Sensors: Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) For Chemical Sensing Applications of Recognition Layers
Sensors: Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) For Chemical Sensing Applications of Recognition Layers
Sensors: Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) For Chemical Sensing Applications of Recognition Layers
Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) for Chemical Sensing
Applications of Recognition Layers †
Adnan Mujahid 1,2 ID
and Franz L. Dickert 1, * ID
1 Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Währinger Straße 38, A-1090 Vienna, Austria;
2 Institute of Chemistry, University of the Punjab, Quaid-i-Azam Campus, Lahore 54590, Pakistan
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +43-1-4277-52301; Fax: +43-1-4277-9523
† Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Robert Pirker on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
Abstract: Surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators represent some of the most prominent acoustic
devices for chemical sensing applications. As their frequency ranges from several hundred MHz to
GHz, therefore they can record remarkably diminutive frequency shifts resulting from exceptionally
small mass loadings. Their miniaturized design, high thermal stability and possibility of wireless
integration make these devices highly competitive. Owing to these special characteristics, they are
widely accepted as smart transducers that can be combined with a variety of recognition layers
based on host-guest interactions, metal oxide coatings, carbon nanotubes, graphene sheets, functional
polymers and biological receptors. As a result of this, there is a broad spectrum of SAW sensors,
i.e., having sensing applications ranging from small gas molecules to large bio-analytes or even
whole cell structures. This review shall cover from the fundamentals to modern design developments
in SAW devices with respect to interfacial receptor coatings for exemplary sensor applications.
The related problems and their possible solutions shall also be covered, with a focus on emerging
trends and future opportunities for making SAW as established sensing technology.
Keywords: surface acoustic wave (SAW); shear-horizontal surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW);
shear transverse wave (STW); RFID-tags; piezoelectric; chemical sensors; recognition layers
1. Introduction
Modern chemical sensor designs focus on fast and highly responsive transducer devices
that can readily transform chemical responses into measurable electronic signals. These devices
should be robust and stable under all working conditions, especially in multifaceted environments.
This includes their ability to generate and transform sensor signals in thermally and chemically
corrosive mixtures. Moreover, their ability for wireless communication [1,2] and small size should make
their integration with remote devices possible [3] for developing portable and miniaturized detection
chips. The accuracy of such sensors should be comparable to traditional analytical instruments so that
they can compete and provide real alternates. There are stringent yet important features of an ideal
chemical sensor that must be met for commercially acceptable sensing tools for a broad spectrum of
uses. There are various types of transducer devices, such as acoustic [4], electrochemical [5], optical [6],
magnetic [7,8] and thermo-responsive [9,10] which have been comprehensively studied for chemical
sensor research and development.
Different from all other types of devices, acoustic resonators are considered as universal
transducers because mass is a primary feature of any target and even if it does not possess any
electric/magnetic, optical and thermal properties, it still can be detected by acoustic sensors down
to levels as low as picograms [11]. This feature makes acoustic/gravimetric transducers unique in
the sensing domain and due this reason they are widely accepted for developing label-free sensors.
The principle of acoustic devices relies on the piezoelectric effect whereby a certain material under
stress becomes polarization leading to the generation of a potential difference. The reverse is also
true, so when a voltage is applied to such materials, they undergo deformation causing a converse
piezoelectric effect. The phenomena was noted by the Curie brothers [12,13] and later mathematically
verified by Lipmann [14]. Typical examples of piezoelectric materials are quartz, Rochelle salt, lithium
niobate and lithium tantalate, gallium arsenide and gallium orthophosphate and others. Piezoelectric
materials have found numerous applications in many fields such as power generators, frequency
standards, microelectronics, biomedical imaging and sensing systems. Due to their excellent actuating
features, they have been widely used in developing smart sensing devices.
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices are among some of the first generation acoustic resonators
that were first discussed about four decades ago [15,16]. In 1974, Piezo Technology (Orlando, FL, USA)
and Texas Instruments (Dallas, TX, USA) jointly published an article [17] on ultra-high frequency
SAW resonators in which they were able to work on 400 MHz devices. With some recommendations,
they also predicted that SAW devices would undergo considerable progress in coming years. Since then,
SAW resonators have been found to be highly valuable in diverse fields, including frequency filters
for electronic devices including wireless communication tools and especially for developing smart
miniaturized sensors. Their exceptionally high frequency among acoustic devices, small size, faster
response, high ruggedness, and integration ability with different receptor materials are some of
the highlighted features of SAW devices. These characteristics make them highly suitable in the
sensing field for a variety of targets such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), toxic gases, chemical
warfare agents, explosives, and bio-analytes including proteins, yeast cells for biotechnological
process monitoring and cancer cells for clinical diagnostics. For developing such sensors, there is
an extensive range of receptor interfaces, for example supramolecular coatings [18], metal oxide
nanostructures [19], carbon nanotubes and composites [20,21], self-assembled monolayers [22],
molecularly imprinted polymers [23] and natural receptors [24] that are reported for potential chemical
sensing applications. Nonetheless, typically the selection of a particular receptor mainly depends
upon its straightforward synthesis and integration with SAW, highly sensitivity and selective binding
with the target, regeneration for reusing the sensing surface and being able to keep coatings intact and
stable without losing their recognition properties.
Apart from coating materials, the performance of SAW resonators for sensing are associated with
many variables like the nature of the piezoelectric substrate, damping problems in the liquid phase,
temperature effect, frequency dependency and design fabrication for enhanced response. These are
important and testing parameters for making SAW a competitive chemical sensor transducer. In this
article, we shall describe imperative design and operational details of SAW for sensing perspectives,
including related challenges. Furthermore, their significant contributions for both gas [25–27] and
liquid phase sensing [28–30] would be reviewed with a view to potential receptors coatings for typical
applications. The use of microfluidics, RFID-tags with recognition layers and commercial systems
using gas chromatography and SAW combinations are also highlighted. Finally, the challenges related
to transducer design and recognition layers are also described, with a focus on establishing competitive
SAW sensors and identifying future opportunities.
2. SAW Overview
light times
These acoustic
of light waves.waves
confined to theare
waves substrate
to the having
substratepenetration depths of
surface, having
a fewpenetration
wavelengths which
depths of aindicates that they
few wavelengths possess
which highthat
indicates surface
they energy. Lordsurface
possess high Raleigh was the
energy. Lordfirst to
Raleigh was the first to explain the propagation of waves along the plane surface of
explain the propagation of waves along the plane surface of elastic solids in his classical paper [31]. elastic solids in
his classical
A typical paper [31]. is
SAW resonator A shown
typical SAW resonator
in Figure 1a. Inis shown in Figure 1a. In
this configuration this are
there configuration
specially there
grating specially designed
having agrating
period reflectors having
of λ/2 which area used
λ/2 which
back are
the used to reflect
surface wavesback the the
surface waves towards the IDTs for resonance. A single port SAW device contains only one set of
IDTs for resonance. A single port SAW device contains only one set of IDTs, but two reflectors on each
IDTs, but two reflectors on each side of the crystal for obtaining suitable resonance signals. Single
side of the crystal for obtaining suitable resonance signals. Single port SAWs are usually considered for
port SAWs are usually considered for making oscillating circuits whereas two port devices are
making oscillating
useful circuitsspecial
for developing whereas two port
frequency devices are useful for developing special frequency filters.
