The use of Lightweight concrete (LWC) has been a feature in the construction industry for centuries, but like other material the
expectations of the performance have raised and now we are expecting a consistent, reliable material and predictable
characteristics. Lightweight concrete has been successfully used for marine applications and in shipbuilding. LWC ships were
produced in the USA during the 1914-1918 war, and their success led to the production of the USS Selma (a war ship). In both
1953 and 1980 the Selma’s durability was assessed by taking cored samples from the water line area. On both occasion little
corrosion was noted. In the early 1950s, the use of lightweight concrete blocks was accepted in the UK for load bearing inner leaf
of cavity walls. Soon there were after the development and production of new types of artificial LWA (Lightweight aggregate)
made it possible to introduce LWC of high strength, suitable for structural work. Most of the researchers had been worked on the
concrete using autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks. Sunita dhote et al (2016) studied of the project conducted to study the
feasibility of setting up a AAC Blocks Manufacturing Plant to provide a frame work frame work about the technical, economical
& financial aspects in a broader sense and implementation of the project under the projected time-frame. Farhana et al (2015)
studied the ingredients, raw materials, quantity and quality of the AAC blocks and deals with the introduction to the process of the
autoclaved aerated concrete and its advantages compared to the normal concrete. Ashish Kurweti et al worked on the out between
the properties of AAC, CLC and fly ash. AAC (Autoclaved aerated concrete) is light weight solid material that was created in
numerous years back, the primary constituents utilized as a part of making of this sort of cement will be bond grade53 , gypsum,
class C lime (hydrated lime), aluminum powder(.05-.25% by wt of concrete) , fine total or fly fiery remains (class F)
consolidating with clear extents .according to the investigation AAC pieces gives better outcomes as correlation with CLC blocks.
Properties Value
Size 4.75-20 mm
Dry Density 560-640 kg/m3
Water Absorption 22%
Specific Gravity 1.8
Strength >4 N/mm2 (150mm size cubes)
The mix proportion of designed mix is 1:1.69:2.63 with water cement ratio of 0.40. Therefore, the design mix numbers and total
quantity of ingredients required for mix with replacement is tabulated in Table 5 and 6 respectively. Four concrete mixes labeled
as M1 (Control mix), M2, M3 and M4 with different ingredients have been prepared for the experimental investigation as shown
in Table 5 shows the percentage replacement of normal weight coarse aggregate with crushed AAC blocks The concrete
specimens are prepared with the crushed block concrete for the M-40 grade of concrete. Three cubes of each variation are casted
and the average of three test results is taken for the accuracy of the results.
Table 5: Mix content of four mixes
Concrete mix Mix content
M-1 Control mix M-40
M-2 M-40 + 10% AAC Blocks
M-3 M-40 + 15% AAC Blocks
M-4 M-40 + 20% AAC Blocks
Table 6: Mix design for M-40 grade of concrete with different percentage of AAC blocks crushed
The unit weight of samples of cubes of sizes 150mm*150mm*150mm are recorded after 56 days of curing. The results are shown
in the table 7 below.
Table 7: Unit weight of concrete cubes specimens
1. M-40 0 2414.39 0
From the results of unit weight is can be clearly seen that there is approximately 2-8% decrement in the unit weight of concrete
when the percentage replacement of coarse aggregate is 10-20% by crushed AAC blocks.
This reduction in unit weight is occurred because the specific gravity of crushed AAC blocks is low as compared to the coarse
aggregate which will affect the unit weight of the concrete. Therefore the crushed AAC blocks concrete will provide the benefits
The compressive strength tests are used to determine that the concrete mixture as delivered meet the requirements of specified
strength.. In this study the compressive strength of the concrete cubes are determined after7 days, 28 days and 56 days of normal
curing. Some compressive strength test was done at the concrete laboratory of laboratory of my site. The compressive strength
results after7 days, 28 days and 56 days as given in Table 8 and the graphical representation of the results as shown in Figure 2.
Addition of Compressive
Mix Days Avg. Load Percentage
AAC blocks strength
M-1 7D 624.32 27.74 0
(Control 0 28 D 934.48 40.86 0
Mix) 56 D 946.76 42.078 0
7D 652.67 29.00 4.34
M-2 10 % 28 D 1046.21 46.50 12.12
56 D 1067.78 47.43 11.28
7D 631.42 28.06 1.1
M-3 15 % 28 D 939.435 41.75 2.13
56 D 953.89 42.40 0.77
7D 603.47 26.82 - 3.43
M-4 20 % 28 D 915.32 40.68 - 4.42
56 D 934.23 41.52 - 1.3
During test of compressive strength, it is observed that nature of crack formation in crushed AAC blocks concrete different from
conventional concrete because bond strength between crushed AAC blocks and cement paste is poor than that of between mineral
aggregates and cement paste. Therefore, initial cracks were formed around crushed AAC blocks and cement paste.
The increment of compressive strength is up to 4.34%, 12.12% and 11.28% after 7 days, 28 days and 56 days of curing at
10% replacement of coarse aggregates by crushed AAC blocks.
The increment of compressive strength is up to 1.1%, 2.13% and 0.77% after 7 days, 28 days and 56 days of curing at 15%
replacement of coarse aggregates by crushed AAC blocks.
The decrement of compressive strength is up to 3.43%, 4.42% and 1.3% after 7 days, 28 days and 56 days of curing at 15%
replacement of coarse aggregates by crushed AAC blocks.
The increase in crushed AAC blocks reduces the unit weight of the specimens.
Water absorption quantity of crushed AAC blocks is greater than normal aggregates so the water absorb by crushed blocks
which failing heat of hydration due to less amount of water.
The following are the observations and conclusions on the basis of experimental results:
The specific gravity of crushed AAC blocks (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks) is 1.8, this value is 33.33% lower when
compared to the specific gravity of NWA which is 2.7.
The water absorption of crushed AAC blocks (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks) is 22%, this value is 88% greater than
when compared to the specific gravity of NWA which is 2.6%. Therefore the weight of the blocks is reduced as comparison
to th normal weight of the concrete.
The compressive strength is going to increase with increase in percentage crushed AAC blocks a lightweight aggregate at
10% and 15%.
The compressive strength of M-2 mix are 29MPa, 46.50MPa and 47.43 MPa after 7 days, 28 days and 56 days of curing in
water respectively. Percentages increment of M-2 mix with respect to control mix is 4.34%, 12.12% and 11.28%
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