Study On Replacement Level of Concrete Waste As Fi
Study On Replacement Level of Concrete Waste As Fi
Study On Replacement Level of Concrete Waste As Fi
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All content following this page was uploaded by Vengadesh Marshall Raman Jagan on 16 November 2021. Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Study on Replacement Level of Concrete Waste
as Fine Aggregate in Concrete
J. Vengadesh Marshall Raman1, M. Sriram2
Assistant Professor, Mailam Engineering college, Mailam, Villupuram(Dt)
Assistant Professor, Mailam Engineering college, Mailam, Villupuram(Dt)
Abstract: Fine aggregate (river sand) is the most important ingredients for making concrete but scarcity for river sand due to
continuous exploitation and high transportation cost has become major problem in the field of construction. The main focus of
this study is to give an alternate source for fine aggregates and also in order to prevent the over exploitation of river sand. In this
study we are going to replace the fine aggregates by a crushed concrete which is obtained from demolished building. Concrete
from the demolished building is crushed properly and used in concrete as fine aggregates. By this method we can able to reduce
the waste as land filling material through the process of recycling. It acts as a ecofriendly material and also we can able to
prevent the natural resources. There is no specification or any guideline when using recycled concrete aggregate in the
constructions. In this experimental study to replace the fine aggregate by recycled aggregate in different ratio such as 0%, 10%,
20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. Recycled aggregate concrete is found to be 42% greater water absorption than that of natural
aggregate. Beyond 30% replacement levels of concrete containing recycled fine aggregate shows 20-40% lower compressive
strength is developed at the ages of 7, 28 and 56 days. Both tensile splitting and flexural strength are slightly decreased with the
increase of the replacement ratio. The reduction in strength is 15% and 20% when compared to the reference concrete.
Key words: Recycled aggregates, Mechanical properties, M30 Grade, Crushed concrete, Fine aggregates
Concrete has the distinction of being the largest man made material in the. In the last two decades, a variety of recycling methods
for recycled concrete aggregate have been explored and well developed. Such recycling operations have the added benefit of
reducing landfill disposal, while conserving primary resources and reducing transport costs. The construction of new buildings, as
well as the maintenance and demolition of existing ones, is responsible for the production of large amount of waste, commonly
referred to as Construction and Demolition C&D Waste. Out of the total construction demolition waste, 40% is of concrete, 30%
ceramics, 5% plastics, 10% wood, 5%metal, & 10% other mixtures. As reported by global insight, growth in global construction
sector predicts an increase in construction spending of 4800 billion US dollars in 2013. The recycled concrete aggregates are the
main components of old concrete and Recycling of aggregates from demolition waste may bridge this gap between supply and
demand. Creation of building wastes which result from natural destructive phenomena (earthquakes, storms, etc). The main reason
that choosing the building as the source for recycled aggregate is that there is a huge amount of crushed demolition cement concrete
that can be recycled. Khoshkenari et al inferred that the test results showed that both coarse and fine RCAs are about 20% lighter
than normal aggregates. The lower density of RCAs was due to the old mortar being attached to the normal aggregates Yang et al
The initial slump of recycled aggregate concrete was slightly affected by the relative water absorption of aggregates, whereas the
rate of slump loss increased with the increase of the relative water absorption of aggregates Poon et al. The initial slump of fresh
concrete slightly decreased with the increase of the replacement level of recycled aggregates. He showed that the initial slump of
recycled aggregate concrete was significantly affected by the moisture condition of aggregates. Yang et al Compressive strength of
concrete using recycled fine aggregate with higher absorption was lower than that of the control specimen by 20 to 40%; equally
much lower relative compressive strength is developed at ages of 1 and 3 days. Sérifou et al The compressive strengths for all
mixes of 1, 14, and 28 days of curing shows that the higher the replacement by recycled aggregates, the lower the compressive
strength for all the curing durations. Both coarse and fine recycled aggregates decrease the compressive strength. Katz observed for
the recycled OPC concrete, the effect of the crushing age was much smaller; the differences between the lower and the higher
strengths were7% and 13% at testing ages of 7 days and 90 days ,respectively. Khoshkenari found that the reduction in the splitting
tensile strength of concrete due to the use of RCAs instead of normal aggregates in a normal-strength-normal-aggregate concrete is
more pronounced than the reduction in compressive strength.
