Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Keywords: The installation of large-scale photovoltaic (LSPV) power plants is a solution to mitigate the national energy
Floating PV plant demand in Bangladesh. However, the land crisis is one of the key challenges for the rapid growth of ground-
Solar energy mounted LSPV plants in Bangladesh. The per unit cost of energy from ground-mounted PV systems is rising as
Case study
a response to numerous difficulties, particularly for large-scale electricity generation. To overcome the issues
PV power
with land-based PV, the floating photovoltaic (FPV) could be a viable solution. To the aspirations of the Sus
Sustainable energy
tainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA), this article has investigated the feasibility of
constructing a floating solar plant at Hatirjheel Lake in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The lake is an excellent spot to build
an FPV plant due to its geographic location and climatic conditions inside the capital city. In this paper, the
design of the plant and tariff are carried out using the PVsyst simulator. It is found that the optimum cost of
energy for the plant is $ 0.0959/KWh, which is lesser than the currently operational ground-mounted PV plants
in Bangladesh. Additionally, the projected 6.7 MW plant can meet 12.5 % of the local energy demand.
Furthermore, the FPV plant is capable to cut off 6685 tons of CO2 annually. A reduction in power costs and
environmental protection would assist the government of Bangladesh in achieving the sustainable development
goals and electricity generation target of 6000 MW from solar photovoltaics by 2041 as well.
* Corresponding author at: EEE Department, Green University of Bangladesh (GUB), 220/D, Begum Rokeya Sarani, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh.
E-mail addresses: (Md.I. Islam), (M.H. Maruf), (A. Al Mansur), (R.H. Ashique), (M. Asif ul Haq), (A. Shihavuddin), (M.S. Jadin).
Received 21 September 2022; Received in revised form 22 December 2022; Accepted 23 December 2022
Available online 28 December 2022
2213-1388/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
FPV is one of the great solutions for countries that do not have much created an 18.7 MW floating PV plant in 2018, which was the largest
land area for implementing solar. It has also created a positive impact on project of its kind outside of China. By 2019, the Korean Rural Com
the economy as well as the cost of a generation because it does not need munity Corporation intended to install 280 MWp of FPV plant across
land for implementation. Moreover, the FPV plant will become more three locations [25].
efficient because of the natural cooling impact supplied by its closeness A nation in Europe, Belgium erected the very first FPV facility in
to the water and the results of increasing the level of irradiance due to 2018 with a 998 KW capacity. A 17 MW FPV system was constructed in
the effect of the reflection of the water [12,14]. These kinds of plants are France in 2019. Netherlands started installing its FPV system in 2018
used in the United States, Japan, China, Korea, India, Brazil, Singapore, with a 1.85 MW capacity, and with the aid of a group of 40 firms, they
Norway and the United Kingdom, and so on [15]. will guarantee a 2 GW FPV infrastructure by 2023. With a 6.36 MW
The Aichi Project in Japan, which has a 20 KW capacity, introduces capacity, the UK’s first project was constructed in 2016. More European
the first pilot FPV technology to the globe in 2007 [16]. However, the country like Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and so on are developing
first 175 kW commercial FPV plant was unveiled in California, USA, in their FPV power plants [26–31]. With the full support of the African
2008 [17]. The FPV plant was initially only suitable for small-scale Development Bank and the Clinton Foundation, Seychelles installed a 4
research projects. The very first 7.55 MW large-scale FPV plant is pre MW plant in 2018 and became the first African nation to make history in
sented in Japan in 2015, and a 40 MW plant is introduced in China in the field of FPV technology [32]. In 2017 and 2018, two FPV projects
2017 [18,19]. On 1st January 2022, Shandong province in China’s with a capacity of 31.5 kW and 252 kW installed stormwater storage
largest FPV project, which has a 320 MW capacity, joined its grid [20]. reservoirs and wastewater treatment ponds in California respectively.
