Kussul Et Al 2017 GRSL DeepLearning
Kussul Et Al 2017 GRSL DeepLearning
Kussul Et Al 2017 GRSL DeepLearning
Deep Learning Classification of Land Cover and Crop Types Using Remote
Sensing Data
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Abstract— Deep learning (DL) is a powerful state-of-the-art multisources data fusion techniques [4], [5]. Land cover and
technique for image processing including remote sensing (RS) crop type maps are one of the most essential inputs when
images. This letter describes a multilevel DL architecture that dealing with environmental and agriculture monitoring tasks
targets land cover and crop type classification from multitempo-
ral multisource satellite imagery. The pillars of the architecture [6]–[8]. Multitemporal multisource satellite imagery is usually
are unsupervised neural network (NN) that is used for optical required in order to capture specific crop growth stages and
imagery segmentation and missing data restoration due to clouds thus being able to discriminate different crop types. For exam-
and shadows, and an ensemble of supervised NNs. As basic ple, multispectral optical imagery only might not be enough
supervised NN architecture, we use a traditional fully connected to discriminate summer crops in a complex and heterogeneous
multilayer perceptron (MLP) and the most commonly used
approach in RS community random forest, and compare them environment. For this, SAR-derived information adds an added
with convolutional NNs (CNNs). Experiments are carried out value that allows discrimination of particular crop types [9],
for the joint experiment of crop assessment and monitoring test [10].
site in Ukraine for classification of crops in a heterogeneous A comprehensive study on the state-of-the-art supervised
environment using nineteen multitemporal scenes acquired by pixel-based methods for land cover mapping was performed
Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1A RS satellites. The architecture with
an ensemble of CNNs outperforms the one with MLPs allowing by Khatami et al. [11]. They found that support vector
us to better discriminate certain summer crop types, in particular machine (SVM) was the most efficient for most applications
maize and soybeans, and yielding the target accuracies more than with an overall accuracy (OA) of about 75%. The second
85% for all major crops (wheat, maize, sunflower, soybeans, and method with approximately the same efficiency (74% of OA)
sugar beet). was a neural network (NN)-based classifier. In that study,
Index Terms— Agriculture, convolutional neural classification was done only for a single date image. At the
networks (CNNs), crop classification, deep learning (DL), same time, SVM is too much resource consuming to be
joint experiment of crop assessment and monitoring (JECAM), used for big data applications and large area classification
Landsat-8, remote sensing (RS), Sentinel-1, TensorFlow, Ukraine.
problems. Another popular approach in the RS domain is the
random forest (RF)-based approach [12]. However, multiple
I. I NTRODUCTION features should be engineered to feed the RF classifier for the
efficient use.
T HE last several years and onward could be called the
years of Big Free Data in remote sensing (RS). During the
2013–2016 period, several optical and synthetic aperture radar
Over the past few years, the most popular and efficient
approaches for multisensor and multitemporal land cover
(SAR) RS satellites were launched with high spatial resolution classification are ensemble-based [13]–[16] and deep learn-
(10–30 m), in particular Sentinel-1A/B and Sentinel-2A within ing (DL) [17]–[20]. These techniques are found to outperform
the European Copernicus program [1], [2], and Landsat-8 the SVM [21]–[23]. DL is a powerful machine learning
within the Landsat Project, a joint initiative between the U.S. methodology for solving a wide range of tasks arising in image
Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and processing, computer vision, signal processing, and natural
Space Administration [3]. These data sets are freely available language processing [24]. The main idea is to simulate the
on operational basis. This opens unprecedented opportunities human vision to deal with big data problem, use all the data
for a wide range of preoperational and operational applications available and provide the semantic information at the output.
in the environment and agricultural domains taking advantage Plenty of models, frameworks and benchmark databases of ref-
of high temporal resolution data sets and advances in the erence imagery are available for image classification domain.
Over past years, more and more studies have been using DL
Manuscript received February 17, 2017; accepted March 6, 2017. for processing of RS imagery [25], [26]. DL proved to be
N. Kussul and M. Lavreniuk are with the Department of Space Information efficient for processing both optical (hyperspectral and mul-
Technologies and Systems, Space Research Institute, National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine and SSA Ukraine, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine (e-mail: tispectral imagery) and radar images, in extracting different
inform@ikd.kiev.ua; nataliia.kussul@gmail.com; nick_93@ukr.net). land cover types such as road extraction, buildings extrac-
S. Skakun is with the Department of Geographical Sciences, University of tion [17], [27], [28]. In terms of particular DL architectures,
Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA (e-mail: skakun@umd.edu).
A. Shelestov is with the Department of Information Security, National convolutional NNs (CNNs), deep autoencoders, deep belief
Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,” networks, and recurrent NN with long short-term memory
03056 Kyiv, Ukraine (e-mail: andrii.shelestov@gmail.com). model have already been explored for RS tasks [17], [28]–[31].
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. It should be noted that most studies with DL for RS utilize
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LGRS.2017.2681128 a single date image for classification purposes, e.g., land
1545-598X © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
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