Figure 1. (a) A typical design of a one port SAW resonator; (b) a two port SAW device having a
Figure 1. (a) A typical design of a one port SAW resonator; (b) a two port SAW device having a chemical
chemical recognition layer.
recognition layer.
The other type of SAW device fabricated on piezoelectric material is shown in Figure 1b. The
The line type
of SAW thedevice
distance between on
fabricated twopiezoelectric
sets of IDTs material
where usually
is showna chemical
in Figure recognition
1b. The delay
layer is deposited.
line represents As there
the distance are two
between two sets of of
sets electrodes
IDTs whereon the substrate,
usually thereforerecognition
a chemical these are alsolayer is
termed two-port devices, i.e., one is the transmitter IDTs which may also be
deposited. As there are two sets of electrodes on the substrate, therefore these are also termed two-port called the input
electrodes and other is the receiver IDTs or output electrodes. Upon applying a certain voltage,
devices, i.e., one is the transmitter IDTs which may also be called the input electrodes and other is the
acoustic waves are generated which travel from the transmitter to receiver end, and since they have
receiver IDTs or output electrodes. Upon applying a certain voltage, acoustic waves are generated
high energy, any perturbations in the surface wave propagation (due to the interaction between
travel from the transmitter
recognition coatings and to an
analyte)end, andalter
would since thethey have
signals as high energy,
received at theany perturbations
output IDTs.
in theOnsurface wave propagation (due to the interaction between chemical
receiving at output IDT signal, these waves are again converted into electrical signals and recognition coatings
thus, and
an analyte) would
processed. Thisalter
is thethe signals
basic as received
principle at the output
that is considered IDTs.
in using On receiving
a SAW device as at outputefficient
a highly IDT signal,
waves arefor again converted
sensing into electrical
applications. Figure 2 signals
presentsand thus, processed.
the optical microscopicThis is the
image of abasic
two principle
SAW device showing the IDT electrode width and spacing between two
that is considered in using a SAW device as a highly efficient transducer for sensing applications.consecutive fingers. The
design of a typical SAW device, including the electrode height, spacing,
Figure 2 presents the optical microscopic image of a two port SAW device showing the IDT electrode and aperture has a
substantial influence on the properties of the acoustic surface waves. For
width and spacing between two consecutive fingers. The design of a typical SAW device, includinginstance, the width of IDTs
and their pattern determines the fundamental resonance frequency of the SAW transducer.
the electrode height, spacing, and aperture has a substantial influence on the properties of the acoustic
However, the selectivity is primarily driven by the nature of chemical recognition layer.
surface waves. For instance, the width of IDTs and their pattern determines the fundamental resonance
In the coming section, we shall focus on all the critical parameters that have a direct or indirect
frequency of the
influence onSAWthe transducer.
of SAW the selectivity
devices is primarily
as sensors. driven
This shall by the
cover thenature of chemical
selection of
recognition layer.substrates and their cutting angles; temperature dependency, frequency sensitivity
In the coming
relationship, andsection,
phase onasall the critical parameters that have a direct or indirect
influence on the performance of SAW devices as sensors. This shall cover the selection of piezoelectric
substrates and their cutting angles; temperature dependency, frequency sensitivity relationship,
and operation in liquid phase as well.
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 4 of 26
Figure 2. Optical microscope image of two port SAW device showing the IDT electrode width,
i.e., 1.69 µm and spacing, i.e., 0.76 µm between two consecutive fingers.
and resonating frequency may be expressed in Equation (1), i.e., by temperature coefficient of frequency
(TCF). From the following equation, it is obvious that the TCF is associated with the fundamental
frequency of a device:
1 d fo
Temperature Coefficient of Frequency (TCF) = × (1)
fo dT
Table 1. Comparison of different piezoelectric materials in terms of their dielectric constants, TCF,
SAW propagation velocity and general comments for SAW manufacturing.
Apart from resonating frequency, TFC values vary depending upon the nature of material and
its cutting angle structure. From the Table 1, it can be seen that quartz is the most stable piezoelectric
material, whereas LiTaO3 and LiNbO3 shows frequency drifts under temperature fluctuations. Gallium
orthophosphate (GaPO4 ) and langasite (La3 Ga5 SiO14 ) possess high thermal stability. Aluminum nitride
(AlN) is also a thermally stable piezoelectric material and shows a much higher SAW velocity compared
to other piezoelectric materials.
It is obvious that quartz has a zero TCF value showing its ability to remain stable against
temperature variations during measurements. For chemical sensor applications frequency shifts due to
temperature fluctuations needs to be avoided thus, piezomaterials having low TCF are recommended.
Furthermore, the problem of frequency shifts due to temperature variations during measurements can
also be solved by integrating a suitable temperature compensation element, i.e., an additional SAW
device as reference channel.
a dielectric like LiTaO
constant value3 which have
of 43 can be aeffectively
dielectric used
constant value ofin43aqueous
for sensing can be effectively used3 for
media. Figure showssensing
in aqueousspectrum
the resonance media. Figure 3 shows
of quartz (SiO2 )the
LiTaO3 inspectrum of quartz
water, where it can(SiO 2) and
be seen LiTaO
that 3 in water,
for quartz
where it can be seen that for quartz there is no signal thus, cannot be used in aqueous
there is no signal thus, cannot be used in aqueous phase, while for LiTaO3 we can observe a suitable phase, while
for LiTaO
damping 3 we [45].
spectrum can observe a suitable
Furthermore, quartzdamping spectrum
is only able to show[45].
someFurthermore, quartz
damping spectra in is only able to
has some damping
a dielectric spectra
constant in n-heptane
of about 1.9. which has a dielectric constant of about 1.9.
Figure 3. Damping spectra of LiTaO 3 and SiO2 in water. Damping of SiO2 in n-heptane is also shown.
Figure 3. Damping spectra of LiTaO 3 and SiO2 in water. Damping of SiO2 in n-heptane is also shown.
It is seen here that SiO 2 has no resonance spectrum in water due to its high dielectric constant (≈80).
It is seen here that SiO2 has no resonance spectrum in water due to its high dielectric constant (≈80).
However, SiO2 SiO 2 shows
shows somesome damping
damping spectra
spectra in n-heptane
in n-heptane that that has dielectric
has dielectric constant
constant of about
of about 1.9. 1.9.
LiTaO LiTaO 3 exhibits suitable resonance in water, demonstrating its ability to work in aqueous phases.
3 exhibits suitable resonance in water, demonstrating its ability to work in aqueous phases.
Adapted with with
Adapted permission
permission from from [45], copyright
[45], copyright (2010)(2010) Elsevier.
Apart from the substrate material, the design of a surface acoustic resonator is also important
Apart from the substrate material, the design of a surface acoustic resonator is also important for
for operation in liquids for instance Lamb Wave devices with confined thickness or Love Wave
operation in liquids for instance Lamb Wave devices with confined thickness or Love Wave resonators
resonators having a wave guiding interfacial layer may also be used for liquid phase sensing. In the
having a wave guiding interfacial layer may also be used for liquid phase sensing. In the case of
case of Lamb Wave devices the thickness of the substrate is in the micrometer range, which makes
Lamb Wave devices the thickness of the substrate is in the micrometer range, which makes them
them mechanically fragile. For Love Wave sensors, the transducer is covered with a guiding surface
mechanically fragile. For Love Wave sensors, the transducer is covered with a guiding surface layer
layer which protects the patterned IDEs on the substrate from highly conductive solvents.
which protects the patterned IDEs on the substrate from highly conductive solvents.