As part of the overall strategy for generating electricity, Indonesia is The biggest FPV project now underway in the United States is an 8.9 MW
aimed to construct 60 FPV projects, to supply 23 % of its energy from installation by New Jersey Resources Corporation (NJR) Clean Energy
renewable sources by 2025 and 31 % by 2030. A Singaporean firm called Ventures in Millburn, New Jersey. In many nations, however, there are
“Sunseap” has begun construction of a 2.2 GW FPV plant at Duriangkang still few FPV installations. In 2020, there were 2 GW of FPV installations
reservoir as part of the project, with an end goal of 2024 [21]. Singapore globally, and by 2025, 7 to 11 GW are anticipated to be made [33,34].
has erected the world’s biggest offshore FPV plant with a capacity of 60 The worldwide scenario of running and implementing a large FPV
MW in mid-2021, and its ultimate goal is to ensure a solar capacity of 2 project is presented in Fig. 1.
GW by 2030 in its energy sector [22]. Vietnam established two FPV As a developing country, Bangladesh is trying to develop this kind of
plants with ADB financing. One of these, a 47.5 MW plant, was con plant. The first project is developed in Mongla under the Bagerhat dis
structed in the province of Binh Thuan in 2018 [23,24]. Solkiss created trict with a 10KW capacity in 2019 [35]. The feasibility investigation of
the first 465 KW FPV plant in the Republic of Korea in 2014. They four other reservoirs in the country under the Sustainable and
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
Table 1
Pros and Cons of various types of floating structures used in FPV technology [38,42,43].
Floating Platforms Merits Demerits Comparative
• Simple in construct and implement. • The proximity of the modules to the Cheaper
• No changes are required in the design for realignment. water decreases air movement and
• Corrosion can be minimized using less metal. cooling.
• Platform responds to the motion of the waves and • Creates a humidified atmosphere for PV
mitigates tension panels and cables.
HDPE Pure • Transporting pure floats across wide
areas is extremely expensive.
• Continuous shifting can put a strain on
knots and connections.
• The approach is straightforward. • The inflexible structures generate wave Expensive
• Considerably easier to produce domestically. tension in certain areas.
• Among PV modules, wave-swerving is more consistent. • Construction is rather challenging to put
Pontoon + Metal • In some configurations, the availability
of PV plant maintenance might be
• The structure is easy to install and maintain. • Systems are difficult to make and scale- Cheaper
• Due to the intimate contact of the module with water, the up readily
rate of module deterioration due to temperature impact is • Submerged FPV is not quite a frequently
substantially lower. used or well-accepted option.
and Mats
Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) has already been Rangamati, 4.5 MW at Mohamaya Lake, Mirsharai in Chattagram, a 9
completed with the assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to MW at Joydia Baor in Jhenaidah, and a 6 MW at Bukbhara Baor in
build more FPV plants. These include a 24 MW at Kaptai Lake in Jessore. Additionally, an assessment is being conducted to see whether it
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
is feasible to put FPV plants on two desolate lakes owned by the Bor because it offers sufficient support for solar panels that are generally
opukuria Coal Mining Company in Dinajpur. There is a possibility to installed with predetermined tilt angles [38]. It consists of several
construct a 40 MW FPV plant [36]. In addition to SREDA’s activities, plastic empty floats that combine to form a massive pontoon that can
other Independent Power Producers (IPP) are attempting to analyze the bear simultaneously external forces and the weight of the panels. Floats
possibilities of installing FPV plants in the country’s reservoirs as we come in a variety of materials and forms. They are HDPE (High-Density
have Rivers covering 7.497 billion ha, Beels and Haors covering 1.142 Poly-Ethylene), FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic), MDPE (Medium Density
billion hactors, Estuaries and Mangrove swamps covering 6.102 billion Poly-Ethylene), and Fero-cement. Several floats used for several FPV
ha, and numerous small and large ponds [37]. A feasibility research plants depend on their geographical location, materials availability,
study has been carried out by the department of EEE, the Green Uni transportation, construction plan, and so on. There are mainly-three
versity of Bangladesh on the Hatirjheel Lake, situated in the center of types of floating structures used in the FPV system. They are Pure
Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, in terms of geological, technical, Floats, Pontoons with metal frames, and Membranes and Mats.
