A Depletion Layer Actuator
A Depletion Layer Actuator
A Depletion Layer Actuator
James H. T. Ransley1*, Colm Durkan1, and Ashwin A. Seshia1
Cambridge University Nanoscience Center, Cambridge, CB3 0FF, UNITED KINGDOM
(*Corresponding author: Tel : +44-1223-760313; E-mail: jhtr2@cam.ac.uk)
Abstract: The uncompensated donor or acceptor atoms present within the depletion layer of a diode can
be employed in an electrostatic actuator which utilizes the force between them and their opposing charges
on the other side of the junction. In this paper we describe the theory of such a depletion layer actuator
and demonstrate its application for the simple case of a diode located on the top surface of a cantilever
resonator. Good agreement between the experimental results and the theory is obtained. These devices
offer a new route for the integration of MEMS resonators with CMOS processing.
junctions as stress sensors [4-6], to the authors’ than in the semiconductor. Figure 1 illustrates the
knowledge their application as an actuator has not charge density per unit volume, qv, and the electric
yet been reported. There has recently been field, Ef, within a p+-n junction with dopant
significant interest in the use of capacitive densities Na and Nd in the p and n regions
actuators embedded within devices for integrated respectively. Such a junction has a depletion
circuit compatible silicon resonators in filters [7- width, Wd= √(2ε Vj /e Nd), where ε is the dielectric
8] and frequency references [9]. Such devices are, constant of silicon, e is the electronic charge and
however, not straightforward to integrate with Vj is the sum of the reverse bias on the diode and
CMOS processes and the presence of the the built in potential.
dielectric layer may significantly reduce the Consider the element of charge at position ze
quality factor obtainable. In this paper we and with thickness dze, as shown in Fig. 1. The
demonstrate the use of a reverse biased diode as force per unit area on this element of charge is:
an alternative, easily fabricated, CMOS N d e 2 ( z e − Wd )
1-4244-0842-3/07/$20.00©2007 IEEE
N d e 2ε zz (Wd − z e )z e
dW A = −dFA ε zz z e = dz e (2)
The total work per unit area done by the forces on
all the elements of charge as the junction is
strained is given by:
(N d eε )2 (2V j )2 ε zz
1 3
2 3
Wd N d e 2 ε zzWd
W A = ³ dW A = = Fig. 2 a) Schematic of cantilever device with metal
0 6ε 6
. (3) electrodes numbered and other layers labeled (not
This expression can be used within a Lagrangian to scale). b) SEM of actual device.
framework to calculate the work done by the The work done by the external force on the
actuator on any given mode shape, and hence the
The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Lyon, France, June 10-14, 2007
fabricated on the top of the cantilever by To a good approximation, the stress distribution
depositing metal onto a specially prepared surface within the beam consists of a plane stress parallel
(see fabrication details below). This diode is then to the x-direction that increases linearly with
employed to drive the cantilever in its distance from the neutral plane in the z-direction.
fundamental flexural mode. For this mode the The strain in the z-direction, εzz, is given by:
vertical displacement of the neutral axis, u(x), as a
h ∂ 2u
function of the distance from the cantilever's base, ε zz = ν ⊥ ε xx = ν ⊥ (8)
x, is known to be: 2 ∂x 2
where ν⊥ is the x to z Poisson's ratio. Substituting
§ § 1.875 x · § 1.875 x · · equations 8 and 4 into equation 7 leads to:
u ( x) = a ¨¨ 0.367 sin ¨ ¸ − 0.367 sinh ¨ ¸ ¸¸
© © L ¹ © L ¹¹
hwν ⊥ ( N d eε ) V j
1/ 2 3/2
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the static bending of the beam due to the contacts were then deposited through another
application of the DC voltage. Here for clarity we shadow mask – resulting in a structure similar to
will continue to use the variable a for the the schematic in Fig. 2a.
amplitude of vibration of the tip.)
h 3 wE
0.25 ρwhLa + 0.258 a The current voltage characteristic of the diode
. (11) was measured using a Keithly 2400 sourcemeter
hwν ⊥ ( N d eεVDC )
1/ 2
electromechanical coupling factor, from the cantilever measured in this study. A good
diode characteristic is obtained.
η =0.486 hwν⊥(NdeεVDC)1/2/L, and the resonant
In order to measure the mechanical response of
frequency ω0=√(keff /meff)=1.015 h(ρ/E)1/2/L2 (note
the cantilevers, they were mounted in an atomic
that these parameters can also be used to produce
force microscope (AFM) and electrical
an equivalent circuit model of the resonator). If
connections were made to the contacts using silver
we divide the equation through by the effective
dag and wire. The deflection of the cantilever with
mass it is straightforward to add a damping term
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were performed shortly after the device was shape, and have derived the response for the
fabricated. We also measured the device several particular case of a diode on the surface of a
months later. While qualitatively similar cantilever. We have presented initial results
behaviour was observed, quantitative agreement showing that the actuator functions and that its
with the initial results was not obtained, in both response is consistent with the model.
the magnitude of the resonant amplitude and in the We are currently working to completely validate
reverse bias dependence. One possible explanation our model by measuring the dependence of the
for this is that oxygen diffused through the gold response on the DC bias, the AC bias and the
layer to produce a thin oxide at the interface, length of the cantilevers with a newly fabricated
significantly changing the characteristics of the device.
device. Commercial silicon Shottky diodes are The use of pn junction internal actuators for
typically encapsulated in silicon nitride to prevent silicon resonators and oscillators is attractive
oxidation from occurring due to oxygen diffusing because the absence of additional deposited layers
The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Lyon, France, June 10-14, 2007
through the metal and this seems a likely offers the promise of similar quality factors to gap
explanation for the changing device behaviour actuated devices. Since the implants required to
over this timescale. fabricate the actuators are already performed in
From these initial results a proof-of-concept standard CMOS processes, these devices provide
demonstration of the actuator has been obtained an attractive alternate route for the fabrication of
and the model developed by the authors provides a CMOS-compatible integrated silicon oscillators.
good basis for understanding its operation for the
1-4244-0842-3/07/$20.00©2007 IEEE