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2019 MATHEMATICS — GENERAL Paper: GE/CC-L Full Marks ; 65 Candidates are required 10 give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, aie meme a Ree a of oe OCTET Tae OT Bea se, AP READ core ection ae sca Bow! 31 Trmfits etstoiits aces cone aide Dealt fin erate a0 (©) (sind+ic0s6)" ne Z~09 515 (2) sin + ion ¢-0 sn (§=n0}sso0($ ne) ® cosn( 3-0} +isinn @) c0s{$-n0) +isin(¥—n0) (9) 281 1507 6 = 70 ce (4 — 2) ST wa PR wotea Ale 2 (my -2 @o @ - 1. © iy he ae ame mo @1 @ afeg oz, () cafe wine Fy 0 am 1 aT) © (y= we 80, SOE, RSTO HAE DE EH So as TH TSE (a) 5 con @s @s Please Turn Over (P(lst Sin) Mathematies-G(GEICC-IICBCS Q) (©) Au, )= 2 OR EG A eH (@) Qu @e Mu ©) cos? B+ y=tanx <8 Bae AHR FATT OTN (@) tanx (a) em @ oe oe fom (dey Go 4 Ser aeons ala (eros) et @t m2 @3 es (2) ost sretet firsts 8h teste srserearsh =r (@ Azo (al) A=0,D=0 @Az0,D40 @ A=0,D+0. (2H) 30 — 10xy + 3p? = 0 aaecae qos wee! CHR (angle) Bt @ sin! =D cost @ unt} @ wan't (@) r=q tage FRB (conic) se we = ae @ Bes gs Unit — (Algebra - 1) ab 31) grate & tan( low () crag atx? et +38 — @ (PAlst Sim, -Mathematics-Gi(GEICC-)ICBCS) 1 He WHA CRM HR IAT | ty tz=6,x42y + 3e= 10, + 2y + de =p aOR MRE (CHAT Fae CA A, (3) eof TRIER ERR, (9) Sea AR TER « 81 Cardanser “fates AIC FAM el fx? + 12x — 1 Unit - 1 (Differential Caleulus ~ 1) 1 (8) Wy = 2e0s x (sin x — cos x) 8H, 86 NE (m0) = 2 @) ty = 7e cosx &, ia y, eam RAE Al ons a aneos'{ er} wom ante Sy yH ad pays POY ca RAR | e ety oy? i v + 2ay 2p? day —0 was rere —ehfetet cratelh Ff -wom| : « é 301 y= acosde + bsinde TATE CE RAIA AAG OT STs, CURT a, 6 BH YS Parameter | (a) sane eats B= SE ae Please Turn Over = font (st Sm, -Mathematics-Gi(GEICC-HICBCS) (a) CRT p= SE, aeaetia ct @ FAIRE om fa erat « do Y=pr+p— D8 Undetermined coefticient-09 0TH 7Rts ct 4 6y= 6% e Unit —1v (Co-ordinate Geometry) vel reoe(O—a)— parr 14 ccose aRtatt Met A ott IA OF (Teosa— ep)? +7? sin? = p* e DBL GRIM wat GH ax? + ny + hy? = 0 Cat Ie + my = remcetioR wat Re Ryne coment an sel 4x dy —4 = Oram we canonical om ais wc soe cre ce exe (nate) Fete aH e so seal oars wee i rat TIF WP 92 6 2 key Ae STE Iy 4 Bee TAO sR cterceH rR Great icclexz| e 21 ity darn ace (By FRE cre x” = aby ETE aM, (a, Ba Pe aT [Enguish Version] The figures in the margin indicate full marks Answer question no. 1 and any nine from the rest, taki at least one question from each Unit. 1. Choose the correct option from each of the following questions = aa10 (a) The value of (sind+7eus8)",neZ is (i) sinn® + ieosnd 0} +icos(3—n0) Gi) cos 6} +isin (3-10) (sy (PCs Si, -Mathematis-Gi(GEICC-I1CBCS) (b) When 2x3 + 13x? +x ~70 is divided by (x ~ 2), the remainder will be | @2 i -2 Go (iy —70. (©) The value of the limit, im @o @ (i) docs not exist (iv) exists but not 0 or 1 CGE op =92 shee 220,/00)=9 tnd fs sees eerpoee ad @s w4 a 4 oo 5. (© uyy) inci: © nen x+y So ual to (2 a Su Gi) u? Gyn (1) The integrating factor of cos! @ tan 2 Gi) (g) The degree of the differential equation & B a @1 2 (i) 3 (is) 4 (0) Condition that general equation of second degre represent a pai of intrseeting straight line is @ azo @ a=0,D=0 i) 040,040 (iw) a=0,Dz0. (i) The angie between the pair of straight lines $x? — 1xy + 3) @ swt (i cost (ii) tant $ (iv) tant Please Turn Over baa a |. Solve by Cardan’s method : x 6 TE = eo0" { 2%] show dt» (6) @ The conic r represents a @ circle (parabola Gi) ellipse Gv) hyperbola, Unit 1 (Algebra - 1) 1 (© Show tat sos 272) (b) Show that the equation x” ~ 2 O has at least four imaginary roots 213 Investigate for what values of f and p, the following equations xtytr=6,x+2y+32=10, e+ 2) +92 whave (a) no solution, (©) a unique solution, (©) an infinite sotution, 5 P+ 12x-12=0, 5 Unit — 11 (Differential Calculus ~ D, (@) Find im @ Leto) = Pain(2), 40 aa! 0 a0 sin iets oad =D, a . (a) iy = 20s x (sin x ~ cos x), show that (9), =2!” (b) Find y,, ify =2°¢" cos x. 32 2. 13, 14, 47. . Reduce the equation 5x*— 6xy + m (lst Sm )-Mathemais-Gi(GEICC.D/CBCS| Find all the asymptotes of x3 +.x7y—ay?—y? +2ay42y?—3rt+y 5 Examine the maximum and minimum values of y= sinx + cos2x. 5 Unit — (Pitter entiat Equauon — 1) (@) Find the differential equation from the equation y cos 2x + b sin 2x, where a and b are two perame ©) Soe 23 5 Salve by dhe eo undetenie eoecent 2 5 Unit -1V (Coordinate Geometry) Ie the straight line reos(—a)= p touches the conic 4=1+ecos0, then prove that (cosa ep)?-+/? sin? a= p? 5 Show that the area of the triangle formed by the straight lines ax? | 2iny | b)2=O and fe + my —1 is 4x ~ 4y—4 = 0 to its canonical form and hence find the nature of the eouie 3 3. Obtain the equation of the sphere having the circle Saye Ft Ded +2 S—0,n-Bytde +120 as a great circle 5 Ifthe polar of (,B) with especto parole = Aar touch the parabola s?= by find he lous ofa).

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