Framework Contract For Supply of Iron Ore
Framework Contract For Supply of Iron Ore
Framework Contract For Supply of Iron Ore
October 2016
The East African Portland Cement Company Limited hereinafter abbreviated as ‘EAPCC’ is
interested in Framework contracts for the supply of Iron ore to be used in the production of
EAPCC desires timely delivery throughout the contract period and by the agreed delivery dates
or lead times.
It is EAPCC’s intent to establish a Two (2) year Framework contract with about 7-10 suppliers
based on a periodic review of quantity.
Prospective Suppliers shall note that EAPCC expects the following:
1. Highly competitive pricing
2. Timely Delivery to avoid stock-outs. An exchange of information would allow the Supplier
to plan delivery to meet EAPCC’s requirements.
3. Quality products and service.
The quantities indicated are estimates only based on historical and forecasted requirements.
These quantities may be altered and are to be used for estimating purposes only.
Contract No. EAPCC/112/OT/2016 – Frame work contract for Supply &
Delivery of Iron Ore
1.1 The East African Portland Cement Company Ltd invites sealed bids from
eligible candidates for a frame work contract for Supply & Delivery of Iron
Ore to the Factory. The detailed breakdown of the requirements can be
obtained in the schedule of requirements/price schedule inside the bid
1.2 Interested eligible candidates may obtain further information from the
company website , IFMIS Portal anytime and at the Procurement Office, East
African Portland Cement Company Ltd, off Namanga Road Athi River,
during normal working hours (08:30 – 15:30 local time on Mondays to
Fridays except during lunch time from 13:00 to 14:00 hours and public
1.3 A complete set of Bid documents can be downloaded from the company
website and IFMIS portal free of charge. Candidates who do not wish to
download can obtain a hard copy by paying a non-refundable fee o f Kenya
S h i l l i n g s 1 , 0 0 0 (one Thousand Kenya Shillings only) in cash or Bankers
cheque payable t o East African Portland Cement Company Ltd
1.4 Completed Bid documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed
envelopes marked with Bid reference number and be deposited in the Bid Box
located at the Customer Care office next the main entrance, East African
Portland Cement Company Ltd, Off Namanga Road, Athi River, P O Box
20-00204, Athi River, Kenya; Tel: 254-709 855 000 so as to be received on
or before 12.00 noon Monday Nov 21st, 2016
1.5 Prices quoted shall be net and inclusive of all taxes; and be in Kenya
Shillings. They shall remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the
closing date of the Bid.
1.6 Bids will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the Candidates
or their representatives who choose to attend at East African Portland Cement
Company Ltd Boardroom.
1.7 All bids shall be accompanied by a bid security from the bank of not less than
Kes 300,000/= (Kenya Shillings three hundred thousand) only.
1.8 The East African Portland Cement Company Ltd reserves the right to accept
/reject all or part of the Bids and is not bound to give reasons for doing so.
For Managing Director
The East African Portland Cement Company Ltd
Off Namanga Road,
P O Box 20-00204
Athi River, Kenya.
Tel. 254-709 855 000
TO: The Managing Director
East African Portland Cement Company Ltd
P. O. Box 20- 00204
After our Bid is accepted we shall furnish a security in the form of Bank Guarantee
(to be approved by you) to be jointly and severally bound with us in an amount of
10% of the above named sum which shall be subject to release to the Supplier in
accordance with the General Conditions of the Contract.
We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of Bid
submission prescribed in the Invitation to Bid and it shall remain binding upon us
and may be accepted any time before the expiration of that period.
Unless and until an Agreement is prepared and executed, this Bid together with
your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding Contract between us.
A Bid security in the sum of Kes 300,000/= (Kenya Shillings three hundred thousand
only), is enclosed with this Bid. The bid security is valid for at least 120 days from
the date of bid submission).
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may
We hereby agree that any errors in our Bid shall be adjusted as defined in the
In the capacity of
P. O. Box Code
Signature of Witness
• Delete as appropriate
2.1.1 This Invitation for Bids is open to all Bidders eligible as described in the
Invitation to Bid. Successful Bidders shall complete the supply of goods by
the intended completion date specified in the Schedule of Requirements
Section VI.
2.1.2 The procuring entity’s employees, committee members, board members and
their relative (spouse and children) are not eligible to participate in the Bid.
2.1.3 Bidders shall provide the qualification information statement that the Bidder
(including all members of a joint venture and subcontractors) is not
associated, or have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a
firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the Procuring entity
to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design,
specifications, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the
goods under this Invitation for Bids.
2.1.4 Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and
fraudulent practices.
2.2.1 All goods to be supplied under the contract shall have their origin in eligible
source countries.