2.5. Resonating
2.5. Resonating Frequency
Frequency and Senstivity
and Senstivity Relationship
SAWSAW resonators
resonators are well
are well known known for their
for their exceptionally
exceptionally highhigh frequency
frequency whichwhich
makes makes
potentially suitable
suitable in massin mass sensing
sensing applications.
applications. The The mathematical
mathematical correlation
correlation between
between massmass
loading and the fundamental resonance frequency of piezoelectric materials was first explained by
loading and the fundamental resonance frequency of piezoelectric materials was first explained
by Sauerbery [46].This
relation explains
explains thethe frequency
frequency shifts
shifts as aasresult
a result of mass
of mass loading
loading takingtaking
into into
consideration all theall the important
important parametersparameters of the material.
of the substrate substrateEquation
material. (2) Equation
shows the(2) shows the
frequency shift relationship with the fundamental resonating
shift relationship with the fundamental resonating frequency for a typical SAW device:frequency for a typical SAW device:
∆𝑓 k∆m
= − f o2 (2)
∆f = − 𝐴 (2)
In this equation, ∆f is the frequency shift due to mass loading, fo is the fundamental resonance
In this equation,
frequency, ∆m is the∆f is the frequency
loaded mass, A isshift
the due
areato mass
and material fconstant.
k is loading, o is the fundamental
This shows resonance
that frequency
frequency, ∆m is thedue
response/shift loaded mass,
to mass A is the
loading area andask aisfunction
increases materialof constant. This shows
the increasing that frequency
fundamental resonance
response/shift due to mass loading increases as a function of the increasing fundamental
frequency of the device. The increase in frequency shift is parabolic. Unlike bulk acoustic wave resonance
frequency of the
devices, SAWdevice. The increase
resonators can inbefrequency
parabolic. Unlike
higher bulk acoustic
resonating wave devices,
frequencies i.e., from
MHz be to
the GHz forrange,
significantly frequencies
higher thani.e., quartz
from hundreds of MHz
crystal microbalance
to the GHz range,
(QCM). This which
featureis significantly
makes SAWhigher devicesthan quartz crystal
exceedingly microbalance
favorable (QCM).
in sensing This featurewith
makes SAW devices
superior exceedingly
sensitivity, especiallyfavorable in sensing
where dealing applications,
with trace analyte with superior sensitivity,
concentrations. Figureespecially
4 present the
where dealing with trace analyte concentrations. Figure 4 present the sensor
sensor responses of four different SAW devices for 1000 ppm of toluene, where all the SAW responses of four different
were coated with same recognition layer [47] but having variable resonating frequencies starting at
80 MHz and going to 1 GHz. From this figure, it is clear that by increasing the fundamental
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 7 of 26
SAW devices for 1000 ppm of toluene, where all the SAW devices were coated with same recognition
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 7 of 26
layer [47] but having variable resonating frequencies starting at 80 MHz and going to 1 GHz. From this
frequency,it is the
that by increasing
response the fundamental
increases frequency,
in a parabolic way, thethussensor response
showing increases in
the experimental
parabolic way, thus showing the experimental evidence for a frequency sensitivity
for a frequency sensitivity relationship. While combining recognition layers with high relationship.
While combining
frequency recognitionfor
SAW resonators layers withthe
sensing, high frequency
thickness of SAW resonators
the coating for sensing,
material may bethe thickness
reduced down of
the coating material
to monolayers, whichmay be reduced
results down
in a shorter to monolayers,
response time duewhich results
to a faster in a shorter response
sorption-desorption time
due to a faster sorption-desorption process. Thus, increase in fundamental resonance
Thus, increase in fundamental resonance frequency leads to enhanced sensitivity and, when frequency leads
to enhanced
combined sensitivity
with and, when
thin coatings, combined
to shorter withtimes.
response thin coatings, to shorter response times.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Sensor
responsesofof different
different SAW
SAW devices
devices for 1000
for 1000 ppmppm of toluene.
of toluene. All theAll the devices
devices are
are coated
coated with the same recogntion layer i.e., permethylated β-cyclodextrin
with the same recogntion layer i.e., permethylated β-cyclodextrin linked with hexafluorobenzene linked with
having having
a layer height of 60 anm,
layer height
and of 60frequencies
the basic nm, and theofbasic frequencies
the devices wereof80,
devices were
433 and 80,
301, 433
MHz. and 1000
Adapted MHz.
with Adaptedfrom
permission with[47],
copyrightfrom [47],Elsevier.
(1998) copyright (1998) Elsevier.
2.6. SAW
2.6. RFID-Tags
SAW-based radio
SAW-based radio frequency
frequency identification
identification (RFID)
(RFID) [48,49]
[48,49] is
is aa globally
globally recognized
recognized system
system thatthat is
used for rapid and automatic tracking/detection applications using a tag
used for rapid and automatic tracking/detection applications using a tag and a reader. Here, a remotely and a reader. Here, a
placed placed transmitter/reader
transmitter/reader sendswave
sends a radio a radio wave
pulse pulseiswhich
which received is received by patterned
by patterned IDTs onIDTs a SAWon
a SAW device and processed into acoustic waves. These waves are passed through
device and processed into acoustic waves. These waves are passed through a set of reflectors where they a set of reflectors
where they
produce produce
a unique a unique
encoded encoded
acoustic waveacoustic
signature wave signature
depending upon depending
the pattern upon
andthe patternofand
structure the
structure of
reflectors. theacoustic
The reflectors.
wavesTheareacoustic waves
sent back areIDTs
to the sentwhere
back to theare
they IDTs where they
converted are wave
to radio converted to
radio wave signals and transferred back to the reader. Unlike a typical
and transferred back to the reader. Unlike a typical two-port SAW resonator, RFID ones contain only two-port SAW resonator,
one IDEones
portcontain only one
with a unique IDE port
reflector with SAW-based
pattern. a unique reflector
RFID tags pattern. SAW-based
have found numerous RFID tags have
found numerous
ranging from supply applications, rangingtofrom
chain monitoring supply and
automotive chain monitoring
military to automotive
applications. In addtion andchemical
applications. In addtion chemical recognition layers can be combined
recognition layers can be combined with SAW RFID tags to develop wirelessly integrated chemical with SAW RFID tags to
develop wirelessly integrated chemical sensors. The realization of such SAW devices would be
sensors. The realization of such SAW devices would be greatly beneficial in remote sensing systems.
greatly beneficial in remote sensing systems.
3. Chemical Recognition Layers
3. Chemical Recognition Layers
For chemical sensing applications, the SAW interfacial part is covered with a tailored recognition
layerForthat chemical
is supposed sensing applications,
to interact exclusivelythe withSAW interfacial
the target part As
molecules. is covered
a result ofwith a tailored
this interaction,
an analyte masslayerloading
that is supposed
takes place to interact exclusively
on the SAW coatingwith the leads
which targetto molecules.
a drop inAs theafrequency
result of this
interaction, an analyte mass loading takes place on the SAW coating which
device, i.e., a sensor response. Thus, a direct relationship between the analyte mass loading and leads to a drop in the
frequency shift
frequency of device, i.e., a sensor
is observed. This dropresponse. Thus, acan
in frequency direct relationship
be correlated between
to detect mass the analyte
shifts mass
as low as
aloading and frequency
few picograms. The mainshiftfeature
is observed.
of SAWThis drop
sensors in frequency
is their ability tocan be mass,
detect correlated
which tomeans
shifts as low as a few picograms. The main feature of SAW sensors is their
a molecule does not possess notable optical, electrical or any other property, it can still be detected ability to detect mass,
which means that if a molecule does not possess notable optical, electrical or any other property, it
can still be detected by a gravimetric sensor since mass is a fundamental property of matter. This
also suggests that SAW chemical sensors do not require any labelling indicator, unlike other optical
or electrochemical sensors.
