Heavy Metal Detox
Heavy Metal Detox
Heavy Metal Detox
Symptoms and even chronic diseases related to heavy metal toxicity (also called
heavy metal poisoning) is now considered to be a problem that millions of
people deal with. (1)
How do you treat heavy metal toxicity? Following a heavy metal detox plan is
one of the best ways to start reversing symptoms. One thing to be aware of,
however, is that while you work on overcoming metal poisoning, you might
actually notice some symptoms getting worse before they get better. Potential
heavy metal detox symptoms can include fatigue, loss of appetite and digestive
What foods can help remove heavy metals from the body? As you’ll learn more
about below, foods to include in a heavy metal detox include leafy green
veggies, other non-starchy veggies, herbs, spices, algae and other superfoods,
and bone broth.
Detoxifying treatments and certain supplements can also be incorporated into a
natural heavy metal diet plan to help support your brain, nervous system, liver
and other vital organs. Want to learn how to detox your body from heavy metals
and other chemicals? Follow detox diet and treatment plan described below to
help rid your body of toxins.
Other definitions include manganese, iron, lithium, zinc and calcium (yes,
under certain conditions very high levels of even essential minerals can
become dangerous) (3)
Some of the most common warning signs that you might be struggling with
heavy metal toxicity include:
Chronic fatigue
Autoimmune diseases, including Lyme’s disease
Poor recovery from exercise and weakness
Skin irritation
Neurological disorders
Brain-fog, trouble concentrating, difficulty learning and poor memory
Depression, manic depression and/or anxiety
Digestive issues, such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
Chronic aches and pains, such as those associated with fibromyalgia
Impaired motor control, hearing, speech, vision and gait
Higher risk for heart attacks
In high amounts, mercury is one of the deadliest metals there is. Certain studies
have found that when nerves are exposed to mercury, the myelin sheath (the
fatty substance that surrounds the axon of some nerve cells and helps with
electrical signaling) can become severely damaged, interfering with how nerves
What are some warning signs and side effects associated with mercury
poisoning? These include: changes to the central nervous system,
irritability, fatigue, behavioral changes, tremors, headaches, problems hearing,
skin damage and cognitive loss. (7)
Can you die from heavy metal poisoning? While it’s rare, it’s possible — in
some severe cases, metal poisoning has lead to hallucinations and death.
Related: Metal in Baby Food: Study Finds 95% Contain Heavy Metals
If someone has reason to believe that they have had excessive exposure to
metals, they should seek medical testing for metal poisoning by speaking with
their doctor or integrative practitioner/naturopath. Heavy metal testing in the
form of hair analysis or a blood test is now widely available and is useful for
confirming suspected toxicity. Even if you choose not to be tested for toxicity,
many of the diet and lifestyle changes described below will still be beneficial
for immune system function, gut health, liver function and more.
How are toxins removed from the body? The most common way is through
chelation. Chelation therapy is a medical procedure (although it can also be
performed at home) that involves the administration of chelating agents to
remove heavy metals from the body by binding to molecules and allowing them
to be dissolved and excreted in the urine.
Other ways to detox the body of heavy metals include making dietary changes
and using herbs and supplements, which help to break down metals into smaller
molecules so they can be removed from urine, feces, sweat and even the breath.
Chlorella (1-4 grams per day, or about 4-8 caps daily) — Chlorella is a
type of green algae that acts as a natural chelator to remove heavy metals,
especially lead and mercury. It’s a great source of chlorophyll and is
“hungry” to absorb other metals. You can take it in powder or tablet
Vitamin C (3000 milligrams daily) — Acts as an antioxidant to help
reduce free radicals.
Cilantro (preferably taken as a tincture 2x per day)
Shilajit (between 100-500 milligrams daily, typically in powder form)
— Shilajit is an adaptogenic plant that has certain things in common with
activated charcoal, especially that it contains a lot of carbon. It’s a natural
chelator because it contains fulvic acid and humic acid that bind to toxic
molecules. (10)
Milk Thistle (150 milligrams taken 2x daily, or milk thistle tea 1-3 times
daily) — This is one of the most popular herbs for detoxifying the
liver. Silybin is a component with the greatest degree of biological
activity that has strong antioxidant properties. It may act as a toxin
blockade agent by inhibiting binding of toxins to cell membrane
receptors. Silymarin has been shown to reduce liver injury and is used to
treat alcoholic liver disease, acute and chronic viral hepatitis and toxin-
induced liver diseases. (11)
Probiotics (soil-based, 50 billion units one time daily) — Can help
improve detoxification of the gut and help boost immunity.
Detox drinks and recipes can help to naturally reduce inflammation, boost
energy, support digestion, cleanse the liver and promote gut health. Detox
drinks are especially useful for providing raw vegetables, fruits and herbs that
stimulate detoxification while providing vitamins and minerals. Many detox
drinks can be made with ingredients you already have at home, like lemon
juice, apple cider vinegar, cucumbers, leafy greens, berries, ginger, herbs or
melon. You can also make detoxifying water drinks, which you can sip on
throughout the day.
Below are recipes to incorporate into your heavy metal detox plan:
4. Detox Switchel
5. Dandelion Tea
What are the side effects of detoxing? Potential heavy metal detox symptoms
you might temporarily experience while you’re cleansing include:
Some people find that if they jump into a detox too “aggressively” and quickly,
they wind up dealing with significant side effects/symptoms. It’s advised that
you detox slowly and gradually; start by making dietary changes and then
beginning incorporating herbs, supplements and treatments over the course of at
least several weeks or months.
Try to stick with the detox plan outline above and be patient — it will be worth
it! To ease symptoms, stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep, eat a nutrient-dense
diet, manage stress and only do moderate exercises until you gain more energy.
How long can you expect it to take for a heavy metal detox to begin working? It
really depends on how high your levels are, the source(s) of exposure and the
efforts you make to rid yourself of these metals.
Remember that heavy metal exposure slowly takes place over many years, so
getting rid of them will not happen overnight. It might take months for even
longer for you reverse the problem, but it’s important to stay on track since
toxicity can have a negative life-long impact on your health.
Because heavy metal toxicity causes such a range of health problems, it can be
easy to confuse toxicity without another underlying health condition. If you
have concerns about your heavy metal levels, it’s a good idea to see a doctor for
testing who can help diagnose you. Regarding what to do amalgam about dental
fillings, talk to your dentist about available options (I recommend seeking out
a IAOMT-certified dentists who has been trained in biocompatible dentistry).
It’s especially important for women who are considering becoming pregnant in
the near future to know their heavy metal levels, since toxicity can contribute to
developmental problems in newborns. If a women has been diagnosed with high
levels of a heavy metal, such as mercury, it’s recommended that she delay
pregnancy by at least a few months so they can work on restoring normal levels
Final Thoughts
Heavy metals are elements that can be toxic and very dangerous even in
low concentrations. The most dangerous heavy metals include mercury,
lead, cadmium and arsenic.
Causes of heavy metal toxicity include environmental pollution, food
contamination, water contamination, metal dental fillings and use of
household/beauty products that contain trace amounts of metals.
Heavy metal detoxes use foods, herbs, supplements and treatments to
excrete metals from the body via the urine, feces, sweat and breath. Some
of the most effective include chelation therapy, bentonite clay, milk
thistle, triphala, bone broth, bitter leafy greens, algae, raw juices and
Symptoms might get worse during a detox before they get better as the
body transitions and cleanses.