©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
A. Cement
Ordinary Portland cement - 43 grade chettinadu cement is used for the present study. The physical properties of the cement such as
tested in accordance with IS: 4031-1988. The results of these tests are reported in Table 1.
Table 1 Physical properties OPC 43 grade cement Test properties Results
4 Consistency (%) 29
B. Fine Aggregate
As per IS: 2386-1963 and IS: 383-1970 recommendations the following properties of river sand as well as recycled fine aggregate
were determined and presented in Table 2 The particle size distribution curves are as shown in Fig1 for river sand and recycled fine
Table 2 Test result for natural fine aggregate and Recycled fine aggregate
Results Test properties Relevant Indian standards
Sand Recycled fine
1 Specific gravity 2.6 2.64 IS 2386(part III) 1963
2 Fineness modulus 3.16 3.82 IS 2386(part I) 1963
3 Bulk density (kg/m ) 1750 1540 IS 383-1970
4 Water absorption (%) 1.07 6.49 IS 2386(part III) 1963
5 Zone II II IS 383- 1970
Cumulative percentage
60 Recycled fine
40 aggregate
River sand
0.1 1 10
Sieve size (mm)
Fig 1 Particle size distribution curve for Sand and Recycled Aggregate
C. Coarse Aggregate
The crushed granite stone is used as natural coarse aggregate. As per IS: 2386-1963, IS: 9376-1979 and IS: 9377-1979
recommendations the following physical and mechanical properties were determined and presented in Table 3. Fig 2 shows the
particle size distribution curve for natural coarse aggregates.
©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Table 3Properties of natural coarse aggregate
Results Test properties Relevant Indian standards
Natural Coarse Aggregate
percentage passing
1 Sieve size (mm) 10 100
Fig 2Particle size distribution curve for natural coarse aggregate
D. Water
Ordinary portable water available in Pondicherry engineering college campus is used for the entire experimental investigation
including curing of specimens.
E. Mix Proportioning
The various ingredients of all the concrete mixes per m3 of concrete is given in Table 3.5.
Table 4 Ingredients required for per m3of concrete
©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
A. Compressive Strength Results
Compressive strength (MPa)
30 7 days
25 28 days
15 56 days
0 10 20 30 40 50
Recycled fine aggregate(%)
Fig 3 Compressive strength of natural and recycled aggregate concrete
The compressive strength of various concrete mixtures was schematically represented in Fig 3 From the observed results it is found
that the compressive strength up to 30% of fine aggregate replaced by recycled aggregate give strength closer to the strength of
reference concrete and strength reduction of 35.9% for recycled concrete mix .This reduction is due to insufficient hydration and a
weak interface-zone formed between different components of the concrete matrix owing to a large amount of old cement paste on
the surface of recycled aggregates, which can be the cause of a poor development of the compressive strength of concrete. In
addition, an inconsistent surface of recycled fine aggregate would produce numerous microcracks between aggregates and cement
paste, which would reduce concrete compressive strength.
Split tensile strength at 28days (MPa)
0 10 20 30 40 50
The concrete’s split tensile strength is presented in Table 4, which shows a clear decrease of this property with the increase of FNA
replacement with FRA. Therefore, it is perfectly natural that a decrease occurs as the replacement ratio rises, due to the more porous
structure of the recycled aggregates. When compared to the reference concrete, the recycled concrete mix gives 15% less strength
©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue II, February 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
C. Flexural Strength
From the observed results it is found that the flexural strength up to 20% of fine aggregate replaced by recycled aggregate give
strength closer to the strength of reference concrete and strength reduction of 20.7% for recycled concrete mix containing 50%
replacement. The reduction in flexural strength would be attributed to the weaker bond among different components of the concrete
matrix owing to the cement paste on the surface of recycled aggregates.
Flexural strength at 28 days(Mpa)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Recycled aggregate concrete is found to be 42% greater water absorption than that of natural aggregate.
The initial slump of recycled aggregate concrete was marginally affected by the higher water absorption of recycled fine aggregate.
Beyond 30% replacement levels of concrete containing recycled fine aggregate shows 20-40% lower compressive strength is
developed at the ages of 7, 28 and56 days.
Both tensile splitting and flexural strength are slightly decreased with the increase of the replacement ratio. The reduction in strength
is 15% and 20% when compared to the reference concrete.
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IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
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