Emergency Response Plan Template Regions
Emergency Response Plan Template Regions
Emergency Response Plan Template Regions
2015 - 2016
A current hardcopy of this plan should be kept on file and be accessible in the event of a
disaster or emergency.
DET Region
Electoral areas
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1. Purpose........................................................................................................................4
2. Scope...........................................................................................................................4
3. Response Strategies....................................................................................................4
4. Mission.........................................................................................................................5
5. Execution......................................................................................................................5
Imminent event.............................................................................................................6
Sudden impact.............................................................................................................6
Regional Office(s)........................................................................................................7
6. Administration and Logistics........................................................................................7
7. Command and Communications..................................................................................8
8. The Regional Response Team (RRT).......................................................................11
9. Regional Office/s Map/s.............................................................................................12
10. Evacuation Response................................................................................................13
11. Lockdown Response..................................................................................................14
12. Temporary Closure Response...................................................................................15
13. Specific emergencies – response procedures...........................................................16
14. The DET Response Structure....................................................................................20
15. Executive Response Team Contacts.........................................................................21
16. Regional communications details..............................................................................22
17. External Emergency numbers....................................................................................23
DET Contacts (When ERT not enacted)....................................................................24
Local Community Contacts........................................................................................24
Disaster Management Groups...................................................................................24
18. Staff with special needs.............................................................................................26
19. Staff trained in First Aid..............................................................................................27
20. Regional State School principal contacts..................................................................28
21. Building information summary....................................................................................29
22. Suitability assessment to re-open the school or campus..........................................30
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Emergency Response Plan
1. Purpose
The purpose of this Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is to provide details of how
<insert region name> will prepare for and respond to a disaster or emergency situations.
2. Scope
This Emergency Response Plan applies to all staff, visitors and contractors at <insert
region name> Offices.
3. Response Strategies
When this Region is impacted, or is about to be impacted, by a disaster or emergency
event, this plan will be enacted at the direction of the Regional Director who will assume
the role of Regional Response Controller.
Each disaster or emergency may have extenuating circumstances which require the
application of an additional appreciation to provide a solution to new risk or
circumstance. The department has adopted an ‘all hazards approach’ to the planning of
response strategies to disasters or emergencies and subsequently there are generally
three response strategies that can be implemented prior to, or during a disaster or
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Emergency Response Plan
Disasters or emergencies may occur under such circumstances that the Regional
Response Controller can make pre-emptive decisions to take action and best prepare
the staff to provide support to schools for the event. This is the preferred scenario for the
In this Region there are Regional, Corporate Service offices and schools across the
Region. Each school is responsible for uploading a current Emergency Response Plan
into the department’s nominated central storage repository. The Regional Response
Team can then access the relevant school Emergency Response Plan from the central
storage repository as required.
Regional buildings should have separate Building Emergency Procedures and staff
should be familiar with these plans. Each site’s emergency procedures advise staff what
to do in the event of Fire/smoke, Medical Emergency, Bomb Threat, Internal Emergency,
Personal Threat, External Emergency, and Evacuation. (Identify where Plans stored)
Some incidents may occur quickly however their impact may not be neither serious nor
long term. Guidance on such responses to incidents, accidents, or individual injuries is
available on the Department’s One Portal via the ESMU site.
This plan is enacted when the disaster or emergency escalates beyond being managed
under those mentioned plans and requires additional levels of local and regional or
executive support.
4. Mission
To ensure the safety of students, staff and any other persons within the region.
To coordinate the regional response to a disaster or emergency.
To minimise the damage to DET property and facilities.
To resume educational services when safe to do so.
5. Execution
In the lead up to or the impact of a significant event, the Regional Response Controller
(RRC) will decide whether to stand up the Regional Response Team and Regional
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Emergency Response Plan
Coordination Centre (RCC). The Regional Response Team is listed in Section 8 and will
be scalable as determined by the RRC.
Imminent event
Upon identifying an emerging significant risk from a ‘rising tide’ event to, or within, the
Region, the RRC should:
1. Form the Regional Response Team (RRT);
2. Analyse the risk and expected impact on the Region;
3. Engage with the District Disaster Coordination Centre (DDCC) – as established;
4. Consider the courses of action;
5. Consult with the relevant School Response Controllers (Principals)
6. Decide on the regional strategy and implement the strategy;
7. Request resources if necessary e.g. Deployable Response Team (DRT)
8. Manage the School Closure system for the region;
9. Commence the Communication Strategy;
10.If formed, brief the Executive Response Team (ERT) on the progress and status
otherwise advise the Emergency and Security Management Unit (ESMU) and the
supervising ADG State School - Operations; and
11.Engage the Business Continuity Plan.