There is a broad range of receptor materials that can be integrated with SAW as chemical
recognition interfaces [50–52] for sensing. For instance, this includes supramolecular host-guest
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 8 of 26
by a gravimetric sensor since mass is a fundamental property of matter. This also suggests that SAW
chemical sensors do not require any labelling indicator, unlike other optical or electrochemical sensors.
There is a broad range of receptor materials that can be integrated with SAW as chemical
recognition interfaces [50–52] for sensing. For instance, this includes supramolecular host-guest
structures, metal oxide layers, carbon nanotubes and composites, functional polymeric coatings,
biological recognition materials and others. The integration of SAW transducers with such a versatile
range of receptors has resulted in diverse sensing applications, e.g., the detection of explosives and
chemical warfare agents for military applications, monitoring environmentally toxic and hazardous
vapors for air surveillance, label-free detection of microorganisms, including cancer cells, and electronic
noses for the analysis of complex mixtures [53,54]. In the coming sections, we shall discuss the potential
receptor coatings, along with selected sensing applications in both gas and liquid phases.
rings allows the geometrical tailoring of paracyclophanes [60]. The recognition by paracyclophanes
is mainly driven by donor-acceptor mechanism, therefore analytes with more polar character9 and
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 of 26
a larger interface with the host structure shows relatively higher sensor responses. Molecular modeling
methods [61,62]
inclusion process could
to be used to
design understand
smart sensor the inclusion
coatings withprocess and to design
pre-determined smart sensor
sensitivity and
coatings with pre-determined
selectivity patterns. sensitivity and selectivity patterns.
Figure 5. (a) Schematic representation of a SAW device with a side view showing the cone shaped
Figure 5. (a) Schematic representation of a SAW device with a side view showing the cone shaped
cyclodextrin-based monolayer receptors. Furthermore, the device was integrated with a four pin
cyclodextrin-based monolayer receptors. Furthermore, the device was integrated with a four pin holder
holder which was covered with a special lid having openings for gas inlets and outlets thus, showing
which was covered with a special lid having openings for gas inlets and outlets thus, showing the
the design of measuring cell, whereas (b) shows the chemical reactions for synthesizing
design of measuring cell, whereas (b) shows the chemical reactions for synthesizing self-assembled
self-assembled monolayers as well as sol-gel films that were coated on SAW devices. Adapted with
monolayers as well as sol-gel films that were coated on SAW devices. Adapted with permission
permission from [58], copyright (2000) Elsevier.
from [58], copyright (2000) Elsevier.
Calixarenes are another class of supramolecular structure that has been extensively used as
SAWCalixarenes are another
sensor coatings class
for the of supramolecular
detection of organicstructure
vapors.that has been to
Compared extensively
previously used as SAW
sensor coatings forcalixarenes
macromolecules, the detection of organic
offer highlyvapors. Comparedwhich
steric flexibility to previously described
facilitates macromolecules,
the accommodation of
guest analytes with complementary geometrical adaptation. The hydrophobic analytes
calixarenes offer highly steric flexibility which facilitates the accommodation of guest characterwith
calixarenes geometrical
can be increasedadaptation. The hydrophobic
by methylation or silylationcharacter
of hydroxylof calixarenes
group which can in
increased by
the or silylation
interference of hydroxyl
of humidity and group which in turn
also improves the reduces the interference
selectivity. For example, of humidity and
a silylated
also improves the selectivity. For example, a silylated tert-butyl-calix[8]arene coated
tert-butyl-calix[8]arene coated 433 MHz SAW sensor was able to differentiate tetrachloroethylene 433 MHz SAW
from was able tobydifferentiate
a factor of tetrachloroethylene
15. Furthermore, it from n-heptane
was also by a[63]
observed factor of 15.
that the Furthermore,
SAW sensor
it was also
response observed
remains [63] unchanged
almost that the SAW sensor
from 20%response remainshumidity.
to 60% relative almost unchanged
In terms of from 20% to
60% relative humidity. In terms of selectivity between aromatic analytes, a smaller
between aromatic analytes, a smaller size calixarene e.g., tert-butylcalix[4]arene can distinguish size calixarene
e.g., tert-butylcalix[4]arene
o-xylene from toluene whereas can distinguish o-xylene from
tert-butylcalix[6]arene toluene
exhibited whereas
similar tert-butylcalix[6]arene
sensor responses to these
exhibited similar sensor responses to these analytes [64]. The comparison
analytes [64]. The comparison between different sizes of calixarene structures between different sizes
suggests of
calixarene structures suggests that geometrical adaptation of the target analyte
geometrical adaptation of the target analyte is important for the stable host-guest complex is important for the
stable host-guest complex formation.
3.2. Metal Oxide Nanofilms and Composites
3.2. Metal Oxide Nanofilms and Composites
Metal oxide nanostructured layers are some of the most extensively studied gas sensor
Metal oxide nanostructured layers are some of the most extensively studied gas sensor
materials [65–69] because of their outstanding electrical properties. Along with SAW, there are growing
materials [65–69] because of their outstanding electrical properties. Along with SAW, there are
numbers of research articles related to VOC detection for diverse applications. Small particle size with
growing numbers of research articles related to VOC detection for diverse applications. Small
particle size with enhanced surface area make them highly sensitive to low analyte concentrations. A
diverse range of metal oxide nanostructures are used as SAW interfaces, however, zinc oxide (ZnO)
and tungsten oxide (WO3) are among the most frequently used nanomaterials [70,71]. For instance,
Raj and coworkers [72] used ZnO with a one port 433.92 MHz SAW device for ammonia detection.
The authors explained the differential frequency shift (∆f) on the basis of mass, electrical and elastic
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 10 of 26
enhanced surface area make them highly sensitive to low analyte concentrations. A diverse range of
metal oxide nanostructures are used as SAW interfaces, however, zinc oxide (ZnO) and tungsten oxide
(WO3 ) are among the most frequently used nanomaterials [70,71]. For instance, Raj and coworkers [72]
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 10 of 26
used ZnO with a one port 433.92 MHz SAW device for ammonia detection. The authors explained the
loadings. They frequency
proposed shiftthat
(∆f )elastic
on theloading
basis ofismass, electrical
dominant and elasticgas
for ammonia loadings.
sensingThey proposed
whereas mass
that elastic loading is dominant for ammonia gas sensing whereas mass
effects are significant for liquid ammonia detection. In a later report [73], the authors compared the effects are significant for
liquid ammonia detection. In a later report [73], the authors compared
sensing properties of ZnO with those of other metal oxides, i.e., SnO2, TeO2 and TiO2, having the the sensing properties of ZnO
layerof other metal
thickness of 40oxides,
nm. They i.e., explained
SnO2 , TeOthat 2 and TiO
the 2 , having the
adsorption same layer
of ammonia andthickness of 40 nm.