2.2.2 For purposes of this clause, “origin” means the place where the goods are
mined, grown, or produced. Goods are produced when, through
manufacturing, processing, or substantial and major assembly of components,
a commercially-recognized product results that is substantially different in
basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components
2.2.3 The origin of goods is distinct from the nationality of the Bidder.
2.3.1 The B i d d e r shall bear all costs associated with the preparation
and submission of its Bid, and the procuring entity, will in no case be
responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of
the Bidding process.
2.3.2 The price to be charged for the Bid document (if Bidder prefers hard copy
from EAPCC) shall be Kes.1, 000/= (one Thousand) only payable at the cash
office in EAPCC Athi river
2.4.1 The Bid document comprises the documents listed below and addenda issued
in accordance with clause 2.6 of these instructions to Bidders
(i) Invitation to Bid
(ii) Instructions to Bidders
(iii) General Conditions of Contract
(iv) Special Conditions of Contract
(v) Schedule of requirements
(vi) Technical Specifications
(vii) Bid Form and Price Schedules
(viii) Bid Security Form
(ix) Contract Form
(x) Performance Security Form
(xi) Confidential Business Questionnaire
2.4.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and
specifications in the Bid documents. Failure to furnish all information
required by the Bid documents or to submit a Bid not substantially responsive
to the Bid documents in every respect will be at the Bidders risk and may
result in the rejection of its Bid.
2.5.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bid document may
notify the Procuring entity in writing or by post at the entity’s address
indicated in the Invitation to Bid. The Procuring entity will respond in
writing to any request for clarification of the Bid documents, which it
receives not later than five (5) days prior to the deadline for the submission of
Bids, prescribed by the procuring entity. Written copies of the Procuring
entities response (including an e x p l a n a t i o n of t h e query b u t
w i t h o u t identifying the source of inquiry) will be sent to all prospective
Bidders that have given their contact details and tender Number to the
procurement department using the email(s) given in the tender document for
purposes of issuance of any addendum These clarifications will also be posted
to the EAPCC Website.
2.5.2 The procuring entity shall reply to any clarifications sought by the Bidder
within 2 days of receiving the request to enable the Bidder to make timely
submission of its Bid.
2.6.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the Procuring entity,
for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification
requested by a prospective Bidder, may modify the Bid documents by
2.6.2 All prospective candidates that have received the Bid documents will be
notified of the amendment in writing or by post and will be binding on them.
2.6.3 In order to allow prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the
amendment into account in preparing their Bids, the Procuring entity, at its
discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of Bids.
2.7.1 The Bid prepared by the Bidder, as well as all correspondence and documents
relating to the Bid exchange by the Bidder and the Procuring entity, shall be
written in English language, provided that any printed literature furnished by
the Bidder may be written in another language provided they are
accompanied by an accurate English translation of the relevant passages in
which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, the English translation
shall govern.
2.8.1 The Bid prepared by the Bidders shall comprise the following components
(a) a Bid Form and a Price Schedule completed in accordance with
paragraph 2.9, 2.10 and 2.11 below
(b) Documentary evidence established in accordance with paragraph
2.1.2 that the Bidder is eligible to Bid and is qualified to perform
the contract if its Bid is accepted;
(c) Documentary evidence established in accordance with paragraph
2.2.1 that the goods and ancillary services to be supplied by the
Bidder are eligible goods and services and conform to the Bid
documents; and
(d) Bid security furnished in accordance with paragraph 2.14
2.9.1 The Bidder shall complete the Bid Form and the appropriate Price Schedule
furnished in the Bid documents, indicating the goods to be supplied, a brief
description of the goods, their country of origin, quantity, and prices.
2.10 Bid Prices
2.10.1 The Bidder shall indicate on the appropriate Price Schedule the unit prices
it proposes to supply under the contract
2.10.2 Prices indicated on the Price Schedule shall include all costs including taxes,
insurances and delivery to the premises of the entity.
2.10.3 Prices quoted by the Bid shall be fixed during the Bid’s performance of the
contract and not subject to variation on any account. A Bid submitted with
an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will be
rejected, pursuant to paragraph 2.22
2.10.4 The validity period of the Bid shall be 90 days from the date of opening of
the Bid.
2.11.1 Prices shall be quoted in Kenya Shillings unless otherwise specified in the
Appendix to Instructions to Bidders.
2.12.1 Pursuant to paragraph 2.1. the Bidder shall furnish, as part of its Bid,
documents establishing the Bidders eligibility to Bid and its
qualifications to perform the contract if its Bid is accepted.
(a) that, in the case of a Bidder offering to supply goods under the contract
which the Bidder did not manufacture or otherwise produce, the Bidder
has been duly authorized by the goods’ Manufacturer or producer to
supply the goods.
