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Cement and Concrete Research 34 (2004) 965 – 971

Assessment of recycling process induced damage sensitivity

of recycled concrete aggregates
S. Nagatakia, A. Gokceb,*, T. Saekic, M. Hisadad
Research Institute for Industrial Technology, Aichi Institute of Technology, Aichi, 470-0392, Japan
Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center, Taisei Corporation, Yokohama, 245-0051, Japan
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Niigata University, Niigata, 950-2181, Japan
Concrete Division, Public Works Research Institute, Tsukuba, 305-0804, Japan
Received 1 May 2003; accepted 10 November 2003


This paper evaluates the complex nature of recycled concrete aggregates that are susceptible to damage due to recycling. The study
was carried out by microstructural assessment techniques beyond the standard testing methods normally specified for aggregates. The
laboratory produced recycled concrete aggregates were investigated using fluorescent microscopy and image analysis. Contrary to
common opinion, microstructural studies showed that adhered mortar (AM) is not always the primary parameter determining the quality
of the recycled coarse aggregate. Sandstone coarse aggregate originally had defects in the form of voids and cracks. Further processing
of the recycled coarse aggregate changed the microstructural profile of the material and enhanced their properties. The unusual results of
the performance tests carried out on the recycled aggregate concretes could be explained with the findings of microscopic level
D 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Recycled coarse aggregate; Recycling process; Damage sensitivity; Microcracking; Mechanical properties

1. Introduction expected enhanced performance of the recycled aggregate

concrete can only be done by clarifying the possible
In evaluation of the recycled aggregate characteristics, it microstructural changes brought about by the recycling
should be kept in mind that each recycled aggregate particle process on each constituent of the recycled concrete
is still a piece of concrete composed of the original coarse aggregate [2].
aggregate (OCA) and the adhered mortar (AM). The recom-
bined form of these concrete particles with a new matrix is
called recycled aggregate concrete. For a clear understand- 2. Experimental
ing of the recycled aggregate and to predict its possible
effects on concrete, the constituents of these composite 2.1. Production of the source concretes
particles must be identified separately [1].
In most of the previous studies on recycled aggregate Three laboratory-produced air-entrained concretes with
concretes, the recycling technology used was not consid- low (0.35), medium (0.45) and high (0.63) water –cement
ered and the recycling process was limited to only single- ratios (W/C) were prepared as the source of the recycled
stage crushing. There is inadequate research focusing on aggregates. The materials used in the mixtures were an
the characteristics of the recycled aggregates produced by ordinary Portland cement, crushed sandstone as coarse
further processing technology that can improve the quality aggregate and a fine aggregate from the Sagami River. A
of the product. A more reliable approach to determine the standard-type air-entraining and water-reducing agent
(AEWR) or an air-entraining and high-range water reduc-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +81-45-814-7228; fax: +81-45-814-
ing agent (AEHRWR) was included in the production of
7253. the source concretes. The properties of the original
E-mail address: gktahm00@pub.taisei.co.jp (A. Gokce). aggregates and mixture proportions of the source con-

0008-8846/$ – see front matter D 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

966 S. Nagataki et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 34 (2004) 965–971

Table 1
Properties of the original aggregates
Fraction Origin Code Density Water Powder Soundness Unit weight FM
SSD (g/cm3) absorption (%) content (%) loss (%) (kg/m3)
Coarse Sandstone OCA 2.65 0.94 0.05 9.1 1700 6.48
Fine River sand NS 2.64 2.63 1.64 2.6 1570 2.87