water molecules
They explained that the adsorption of ammonia and water molecules
is a single step process. It is important to mention here that when ammonia and water are tested is a single step process. It is
important to mention here that when ammonia and water are tested
separately, elastic effects dominate, whereas when ammonia and water are together, mass loading separately, elastic effects dominate,
effects takewhen ammonia
control. and water
Furthermore, theare together, mass
experimental SAW loading
sensor effects take control.
data shows Furthermore,
good agreement with
the mathematical equations, thus, mass and elastic loading effects could be explained. thus,
experimental SAW sensor data shows good agreement with the mathematical equations, The
mass and elastic
comparative study loading
has showneffectsthat
could ZnO be isexplained. The comparative
more sensitive for ammonia study
vaporshas than
shown thatmetal
other ZnO
is morestructures.
oxide sensitive for ammonia
They furthervapors than other
investigated themetal oxideparameters
different structures. They further investigated
that influence the liquid
the different parameters that influence the liquid
ammonia sensing mechanism of ZnO-coated SAW devices [74]. In another ammonia sensing mechanism of ZnO-coatedstudy SAW [75],
devices [74]. In another study [75], nanocrystalline ZnO thin
nanocrystalline ZnO thin films were coated on two-port SAW devices for humidity sensing. The films were coated on two-port SAW
effect offor ZnO humidity sensing.
layer height on The
sensor effect of ZnOwas
response layer height
also studied,on sensor
suggested wasthatalso studied,
a 10 times
which suggested that a 10 times coating (layer height of 300 nm) of ZnO
coating (layer height of 300 nm) of ZnO film is more responsive than a six times coating (layer height film is more responsive than
Phan and (layer
Chung height
180 nm).
ZnO Phan and Chung
nanoparticles [76] used
fabricated ZnO
with a Ptnanoparticles
catalyst for H fabricated
2 sensing
with a Pt catalyst
using a two port AlN/Si for H sensing using a two port AlN/Si SAW device. The
2 SAW device. The authors measured the sensor response of three different authors measured the
sensor responsei.e.,
SAW devices, of three different SAW
an un-coated (device devices,
A), a i.e., an un-coated
conventional Pt/ZnO(device
filmA), a conventional
(device B) and aPt/ZnOPt/ZnO
film (device B) and a Pt/ZnO layered surface (device C), as shown
layered surface (device C), as shown in Figure 6. They had found that the layered Pt/ZnO surface in Figure 6. They had found is
that the layered Pt/ZnO surface is more responsive than conventional
more responsive than conventional sensing films because of the larger surface area of the layer sensing films because of and
because surface
it also areacovered
of the layerthe and
IDT because
electrodes. it also covered the
Moreover, theIDT electrodes.
authors Moreover,
concluded thatthe authors
concluded that annealing treatment at 500 ◦ C has a considerable influence on crystalline properties of
treatment at 500 °C has a considerable influence on crystalline properties of ZnO, which ultimately
leads which ultimatelysensor
to an enhanced leads response
to an enhancedfor H2.sensor response for H2 .
Figure 6.6.(a)(a)
Figure SAWSAW devices
devices A (uncoated),
A (uncoated), B (conventional
B (conventional Pt/ZnO
Pt/ZnO layer) layer)
having having recognition
a chemical a chemical
recognition layer between two sets of IDTs and device C (layered Pt/ZnO) which has
layer between two sets of IDTs and device C (layered Pt/ZnO) which has a sensor layer extended a sensor layer
on IDTs; (b)onSensor
IDTs. (b) Sensorofresponse
response of three
three devices A, Bdevices A, B and Catmeasured
and C measured at room temperature
room temperature and relative
and relative humidity of 30% for H 2 gas (0–1%). Adapted with permission from [76], copyright (2012)
humidity of 30% for H2 gas (0–1%). Adapted with permission from [76], copyright (2012) Elsevier.
Metal oxide
oxide semiconductor-based
semiconductor-based gas gas sensors
sensors usually
usually operate
operate at
at elevated
elevated temperatures
temperatures whichwhich
require high power and special packaging, however, SAW devices are intended to work at room
high power and special packaging, however, SAW devices are intended to work at room
temperature. This urges
temperature. This urges the
the production
production ofof efficient
efficient metal
metal oxide
oxide coatings
coatings that
that will
will be
be responsive
responsive toto
target vapors
vaporsat atlower
therefore,can bebe
can combined
combined with
SAW.In this regard,
In this there
regard, are
number of research
are number articles
of research where
articles a combination
where of twoofmetal
a combination nanostructures
two metal is usedistoused
nanostructures develop sensor
to develop
sensor coatings that are effective at low temperature. For example, tungsten trioxide (WO3) doped
with Au nanoparticles has been used [77] for NO2 detection at low temperature. A recent study [78]
has shown that Au nanostructures deposited on Ni IDTs can be used for vapor phase detection of
mercury down to 1.3 ppb at 35 °C, which could be suitable for industrial applications. Jakubik and
coworkers [79,80] used bilayers of WO3 and Pd films for hydrogen gas sensing. The purpose of
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 11 of 26
coatings that are effective at low temperature. For example, tungsten trioxide (WO3 ) doped with Au
nanoparticles has been used [77] for NO2 detection at low temperature. A recent study [78] has shown
that Au nanostructures deposited on Ni IDTs can be used for vapor phase detection of mercury down
to 1.3 ppb at 35 ◦ C, which could be suitable for industrial applications. Jakubik and coworkers [79,80]
used bilayers of WO3 and Pd films for hydrogen gas sensing. The purpose of combining two layers
is to shift the working point to a high sensitivity region based on acousto-electric interactions. Thus,
a small change in conductivity could perturb the SAW velocity which leads to larger frequency shifts.
The porosity of metal oxide nanofilms [81] had a substantial impact on sensitivity, response and
recovery times. Varghese and coworkers reported nanoporous alumina as a SAW interface for the
detection of ammonia gas. The pore size of alumina was 43 nm whereas the layer height was 500 nm.
The authors showed a fully reversible sensor signal for ammonia with a response time of 30–40 s and
a recovery time of 60–80 s. Wen et al. [82] developed microporous WO3 films for NO2 sensing and
observed that with pore sizes larger than 100 µm there was no appreciable response, but with a pore
size of less than 1 µm, the recovery time becomes too long. The authors suggested that 50 µm WO3
films showed a good compromise between sensitivity and response time.
The combination of metal oxide nanoparticles with polymeric layers [83,84] was also tested for
achieving room temperature vapor sensing. Sadek and coworkers [85] combined In2 O3 (a well known
gas sensing material) with polyaniline (a conducting polymer) for the detection of H2 , CO and NOX .
The developed SAW sensor showed good response, however, its selectivity and long term stability
require further improvement. Dewan et al. [86] developed TeO2 thin films for NOX sensing as well as
temperature compensation layers. The authors found that optimal layer thickness of TeO2 results in
enhanced sensitivity for NOX and also reduced frequency shifts due to temperature variations.
of using CNT composites with other materials, it is imperative to optimize the composition for high
sensitivity. In another study [99], the authors explained that interaction between free charge carriers
of nanocomposites and electrical field of SAW wave propagation leads to improved acousto-electric
coupling, thus enhancing sensitivity.
Graphene-based gas sensors [100–103] are extensively studied by various research groups.
