DC Power Supplies
DC Power Supplies
DC Power Supplies
Most of the electronic devices and circuits require a dc source for their operation. Dry cells and batteries are one
form of dc source. They have the advantage of being portable and ripple-free.
However, their voltages are low; they need frequent replacement and are expensive as compared to conventional dc
power supplies. Since the most convenient and economical source of power is the domestic ac supply, it is
advantageous to convert this alternating voltage (usually, 220 V rms) to dc voltage (usually smaller in value). This
process of converting ac voltage into dc voltage is called rectification and is accomplished with the help of a
(i) Rectifier
(ii) filter and
(iii) Voltage regulator circuit.
These elements put together constitute dc power supply.
Unregulated Power Supply
An unregulated power supply is one whose dc terminal voltage is affected significantly by the amount of load. As
the load draws more current, the dc terminal voltage becomes less.
Regulated Power Supply
It is that dc power supply whose terminal voltage remains almost constant regardless of the amount of current drawn
from it. An unregulated supply can be converted into a regulated power supply by adding a voltage regulating circuit
to it.
(1) Transformer. Its job is either to step up or (mostly) step down the ac supply voltage to suit the
requirement of the solid-state electronic devices and circuits fed by the dc power supply. It also provides
isolation from the supply line–an important safety consideration.
(2) Rectifier. It is a circuit which employs one or more diodes to convert ac voltage into pulsating dc voltage.
(3) Filter. The function of this circuit element is to remove the fluctuations or pulsations (called ripples)
present in the output voltage supplied by the rectifier. Of course, no filter can, in practice, gives an output
voltage as ripple-free as that of a dc battery but it approaches it so closely that the power supply performs
as well.
(4) Voltage Regulator. Its main function is to keep the terminal voltage of the dc supply constant even when;
(i) ac input voltage to the transformer varies (deviations from 220 V are common); or
(ii) the load varies
(5) Voltage Divider. Its function is to provide different dc-voltages needed by different electronic circuits. It
consists of a number of resistors connected in series across the output terminals of the voltage regulator.
Obviously, it eliminates the necessity of providing separate dc power supplies to different electronic
circuits working on different dc levels.
Single-phase Half-Wave Rectifier
The basic circuit of a half-wave rectifier with a resistive load but no filter circuit.
Example An a.c. supply of 230 V is applied to a half-wave rectifier circuit through a transformer of turn ratio 10 :
1. Find (i) the output d.c. voltage and (ii) the peak inverse voltage.
Assume the diode to be ideal.
A center tapped secondary winding AB is used with two diodes connected so that each uses one half-cycle of input
a.c. voltage.
During the positive half-cycle of secondary voltage, the end A of the secondary winding becomes positive and end B
negative. This makes the diode D1 forward biased and diode D2 reverse biased. Therefore, diode D1 conducts while
diode D2 does not. The conventional current flow is through diode D1, load resistor RL and the upper half of
secondary winding.
The need for a center tapped power transformer is eliminated in the bridge rectifier. It contains four diodes D1, D2,
D3 and D4 connected to form a bridge. The a.c. supply to be rectified is applied to the diagonally opposite ends of
the bridge through the transformer. Between other two ends of the bridge, the load resistance RL is connected.
During the positive half-cycle of secondary voltage, the end A of the secondary winding becomes positive and end Q
negative. This makes diodes D1 and D2 forward biased while diodes D3 and D4 are reverse biased. Therefore, only
diodes D1 and D3 conduct. These two diodes will be in series through the load RL.
It may be seen that current flows from A to B through the load RL.
During the negative half-cycle of secondary voltage, end A becomes negative and end Q positive.
This makes diodes D3 and D4 forward biased whereas diodes D1 and D2 are reverse biased. Therefore, only diodes
D3 and D4 conduct. These two diodes will be in series through the load RL.
