7 Principles

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Principle 1: Plan ahead and prepare 

Principle 2: Travel and camp on durable
Principle 3: Dispose of waste properly  
Principle 4: Leave what you find  
Principle 5: Minimize campfire impacts 
Principle 6: Respect wildlife 
Principle 7: Be considerate of other visitors

Is an organized activities done during one’s
free time for his/her free own personal BENEFITS OF OUTDOOR RECREATION  
reasons, where an interaction between man
and an element of nature is present.  -Fun and pleasure are perhaps the
Clayne R. Jensen (2006)- said that day can immediate answers of the majority who
be divided into three parts: existence time, have 
subsistence time and free time  -Experienced outdoor activities. 
Existence time- is the time spent for -Studies have shown that being close to
biological needs like having a meal, natural environment is HEALTHY. 
sleeping and other personal care.  -Aside from the fresh air and the amazing
 Subsistence time- refers to the hours sight of nature, the outdoors have positive
spent for economic purposes such as going effects on the general wellness of an
to work, chores, and for students' hours individual, especially if it is done with
spent in school and school work.  regularity. 
Free time- is all remaining time after. 
-Derived from Latin word recreare which -SOCIAL BENEFITS 
means to be refreshed.  -ECONOMIC BENEFITS 
- Outdoors in a broad sense is a space -SPIRITUAL BENEFITS 
outside an enclosed area. Includes the
natural environment and resources which
comprises the land, water, wildlife,
vegetation, open space and scenery. 

According to the World Factbook (Maps

of the World) it has been listed as having
the fifth longest coastline in the world. 