cretes are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Some important the processing level. By using only jaw and impact
characteristics of the concretes are shown in Table 3. crushers (Level 1) without continuing further process, the
The concretes were cast into 300  300  300-mm reclamation ratio of recycled coarse aggregate became
moulds. After a 28-day water curing, the original concrete 60%, which means an output of 400 kg crushed concrete
blocks were demolded. From demolding to the crushing age fines per 1 ton of the source concrete. While the further
of 1 year, the concrete blocks were stored in the production processing offered high-quality recycled coarse aggregates
plant and exposed to outdoor condition. with a minimized AM content, the reclamation ratio of the
coarse fraction decreased up to 35%. The recent trends in
2.2. Recycling process and properties of the recycled coarse Japanese industry are to develop a closed-loop recycling
aggregates system to handle the large amount of crushed concrete fines
and powder generated during the recycling process for
The recycling technology of this project consists of producing recycled cement.
crushing the source concrete with a combination of jaw
crusher and impact crusher and processing the crushed 2.3. Test program and procedure
material twice with a mechanical grinding equipment to
minimize the AM. The flow of the production with repre- 2.3.1. Optical microscopy and image analysis
sentative data of the output material obtained in three levels A microscopic level study that included image analysis
of the recycling process is illustrated in Fig. 1. was carried out to monitor the changes in microstructure of
During the different stages of the process, a large number the aggregates at different stages of the recycling process.
of recycled products were obtained as coarse and fine The particles sampled from each recycled aggregate popu-
aggregates. This research was conducted with only ‘‘Level lation between 15 and 20 mm in size were embedded into
1’’ and ‘‘Level 3’’ recycled coarse aggregates having the epoxy in the plastic moulds. In this way, three samples
highest and the lowest AM contents for each type of source were produced for each type of coarse aggregate. A number
concrete. In the experimental studies, each recycled coarse of sandstone coarse aggregate particles were also prepared
aggregate was labeled according to a coding system as shown for visual inspection by optical microscopy. After harden-
in Table 4 where A, B and C denote the W/C of the source ing of the epoxy resin, the specimen was cut to obtain plain
concretes from lower to higher, and 1, 2 and 3 indicate the aggregate surface with a thin blade diamond saw and then
level of process at which the aggregate was obtained (or AM polished.
content from higher to lower). The AM content of the In order to determine the net effect of the recycling
recycled coarse aggregates was determined by the hydro- process on the microstructure of the recycled aggregates,
chloric acid dissolution method. The basic properties of the the reference core samples with a diameter of 25 mm
recycled coarse aggregates are summarized in Table 5. representing the microstructural characteristics of the source
The recycled coarse aggregate properties clearly dem- concretes just before the recycling process were produced by
onstrate that processing level and quality of the source drilling the source concrete blocks prior to crushing. Then,
concrete played a very important role in the characteristics several slices were taken from the core samples and polished
of the recycled aggregates. Further processing and higher sections were prepared. The next stages of the plane section
quality source concrete resulted in better quality aggregates. preparation procedure are similar to ‘‘fluorescent liquid
As Fig. 2 shows, the reclamation ratios of the recycled replacement technique (FLR),’’ which was developed by
coarse and fine aggregate noticeably change depending on Gran [3].

Table 2 Table 3
Mixture proportions of the source concretes Properties of the source concretes
Code W/C S/A Mixture composition (kg/m3) Dmax Code Slump Air Compressive strength (N/mm2)
(%) (%) (mm) (mm) (%)
Water OPC Coarse Sand Admixture Standard curing Kept on site
AEWR AEHRWR 7 days 28 days 7 days 40 days 1 year
A 35 41 170 486 986 679 – 4.37 20 A 200 4.4 48.8 60.7 47.1 56.1 60.1
B 45 43 170 378 1004 749 – 3.40 20 B 100 4.0 37.9 49.0 33.8 40.5 41.7
C 63 47 167 267 988 867 0.668 – 20 C 75 4.5 19.3 28.3 18.1 24.4 25.5
S. Nagataki et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 34 (2004) 965–971 967

scopic studies and an example of an enhanced crack image

within the zone of OCA are illustrated in Fig. 3.
Two microstructural damage parameters were defined in
assessment of the cracking patterns: crack density (Dcr) for
OCA or AM and cracking ratio (ITZcr) for interfacial
transition zone, where:

total crack area

Dcr ¼  100ð%Þ ð1Þ
total observation area

total crack length in ITZ

ITZcr ¼  100ð%Þ ð2Þ
total length of ITZ

Due to the uncertainty of the specific area occupied by

the ITZ, the ratio of cracked length to total interface
length around coarse aggregate (ITZcr) was taken into
account instead of Dcr in evaluation of the cracks devel-
oped through the interfacial transition zone. The cracks
around the fine aggregate particles were included with the
AM cracks due to the practical difficulties in classification
of the images. In microscopic investigations, the images
of 45 observation areas from each constituent of recycled
Fig. 1. Flow of the recycling process. coarse aggregate were collected and analyzed by image