(b) that the Bidder has the financial, technical, and production capability
necessary to perform the contract;
(c) that, in the case of a Bidder not doing business within Kenya, the
Bidder is or will be (if awarded the contract) represented by an Agent
in Kenya equipped, and able to carry out the Bidder’s maintenance,
repair, and spare parts-stocking obligations prescribed in the
Conditions of Contract and/or Technical Specifications.
2.13.1 Pursuant to paragraph 2.2 of this section, the Bidder shall furnish, as part of
its Bid documents establishing the eligibility and conformity to the Bid
documents of all goods which the Bidder proposes to supply under the
2.13.2 The documentary evidence of the eligibility of the goods shall consist of a
statement in the Price Schedule of the country of origin of the goods and
services offered which shall be confirmed by a certificate of origin issued at
the time of shipment.
2.13.3 The documentary evidence of conformity of the goods to the Bid documents
may be in the form of literature, drawings, and data, and shall consist of:
2.14.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its Bid, a Bid security for the amount
specified in the Appendix to Invitation to Bidders.
2.14.2 The Bid form shall be accompanied by a bid security of not less than Kes
300,000/= (Kenya Shillings three hundred thousand
only) only.
2.14.3 The Bid security is required to protect the Procuring entity against the risk of
Bidder’s conduct which would warrant the security’s forfeiture, pursuant to
paragraph 2.14.7
2.14.4 The Bid security shall be denominated in Kenya Shillings or in another freely
convertible currency, and shall be in the form of a bank cheque or a bank
guarantee or a bank draft issued by a reputable bank located in Kenya or
abroad in the form provided in the Bid documents and valid for thirty (30)
days beyond the validity of the Bid i.e. 120 days from the date of Bid
2.14.5 Any Bid not secured in accordance with paragraph 2.14.2 and 2.14.4 will be
rejected by the Procuring entity as non responsive, pursuant to paragraph 2.22
2.14.7 The successful Bidder’s Bid security will be discharged upon the Bidder
signing the contract, pursuant to paragraph 2.27 and furnishing the
performance security, pursuant to paragraph 2.28
(a) if a Bidder withdraws its Bid during the period of Bid validity
specified by the procuring entity on the Bid Form; or
2.15.1 Bids shall remain valid for 90 days or as specified in the Invitation to Bid
after the date of Bid opening prescribed by the Procuring entity, pursuant to
paragraph 2.18. A Bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the
Procuring entity as non responsive. 11
2.15.2 In exceptional circumstances, the Procuring entity may solicit the Bidder’s
consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the
responses thereto shall be made in writing. The Bid security provided under
paragraph 2.14 shall also be suitably extended. A Bidder may refuse the
request without forfeiting its Bid security. A Bidder granting the request will
not be required nor permitted to modify its Bid.
2.16.1 The Procuring entity shall prepare two copies of the Bid, clearly marking
each “ORIGINAL BID” a n d “COPY OF BID,” as appropriate. In the
event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern.
2.16.2 The original and all copies of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink
and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to
bind the Bidder to the contract. The latter authorization shall be indicated by
written power-of-attorney accompanying the Bid. All pages of the Bid,
except for unlamented printed literature, shall be initialed by the person or
persons signing the Bid and stamped.
2.17.1 The Bidder shall seal the original and each copy of the Bid in separate
envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL” and “COPY.” The
envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope.
(b) Bear, Bid number and name in the Invitation for Bids and the words,
“DO NOT OPEN BEFORE,” Monday Nov 21st, 2016
2.17.3 The inner envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the Bidder to
enable the Bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared “late”.
2.17.4 If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required by paragraph
2.17.2, the Procuring entity will assume no responsibility for the Bid’s
misplacement or premature opening.
2.18 Deadline for Submission of Bids
2.18.1 Bids must be received by the Procuring entity at the address specified
under paragraph 2.17.2 no later than 12 Noon – Monday Nov 21st, 2016
2.18.2 The Procuring entity may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the
submission of Bids by amending the Bid documents in accordance with
paragraph 2.6, in which case all rights and obligations of the Procuring entity
and candidates previously subject to the deadline will therefore be subject to
the deadline as extended
2.19.1 The Bidder may modify or withdraw its Bid after the Bid’s submission,
provided that written notice of the modification, including substitution or
withdrawal of the Bids, is received by the Procuring prior to the deadline
prescribed for submission of Bids.
2.19.3 No Bid may be modified after the deadline for submission of Bids.
2.19.4 No Bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for
submission of Bids and the expiration of the period of Bid validity specified
by the Bidder on the Bid Form. Withdrawal of a Bid during this interval may
result in the Bidder’s forfeiture of its Bid security, pursuant to paragraph
2.19.5 The procuring entity may at any time terminate procurement proceedings
before contract award and shall not be liable to any person for the
2.19.6 The procuring entity shall give prompt notice of the termination to the
Bidders and on request give its reasons for termination within 14 days of
receiving the request from any Bidder.
