Lesson 8
Lesson 8
Lesson 8
I. PRE LESSON a. Pupils discuss in small groups about habits they had in the past but don’t
have now, and habits that they have now.
b. Pupils share their answers and some good examples are written on the
board which will illustrate the difference between ‘used to’ (I used to write FA: Exemplar
on the walls but now I don’t) and ‘being used to’ (She is used to having a Note: For weak classes, please
provide examples for them and
glass of water before bedtime). ask them to compare the
c. Pupils are introduced to ‘used to’ and ‘be/get used to. sentences
II. LESSON d. Pupils read through the examples of Past Simple, ‘used to’ and ‘be/get
DEVELOPMENT used to’ in the grammar box (The Past Simple is a revision as pupils have
– GIST- TASK learnt this in Form 3)
e. Pupils’ attention is drawn to the structures ‘used to’ and ‘be/get used to’ by I-Think Map: Tree Map
looking at the difference (please refer to Teacher’s Book pg 15 for details)
III. DETAILED TASK f. Pupils are divided into groups. The groups will either focus on Past Simple,
‘Used to’ or ‘be/get used to’.
g. Pupils find examples of the Past Simple ‘used to’ or ‘be/get used to’ Cooperative Learning
assigned to their group in the reading text they did in the previous lesson Differentation: Less proficient
(From Brick to Smartphone: The Evolution of the Mobile Phone) (e.g. learners are paired with more
proficient learners to aid
invented, was, weighed, complained, became, etc – Past simple; … understanding
people used to buy them like crazy – ‘used to’; … compared to the devices
we are used to seeing today – ‘be/get used to’) Moral Value: Patience
h. Pupils in their group come up with their on sentences practising the tense
they were assigned to
i. Pupils share the answers in steps g and h with the class
FA: Think-Pair-Share
j. Pupils complete the grammar exercise on page 15 (if not enough time, do
Differentation: More proficient
IV. POST-LESSON as homework) and share answers with the pair and then as a class learners may complete vocabulary
activity on page 16 if they have
completed the task
REFLECTION: Number: ___/___ pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives.
Attendance: / Only __/____ were not able to achieve the learning objectives. These pupils will be _________
Absent: /
Truant: / _____________________________________________________________________________
School Activity: /
Follow-up / Reinforcement: PdPc could not be conducted and will be postponed due to:
NOTE: The SOW states that pupils are to complete Activity A and B for grammar. However, there is only one
activity for grammar.