The principle detection mechanism is based on conductivity shifts due to adsorbed gas molecules
which change the electron density. SAW sensors are mainly gravimetric (mass sensitive) transducers
however, the change in surface conductivity of these devices leads to altered wave propagation
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 12 of 26
Thus, they can be used as acousto-electric transducers [104], depending upon their interfacial coatings.
Arsat et al.change
[105] the
used electron
reduceddensity. SAW sensors
graphene oxideare mainly gravimetric
nanosheets for H2 and (massCOsensitive)
at two different
however, the ◦change in surface ◦ conductivity of these devices leads to altered wave propagation
temperatures i.e., 25 C and 40 C. Both these gases are reducing agents however, upon exposure to
velocity. Thus, they can be used as acousto-electric transducers [104], depending upon their
the SAW sensor, H2coatings.
interfacial resultedArsat
in an et increase in the
al. [105] used resonance
reduced frequency
graphene whereasfor
oxide nanosheets COHshowed
2 and COa decrease
in frequency. Figure
detection at two7a different
shows the increasei.e.,
temperatures in 25
°C and 40 on°C. H
2 exposure
these gaseswhile
are Figure
reducing 7b represents
however, upon exposure to the SAW sensor, H 2 resulted in an increase in the resonance frequency
the drop in frequency for CO. The authors explained that H2 is 14 times lighter in molecular weight
whereas CO showed a decrease in frequency. Figure 7a shows the increase in frequency on H2
than CO and this leads to conductivity changes in graphene sheets whereas for CO mass loading is
exposure while Figure 7b represents the drop in frequency for CO. The authors explained that H2 is
the dominant factor
14 times thatinleads
lighter to a weight
molecular drop in thanfrequency.
CO and this The adsorption
leads of Hchanges
to conductivity 2 on graphene
in graphene sheets leads
to a drop in conductivity
sheets whereas for that would
CO mass loadingincrease the velocity
is the dominant factorof acoustic
that leads to waves
a drop inand thus, an
frequency. Theincrease in
was observed.of H2 on graphene sheets leads to a drop in conductivity that would increase the velocity
of acoustic waves and thus, an increase in frequency was observed.
Figure 7. (a) Sensor response of graphene nanosheets integrated with LiTaO3 SAW device on H2
(a) Sensor
Figure 7. exposure response
showing of graphene
an increase in frequencynanosheets integrated
(b) Sensor response for CO with LiTaO
showing drop3inSAW device on H2
exposure showing an increase
the measurements for bothingases
frequency (b) Sensor
were carried out at 25response
°C and 40 for CO showing
°C respectively. dropwith
Adapted in frequency,
permission from
the measurements [105], gases
for both copyright (2008)
were Elsevier.out at 25 ◦ C and 40 ◦ C respectively. Adapted with
permission from [105], copyright (2008) Elsevier.
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 13 of 26
Table 2. Comparison of sensor responses of 433.92 MHz SAW coated with SWCNTs and MWCNTs
dispersed separately in ethanol and toluene. Adapted with permission from [97], copyright
(2005) Elsevier.
Furthermore, the authors showed that the developed sensor coatings are more responsive at 25 ◦ C
than 40 ◦ C, which is ideally suited for room temperature sensing. Xuan et al. [106] used graphene
oxide as a SAW interface for humidity sensing from 0.5% to 85%. They showed that thin graphene
oxide layers, i.e., 70–90 nm, offer fast response times, i.e., <1 s, whereas thick layers, i.e., 200–300 nm,
showed better sensitivity.
fibers having
2017, 17, 2716100–300 nm diameter and 8.1 µm thickness. From Figure 8, it can be14seen of 26 that
polyethylene oxide nanofibers offer faster kinetics of adsorption, diffusion and desorption as compared
be seen that polyethylene oxide nanofibers offer faster kinetics of adsorption, diffusion and
to solid film. Moreover, the sensor response of nanofibers is much higher than that of solid films.
desorption as compared to solid film. Moreover, the sensor response of nanofibers is much higher
Figure 8 excellently explains the advantage of using nanofibers film over solid film for sensitive and
than that of solid films. Figure 8 excellently explains the advantage of using nanofibers film over
vapor phase
film sensing.
for sensitive and rapid vapor phase sensing.
Figure 8. Comparison of the sensor responses of polyethylene oxide processed in two different
Figure 8. Comparison of the sensor responses of polyethylene oxide processed in two different forms,
forms, i.e., a solid film and nanofibers, explaining the adsorption, diffusion and desorption processes. It
i.e., aissolid film and nanofibers, explaining the adsorption, diffusion and desorption processes. It is
obvious that polyethylene oxide nanofibers offer high sensitivity and faster kinetics. Adapted with
obvious that
permission polyethylene oxide nanofibers
from [132], copyright offer high sensitivity and faster kinetics. Adapted with
(2011) Elsevier.
permission from [132], copyright (2011) Elsevier.
Molecular imprinted polymers (MIPs) are regarded as biomimetic receptors [133,134] as they
Molecular typical antibody-antigen
imprinted polymersinteractions.
(MIPs) areHere, regardedthe target to be analyzed
as biomimetic is introduced
receptors [133,134]asasa they
template in a pre-polymer mixture where after curing, polymer
follow typical antibody-antigen interactions. Here, the target to be analyzed is introduced chains engulf the template as
structures. The removal of template molecules yields highly adapted interaction sites in a polymer
a template in a pre-polymer mixture where after curing, polymer chains engulf the template structures.
network which offer matching geometrical as well as chemical fit to target analytes. High
The removal of template molecules yields highly adapted interaction sites in a polymer network which
percentages of cross-linker in MIP synthesis ensure the stability of the developed cavities and also
offer matching
enhance the geometrical
chemical and asthermal
well as stability
chemical of fit
target analytes.
layers. MIP High percentages
coatings [135] along of with
SAW in
MIP synthesis ensure the stability of the developed cavities and also enhance
devices have been explored for a diverse range of analytes such as toxic vapors, microorganisms, the chemical and thermal
polycyclic aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons. For instance, the detection of o-xylene by a for
of the polymer layers. MIP coatings [135] along with SAW devices have been explored
a diverse range of
MIP-coated analytes
layer on a 433 suchMHz as SAW
toxic and
a 10 microorganisms,
MHz QCM was, compared polycyclic aromatic
[136]. and halogenated
The observed limit
of detectionFor
hydrocarbons. (LOD) for thethe
instance, SAW sensor was
detection 0.1 μL/L,by
of o-xylene while for quartz microbalance
a MIP-coated layer on a 433 it was
MHz 4 μL/L,
SAW and
thus indicating
a 10 MHz QCM was,ancompared increased [136].sensitivity by a factor
The observed of 40.
limit In another(LOD)
of detection study for[137],
thean SAWimprinted
sensor was
polyurethane layer was combined with a 428 MHz SAW device
0.1 µL/L, while for quartz microbalance it was 4 µL/L, thus indicating an increased sensitivityfor pyrene detection in water. The by
lowest detected concentration of pyrene was 3.5 ppb, which indicates high sensitivity of the
a factor of 40. In another study [137], an imprinted polyurethane layer was combined with a 428 MHz
MIP-based SAW sensor.