ecological, and economic aspects based on the PV power potentiality,
per unit tariff and CO2 Emission reduction. Anchoring and mooring system
The article is organized in the following manner: Section 2 gives an
overview of the several types of PV plants, together with their benefits A mooring system is an essential component of an FPV plant that
and drawbacks. The details of floating photovoltaic technologies are gives the impression of security, keeps the floating structure in place,
covered in Section 3. Section 4 provides geographic information, a and protects the framework from rotating or floating away [12,40]. The
description of meteorological occurrences, a summary of available solar structure of the floating body and the external forces caused by wind and
resources, and information on the area’s electrical consumption. FPV other natural sources, as well as man-made difficulties, may influence
design studies, simulation work, data interpretation, and array charac the choice of mooring systems [41].
teristics are all covered in depth in Section 5. A comprehensive analysis The construction of the mooring systems is classified as the gravity
of the financial, economic, environmental, climatic, and grid assessment type, anchor-tension type, semi-rigid type, tension type, and modified
has been performed in section 6 to determine the viability of an FPV type [44]. The optimum way for the mooring system of an FPV structure
plant on Hatirjheel Lake. The major findings of this investigation are is determined by its location, soil quality, and level of water [38]. The
outlined in Section 7. anchor-tension type is the most common in FPV technology among the
numerous varieties. Further, it has been narrated into three types and
Overview of floating photovoltaic technology they are (i) bank anchoring, (ii) bottom anchoring, and (iii) piling
anchoring. The floating platform can be held in position by synthetic
The FPV system is made up of a floating structure that provides a fiber ropes in one of three traditional methods. Table 2 describes FPV
platform for solar PV equipment to generate power. Even though the anchoring systems.
majority of construction tasks remain the same for an FPV installation, a
variety of factors are taken into account that are not necessary for a roof- Solar panel
top or ground-mounted PV system [12,38]. The FPV is made up of the
following components, Fig. 2 [39]: (a) Floating structure, (b) Anchoring A solar panel is made up of a specific number of solar cells that are
and Mooring systems, (c) Solar panel, (d) Underwater cables and con connected to generate electricity from sunlight. The amount of energy
nections, and (e) Inverter. generated by sunlight is mostly determined by geographical factors such
as sunlight period, irradiance, clarity index, and temperature [49]. The
Floating structure panel’s front is coated with tempered and textured transparent glass
with low iron content, allowing for effective sunlight absorption. To
The floating structure seems to be the most important aspect of FPV ensure optimal security from adverse weather conditions, the backside is
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
Table 2 Table 3
An overview of anchoring of FPV systems [45–48]. Details of the Hatirjheel Lake site.
Anchoring Systems Brief Description Criteria Sub-criteria Findings
• It is best for tiny, Topography Geographical appropriateness The proposed location for
shallow ponds. for construction. construction and O&M is close
• Suitable for a plant to Bangladesh Film
that is quite close Development Corporation
to the shore. (BFDC) and Hatirjheel south
Bank • It can be used bridge. In this area, the loam
when none of the and clay composition of soil
other options are have a semi-flat slope towards
available. the water body.
• Very economical Position flexibility for transit Almost the whole of Hatirjheel
anchoring to construct. and storage of commodities lake is surrounded by a 40–70-
• Much easier to during construction and foot-wide road, allowing items
operate and operation to be transported from
maintain. anywhere in the town or
• Depends on the countryside at any time.
state of the Reliability and compatibility of Due to the large scale of water
shoreline and the the space for floating base and locations (302 acres)
pond owner’s assembly availability, the suggested site is
permission. suitable for creating a floating
• Widely used in platform.
FPV plants. Construction-related The current attractiveness of the
• Two types of constraints property may deteriorate over
bottom anchors the development time. It will,
are used namely however, be recoverable when
Bottom self-seating and the final procedure is
installed anchors. completed.
• More tensile
strength over
Hydrology The water level at the The water level on the
installation site construction site is between 5
anchoring • Less impediment
and 9 m below the surface, and
at icing condition.
it varies from 0.5 and 2 m
• Lower stress and
depending on the season [62].
damage on
Measurement of water flow The flow of water must be
floating docs.
rate and discharge system measured to establish the drag
• In the system of
loads on the floats and anchors
pile anchoring,
however, there are no
they’re drilled
measuring facilities. When a
down to the
reservoir’s level rises over its
water’s surface.
