S.T (Tripos)

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Tuesday, 15 June, 2021 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm



Before you begin please read these instructions carefully

Candidates have TWO HOURS to complete the written examination.

Attempt no more than THREE questions.

There are FOUR questions in total.
The questions carry equal weight.


Cover sheet None
Treasury tag
Script paper
Rough paper

You may not start to read the questions

printed on the subsequent pages until
instructed to do so by the Invigilator.

1 Changing neighborhoods.
Consider the minimax bias problem

min max b({Tn }, F ).

{Tn }⊆T F ∈PK (Φ)∩M

Here, we write  
PK (Φ) := F : sup |F (t) − Φ(t)| 6 

to denote the Kolmogorov -neighborhood of the standard normal distribution, and let M
denote the class of distributions with a finite variance and a probability density function
that is nonzero on all of R. We write T to denote the class of translation-invariant
estimators for which the asymptotic
 bias b({Tn }, F ) = |limn→∞ EF (Tn )| is well-defined for
all F ∈ M. Suppose  ∈ 0, 2 .

(a) Show that when {Tn } corresponds to the sample median, we have the upper bound
−1 1
max b({Tn }, F ) 6 Φ +  := b1 .
F ∈PK (Φ)∩M 2

[Hint: You may use, without proof, the fact that b({Tn }, F ) = F −1 12 for F ∈ M.]

(b) Suppose we can construct symmetric distributions F+ , F− ∈ PK (Φ) ∩ M, centered

at ±b1 , such that F− (t) = F+ (t + 2b1 ). Show that this implies the lower bound

min max b({Tn }, F ) > b1 .

{Tn }⊆T F ∈PK (Φ)∩M

Thus, the median is minimax optimal.

(c) Now find a construction of F+ and F− according to the prescription in part (b).

Part III, Paper 223


2 Influence vs. breakdown.

For 0 6 α < 12 , consider the α-trimmed mean, defined as
Tn (x1 , . . . , xn ) := x(i) ,
n − 2m

where m = bαnc and x(i) denotes the ith order statistic. If we define the functional
Z 1−α
T (F ) = F −1 (s)ds,
1 − 2α α

P i.i.d.
it can be shown (under appropriate regularity conditions) that Tn → T (F ) when xi ∼ F .

(a) Compute the influence function IF (x; T, F ) when F is a differentiable, strictly

monotonic cumulative distribution function of a distribution with a probability
density function which is symmetric around 0.
[You may assume that interchanging derivatives and integrals is allowed, and also
use the fact that
d −1 s − ∆x (F −1 (s))
Ft (s) = ,
dt t=0 F 0 (F −1 (s))
when Ft = (1 − t)F + t∆x , without proof.]
[Hint: Your answer should be the influence function of the Huber M -estimator with
parameter k = −F −1 (α). You may find it useful to note that F −1 (1 − t) = −F −1 (t)
and F 0 is even. Also recall the formula dF dt (t) = F 0 (F 1−1 (t)) .]
(b) Show that the breakdown point of the trimmed mean is n bαnc.

Part III, Paper 223 [TURN OVER]


3 Median as a scale M -estimator.

Consider the normal-scale family, where Fθ is the cdf of a N (0, θ2 ) distribution. Let
Tn denote the sample median of {|x1 |, . . . , |xn |} (defined in the usual way as the average
of the two middle order statistics when n is even).

(a) Suppose the |xi |’s are unique (which happens with probability
P 1 when  xi ∼ Fθ ).
Show that Tn is a solution to the estimating equation n1 ni=1 ψ xti = 0, where
ψ(u) = sign(|u| − 1), and sign(u) is defined in the usual way to be ±1 for ±u > 0
and 0 for u = 0. Thus, Tn is a scale M -estimator.
(b) What is the asymptotic distribution of Tn when xi ∼ Fθ ? Use the result to derive
an asymptotically valid level-α hypothesis test for

H0 : θ2 = 1 vs. H1 : θ2 > 1

based on Tn .
[Hint: One way to approach this problem is to use the general theorem about location
M -estimators, which states that
√ d σ 2 (t0 )
n(Tn − t0 ) → N 0, 0 ,
(λ (t0 ))2

where t0 is a root of λ(t) = EF [ψ(xi − t)] and σ 2 (t) = EF [ψ 2 (xi − t)] − λ2 (t).]

Part III, Paper 223


4 Not quite an M -estimator.

Suppose {xi }ni=1 are i.i.d. with µ := E(xi ) and E(x2i ) 6 σ 2 < ∞. Let ψ be a
non-decreasing function satisfying
t2 t2
− log 1 − t + 6 ψ(t) 6 log 1 + t + .
2 2

(a) Show that for any θ > 0, we have

" n
!# n
X θ2 X
E exp (ψ(θxi ) − θE(xi )) 6 exp 2
E(xi ) ,
i=1 i=1
" n
!# n
X θ2 X
E exp (θE(xi ) − ψ(θxi )) 6 exp E(x2i ) .
i=1 i=1

[Hint: The inequality 1 + x 6 exp(x) for all x ∈ R may be helpful.]

1 Pn
bθ = nθ
(b) Let µ i=1 ψ(θxi ). Use the inequalities in part (a) to show that
1 Xn θ2 σ2 n

P (ψ(θxi ) − θE(xi )) > t 6 2 exp −θt + ,
θ 2

2 log(2/δ)
for any θ, t > 0. Conclude that for δ > 0, taking θ = √
σ n
t = σ 2n log(2/δ) gives
r !
2 log(2/δ)
µθ − µ| > σ
P |b 6 δ.

[Hint: Use Markov’s inequality after exponentiating the appropriate quantities.]


Part III, Paper 223

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