2.20 Opening of Bids
2.20.1 The Procuring entity will open all Bids in the presence of Bidders’
Representatives who choose to attend, at 12 noon on Monday Nov 21st, 2016
and in the location specified in the Invitation to Bid.
2.20.2 The Bidders’ names, Bid modifications or withdrawals, Bid prices, discounts
and the presence or absence of requisite Bid security and such other details as
the Procuring entity, at its discretion, may consider appropriate, will be
announced at the opening.
2.20.3 The Procuring entity will prepare minutes of the Bid opening.
2.21.2 Any effort by the Bidder to influence the Procuring entity in the Procuring
entity’s Bid evaluation, Bid comparison or contract award decisions may
result in the rejection of the Bidders’ Bid.
2.22.1 The Procuring entity will examine the Bids to determine whether they are
complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether
required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been
properly signed, and whether the Bids are generally in order.
2.22.3 The Procuring entity may waive any minor informality or non-conformity or
irregularity in a Bid which does not constitute a material deviation, provided
such waiver does not prejudice or effect the relative ranking of any Bidder.
2.22.4 Prior to the detailed evaluation, pursuant to paragraph 2.23 the Procuring
entity will determine the substantial responsiveness of each Bid to the Bid
documents. The Procuring entity’s determination of a Bid’s responsiveness is
to be based on the contents of the Bid itself without recourse to extrinsic
2.22.6 The Company reserves the right to waive minor deviations in the evaluation
criteria if they do not materially affect the capability of an applicant to
2.23.1 Where other currencies are used, the procuring entity will convert these
currencies to Kenya Shillings using the selling exchange rate on the date of
Bid closing provided by the Central Bank of Kenya.
2.24.1 The Procuring entity will evaluate and compare the Bids which have been
determined to be substantially responsive, pursuant to paragraph 2.22
2.24.2 The Bid evaluation committee shall evaluate the Bid within 30 days of the
validity period from the date of opening the Bid.
2.24.3 A Bidder who gives false information in the Bid document about its
qualification or who refuses to enter into a contract after notification of
contract award shall be considered for debarment from participating in future
public procurement.
2.25 Preference
2.25.1 Preference where allowed in the evaluation of Bids shall not exceed 15%.
2.26 Contacting the Procuring entity
2.26.1 Subject to paragraph 2.21 no Bidder shall contact the Procuring entity on any
matter related to its Bid, from the time of the Bid opening to the time the
contract is awarded.
2.26.2 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Procuring entity in its decisions on
Bid, evaluation, Bid comparison, or contract award may result in the rejection
of the Bidder’s Bid.
2.27.1 In the absence of pre-qualification, the Procuring entity will determine to its
satisfaction whether the Bidder that is selected as having submitted the lowest
evaluated responsive Bid is qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily.
2.27.2 The determination will take into account the Bidder financial, technical, and
production capabilities. It will be based upon an examination of the
documentary evidence of the Bidders qualifications submitted by the Bidder,
pursuant to paragraph 2.12.3 as well as such other information as the
Procuring entity deems necessary and appropriate.
2.27.4 The Procuring entity will award the contract to the successful Bidder(s)
whose Bid has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been
determined to be the lowest evaluated Bid, provided further that the Bidder is
determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily.
2.27.5 The Procuring entity reserves the right at the time of contract award to
increase or decrease the quantity of goods originally specified in the Schedule
of requirements without any change in unit price or other terms and
(d) Procuring entity’s Right to Accept or Reject Any or All Bids
2.27.6 The Procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to
annul the Bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to contract
award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or
Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the
grounds for the Procuring entity’s action
2.28.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of Bid validity, the Procuring entity will
notify the successful Bidders in writing that its Bid has been accepted.
2.28.3 Upon the successful Bidder’s furnishing of the performance security pursuant
to paragraph 2.28, the Procuring entity will promptly notify each
unsuccessful Bidder and will discharge its Bid security, pursuant to paragraph
2.29.1 At the same time as the Procuring entity notifies the successful Bidder that its
Bid has been accepted, the Procuring entity will send the Bidder the Contract
Form provided in the Bid documents, incorporating all agreements between
the parties.
2.29.2 The parties to the contract shall have it signed within 30 days from the date of
notification o f c o n t r a c t a w a r d u n l e s s t h e r e is an administrative
review request.
2.29.3 Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Contract Form, the successful Bidder
shall sign and date the contract and return it to the Procuring entity.