Peak inverse voltage
The peak inverse voltage (PIV) of each diode is equal to the maximum secondary voltage of transformer. Suppose
during positive half cycle of input a.c., end A of secondary is positive and end B negative. Under such conditions,
diodes D1 and D3 are forward biased while diodes D2 and D4 are reverse biased. Since the diodes are considered
ideal, diodes D1 and D3 can be replaced by wires as shown in figure (i). This circuit is the same as shown in Fig (ii).
Referring to Fig.(ii), it is clear that two reverse biased diodes (i.e., D2 and D4) and the secondary of transformer are
in parallel. Hence PIV of each diode (D2 and D4) is equal to the maximum voltage (Vm) across the secondary.
Similarly, during the next half cycle, D2 and D4 are forward biased while D1 and D3 will be reverse biased. It is
easy to see that reverse voltage across D1 and D3 is equal to Vm.
The output frequency of a full-wave rectifier is double the input frequency. Remember that a wave has a complete
cycle when it repeats the same pattern. The input a.c. completes one cycle from 0° – 360°. However, the full-wave
rectified wave completes 2 cycles in this period. Therefore, output frequency is twice the input frequency i.e. fout =
2 fin
Let v = Vm sinѳ be the a.c. voltage to be rectified. Let rf and RL be the diode resistance and load resistance
respectively. Obviously, the rectifier will conduct current through the load in the same direction for both half-cycles
D.C. output power. The output current is pulsating direct current. Therefore, in order to find the d.c. power,
average current has to be found out.
Example In the center-tap circuit shown in Fig. 6.31, the diodes are assumed to be ideal i.e. having zero internal
resistance. Find:
(i) d.c. output voltage (ii) peak inverse voltage (iii) rectification efficiency.
Primary to secondary turns, N1/N2 = 5
Filter Circuits
A filter circuit is a device which removes the a.c. component of rectifier output but allows the d.c. component to
reach the load.
Types of Filter Circuits
The most commonly used filter circuits are
(i) capacitor filter,
(ii) choke input filter
(iii) capacitor input filter or
(iv) -filter.
Capacitor filter
It consists of a capacitor C placed across the rectifier output in parallel with load RL. The pulsating direct voltage of
the rectifier is applied across the capacitor. As the rectifier voltage increases, it charges the capacitor and also
supplies current to the load. At the end of quarter cycle [Point A in Fig. (iii)], the capacitor is charged to the peak
value Vm of the rectifier voltage. Now, the rectifier voltage starts to decrease. As this occurs, the capacitor
discharges through the load and voltage across it (i.e. across parallel combination of R-C) decreases as shown by the
line AB in Fig. (iii). the voltage across load will decrease only slightly because immediately the next voltage peak
comes and recharges the capacitor. This process is repeated again and again and the output voltage waveform
becomes ABCDEFG. It may be seen that very little ripple is left in the output.
The capacitor filter circuit is extremely popular because of its low cost, small size, little weight and good
characteristics. For small load currents (say up to 50 mA), this type of filter is preferred. It is commonly used in
transistor radio battery eliminators.
Choke input filter
The filter capacitor C1 offers low reactance to a.c. component of rectifier output while it offers infinite reactance to
the d.c. component. Therefore, capacitor C1 bypasses an appreciable amount of a.c. component while the d.c.
component continues its journey to the choke L.
The choke L offers high reactance to the a.c. component but it offers almost zero reactance to the d.c. component.
Therefore, it allows the d.c. component to flow through it, while the un bypassed a.c. component is blocked.
The filter capacitor C2 bypasses the a.c. component which the choke has failed to block. Therefore, only d.c.
component appears across the load and that is what we desire.
Example For the circuit shown in Fig. 6.44, find the output d.c. voltage.
Solution The output of a full-wave rectifier has a d.c. component and an a.c. component. Due to the presence of a.c.
component, the rectifier output has a pulsating character as shown in Fig. below. The maximum value of the
pulsating output is Vm and d.c. component is V′dc = 2 Vm/
For d.c. component V′dc, the choke resistance is in series with the load.