Microscopical examination of the concrete sections 2.3.2. Performance tests on recycled aggregate concretes
through image analysis has been successfully performed by In order to correlate the effects of recycling process
several researchers in the Nordic countries [4– 8]. In this induced microstructural changes within the recycled aggre-
investigation, the examination of the plane sections was done gates with the mechanical performance of the concretes
by using a fluorescent optical microscope (Olympus PMG3) incorporating identical aggregates, the concrete mixtures
equipped with an image analyzer. A Japanese image process- with a W/C of 0.55 were designed. The natural aggregates
ing software (Himawari) was used in the analysis. The of the control mixture were the same sandstone and river
original microscope images were transmitted to the image sand used in the production of the source concretes. Mixture
processor by a color camera. The images processed in the proportions and some fresh properties of the concretes are
analyzer were converted into binary form as white features in summarized in Table 6. The performance tests were carried
front of the black background. The binary images were out after a 28-day water curing of the specimens. Compres-
filtered to reduce as much as possible the other features sive and splitting tensile strength and total permeable
captured together with the target crack images. Then, a final porosity were determined as the performance parameters.
retouching was performed on the crack images to eliminate Compressive strength was determined on three 100  200
the remaining undesirable features and defects by using a mm cylinder specimens. Splitting tensile strength of four
painting software. In this stage, enhanced images were ready 100 mm cubes were tested according to BS 1881:Part 117.
for quantitative analysis. Kukko [4] developed a procedure The volume of total permeable voids of the concretes were
for systematic collection of the image analysis data by
dividing the total observation area into squares. Following
a similar procedure, a transparent grid was attached on each Table 4
plane section before the analysis. The horizontal and vertical Codes of the recycled aggregates
dimensions of one observation area were 1.64 and 1.74 mm, Quality of source concrete Aggregate codes
respectively. AM content
The possible cracking patterns within the recycled High Medium * Low
coarse aggregate particles were classified under three High (W/C = 0.35) A1 A2 A3
categories: OCA cracks, AM cracks and interface (ITZ) Medium (W/C = 0.45) B1 B2 B3
cracks between OCA and AM. The constituents of a Low (W/C = 0.63) C1 C2 C3
recycled coarse aggregate particle analyzed in the micro- * Those were not used within the scope of this study.
968 S. Nagataki et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 34 (2004) 965–971

Table 5
Properties of the recycled coarse aggregates
Source Process Code AM content Density SSD Water absorption Soundness loss 100 kN crushing FM
concrete level (%) (g/cm3) (%) (%) value (%)
A 1 A1 52.3 2.42 4.88 29.7 3.83 6.67
3 A3 30.2 2.51 3.14 8.10 1.53 6.51
B 1 B1 55.0 2.41 5.58 48.3 5.19 6.57
3 B3 32.4 2.50 3.19 18.4 1.73 6.39
C 1 C1 52.3 2.37 6.27 49.1 6.30 6.59
3 C3 32.3 2.48 3.76 22.5 2.28 6.69