2.30.1 Within Thirty (30)days of the receipt of notification of award from the
Procuring entity, the successful Bidder shall furnish the performance security
in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, in the Performance Security
Form provided in the Bid documents, or in another form acceptable to the
Procuring entity.
2.30.2 Failure of the successful Bidders to comply with the requirements of
paragraph 2.27 or paragraph 2.28 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the
annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Bid security, in which event the
Procuring entity may make the award to the next lowest evaluated Candidate
or call for new Bids.
2.31.2 The procuring entity will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the
Bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices in competing for the contract in question.
The company shall provide sanctions against firms that have not performed
according to professionally regulated procedures, contractual agreements or
legislation. The latter includes those in serious violations of fair employment laws
& practices and known violation of the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005.
Appendix to Instructions to Bidders
The following information regarding the particulars of the Bid shall complement
supplement or amend the provisions of the instructions to Bidders. Wherever there
is a conflict between the provision of the instructions to Bidders and the provisions
of the appendix, the provisions of the appendix herein shall prevail over those of the
instructions to Bidders
2.1.1 Eligible Bidders shall:-
• Be incorporated in Kenya;
• Have fulfilled their obligation to pay taxes and social security
contributions evidence of which must be produced;
• Have undertaken similar assignments in value and nature in
the last three years. Evidence of this, e.g. testimonial letters
or copies of orders from such authority, shall be presented
with this bid on submission;
• Have financial and technical capability;
• Have the authorization letter from the National
Environmental Management Authority (NEMA), Mining and
geology license and all other requisite permits (council permit,
blasting permit from relevant government authorities) for
mining and supply of Iron Ore or any other related mineral
and copy of the same shall form part of this bid.
The above requirements are mandatory and any bidder not meeting
any of the above may be treated as non-responsive.
This procurement shall be for supply and delivery of Iron Ore to the
factory situated at AthiRiver.
2.4.1-xi Shall be on bidders letterhead, signed, stamped and dated
2.4.2 Pay special attention to this clause
2.8.1 Pay special attention to the clause (See 2.22.4 below)
2.9.1 Pay special attention to the clause
2.10.2 Prices quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, incidentals etc
and shall be delivered prices to Athi River Factory.
2.10.3 No price variations are applicable in the performance of this
2.11.1 The bid price shall be in Kenya shillings – (See 2.23.1 below )
2.12 Pay special attention to the clause. The requirements of this clause
shall form part of the evaluation criteria
2.13.3 (a) & (b) Pay special attention to the clause. The requirements of this clause
shall form part of the evaluation criteria
2.13.4 Pay special attention to the clause. The requirements of this clause
shall form part of the evaluation criteria
2.14.1 The Bid security shall be not less than Kes 300,000/= (three hundred
thousand only) and valid for 120 days from the date of bid submission.
No insurance bid security shall be accepted.
2.14.4 Pay special attention to the clause. Insurance bid securities shall not
be accepted.
2.16.1 Bidders shall prepare two copies and mark them clearly as
2.16.3 Any alterations shall be initialed by the person or persons signing
the bid. Any alterations not initialed shall lead to disqualification of
the bid.
2.17 Pay special attention to the clause
2.18.1 Bids must be received by 12 noon on Monday Nov 21st, 2016
2.20.1 Bids shall be opened immediately thereafter receipt on
Monday Nov 21st, 2016
2.22.4 Under preliminary evaluation, the following shall be checked to
confirm they conform:
• Valid Bid Security issued by a bank NOT insurance company
• Copy of certificate of Incorporation/Certificate
• Proof of Tax Compliance that shall be confirmed form the
KRA website
• Copy of Audited Accounts or letter from bank indicating
credit limit or certificate of deposit
• Form of bid duly completed, signed, stamped and witnessed
• All alterations countersigned
• Copy of bid document buying receipt(if applicable)
• Confidential Business Questionnaire on bidder’s letter header
• Have the authorization letter from the National
Environmental Management Authority (NEMA), Mining
and geology license and all other requisite permit for
mining and supply of Iron Ore and copy of the same
shall form part of this bid.
2.27.3 See 2.22.5 above
2.27.5 Quantity variation shall not exceed 10% of awarded quantity and
may be varied within the life of the contract
2.28.2 The award shall be subject to no appeals
2.28.3 The requirements of the Public Procurement & Disposal Act, 2015
shall apply.
2.30.1 Performance security shall be 10% of the awarded contract sum
in form of a bank guarantee. No insurance performance securities
shall be accepted.
2.31 This shall lead to rejection of the bid in total and may be subject to
Debarment in future. Any member of public with any information
may refer the same to the relevant state bodies or the Managing
2.32 This will be taken very seriously and may result to a bid being
Declared non-responsive.