d. Prevents Osteoporosis 
1.PHYSICAL HEALTH  Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by
Engaging in physical activity like low bone mass and deterioration of bone
mountaineering is very important for staying tissue. This leads to increased bone fragility
healthy and fit. Mountaineering is one of the and risk of fracture (broken bones),
outdoor adventure activities that deals with particularly of the hip, spine, wrist, and
moderate to strenuous physical activity and shoulder. 
can be a promoter for staying fit and e. Prevents and Controls Diabetes 
healthy. It can also aid in reducing the risk Diabetes is a serious life-long health
of different chronic diseases. Thus, the condition that occurs when the amount of
following physical benefits can get from this glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high
activity:  because the body can’t use it properly.
Statistics revealed that diabetes ranked 6th
a. Prevents Heart Related Diseases  as one of the top 10 causes of death in the
Ischaemic heart disease is the top leading world which killed 1.6 million people in
cause of death in the world with 8.76 million 2015, up from less than 1 million in 2000
numbers of death (WHO, 2015). Moreover, (WHO, 2017). 
it still remained the leading cause of death
globally in the last 15 years.  2. PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH 
Depression and stress are some of the
b. Weight Loss  common health problems in today’s world.
The best way to lose excess pounds and Thanks to research on the benefits of
improve fitness is to engage in walking, several people who suffer from
mountaineering activity. It is an expected these ailments found that walking every day
outcome of mountaineering at more is the simpler and much less expensive way
extreme levels. Baker (1980) found that to feel better. Researches show that the
mountaineering reduced absolute body fat component elements of hill-walking-physical
and lean body mass in a cohort of generally activity, outdoor activity, pursuing a sporting
fit outdoor education students on a four challenge-can have a positive impact on
week expedition in the Alps.  psychological well-bring. 
c. Lowers Blood Pressure  Apart from the physical aspect,
Research has revealed that regular exercise mountain climbing and trekking appear
such as walking/trekking lowers systolic and to develop mental state a lot more than
diastolic blood pressure by a mean of 10 what is perceived. 
mmHg. Specifically, walking lowers plasma -It supports you to focus on the present
norepinephrine which associates with blood state. 
pressure improvement.  -It provides sense of happiness, fulfillment,
and contentment. It helps you to stay calm
and reduce anxiety. 
-It develops self-esteem. 
-It creates better perception of self-
-It also helps in improving your activity. 
Injuries are possible in mountaineering,  Step 1: Set Out Items by Weight 
climbing, hill walking, or any other sporting Hold each of your packing cubes to identify
activities. It may due to inappropriate what weights the most and which will be
training preparation, poor planning, or lack needed often or will require quick access
of basic knowledge and skills. Accidents (e.g rain gear, first-aid, trail food, trail water,
and emergency situations may arise due to etc) Color coding them can help you to
some circumstances over which the remember its utmost importance. If your
mountaineer has no control, and in these backpack is a front and top loading, place
events, good preparation, enough the first item through the top. 
knowledge and right skills can make all the Step 2: Light Items in the Bottom 
difference.  Light items must be packed at the bottom
1. Essential Equipment  and away from the frame. Lightweight
Knowing and having the right equipment to clothing, like sleeping bag or a down jacket,
be used in mountaineering is a must for any should go into your bag first. They are the
climbers. Using the right equipment and items that you will not need immediately. 
materials is very significant for a safe and Step 3: Heaviest Items in the Middle 
successful trip.  Heavy items should be placed close to the
frame. Camp stove, tent, or electronics, if
- Mountaineer’s backpack  you aren’t carrying an extra messenger bag
-Tent for them, should be placed at the middle of
- Utility of camping knife   your bag. These items should have much
-Sleeping bag cushioning as possible to avoid breakage
-Headlamp / flashlight  transit. 
-Ground sleeping mat Step 4: Medium Weight Items in the Top 
- Hiking shoes  Place what you’ll need to access first at the
-Camping stove and lighter - top of your pack like a jacket, umbrella or a
Bonnet  quick change of clothes for arrival.  
-Cook set & eating gear - Step 5: Outer Packs 
Hiking gloves  Smaller items like tissues, sunscreen and
-Rain coat/jacket other essentials such as trail food and water
- First aid kit and insect repellant  should be placed in your outer pockets for
-Sleeping sweater/camp jacket easy access. Make sure all items are
- water bottle / hydro pack  secured a it’s easy for these smaller things
  - Hiking sandals  to fall out. This yet another reason to
  classify smaller gear into combined
 2. Backpacking  pouches. 
The key to enjoin backpacking is to cut Step 6: Adjust Straps and Belts 
down load as much as possible. Target for Make sure that the shoulder and waist
no more than 33% or 1/3 of your total body straps are pulled tightly because as closer
weight; lees is always better. All your pack is to your body, the more
unnecessary gadgets must leave behind. comfortable it will be and easier for you to
Your equipment should be lightweight, carry your pack 
durable and functional. This will save your  
weight and space and provide you 3.Physical Preparation 
maximum comfort during a climb.  The key to a successful, effective, safe, and
enjoyable physical activity is proper
preparation. Mountaineering is not easy as
other fun and outdoor recreation activities. It
is a vigorous activity that requires weeks or
months of physical and mental preparations 4.Team Medic. One with selected
before a scheduled climb.  knowledge of first aid technique and basic
life support who can address any
emergency situation that may happen
TRAIL MOVEMENTS  during the hike. (Position: Middle)  
Conquering the Philippine Mountains may 5. Team Leader. He is often selected for his
not easy considering the nature of trail, technical ability, Reliability and leadership
location, terrain, and the numbers of people qualities. He is given the responsibility in
who are now participating in different making good decision during the climb most
organized climbing events. Recognizing on especially involving the safety of the group. 
how to manage the team on the trail is very 6. Scribe. The one who is assigned to
significant for the success and safety of the document all the details of the climb. 
activity. Basic know-how such as trail signs,  
tasking, signaling, and trail practices play a  C. Signaling  
significant role in your survival in the The group must be sure that you set rules
mountains. for signaling before moving out for a trek.
  The following are the signals usually being