Piling capacity, a sluice gate is utilized
• This arrangement
to discharge water in a
is especially handy
regulated way.
for installations
Surface and groundwater According to physical,
that include
quality scientific, and bacteriological
unique features
analyses, the lake’s surface
like tracking and
water is inferior to the
concentration.It is
groundwater. The dissolved
capable of
oxygen level of surface water is
working at a
just 5.3 mg/L, compared to a
variety of water
threshold of 6 mg/L [62].
Probability of flood & cyclone During the monsoon, whenever
comparison to
the level of water exceeds + 5.5
others, it is
PWD there at the permitted
somewhat costly.
level, a water pump is utilized
to drain the surplus water to
reduce the risk of floods [70].
coated with an Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) potent sheet. The torsional Although a cyclone is unlikely
and corrosion resistance of the aluminum frame ensures the appropri to hit Dhaka, the cyclone in the
ateness of the installation. Holes are drilled into the aluminum metal Bay of Bengal might cause
surface for precise installation. The panel’s anode and cathode terminals severe storms.
The site’s maximum wave There are no noticeable high
are connected to the backside of the module’s junction box. Crystalline
height waves generated at Hatirjheel.
solar panels are widely used for FPV plants but to get rid of salt mist However, owing to the
exposure of salty surface installation requires a special fabrication of movement of the water taxi,
panels [40,50]. some minor waves may occur at
regular intervals.
Geology Fitness of the site’s soil Since the largest area of
Hatirjheel is so closer to the
An inverter is a piece of an electrical component that transforms the Tejgoan Industrial Area, heavy
direct current produced by PV panels into alternating current (AC) for metal influences the soil.
However, the site’s soil has a
distribution to the grid utility [51]. It might take place on land or on the
negligible effect on the
floater’s top [38]. In FPV systems, there are several types of inverters ecosystem at the moment.
used each with its unique function, voltage, and current management
(continued on next page)
method. Grid-connected inverters typically employ the current control
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
approach, which can be single or three-phase. A grid-connected inverter
has a high power factor, greater transient current suppression, minimal Hatirjhil is located at 23◦ 44′ 58.47′′ N, 90◦ 23′ 48.35′′ W, with a
short circuit current, a solid control platform, high efficiency, high latitude of 23.7496 and a longitude of 90.3968 in Dhaka city, which is
availability, and low maintenance (see Table 3). the center of Bangladesh’s and capital city [55] with a total area of.
122 ha (302 acres). The borderline has started from the Sonargaon
hotel in the south to Banasree in the north. Niketon, Tejgaon Industrial
35 90
(a) (b)
30 85 86 85 85
75 81 82
25 74 72 70
60 68
Temperature ( C)
Humidity (%)
62 60
5 15
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Months)
Time (Months)
420 12
(c) (d)
350 10
Avg. Sunshine (Hours)
280 8
Rainfall (mm)
210 6
140 4
70 2
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Months) Times (Month)
Fig. 3. (a) Annual Temperature, (b) Relative Humidity, (c) Rainfall, and (d) Average Sunshine of DMP area [61].
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
4.5 7
4 (a) 4.21
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Months)
Times (Months)
Fig. 4. (a) Monthly wind speed of Dhaka, (b) Monthly average solar radiation in Bangladesh.
600 450
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
500 375
400 300
300 225
200 150
100 75
0 0
5 9 13 17 5 9 13 17
Times (Hours) Times (Hours)
330 600
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Direct normal irradiation (Wh/m²)
275 500
220 400
165 300
110 200
55 100
0 0
5 9 13 17 5 9 13 17
Times (Hours) Times (Hours)
Fig. 5. Monthly preliminary assessment of site solar irradiance of Hatirjheel Lake [69].
Area, Gulshan, Badda, Rampura, and Banasree encircle the whole re water buses are usually available [58].
gion. The lake is 4.1 km long and 0.46 km broad at its widest point. It is
2.6 m deep on average [56]. The geographic location of hatirjheel lake Climate
has been shown in appendix figure no. A.1 [57,58].