3.1 Definitions
3.1.1 In this Contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated:-
(a) “The Contract” means the agreement entered into between the Procuring
entity and the Bidder, as recorded in the Contract Form signed by the
parties, including all attachments and appendices thereto and all
documents incorporated by reference therein.
(b) “The Contract Price” means the price payable to the Bidder under the
Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations
(c) “The Goods” means all of the equipment, machinery, and/or other
materials, which the Bidder is required to supply to the Procuring entity
under the Contract.
(d) “The Procuring entity” means the organization purchasing the Goods
under this Contract.
(e) “The Bidder’ means the individual or firm supplying the Goods under this
3.2 Application
3.2.1 These General Conditions shall apply in all Contracts made by the Procuring
entity for the procurement installation and commissioning of equipment
3.3 Standards
3.3.1 The Goods supplied under this Contract shall conform to the standards
mentioned in the Technical Specifications.
3.4.1 The Bidder shall not, without the Procuring entity’s prior written consent,
disclose the Contract, or any provision therefore, or any specification, plan,
drawing, pattern, sample, or information furnished by or on behalf of the
Procuring entity in connection therewith, to any person other than a person
employed by the Bidder in the performance of the Contract.
3.4.2 The Bidder shall not, without the Procuring entity’s prior written consent,
make use of any document or information enumerated in paragraph 3.5.1
3.4.3 Any document, other than the Contract itself, enumerated in paragraph 3.5.1
shall remain the property of the Procuring entity and shall be returned (all
copies) to the Procuring entity on completion of the Bidder’s performance
under the Contract if so required by the Procuring entity
3.5.1 The Bidder shall indemnify the Procuring entity against all third-party claims
of infringement of patent, trademark, or industrial design rights arising from
use of the Goods or any part thereof in the Procuring entity’s country
3.6.1 Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notification of Contract award, the
successful Bidder shall furnish to the Procuring entity the performance
security in the amount specified in Special Conditions of Contract.
3.6.2 The proceeds of the performance security shall be payable to the Procuring
entity as compensation for any loss resulting from the Bidder’s failure to
complete its obligations under the Contract.
3.6.4 The performance security will be discharged by the Procuring entity and
returned to the Candidate not later than thirty (30) days following the date of
completion of the Bidder’s performance obligations under the Contract,
including any warranty obligations, under the Contract
3.7.1 The Procuring entity or its representative shall have the right to inspect and/or
to test the goods to confirm their conformity to the Contract specifications.
The Procuring entity shall notify the Bidder in writing in a timely manner, of
the identity of any representatives retained for these purposes.
3.7.2 The inspections and tests may be conducted in the premises of the Bidder or
its subcontractor(s), at point of delivery, and/or at the Goods’ final
destination if conducted on the premises of the Bidder or its subcontractor(s),
all reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to drawings and
production data, shall be furnished to the inspectors at no charge to the
Procuring entity.
3.7.3 Should any inspected or tested goods fail to conform to the Specifications,
the Procuring entity may reject the equipment, and the Bidder shall either
replace the rejected equipment or make alternations necessary to make
specification requirements free of costs to the Procuring entity.
3.7.4 The Procuring entity’s right to inspect, test and where necessary, reject the
goods after the Goods’ arrival shall in no way be limited or waived by reason
of the equipment having previously been inspected, tested and passed by the
Procuring entity or its representative prior to the equipment delivery.
3.7.5 Nothing in paragraph 3.8 shall in any way release the Bidder from any
warranty or other obligations under this Contract.
3.8.1 Delivery of the Goods shall be made by the Bidder in accordance with the
terms specified by Procuring entity in its Schedule of Requirements and the
Special Conditions of Contract
3.9 Insurance
3.9.1 The Goods supplied under the Contract shall be fully insured against loss or
damage incidental to manufacturer or acquisition, transportation, storage, and
delivery in the manner specified in the Special conditions of contract.
3.10 Payment
3.10.1 The method and conditions of payment to be made to the Bidder under this
Contract shall be specified in Special Conditions of Contract
3.10.2 Payments shall be made promptly by the Procuring entity as specified in the
3.12 Prices
3.12.1 Prices charged by the Bidder for goods delivered and services performed
under the Contract shall not, with the exception of any price adjustments
authorized in Special Conditions of Contract, vary from the prices by the
Bidder in its Bid.
3.13 Assignment
3.13.1 The Bidder shall not assign, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform
under this Contract, except with the Procuring entity’s prior written consent
3.14 Subcontracts
3.14.1 The Bidder shall notify the Procuring entity in writing of all subcontracts
awarded under this Contract if not already specified in the Bid. Such
notification, in the original Bid or later, shall not relieve the Bidder from any
liability or obligation under the Contract
The Procuring entity may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach
of Contract, by written notice of default sent to the bidder, terminate this
Contract in whole or in part:
a) if the bidder fails to provide any or all of the services within the period(s)
specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the
Procuring entity.
b) if the bidder fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Contract.
c) if the bidder, in the judgment of the Procuring entity has engaged in
corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for
or in executing the Contract.