measured on four 100  100  30-mm concrete slices as the recycled coarse aggregates with different origins are
described in ASTM C 642-97. illustrated in Fig. 4a– c in terms of crack density (Dcr). Fig.
5 also employs the second damage assessment parameter
(ITZcr) showing the crack potential of the interfacial
3. Results and discussion transition zone between OCA and AM for the recycled
coarse aggregates produced from different quality source
3.1. Visual microscopy findings on sandstone coarse concretes.
aggregate The results clearly demonstrate that the source of the
cracks in the original concretes prior to recycling process
Optical visual microscopy of the sandstone sections was mainly the sandstone coarse aggregate. Except almost
under fluorescent light provided useful information. Sand- invisible and negligible amount of shrinkage cracks, no
stone particles originally had segmented fine fissures with a mortar or ITZ crack could be detected on the plane sections
thickness up to 30 Am. In addition to these microdefects, belonging to the source concrete cores. The sandstone
some particles had independent coarse cavities larger than coarse aggregate was the most susceptible constituent of
50 Am in diameter that were mostly friable. The amount of the recycled coarse aggregate in terms of the microstruc-
the weak particles in the total aggregate population was tural stability. After the source concretes were recycled,
about 8% by mass. Their physical properties were also reorientation of the cracks in the crushed concrete gave the
inferior with a high water absorption value (2,4%) compared most of the answers to the questions. One of the interesting
to that of the regular particles (0.9%). point observed was a tremendous decrease in the cracks
belonging to OCA particle as a constituent of the recycled
3.2. Crack potential of recycled coarse aggregates in coarse aggregate after double crushing stage (Level 1).
relation to recycling process While the reduction in the original aggregate cracks in
high-quality recycled coarse aggregate (A1) was about
In assessment of the cracking tendency of the recycled 58%, a further decrease was observed (69%) in the
coarse aggregate due to the recycling process, microstruc- particles belonging to a low-quality one (C1). Separation
tural findings belonging to the core samples representing of the cracked OCA particles is not so easy if those are
the initial state of the recycled coarse aggregate were surrounded by a high-strength mortar. The results imply
compared with the data showing crack patterns developed
at different stages of the recycling process in each constit-
uent of the recycled coarse aggregate. The changes in
microcracking profile of the OCA and AM belonging to

Fig. 3. Illustration of the zones within the recycled coarse aggregate and an
Fig. 2. Variation in the reclamation ratio depending on the crushing level. example of a crack belonging to the OCA.
S. Nagataki et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 34 (2004) 965–971 969

Table 6
Mixture proportions and fresh properties of the concretes
Mixture W/C Materials (kg/m3) Air content Slump
(%) (mm)
Water Cement Aggregate Admixture
Fine Coarse WR-AE AE
OCA-NS 0.55 165 300 813 1039 0.94 0.72 4.3 90
A1-NS 160 291 819 959 0.91 0.47 4.5 90
A3-NS 157 285 825 1002 0.89 0.46 4.0 65
B1-NS 160 291 819 955 0.91 0.47 4.1 80
B3-NS 157 285 825 998 0.89 0.46 3.8 65
C1-NS 160 291 822 940 0.91 0.47 4.5 65
C3-NS 158 287 826 988 0.90 0.46 4.7 75

that during crushing operation, the fracture path follows the OCA and AM was negligible. This result also indicated
weakest zones such as cracked or porous OCA particles. that Level 1 crushing did not affect the integrity of the
After double crushing, the damage to AM and ITZ between recycled coarse aggregate.
When the recycling process was extended to Level 3,
OCA particles regained some part of the cracks. A small
increase in the ITZ cracks was also observed in the recycled
coarse aggregate originated from the low-quality source
concrete (C3), but the amount of the cracks was still very
low. At the end of Level 3 process, no microstructural
change was observed in AM in terms of the crack density
(Dcr). In short, prior to use in concrete, recycled coarse
aggregates mostly had cracks belonging to the OCA.
Crushing value test results of the aggregates also coin-
cide with the findings of the microstructural studies (Table
5). When the recycling process was extended up to Level 3
following double crushing, the OCA particles mostly lost
their porous features, crack openings and excessive adhering
mortar. This level of refinement significantly increased the
mechanical performance of the recycled aggregate particles
in crushing value test. All Level 3 recycled coarse aggre-
gates could give lower crushing values than virgin sand-
stone aggregate regardless of the quality of the source
concrete. Consequently, further recycling did not worsen
the integrity of the recycled coarse aggregate. The stable
behavior of the AM and the good ITZ bond in the OCA
provided resistance against microcracking, which was the
most important reason for maintenance of the high integrity
of the recycled concrete aggregate.