In general, the pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon atmo
Lake’s current ownership and uses spheric flows impact the climate of DMP, which is humid and warm. The
Summer season lasts from March through May, and there is a lot of rain
Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) owns Hatirjheel Lake [55], during this time. The rainy season runs from June through October, with
and the project was originally led by the Ministry of Public Works and an average of 368 mm rainfall in June and a maximum relative humidity
Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK), with the help of Dhaka Water of 85.52 % in July. The winter season lasts from November to February,
Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA) and Local Government En and it is at this time that the lowest rainfall occurs. The average annual
gineering Department (LGED) as supporting agencies [59,60]. For city temperature in Dhaka is 25.3 ◦ C, with 2055 mm of rainfall [62,61]. April
dwellers and visitors, Hatirjheel is one of the most appealing places in seems to be the sunniest month of the year (Average sunshine: 11 h)
the Dhaka Metropolitan (DMP) region. There is a theatre, laser show, whereas November seems to have the shortest hours of sunshine
fast food and restaurants, and a car parking zone for citizens to relax and (Average sunshine: 7.3 h) [63]. Fig. 3 shows the climatic characteristics
enjoy their leisure time. In the transportation zone, water taxis and of Dhaka, which represent the suitability to construct an FPV plant at
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
Fig. 7. (a) Proposed FPV generation platform, (b) Unit structure of FPV plant.
utilized both in residential fisheries and aquaculture, in FPV plants difference may be calculated using the formula below. The allowable
because of its high buoyancy, low cost, lightweight, highly robust, spacing between arrays is D = 2.34 m and the height difference is 0.685
fireproof material, and numerous applications. The low-density sub m. As each module has been inserted one after the other into the string
stance EPS is strongly advised for use as FPV floaters since the density of without a space somewhere, the distance between modules in a string is
solar PV modules is denser than that of water. [75–77]. The system zero.
walkway along with the supporting structure of the plant will be made of
D1 = l cos β (1)
FRP material [78]. The unit connector will be made of stainless steel.
The array size is 6763 KWp. Using the simulation of PVsyst, there are
D2 = l sin β. tan (δ + φ) (2)
1017 strings in all that make up a solar array and each string has 19 pcs
series connected modules each of them 350 W which are distributed D = D1 + D2 (3)
among 9 platforms. The FPV unit structure and generation platform has
shown in Fig. 7. Height = l sin β (4)
Maintaining a minimum inter-row space between two strings is a
most impact full concern for generating maximum power during the
Simulated data evaluation using PVsyst
daytime. The tilt angle (β), module length (l), solar declination angle (δ),
and latitude (φ) of the specific location are all taken into account to
PVSyst software was used to model grid-connected plants throughout
determine the inter-row space between two panels [79]. As the solar
this study. Wind speed, global radiation, diffused radiation, ambient
module will be at a tilt angle of β = 23◦ , the length of the selected
temperature, and humidity are among the climatic data collected by
module l = 1.754 m, considering the longest day of the year the solar
CLIMATE-DATA.ORG for the site of Hatirjheel, Dhaka. The data is ac
declination angle δ = 23.5◦ , and the latitude of the Hatirjheel φ =
quired for the year 2021 and put into the PVSyst program by altering the
23.7496, the active space D1 and free space D2 of the array, height
software’s previously existing data. The tilt angle and azimuth angle for
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(% ) Performance Ratio
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Fig. 8. (a) Normalized Productions (Per installed KWp) and (b) Monthly Performance Ratio.
the orientation of a fixed tilted plane have been established based on the of the inverter won’t meet the output power of the array because of
geographical location. The intended power, solar module, and inverter several apparent and invisible losses caused by irradiance, temperature,
sizes were chosen based on market viability. Fig. 8 represents the yearly module quality, mismatch, wiring, and other factors in a PV plant.
system production graph. The average produced useful energy is 4.45 Without an inverter, there is a loss of approximately 14.05 % in this
KWh/KWp/day with an annual generation of 10,996 MWh/year. Be project. As a result, 645 KW is the inverter’s input power. The loss of the
sides the average performance ratio of the installed system is around inverter is 1.4 %.
84.7 %.
The annual solar radiation and the amount of energy added to the Final assessment
grid are shown in appendix Table A.1. The month of March had the
highest generation of PV power (1086 MWh), while June saw the lowest In this feasibility analysis, the key factors influencing the deploy
generation of PV power (804 MWh). The projected array’s nominal ment of floating Photovoltaic have been evaluated and applied to the
energy, 12,818 MWh, would inject about 10,996 MWh into the grid Hatirjheel Floating PV project. This section will describe the numerous
annually based on Standard Test Conditions (STC). The remaining en assessments relating to costs, electricity transfer, ecological effects, and
ergy is lost as a result of several circumstances and aging-related climate risk.