In the event the Procuring entity terminates the Contract in whole or in part, it
may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate,
services similar to those undelivered, and the bidder shall be liable to the
Procuring entity for any excess costs for such similar services.
The procuring entity may at any time terminate the contract by giving written
notice to the contractor if the contractor becomes bankrupt or otherwise
insolvent. In this event, termination will be without compensation to the
contractor, provided that such termination will not produce or affect any right
of action or remedy, which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the
procuring entity.
3.16.1 The procuring entity by written notice sent to the contractor may terminate
the contract in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience. The notice of
termination shall specify that the termination is for the procuring entity
convenience, the extent to which performance of the contractor of the
contract is terminated and the date on which such termination becomes
3.16.2 For the remaining part of the contract after termination the procuring entity
may elect to cancel the services and pay to the contractor on agreed amount
for partially completed services.
3.16.3 Either Party may terminate the contract for any reason provided that such
termination is communicated to the other Party by way of a notice and
provided that such a notice is given three calendar months from the date of
receipt of the notice to the date of the termination.
3.17.1. If the Bidder fails to deliver any or all of the goods within the period(s)
specified in the contract, the procuring entity shall, without prejudice to its
other remedies under the c o n t r a c t , deduct from the contract
prices liquidated damages sum equivalent to 0.5% of the delivered price of
the delayed items up to a maximum deduction of 10% of the delayed goods
and as per SCC. After this the Bidder may consider termination of the
3.18 Resolution of Disputes
3.18.2 The procuring entity and the Bidder shall make every effort to resolve
amicably by direct informal negotiation and disagreement or dispute arising
between them under or in connection with the contract
3.18.3 If, after thirty (30) days from the commencement of such informal
negotiations both parties have been unable to resolve amicably a contract
dispute, either party may require adjudication in an agreed national or
international forum, and/or international arbitration.
3.19.2 The language of the contract and the law governing the contract shall be
English language and the Laws of Kenya respectively unless otherwise
3.20.1 The Bidder shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security or
termination for default if and to the extent that it’s delay in performance or
other failure to perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an
event of Force Majeure.
The contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Kenya unless
otherwise specified in the SCC
3.22 Notices
Any notices given by one party to the other pursuant to this contract shall be
sent to the other party by post or by fax or E-mail and confirmed in writing to
the other party’s address specified in the SCC. A notice shall be effective
when delivered or on the notices effective date, whichever is later.
4.1 Special conditions of contract shall supplement the general conditions of
contract, wherever there is a conflict between the GCC and the SCC, the
provisions of the SCC herein shall prevail over those in the GCC.
4.2 Special conditions of contract with reference to the general conditions of
3.5.1 An indemnity on the bidder’s letter head, signed and stamped shall form
part o f the bid document. None compliance m a y render t h e bid non-
3.6.1 Performance security shall be 10% of the awarded contract sum
No insurance performance securities shall be accepted.
3.8 The awarded firm shall commence the assignment immediately but not later
than seven (7) days from the date of issuance of an LPO by the Procurement
Manager or his representative. The bidder shall be deemed to have
performed their obligation after delivery notes for each consignment are
signed by the receiving officer to signify acceptance.
3.9 Awarded bidder shall insure his trucks as per the laws of Kenya, and all his
employees as per the requirements of WIBA. Also, Bidder shall fully insure
the goods against loss or damage incidental to transportation, storage and
delivery. This shall be discharged upon acceptance of the goods at the
factory on signing of the delivery note.
3.10 Mode of payments will be through EFT thirty (30) days of invoices after
Presentation. The invoice amount is against weighbridge tickets at the point
of receipt in Athi River Works. No single invoice shall be less than Kenya
shillings two hundred (200,000.00) except for the final invoice.
3.12 Bidder shall not assign in part or in whole this contract without written
approval from the employer.
3.13 Bidder shall not subcontract in part or in whole this contract without
written approval from the employer.
3.15 Thirty (30) days’ notice
3.16 a) Thirty (30) days’ notice
b) This shall be negotiated
c) Thirty (30) days’ notice- This is applicable for any general termination
not clearly defined in this document
3.14, 3.15 &3.16 Should the bidder not provide the services and the employer procures the
same either in part or whole; the bidder shall bear the difference between the
market price of the service so procured and the contract price for the
cancelled portion.
3.17 Liquidated damages shall be 0.5% (point five percent) of the contract
amount per day, Up to a maximum of 10% of the quarterly issued LPO’s or
Kenya shillings Ten Million (10,000,000/=) whichever is higher.