SAW device for pyrene detection in water. The lowest detected concentration of pyrene was 3.5 ppb,
Wen et al. [138] had developed a MIP-based SAW sensor for detecting DMMP vapors using
acid as high sensitivity
molecular of theand
template MIP-based SAW sensor.
o-phenylenediamine as functional monomer. The authors
Wen et al. [138] had developed a MIP-based
produced an exceptionally thin MIP film of a layer height SAW sensor for 10
of less than detecting DMMP vapors
nm and combined it with ausing
sarin 300
acidMHz as SAW
molecular template
device having and o-phenylenediamine
an insertion loss <12 db. The observed as functional
sensitivity formonomer.
DMMP was The authors
produced an exceptionally
96 Hz/mg/m 3 whereas the thin MIP filmdetection
calculated of a layer height
limit was of 0.5less
mg/mthan 10another
3. In nm andstudy combined it with
[139], an
a 300increased
MHz SAW sensitivity,
device i.e.,having350 Hz anfor 0.1 mg/mloss
insertion 3 DMMP was obtained using self-assembled imprinted
<12 db. The observed sensitivity for DMMP was
96 Hz/mg/m layers.3 The most outstanding
whereas the calculated property
detectionof MIP recognition
limit was 0.5layers
mg/m is3their applicability
. In another studyfor[139],
diverse targets, e.g., yeast cells. The detection 3 of a single yeast cell
an increased sensitivity, i.e., 350 Hz for 0.1 mg/m DMMP was obtained using self-assembled imprinted [140] was carried out using a
surface imprinted polyurethane layer combined with a 428 MHz shear transverse wave (STW)
calixarene layers. The most outstanding property of MIP recognition layers is their applicability for
resonator having a LiTaO3 substrate. For working in liquids and complex mixtures, STW devices are
diverse targets, e.g., yeast cells. The detection of a single yeast cell [140] was carried out using
capable of monitoring frequency shifts with reduced damping. Molecularly imprinted titania sol-gel
a surface
coated imprinted
STW resonatorspolyurethane
[45] havelayerbeen combined
successfullywith used afor428 MHz shear
monitoring transverse
degradation wave in
products (STW)
engine a LiTaO 3 substrate.
oil. Highly stable and For working
robust titaniainlayer
liquids and complex
exhibited low noise,mixtures, STW devices
whereas imprinting
are capable of monitoring
effect favors the complete frequency shifts
reversibility of with reduced
the sensor damping.
signal. Molecularly
A sensitivity comparison imprinted
was made titania
sol-gel coated STW resonators [45] have been successfully used for monitoring degradation products
in oxidized engine oil. Highly stable and robust titania layer exhibited low noise, whereas imprinting
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 15 of 26
effect favors the complete reversibility of the sensor signal. A sensitivity comparison was made
using three STW resonators having different resonating frequencies but the same sensor coatings.
The results showed that by increasing the frequency the sensor response increases in a parabolic
manner for acoustic sensors. Polymer composites with nanomaterials such as metal nanoparticles and
carbon nanotubes can lead to improved sensitivity. Nicolea et al. [141] combined polyethylenimine
with SiO2 /Si nanoparticles on a SAW surface for ethanol sensing. Sayago et al. [142] designed
MWCNTs embedded in polyisobutylene as a SAW sensor layer for detecting octane and toluene
at room temperature. The authors optimized the percentage of MWCNTs in the polymer matrix,
i.e., to 2%, to obtain higher sensor signals.
according to the mathematical calculations) selective and label-free biosensor exhibits its potential for
diagnostic applications.
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 16 of 26
Figure 9. (a) Schematic representation of probe and target DNA hybridization at gold surface. (b)
9. (a) Schematic
Figure Comparison representation
of frequency of probesamples.
shifts for different and target DNA
Adapted hybridization
with at gold
permission from [148], surface;
(b) Comparison of frequency shifts for different samples. Adapted with permission
copyright (2015) Elsevier. In this graph, 1: Target DNA (1 μg/mL) having 15 bases; 2: Non-target from [148],
DNA (2015) Elsevier.
(1 μg/mL) havingIn15this
basesgraph, Target DNA
1: mismatch
with one (1 µg/mL)
base sequence; having 15DNA
3: Non-target bases; 2: Non-target
(1 μg/mL)
DNA (1having
µg/mL) 15 bases
havingwith15two mismatch
bases base mismatch
with one sequence; 4:base
Non-target DNA3:(1Non-target
sequence; μg/mL) having
DNA only(14µg/mL)
bases; 5: Non-target DNA (1 μg/mL) having only 3 bases; 6: Target DNA
having 15 bases with two mismatch base sequence; 4: Non-target DNA (1 µg/mL) having (0.1 μg/mL) having 15 only
bases; 7: Target DNA (0.01 μg/mL) having 15 bases; 8: Target DNA (0.001 μg/mL) having 15 bases; 9:
4 bases; 5: Non-target DNA (1 µg/mL) having only 3 bases; 6: Target DNA (0.1 µg/mL) having
BSA sample; 10: PBS buffer.
15 bases; 7: Target DNA (0.01 µg/mL) having 15 bases; 8: Target DNA (0.001 µg/mL) having 15 bases;
9: BSA sample;
Zhang et10: al. PBS
used a DNA aptamer as bio-recognition layer combined with a microfluidic
Love Wave device for prostate specific antigen (PSA) detection. They used a LiTaO3 substrate having
s SiO2 guiding layer whereas subsequently Cr/Au layers were also developed to immobilize the
Zhang et al. [149] used a DNA aptamer as bio-recognition layer combined with a microfluidic
aptamer. The authors used a two channel device that has frequencies of 197 MHz and 198 MHz. The
Love Wave device for prostate specific antigen (PSA) detection. They used a LiTaO substrate having s
detection channel was treated with PSA solution whereas 1% BSA was injected into 3the reference
SiO2 guiding layer
channel. Thewhereas
purpose subsequently Cr/Au channel
of using s reference layers were
was also developed
to study to immobilize the aptamer.
the temperature-frequency
The authors usedThe
variations. a two channel
developed device
sensor thatahas
showed goodfrequencies of 197
linear response, i.e., MHz and 198
in the range MHz. ng/mL,
of 10–1000 The detection
with PSA solution whereas 1% BSA was injected into the reference channel. The
purpose of using s reference channel was to study the temperature-frequency variations. The developed
4. Challenges and Opportunities
sensor showed a good linear response, i.e., in the range of 10–1000 ng/mL, for PSA detection.