Fig. 4. Microcracking profile of the recycled coarse aggregate constituents. Fig. 5. Microcracking profile of the ITZ between OCA and AM.
970 S. Nagataki et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 34 (2004) 965–971

B3) could perform better than the reference concrete made

with original aggregates.
As another important performance criteria, the total vol-
ume of the permeable pores of the concretes produced with
the recycled coarse aggregates under discussion increased
20 – 52% compared with the porosity of the control concrete
(Fig. 8). However, the majority of the recycled aggregate
concretes with large porosity values give better mechanical
performance than reference concrete incorporating natural
aggregates. This paradoxical result can be easily interpreted
from the microstructural profile of the coarse aggregates as
discussed above. Elimination of the friable and porous
aggregate particles during recycling process created almost
Fig. 6. Compressive strength of the concretes incorporating various coarse
microdefect-free recycled coarse aggregates with a high level
aggregates. of integrity. As a result, the mechanical performance of the
recycled aggregate concretes was positively influenced by the
3.3. Relationship between crack potential of the coarse refinement of the sandstone aggregate.
aggregate and mechanical performance of concrete The reduced size and concentration of the sandstone
aggregate particles after recycling are the other important
The mechanical performance of the concretes incorporat- effects contributing to enhanced mechanical performance.
ing the coarse aggregates discussed in the previous section The smaller the OCA size, the lower the stress concentration
can be evaluated in Figs. 6 and 7 with respect to compressive at the zone between aggregate and surrounding mortar. The
strength and splitting tensile strength. The compressive lower concentration of the sandstone aggregate in new
strength of the concretes made with the recycled coarse concrete also suppresses its negative effects on the mechan-
aggregates originated from high- and medium-quality source ical behavior due to the presence of the remaining weak
concretes gave noticeably higher compressive strength values particles.
than that of the original aggregate concrete. However, On the other hand, there is one more important aspect of
extending the recycling process to Level 3 did not result in the mechanical behavior of the system including recycled
a significant change in compressive strength. The concretes coarse aggregate. As Neville [9] pointed out, the smaller
made with low-quality recycled coarse aggregates gave the difference between the modulus of elasticity of the hardened
lowest compressive strength results. For those, reducing the cement and the modulus of elasticity of the aggregate, the
AM content up to Level 3 could only make little improvement better response to bond stresses and a more monolithic
effect on the compressive strength. Remaining mortar adher- concrete results. Similarly, Bremner and Holm [10] stated
ing to OCA was enough to cause almost the same degree loss that elastically matched constituents would result in lower
of compressive strength. levels of the stress at the ITZ and less early microcracking.
Similarly, recycled aggregate concretes gave quite com- Recycled concrete aggregate is also a well-matched material
parable results in splitting tensile strength test. The con- with surrounding cement paste. A good elastic compatibility
cretes incorporating high- and medium-quality recycled between the constituents of the recycled aggregate concrete
coarse aggregates with minimum AM content (A3 and is a big advantage for the system in terms of the mechanical

Fig. 7. Splitting tensile strength of the concretes incorporating various

coarse aggregates. Fig. 8. Porosity of the concretes incorporating various coarse aggregates.
S. Nagataki et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 34 (2004) 965–971 971

4. Conclusions acknowledge Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

(JSPS) for financially supporting this research as a part of a
1. Microscopical analysis performed on OCA showed 5-year large-scale project entitled ‘‘Development of New
that sandstone particles contained noticeably seg- Recycling Methods for Construction Materials in Consid-
mented fissures. Moreover, some particles had coarse eration of Their Life Cycle,’’ Project No. 96 R 07601. The
void defects, although those were in a minority in total authors are also grateful to Professor Heikki Kukko,
aggregate population. Technical Research Center of Finland, and Dr Hans S.
2. While double crushing of the source concretes (Level Pietersen, Delft University of Technology, for supplying
1) considerably reduced the density of the cracks in important documents including their distinguished studies
the OCA by eliminating the particles with micro- on microscopy and image analysis.
defects and irregular voids, processing up to Level 3
reintroduced negligible new cracks. Only a very
minor amount of cracking could be detected in AM or References
at the interfacial transition zone. Consequently, the
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Acknowledgements ACI Mater. J. 94 (1) (1997) 71 – 74.
[10] T.W. Bremner, T.A. Holm, Elastic compatibility and the behavior of
concrete, ACI Mater. J. 83 (2) (1986) 244 – 250.
The study presented in this paper was a part of PhD
research of the second author. The authors gratefully

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