Financial assessment
PV array characteristics The financial assessment of the prospected FPV plant of Hatirjheel
Lake has been done in compliance with the ADB Financial Management
To build a grid-connected PV plant, it is crucial to choose the PV and Analysis of Projects [80]. In Table 5, the followings are the out
modules, inverter sizes, Transformers, Switchgear, and Protection in comes of the technical support that are covered by the cost analysis. The
struments based on the feasibility of the market, their efficiency, cost, prices of all the goods have been determined by taking into account the
and other crucial variables. The array of properties to meet these re current market price as determined by various online sources and from
quirements have been guaranteed by the PVsyst simulation. In Table 4, literature review [81–83]. The calculations for the estimations have
the required list of components for a grid-connected FPV system and the been done in actual foreign currency (US dollar) units. The US dollar to
PV plant characteristics are given below. Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) exchange rate of 94 has been regarded as being
The 1017 strings will be distributed among the 9 different floating dependent on current value.
platforms, and each platform will accommodate 113 strings, 5 DC
combiner boxes, and a 700 KW inverter. Each platform has 2147 PV
modules with a DC power of approximately 751 KWp. The input power
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
Fig. A.1. Geographical location of the proposed Floating PV plant in Hatirjheel, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Times (Months)
Fig. A.2. Feeder Wise Monthly Imported Energy of Moghbazar 132/33/11 KV Grid Sub-station.
Table A.2
The tariff for running Solar Parks in Bangladesh.
Grid assessment
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
Environmental and social impact assessment or 439.48 tons of CO2eq each year. So according to equation (7), the
amount of reduced CO2 emission is 6685 tons per year for the 6.7 MW
Hatirjheel lake is one of the finest and most attractive lakes in the FPV plant. Considering the lifetime of 25 years and plant degradation is
center of Dhaka city with an area of 302 acres. The roadways for 1 %, the total CO2 emission reduction will be 167,125 tones. Here BE is
transportation, as well as the industrial and residential buildings, the Baseline Emission and PE is the Project Emission.
encircle the lake. The lake is used extensively for fishing, providing
Baseline Emission (BE) of CO2 (tons)
drinking water for Dhaka WASA, delivering services for water taxis and EFgrid = (6)
Annual Generation of Electricity (MWh )
buses, and by many residents of the lakefront slums to wash and take Year
CO2 Emission reduction The energy demand around the world is increasing rapidly due to the
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission is one of the vital concerns to the tremendous growth of population, urbanization, and technological
environment. According to the ADB Economic Analysis Guidelines [86], development. The world is moving to ensure the installation of a clean
the evaluation of the CO2 emission reduction by this FPV project has energy-based power plant to meet the SDG’s goals. The solar Floating PV
been analyzed considering the grid Emission Factor (EF) of Bangladesh plant is one of the most environmentally beneficial sources of clean
[87] 0.648 t CO2eq/ MWh. According to equation (6), a fuel-based energy due to its numerous benefits over ground-mounted PV plants. In
power plant will emit (Baseline Emission) 7,125 tons or 7,125,000 kg line with the rest of the world, the Bangladesh government and several
of Co2eq per year if the generation of electricity is 10,996 MWh per year. organizations are looking into the feasibility of installing floating
According to the literature [88], the PV panels have a carbon impact of photovoltaic plants in the country’s vast reservoirs. As a stand-alone
roughly 40 g CO2eq/kWh. Specifically, 60–70 % for the infrastructure of project, the department of EEE, Green University of Bangladesh has
the plant (modules, inverters, supports, and so on), 21–26 % for plant examined a feasibility assessment on the Hatirjheel Lake situated in
maintenance and operation, and 5–20 % for plant disposal. Therefore, Dhaka to build an FPV plant to supply a portion of the community’s
the amount of project carbon footprint or Project Emission (PE) for energy needs. The main findings of the investigation are as follows:
10,996 MWh of energy output from an FPV plant is roughly 439,840 kg It is physically possible to build an FPV plant in Hatirjheel Lake,
Md.I. Islam et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 55 (2023) 102994
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