3.18 If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever shall arise between the
bidder and the employer in connection with or arising out of the Contract, the
parties shall make every effort to resolve amicably such dispute or difference
by mutual consultation. Should there be no solution to the dispute within thirty
(30) days of engagement, then the parties shall seek help from the Institute of
Arbitrators of Kenya and the cost of the arbitration shall be borne on a 50/50
basis by both parties.
The Contract shall be written in English language that shall also govern its
3.19 interpretation. All correspondence and other documents pertaining to the
Contract which are exchanged by the parties shall be written in English
3.20 • Bidder shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security,
liquidated damages, or termination for default if and to the extent that it’s
delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the
Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.
• “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of the bidder and not
involving the bidders fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such
events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of the employer
in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes and freight embargoes.
• If a Force Majeure situation arises, the bidder shall promptly notify the
employer in writing of such condition and the cause thereof. Unless
otherwise directed by the employer in writing, the bidder shall
continue to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as is
reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for
performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
WHILE the Supplier’s Address for notice purpose shall be:-
5.1 General
5.1.1 These specifications describe the requirements for goods. Bidders are
requested to submit with their offers the detailed specifications, drawings,
catalogues, etc for the products they intend to supply.
5.1.2 All the capacities of the goods to be supplied shall not be less than those
required in these specifications. Deviations from the basic requirements, if
any shall be explained in detail in writing with the offer, with supporting data
such as calculation sheets, etc. The procuring entity reserves the right to
reject the products, if such deviations shall be found critical to the use and
operation of the products.
5.1.3 The Bidders are requested to state the shortest possible delivery period of the
raw material that should not deviate too much from the timeline indicated in
the bid document.
East African Portland Cement Company shall procure Iron Ore that conforms to
the following minimum quality parameters:
Physical properties
0% Max on 15 mm sieve.
Chemical Properties
1. These are the basic requirements for Supply and delivery of Iron Ore. The
Employer reserves the right to reject the raw material if deviations shall be
found critical to the quality of the raw material.
3. The successful Bidder shall make deliveries on the days and at the
times specified below:
Delivery Programme
1 The awarded firms shall commence the works immediately but not later
than seven (7) days from the date of issuance of an LPO by the Procurement
Manager or his representative.
2 Award shall be to the lowest evaluated 7-10 bidders.
4 The contract shall run for a period of two years with a possibility of contract
renewal for a further one year depending on the performance of the awarded
Schedule of Requirements
Description: Supply and delivery of Iron Ore
It is noted for general information and planning purposes that the above materials
shall be delivered throughout the year.
Daily delivery Schedule: At least 100 MT per day. This quantity shall be divided
among the number of suppliers engaged.
The Reserve price for this procurement shall be Kes. 5,100.00 Per ton (VAT Incl)
A. Technical Evaluation Criteria
1 Be incorporated in kenya evidenced by a certificate of incorporation
2 Past experience on similar assignment in nature and value
Evaluation and Comparison of Bids
a) The East African Portland Cement Company Ltd shall evaluate and compare
Bids which have been determined to be substantially responsive. The
minimum technical score required to pass is 50 Points.
b) The lowest priced bidders who scores the highest mark and more than 50 points
shall be considered for award.
c) Should none of the bidders score 50 and above, then the evaluation
committee shall recommend re-tendering of this bid.
This information must be completed on the bidder’s letter head and signed
You are requested to give the particulars indicated in Part 1 and either Part 2(a), 2(b) or 2
(c) whichever applied to your type of business
You are advised that it is a serious offence to give false information on this form
Part 1 – General:
2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the
Procuring entity during the period of Bid validity:
(a) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form, if required; or
(b) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security in accordance
with the Instructions to Bidders;
This Bid guarantee will remain in force up to and including thirty (30) days
after the period of Bid validity, and any demand in respect thereof should
reach the Bank not later than the above date.
A) The Employer has invited bids for Goods and anxillary Services viz
Contract No. EAPCC/112/OT/2016 –Framework contract for Supply &
Delivery of Iron Ore to the Factory
1. In this Agreement words and expression shall have the same meanings as
are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter
referred to;
3. This contract shall prevail over all other contract documents. In the event
of any discrepancy or inconsistency within the contract documents, then the
documents shall prevail in the order listed above.
To ………………………………………….
[name of Procuring entity]
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the
Bidder shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a reputable bank for the sum
specified therein as security for compliance with the Bidder’s performance
obligations in accordance with the Contract.
The bidder shall state here below the name(s) and address of his representative(s)
who is/are authorized to receive correspondence in connection with the bid.
(Name of the Bidder's Representative in block letters)
(Address of Bidder's Representative)
(Representative's Signature)