A. Trail Signs  used: 
There are times when we have to - two (2) short whistle blasts for stopping 
communicate with other members of the - one (1) long whistle blast to proceed 
group or even other teams during a climb or -6 blasts to a minute is the international
any outdoor activity through the use of mountaineering distress signal or continues
natural materials to create trail signs. Trail whistle blasts for emergency 
signs are temporary symbols used by D. Pacing 
mountaineers or climbers to guide 1. Do not let anyone left behind. 
themselves on their way back and/or to 2. Set your rhythm. 
guide others who are following them.  3. Take a break. 
B. Group Composition  4. When going uphill, take smaller steps. 
Prior to the scheduled climb, designation of 5. When going downhill, take longer steps. 
tasks must be done. To give equal 6. Place your side foot first and learn to dig
distribution of responsibility of each with the heels to ensure stability and
member. It can ensure the good flow of balance. 
activities from the start until the end. It can 7. You can use trekking poles or stick to
also lead to successful mountaineering maintain your hiking rhythm and to provide
experience.  additional support. 
1.Trail Master- In-charge of putting up trail E. Trail Practices 
signs and responsible for pacing the In exploring the trail, some guiding
group.   principles must be kept in mind. Some trail
(Position: Front)  practices concerning trail movements are as
2.Sweeper- The one that makes sure that follows: 
nobody is left behind. He is also responsible 1. Walk in a single file when hiking with a
in checking if there’s any hiking equipment group to protect the side vegetation and
or personal tools that might be missing prevent erosion. 
along the trail.   2. On muddy trails, shoes or sandal’s slide
(Position: Rear/Tail)  marks will convey that someone has already
3.Contact Person. Assigned to fell, so avoid it if you can. 
communicate from the group’s home base 3. Do not step on obstacles. 
for any updates such us current weather  4. If there is a blocking log on the trail,
condition, safety precautions, or in response survey the best way on how to pass the
in any emergency situation. (Position: Home area. 
5. When looking for additional support such • Panoramic view in the area might be
as roots or vines make sure that they are considered to appreciate the natural beauty
sturdy and do not have thorns.  of natural environment. 
6. Bend your knees and face the diagonal • Consider natural cushioning in selecting
direction flow of the current when crossing the area. 
rivers or streams, to prevent the strong ones • Use existing impacted campsites. 
from knocking you down. • Facilitate proper arrangement of the tents
to provide camp traffic wherein people can
move with comfort. 
• Consider the relative strengths of the
F. Camp Management  different tents of the group. Strong tents,
Mountaineering in the Philippines has such as tadpoles and tunnels which can be
emerged as one of the popular forms of used as windbreaker to protect bigger tents,
adventure tourism in the great outdoors. could be pitched in more exposed areas. 
However, there are still many people who -Camping ground should have a gently
are unaware of the proper care for our sloping terrain to provide good water
natural environment.  drainage when it rains. 
There are such ways to enjoy the thrill of 3. Tent Pitching 
the great outdoors without extensively Camping is a great opportunity to relax and
withdrawing from the environment.  to be one with nature. One must understand
and learn the art of pitching a tent quickly
1. The basic ethics of low-impact and properly. There will be an instance that
camping  quick set-up is very necessary in cases like
-Be an environment-friendly mountaineer.  if there is a rain or storm coming. 
-Leave the camp ground exactly the way
you found it.  Quick Easy Steps in Setting Up your
-Avoid cutting down trees for firewood.  Tent 
-Wash dishes by cleaning the leftovers off  a. Unpacked and prepare your tent
the plates and utensils then dry them with supplies 
cloth (or tissue) or sand, when available.  Assembling your tent will be fastest if you
-Use ecofriendly shampoos and soap         don’t have to unpack each item one at a
• Be silent as much as possible.  time; therefore, it’s best to unpack all your
2. Choosing a Campsite  things out at once after finding a good area
Choosing the right campsite is a vital part of to set up camp. 
the camping experience. Having a good - Dome tents are generally the biggest, and
camping ground can contribute much to a usually reserved for larger groups in
fun and successful trip, while a poor camping. This kind of tent is very easy to
campsite might give bad experience and pitch and dismantle. It is also spacious and
problems. As much as possible, select an ideal too for risky condition, since it is very
established campsite.  stable. 
In choosing an ideal campsite, some - Tadpole tents are very durable and can
selection guidelines must be withstand bad weather. It is aerodynamic
considered:  which can deflect high wind and is usually
• Water source must be accessible.  lightweight. 
• Avoid natural hazards, such as overhangs - A-Frame tents are the most typical and
or within falling over distance of a dead tree, common type of tent for personal use. The
places that are susceptible to landslides, far classic triangular design. The body is
from poisonous plants and away from stretched and staked to the ground tautly
dangerous animals.  with guy lines and is supported by vertical
• Look for natural windbreaks that will poles at each end. 
protect your tent from strong winds. 
- Tunnel tents are different from typical “A-
Frame” tents because they are structured
by two long poles that both run width of the
tent. This creates a broader interior with
more headspace. They can be used on
grass or on rocky terrain. This has an edge
since it is aerodynamic, but it is more
cramped than other tents. However, they’re
not nearly as steady when it comes to wind. 

b. After clearing the ground lay down the

ground sheet 
A ground sheet is an added cushion that
should be wide enough to cover most of the
ground of your tent. Having this sheet may
lead to a more comfortable rest without
c. Insert or attach your tent poles
through the frame 
Lay the tent frame out to be sure that you’re
sliding the poles through the right slots and
d. Raise the tent 
Help the tent up by lifting parts of it. The
poles should hold the frame in place. If not,
secure wobbly parts of the poles or extend
them as needed.. 
e. Hammer in you pegs 
Using a hammer or a nearby rock, take the
pegs that come with your tent and knock
them into the ground. This will stabilize the
tent and make sure it doesn’t move around. 
f. Set up the Flysheet 
Since most of the tents are usually not
waterproof on their own, a flysheet, which is
an additional piece, should be set over the
tent. It will prepare you for unforeseen rain
g. Move and arrange your things inside
the tent 
Move your things into the tent. Once the
tent is set up, you can equip the interior. 

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