Sudden impact
Upon the impact of a sudden event on the Region, the Regional Response Controller
(RRC) should;
1. Review the actions of the impacted SRCs;
2. Overview the assessment of the safety of all students and staff in the region;
3. Activate the RRT and Regional Coordination Centre (RCC);
4. Commence the Communication Strategy; Ensure the lodgement and approval of
a Critical Incident Alert Notification and e-mail Alert Notification to CEP
Media.ccm@dete.qld.gov.au and School Operations
5. Monitor the responses under the School Emergency Response Plans
6. Manage the School Closure system for the region;
7. Engage with the District Disaster Coordination Centre if established;
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Emergency Response Plan
8. If formed, regularly brief the Executive Response Controller, otherwise advise the
Emergency and Security Management Unit (ESMU) and the supervising ADG
State School - Operations;
9. Monitor the School Response Controllers from a welfare perspective
10. Engage the Business Continuity Plan.
11. Coordinate with Regional BAS Office to prioritise repairs to schools.
12. Consult with SRC’s on resuming business and educational support services;
Monitor NCR site requirements, maintain and facilitate any ongoing support,
outside agency involvement and address any community issues at regular
junctures following the regional emergency.
13. Ensure the management of the RRT and RCC through systems, briefings and
communications to ensure shared situational awareness.
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Emergency Response Plan
any pre-determined location for the Regional Coordination Centre (RCC), and be held by
the Regional Response Team (RRT).
The Regional Coordination Centre which is a nominated location for the RRC and RRT
to operate from should be always ready and have the capability to establish
communications with schools, principals, other, stakeholders, the Executive
Coordination Centre, the District Disaster Coordination Centre and the Regional
Response Team if required.
In the event of death or serious bodily injury, ensure the Director, Workplace Health and
Safety QLD has been notified as soon as possible by the quickest means of
communication available, as well as on the prescribed form within twenty-four hours,
utilising MyHR WH&S Solutions reporting mechanism via One Portal).
At the conclusion of the response to an event the RRC will conduct a Regional Debrief.
A senior officer represents the Region on the DDCG and may have support staff
assisting. This may be the RRC or it may be another delegated member.
The basic structure of the RRT and their broad responsibilities are represented below
and this structure may be adjusted according to the nature and complexity of the event.
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Emergency Response Plan
Role Responsibilities
The RRC may also manage the liaison with the relevant Local Disaster Management
Group/s (LDMG/s). In some areas this may be delegated to a School Response
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Emergency Response Plan
Controller depending on the location of the School. A list of key contacts is included in
this ERP. It lists the school and regional response entities and mechanisms to assist
communications before, during or after an event. It also lists other agency and
stakeholder contact points.
The RCC must establish communications methods including redundancies such as
phone, mobile phones, satellite phones, internet, SMS Global and email. The
Department has a mobile communication platform that can be requested to be relocated
to the region.
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Emergency Response Plan
Primary contact
Response Controller
Back-up contact
Primary contact
Back-up contact
Primary contact
Back-up contact
Primary contact
Back-up contact
Primary contact
Back-up contact
Primary contact
Back-up contact
A copy of this table should be provided to all schools within the Region for inclusion
within each school’s Emergency Response Plan.
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Emergency Response Plan
Primary off-site assembly point
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Emergency Response Plan
Special considerations
Special responsibilities
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Emergency Response Plan
Priority This procedure minimises access to the Regional Office and secures all
persons in offices.
Reporting the Contact Emergency Services immediately on 000
emergency Notify the EMSU on 3034 6012 or ERC pending arrangements
Lockdown Signal
Edit to suit the Procedure
location, replacing 1. Regional Office doors are locked by office personnel.
the example with
2. Access to any and all persons denied.
the process in
black font. 3. Staff not in their own offices will remain in the room they are currently
in until told it is safe to move.
4. Personnel lists are checked.
5. Report all unaccounted for to the Regional Response Controller
6. Staff and visitors remain in their offices until told that the building is
Special considerations
Special responsibilities
Lockdown 1. Staff and visitors remain in offices until advised by the Regional
cancellation Response Controller that the Lockdown procedure is cancelled.
Edit to suit the 2. The clearance signal is …..
General A lockdown prevents persons from entering the Regional Office.
principles Normal routine should re-commence as soon as possible after the
Edit to suit the event.
location, replacing
Staff to be vigilant in reporting the entry of unauthorised person or
the example with
persons into the building.
the process in
black font.
