S.T (Tripos)
S.T (Tripos)
S.T (Tripos)
1 Changing neighborhoods.
Consider the minimax bias problem
Here, we write
PK (Φ) := F : sup |F (t) − Φ(t)| 6
to denote the Kolmogorov -neighborhood of the standard normal distribution, and let M
denote the class of distributions with a finite variance and a probability density function
that is nonzero on all of R. We write T to denote the class of translation-invariant
estimators for which the asymptotic
bias b({Tn }, F ) = |limn→∞ EF (Tn )| is well-defined for
all F ∈ M. Suppose ∈ 0, 2 .
(a) Show that when {Tn } corresponds to the sample median, we have the upper bound
−1 1
max b({Tn }, F ) 6 Φ + := b1 .
F ∈PK (Φ)∩M 2
[Hint: You may use, without proof, the fact that b({Tn }, F ) = F −1 12 for F ∈ M.]
(c) Now find a construction of F+ and F− according to the prescription in part (b).
where m = bαnc and x(i) denotes the ith order statistic. If we define the functional
Z 1−α
T (F ) = F −1 (s)ds,
1 − 2α α
P i.i.d.
it can be shown (under appropriate regularity conditions) that Tn → T (F ) when xi ∼ F .
(a) Suppose the |xi |’s are unique (which happens with probability
P 1 when xi ∼ Fθ ).
Show that Tn is a solution to the estimating equation n1 ni=1 ψ xti = 0, where
ψ(u) = sign(|u| − 1), and sign(u) is defined in the usual way to be ±1 for ±u > 0
and 0 for u = 0. Thus, Tn is a scale M -estimator.
(b) What is the asymptotic distribution of Tn when xi ∼ Fθ ? Use the result to derive
an asymptotically valid level-α hypothesis test for
H0 : θ2 = 1 vs. H1 : θ2 > 1
based on Tn .
[Hint: One way to approach this problem is to use the general theorem about location
M -estimators, which states that
√ d σ 2 (t0 )
n(Tn − t0 ) → N 0, 0 ,
(λ (t0 ))2
where t0 is a root of λ(t) = EF [ψ(xi − t)] and σ 2 (t) = EF [ψ 2 (xi − t)] − λ2 (t).]