the difference is the result of a biodegradable component that is not
visible in a respirogram from activated sludge with a low S/X ratio. Only a component
with a low hydrolysis rate constant is not visible in such a short-term respirogram. Based
on these observations we concluded that there are three categories of biodegradable
organic matter in wastewater and that could be defined as: readily biodegradable, rapidly
hydrolysable and slowly hydrolysable organic matter (Sollfrank & Gujer, 1991). Because
of the slow hydrolysis rate, the slowly hydrolysable fraction can only be detected in a
long-term respirogram test like a BOD-test.
Venray wastewater
In the foregoing experiments the BCOD of the Emmen wastewater was based on a
BOD5-test and by using a default value for kBOD the BCOD was estimated. To get more
accurate data on the BCOD of wastewater compared with the biodegradable matter esti-
mated by the Respirogram-method we performed a BOD-test over 25 days with
OXITOPw with the Venray wastewater. Figure 3 shows a fitted BOD-curve for the deter-
mination of kBOD, BODtot and BCOD. A simulation with a kBOD of 0.44 d21 matched the
measured data. This value is in the range reported by Roeleveld and Loosdrecht (2002).
BCOD can be calculated by using 0.15 for fBOD as by Roeleveld and Loosdrecht (2002).
The concentration of BODtot and BCOD was 339 mg/l and 398 mg/l, respectively. The
result of the wastewater characterisation with the STOWA-method is shown in Table 2.
The concentrations of readily biodegradable and slowly biodegradable were also
measured with the Respirogram-method. The concentration of SS was 72 mg/l according
to the Respirogram-method and the concentration of Xs 49 mg/l. Figure 4 shows the dia-
gram of each categories concentration comparing the STOWA- with the Respirogram-
method. The BCOD was 75% of total COD and 25% was estimated as inert. With the
STOWA-method, 21% of BCOD was estimated to be SS but the Respirogram-method
64 resulted in 13%. For the Venray wastewater a big discrepancy between both methods was
E.-H. Choi et al.
Figure 3 Fitted BOD curve for the determination of kBOD, BODtot and BCOD
found for XS. In the Respirogram-method 53% of the BCOD is an unknown biodegrad-
able component.
It is suggested to combine the STOWA- and the Respirogram-method in the so-called
Modified Respirogram-method. The concentration of the total biodegradable COD is
found from the long-term BOD-test combined with a curve-fit. The total biodegradable
COD is subdivided into three categories: readily biodegradable, rapidly hydrolysable and
slowly hydrolysable. The readily biodegradable COD and the rapidly hydrolysable COD
is measured with a respirogram, while the slowly biodegradable is the difference
between total biodegradable COD and the sum of readily biodegradable and rapidly
hydrolysable COD.
Figure 5 Validation of Xs of WTP Venray using the GPS-X simulator; dotted for the STOWA -method and
lined for the Respirogram-method
STOWA-method is rather different. The oxidation of SS takes somewhat more time and
the oxygen uptake rate subsequent to the peak is higher than measured as a result of the
higher XS concentration. This figure again illustrates that the STOWA-method results in
higher values for the sum of SS and XS compared to the Respirogram-method.
So, what was called slowly biodegradable (XS) in the Respirogram-method is in the
Modified Respirogram-method defined as rapidly hydrolysable organic matter (SSH)
while the unknown fraction of biodegradable organic matter is defined as slowly
hydrolysable organic matter (XS). It is assumed that XS is hydrolyzed into SSH and after
that into Ss.
IWA ASM No.1 gives a default value for the maximum specific hydrolysis rate of
slowly biodegradable organic matter of 3 d21. The Two-step mantis model (Hydromantis,
1999) recommends a default value of 25 d21 for the maximum specific hydrolysis rate of
SSH and 2.5 d21 for Xs. We estimated khr (hydrolysis rate for rapidly hydrolysable) and
kh (for slowly hydrolysable) by calibration (Figure 6) as 3.7 d21 and 0.6 d21, respect-
ively. The estimated rates are not accurate, because they are based on one example. How-
ever they provide some indication with respect to these constants.
Respiration rate[mg O2/l.h]
Figure 6 Calibrated hydrolysis rates for rapidly and slowly hydrolysable substrate of the wastewater sample
66 of WTP Venray
Table 3 Wastewater composition (WW1: wastewater 1; WW2: wastewater 2)
Figure 7 Profile of NO3-N concentrations comparing characterization with two and three categories
biodegradable organic matter (Sno_ano ¼ NO3-N in anoxic tank; Sno_eff ¼ NO3-N in effluent; DNR ¼
Denitrification rate in anoxic tank) 67
E.-H. Choi et al.
In this study, we showed that in wastewater three categories of organic matter with differ-
ent biodegradation rates can be distinguished which are referred to as readily biodegrad-
able, rapidly hydrolysable and slowly hydrolysable organic matter. The total
biodegradable COD can be found from a continuous BOD-test over 20 days combined
with a curve fit. It is suggested to combine the STOWA- and Respirogram-method in the
so-called Modified Respirogram-method. The concentrations of readily biodegradable and
rapidly hydrolysable are found with the Respirogram-method, while the slowly hydroly-
sable is the difference between total biodegradable COD and the sum of readily biode-
gradable and rapidly hydrolysable COD. Simulation results show that the prediction of
effluent NO3-N depends on the characterization method used.
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