Communication If the lockdown goes for an extended time then the Response
s Controller informs the Emergency and Security Management Unit on
Edit to suit the 3034 6012.
Pre- Facilities can be locked internally.
arrangements Visitor sign-in registers maintained in the office.
Edit to suit the Emergency personnel lists kept.
location, replacing
the example with Staff and students will be made aware of this signal and its meaning
the process in through lockdown exercises conducted twice a year and records kept
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
Building Fire <As appropriate insert any additional mitigation steps relevant to your
Edit to suit the facility that you have identified in your risk assessment>
location, replacing the Call 000 for emergency services and follow advice.
example with the Activate the fire alarm.
process in black font.
Report the emergency immediately to the Regional Response
Controller who will convene your Regional Response Team if
Extinguish the fire (only if safe to do so).
If appropriate, follow the procedure for on-site evacuation.
Evacuate to the <Insert the location of your assembly point/s>,
closing all doors and windows.
Check that all staff and visitors are accounted for.
Contact the Emergency and Security Management Unit on 3034
Bushfire <As appropriate insert any additional mitigation steps relevant to your
Edit to suit the facility that you have identified in your risk assessment>
location, replacing the Call 000 for emergency services and follow advice.
example with the Report the emergency immediately to the Regional Response
process in black font. Controller who will convene your Regional Response Team if
Determine appropriate response strategy (evacuate or lockdown)
in consultation with emergency services, if possible.
If evacuation is required and time permits before you leave:
Make sure you close all doors and windows
Turn off power and gas.
Check that all staff and visitors and contractors are accounted for.
Listen to TV or local radio on battery-powered sets for
bushfire/weather warnings and advice.
Contact the Emergency and Security Management Unit on 3034
Major external <As appropriate insert any additional mitigation steps relevant to your
emissions/spill facility that you have identified in your risk assessment>
(includes gas leaks) Call 000 for emergency services and follow advice.
Edit to suit the Report the emergency immediately to the Regional Response
location, replacing the Controller who will convene your Regional Response Team if
example with the necessary.
process in black font.
Turn off gas supply.
If the gas leak is onsite, notify your gas provider.
If appropriate, follow the procedure for on-site evacuation.
Alternatively this may need to be to an off-site location.
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
Executive Primary
Operations Officer
Intelligence Officer
Logistics Officer
HR and Wellbeing
Advisory Group
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
Ambulance 000
State Emergency
132 500
Service (SES)
Gas supplier
Department of
Community Safety
(Regional Office)
Dept of Natural
https://www.dnrm.qld.gov.au/our-department/ 13 QGOV (13 74
Resources &
contact-us 68)
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Emergency Response Plan
Assistant Regional
Assistant Regional
Assistant Regional
Transport Operator
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Emergency Response Plan
Other Institutions
Catholic Schools
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
Sprinkler System
Location of Control Valve:
Location of Shut-off Instructions:
Boiler Room
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
Item Considerations Observation/
Is there a Police or If the direction has not been
District Disaster Yes revoked then the school or
Management Group campus must remain closed.
direction to close the No
Does storm debris Is there a large amount of debris
prevent safe access Yes in school or campus grounds that
around the school? prevents safe
movement/supervision around the
Can affected areas be barricaded
and traffic diverted to allow safe
movement around the school or
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Emergency Response Plan
Has asbestos-containing DET Policy is that no persons can
material (ACM) been Yes be in the vicinity of damaged ACM
exposed/damaged in the or on site when ACM removal is
school grounds? undertaken.
If ACM requires specialist removal
then the school or campus needs
to stay closed. Contact Building &
Asset Services (BAS).
Has water supply to If Yes, can bottled water be
school been disrupted? Yes sourced quickly for staff/student
use? Parents can be asked to
provide water for students but
some bottled water will be
required for emergencies. If Yes,
is water available for amenities
such as toilets? Contact the
Infrastructure Manager.
Have septic tanks been Have all the grounds been
affected? Yes affected by sewage overflow or
just an area?
Can this area be barricaded off to
restrict access without impacting
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Emergency Response Plan
Has the electricity supply Are there power lines down within
been affected? Yes the school? Contact Energex
immediately on 13 19 62. School
must remain closed.
Does the school have an external
generator supply point installed?
Can the supervision of students
be undertaken without power to
the classrooms? Is power required
to operate the septic tanks?
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Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency Response Plan
Record the decision to keep the school Temporarily Closed or to Re-open the school.
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