(iii) There is a minimum value of RL to ensure that zener diode will remain in the regulating region i.e.
breakdown region. If the value of RL falls below this minimum value, the proper voltage will not be
available across the zener to drive it into the breakdown region.
Example Fig. below shows the zener regulator. Calculate (i) current through the series resistance (ii) minimum and
maximum load currents and (iii) minimum and maximum zener currents. Comment on the results.
Comments The current IS through the series resistance RS is constant. When load current increases from 0 to 60
mA, the zener current decreases from 75 mA to 15 mA, maintaining IS constant in value. This is the normal
operation of zener regulator i.e. IS and Vout remain constant in spite of changes in load current or source voltage.
Example A zener regulator has VZ = 15V. The input voltage may vary from 22 V to 40 V and load current from 20
mA to 100 mA. To hold load voltage constant under all conditions, what should be the value of series resistance?
In order that zener regulator may hold output voltage constant under all operating conditions, it must operate in the
breakdown region. In other words, there must be zener current for all input voltages and load currents. The worst
case occurs when the input voltage is minimum and load current is maximum because then zener current drops to a
When load RL goes open (i.e. RL IS will flow through the zener and the value of RS
should be such to prevent line current IS from exceeding IZ (max) if the load opens.
The circuit is called a series voltage regulator because the load current passes through the series transistor. The zener
diode provides the reference voltage.
The base voltage of transistor is held to a relatively constant voltage across the zener diode. For example, if 8V
zener (i.e., VZ = 8V) is used, the base voltage of transistor will remain approximately 8V.
Vout = VZ - VBE
(i) If the output voltage decreases, the increased base-emitter voltage causes transistor to conduct more,
thereby raising the output voltage. As a result, the output voltage is maintained at a constant level.
(ii) If the output voltage increases, the decreased base-emitter voltage causes transistor to conduct less,
thereby reducing the output voltage. Consequently, the output voltage is maintained at a constant level.
The advantage of this circuit is that the changes in zener current are reduced by a factor β.
Therefore, the effect of zener impedance is greatly reduced and much more stabilised output is obtained.
(i) Although the changes in zener current are much reduced, yet the output is not absolutely constant. It is
because both VBE and VZ decrease with the increase in room temperature.
(ii) The output voltage cannot be changed easily as no such means is provided.
(i) The value of RS should be such that it supplies current for the base of transistor Q1 and for the zener
diode to keep it in the regulating region. The worst condition occurs at the minimum input voltage and
maximum load current. This means that under worst condition, the current through RS must be a tleast
IZ (min) = 1 mA plus maximum base current.
Now 21 mA must be drawn by RS under all conditions of input voltage variations—even when the input voltage
falls to 12V which causes the minimum voltage across RS and hence the lowest value of current it will be able to
(ii) The maximum power dissipation in RS occurs when the voltage across it is maximum. Max. voltage
across RS, VRS(max) = Vin (max) – VZ = 18 – 8.5 = 9.5V
(iii) Maximum power dissipation in zener occurs when current through it is maximum. The zener current
will be maximum when Vin is maximum and load current is minimum (i.e. IL = 0). Now IL = 0 means
IE = 0 and hence IB = 0. This, in turn, means that all the current passing through RS will pass through
the zener diode.
A shunt voltage regulator provides regulation by shunting current away from the load to regulate the output voltage.
The voltage drop across series resistance depends upon the current supplied to the load RL. The output voltage is
equal to the sum of zener voltage (VZ) and transistor base-emitter voltage (VBE), Vout = VZ + VBE
If the load resistance decreases, the current through base of transistor decreases. As a result, less collector current is
shunted. Therefore, the load current becomes larger, thereby maintaining the regulated voltage across the load.
Reverse happens should the load resistance increase.
(i) A large portion of the total current through RS flows through transistor rather than to the load.
(ii) There is considerable power loss in RS.
(iii) There are problems of overvoltage protection in this circuit.
For these reasons, a series voltage regulator is preferred over the shunt voltage regulator.