From the examples described above it is evident that SAW sensors have emerged as promising
smart devices
4. Challenges that can be used in diverse fields. Starting from defense applications, they can be
and Opportunities
applied to environmental monitoring of toxic and hazardous vapors, food analysis and control,
From theoilexamples
engine described above
ageing, microorganism it isrecently
and more evident thatcell
cancer SAW sensors
detection. have emerged
However, as promising
there are certain
smart devices that can
issues related be used indesign
to transducer diverse fields.
and Starting
recognition from
layers asdefense applications,
well which need to be they can be
addressed to applied
make them viable in the commercial sensor field.
to environmental monitoring of toxic and hazardous vapors, food analysis and control, engine oil
ageing, microorganism and more recently cancer cell detection. However, there are certain issues
4.1. Device-Related Issues
related to transducer design and recognition layers as well which need to be addressed to make them
viable in theThe number of gaseous/vapor phase sensing applications is much larger than that of liquid
commercial sensor field.
phase ones, which is due to some inherent limitations of classical SAW devices. This problem has
been solved by using SH-SAW and STW resonators and additionally, the use of guiding layer of
4.1. Device-Related Issues
sub-micrometer thickness in Love Wave devices is suited for liquid phase sensing. Nonetheless,
The devices
number ofhave not been extensively
gaseous/vapor studied with
phase sensing microfluidic
applications packages.
is much Integrating
larger SAW
than that with phase
of liquid
microfluidic [150] and lab-on-chip (LOC) systems could realize their applications for
ones, which is due to some inherent limitations of classical SAW devices. This problem has been precise and solved
accurate liquid phase measurements, especially for biosensing [151]. The combination of SH-SAW
by using SH-SAW and STW resonators and additionally, the use of guiding layer of sub-micrometer
and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic systems for bioanalytes has been reported [152,153].
thickness in Love
However, theWave devices
flow rate is suited
fluctuations, for liquid
mixing phase sensing.
and pumping Nonetheless,
related problems these
have to be devices
solved for have
not been extensively studied with microfluidic packages. Integrating SAW with microfluidic [150]
and lab-on-chip (LOC) systems could realize their applications for precise and accurate liquid phase
measurements, especially for biosensing [151]. The combination of SH-SAW and polydimethylsiloxane
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 17 of 26
(PDMS) microfluidic systems for bioanalytes has been reported [152,153]. However, the flow rate
fluctuations, mixing and pumping related problems have to be solved for optimized performance.
Certain variables, including the temperature and relative humidity during gas phase sensing could
lead to unwanted frequency shifts which need to be separated. The humidity effects can be reduced by
using hydrophobic layers or by employing a separate SAW humidity sensor to continuously monitor
the humidity during measurement and subtracting its effect to have a net response. In order to avoid
frequency shifts due to temperature fluctuations, dual channel SAW delay lines having a temperature
compensation element can be used. Furthermore, this issue can also be addressed by selecting suitable
piezoelectric materials having small TCF values.
diagnostics. In a recent study [156] a SAW sensor was developed for differentiating female Aedes
mosquito from male species based on their wing beat frequencies which could be useful in indentifying
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 18 of 26
clean environments free from dengue infections. Being of small size, miniaturization is straightforward
and itcould
can be beuseful in indentifying
integrated with data clean environments
dengue infections.
could be Being of small
adopted insize,
point of
care miniaturization
(POC) testing for is straightforward and it candiseases.
diagnostics of different be integrated with data cancer
For examples, processing unit. SAWusing
cell detection
microfluidic couldWave
Love be adopted
devices in point
having of care (POC)interfaces
aptamer testing for isdiagnostics
a recent of differentof
example diseases.
such aFor system.
examples, cancer cell detection using microfluidic Love Wave devices having aptamer interfaces is a
Moreover, the use of high resonance frequencies in biosensors allows mathematical determination of
recent example of such a system. Moreover, the use of high resonance frequencies in biosensors
atomic scale resolution. Even apart from liquid phase operation, SAW sensors combined with synthetic
allows mathematical determination of atomic scale resolution. Even apart from liquid phase
polymers wereSAW
operation, used sensors
to detect lung cancer
combined with non-invasively
synthetic polymers [157]. Human
were used breath contains
to detect a number
lung cancer
of VOCs, including clinically significant biomarkers of lung cancer. These
non-invasively [157]. Human breath contains a number of VOCs, including clinically significant markers can be detected
SAW sensor arrays
of lung [158] These
cancer. havingmarkers
polymer canreceptors
be detectedandusing
the data
SAWcan be interpreted
sensor arrays [158]by a imaging
receptorscombined with
and the data canartificial neuralbynetwork
be interpreted a imaging technology.
recognition However, in all biosensing
method combined with
artificial of
applications neural
devices,technology. However, inorall
sample pre-treatment biosensing applications
pre-concentration of SAW devices,
is an important step to have
results. or pre-concentration is an important step to have more precise results.
SAW devices are highlyhighly
SAW devices are suitablesuitable for wireless
for wireless communications
communications and combined
and thus, thus, combined with
with molecular
molecular recognition layers, they can be designed for remote sensing applications [159]. Such an
recognition layers, they can be designed for remote sensing applications [159]. Such an attempt [160]
attempt [160] has been made where a chemical sensitive layer, e.g., polyvinyl alcohol, is fabricated
has been made where a chemical sensitive layer, e.g., polyvinyl alcohol, is fabricated with RFID-tags
with RFID-tags for relative humidity sensing applications. Figure 10 shows the design details of
for relative
such a humidity
device having sensing applications.
a special Figure
coating area. The10 shows the of
combination design details
chemical of such alayers
recognition devicewithhaving
a special
RFID coating area. lead
devices could Thetocombination
the development of chemical recognition
of smart remote layers
chemical with
sensors. RFID devices
However, real timecould
lead to the development of smart remote chemical sensors. However, real
applications demand optimized transducer design and highly specific molecular recognition time applications demand
coatings.transducer design and highly specific molecular recognition coatings.
Figure 10. A10. A typical
typical RFID-tag
RFID-tag coated
coated with
with polyvinylalcohol
polyvinyl alcoholfor
humidity sensing.
sensing. The
shows the
the design details of the device, including the dimensions of the IDT, coating area and distances
design details of the device, including the dimensions of the IDT, coating area and distances between
between IDT, Bit 1 and Bit 2 (reflections). Reproduced from [160], copyright Molecular Diversity
IDT, Bit 1 and Bit 2 (reflections). Reproduced from [160], copyright Molecular Diversity Preservation
Preservation International (MDPI).
International (MDPI).
In general, the biosensing aspect [161–166] of SH-SAW/Love Wave devices remained
In general, the
unexplored for biosensing
a long time, aspect [161–166]
but during the of SH-SAW/Love
last few years some Wave devicesresults
promising remained haveunexplored
for apublished
long time, which
but indicates
during the the last
few of thesesome
years devices in biosensors
promising [167].
results SAW-based
have commercial
been published which
sensing systems are already in the market for the detection of explosives and narcotics
indicates the potential of these devices in biosensors [167]. SAW-based commercial sensing systems that can be
used for
are already inscreening
the marketas for
bulk analysis. The combination
of explosives of gasthat
and narcotics chromatography
can be used for with SAW
screening as
sensors is desirable where a prior separation of a complex mixture is carried out by a gas
well as bulk analysis. The combination of gas chromatography with SAW sensors is desirable where
chromatography column followed by SAW sensing. zNose sensor technology [168] developed such
a prior separation of a complex mixture is carried out by a gas chromatography column followed by
a sensor system for real time analysis of chemical vapors. Such devices can be used for diverse needs
sensing. zNosesecurity,
as chemical sensor technology
agriculture and[168] developed
food suchexamples
safety. These a sensorsuggest
systemthatfor SAW
real time analysis
devices for of
sensing Such devices
are making can
their waybefrom
for diverse needs devices
handheld such as[169]
chemical security,
to mature sensingagriculture
and food
In the These
sensor examples suggestthe
market however, that SAW devices
biosensing aspect for VOCs
needs sensing
further are
efforts making
and their
research to way
laboratory handheld devices
them an established technology.[169] to mature sensing tools [170]. In the sensor market however,
the biosensing aspect needs further efforts and research to make them an established technology.
Sensors 2017, 17, 2716 19 of 26
Author Contributions: Franz L. Dickert planned, structured and supervised all the review work while
Adnan Mujahid wrote the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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