Example Determine the (i) regulated voltage and (ii) various currents for the shunt regulator shown below.
In this regulator, Vout is always less than Vin. An unregulated positive dc voltage is applied to the collector of the
NPN transistor. A series of pulses from an oscillator is sent to the base of transistor T which gets saturated (closed)
on each of the positive pulses. It is so because an NPN transistor needs a positive voltage pulse on its base in order
to turn ON. A saturated transistor acts as a closed switch, hence it allows Vin to send current through L and charge C
to the value of output voltage during the on-time (TON) of the pulse. The diode D1 is reverse-biased at this point
and hence, does not conduct.
Eventually when positive pulse turns to zero, T is cut-off and acts like an open switch during the off period (TOFF)
of the pulse. The collapsing magnetic field of the coil produces self-induced voltage and keeps the current flowing
by returning energy to the circuit.
The value of output voltage depends on input voltage and pulse width i.e. on-time of the transistor. When on-time is
increased relative to off-time, C charges more thus increasing Vout. When TON is decreased, C discharges more
thus decreasing Vout. By adjusting the duty cycle (TON/T) of the transistor, Vout can be varied.
Where T is the period of the ON-OFF cycle of the transistor and is related to frequency by T = 1/f.
Also, T = TON + TOFF and the ratio (TON/T) is called the duty cycle.
Regulating action of the circuit
When Vout tries to decrease, on-time of the transistor is increased causing an additional charge on the capacitor C to
offset the attempted decrease. When Vout tries to increase, TON of the transistor is decreased causing C to discharge
enough to offset the attempted increase.
Step-up Switching Regulator
When transistor T turns ON on the arrival of the positive pulse at its base, voltage across L increases quickly to
It may be noted that shorter the on-time of the transistor, greater the inductor voltage and hence greater the output
voltage (because greater VL adds to Vin). On the other hand, the longer the on-time, the smaller the inductor voltage
and hence, lesser the output voltage (because smaller VL adds to Vin).
Regulating action
When Vout tries to decrease (because of either increasing load or decreasing Vin), transistor on time decreases
thereby offsetting attempted decrease in Vout. When Vout tries to increase, on-time increases and attempted increase
in Vout is offset. As seen, the output voltage is inversely related to the duty cycle.
Voltage Multipliers
We can also use diodes and capacitors to build a circuit that will provide a d.c output that is multiple of the peak
input a.c. voltage. Such a circuit is called a voltage multiplier.
Since voltage multipliers provide d.c. output that is much greater than the peak input a.c. voltage, there is no power
amplification and law of conservation of energy holds good. When a voltage multiplier increases the peak input
voltage by a factor n, the peak input current is decreased by approximately the same factor. Thus the actual power
output from a voltage multiplier will never be greater than the input power. In fact, there are losses in the circuit
(e.g. in diodes, capacitors etc.) so that the output power will actually be less than the input power.
Half-Wave Voltage Doubler
Circuit action
During the negative half-cycle of a.c. input voltage, diode D1 is forward biased and diode D2 is reverse biased.
Therefore, diode D1 can be represented by a short and diode D2 as an open. The equivalent circuit then becomes as
shown in fig (ii) below
Circuit action
During the positive half-cycle of the input voltage, D1 conducts (but not D2) and charges capacitor C1 to the peak
voltage Vm with the polarity as shown. During the negative half-cycle, D2 conducts (but not D1) charging C2 to Vm.
As far as the load is concerned, voltages across C1 and C2 are in series-aiding. If there is no load connected across
the output, then load voltage VL = 2Vm as shown in Fig. (a). For example, if 220-V, 50-Hz is the supply, then Vdc =
2Vm = 2√2Vrms √2 x2 x220= 622 V. Of course, if a load is connected across the output terminals, then VL would
be less than 2 Vm.
The PIV rating of each diode is 2Vm. Ripple frequency is twice the supply frequency. As seen, there is no common
connection between the supply line and the load.
Voltage Tripler and Quadrupler Circuits