Isprs Archives XLI B8 1061 2016
Isprs Archives XLI B8 1061 2016
Isprs Archives XLI B8 1061 2016
Amit Kumar Verma a, *,P.K Garg b, K.S Hari Prasad b, V.K Dadhwal c
Research Scholar, Geomatics Engineering Group, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, India -
Professor, Civil Engineering Department, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, India - (gargpfce, suryafce)
Director, National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO, Hyderabad-500042, India -
KEY WORDS: Crop, Vegetation Indices, Texture, Decision Tree, Classification, LISS IV
Image classification is a compulsory step in any remote sensing research . Classification uses the spectral information represented by the
digital numbers in one or more spectral bands and attempts to classify each individual pixel based on this spectral information. Crop
classification is the main concern of remote sensing applications for developing sustainable agriculture system. Vegetation indices
computed from satellite images gives a good indication of the presence of vegetation. It is an indicator that describes the greenness,
density and health of vegetation. Texture is also an important characteristics which is used to identifying objects or region of interest
is an image. This paper illustrate the use of decision tree method to classify the land in to crop land and non-crop land and to classify
different crops. In this paper we evaluate the possibility of crop classification using an integrated approach methods based on texture
property with different vegetation indices for single date LISS IV sensor 5.8 meter high spatial resolution data. Eleven vegetation
indices (NDVI, DVI, GEMI, GNDVI, MSAVI2, NDWI, NG, NR, NNIR, OSAVI and VI green) has been generated using green, red
and NIR band and then image is classified using decision tree method. The other approach is used integration of texture feature (mean,
variance, kurtosis and skewness) with these vegetation indices. A comparison has been done between these two methods. The results
indicate that inclusion of textural feature with vegetation indices can be effectively implemented to produce classified maps with 8.33%
higher accuracy for Indian satellite IRS-P6, LISS IV sensor images.
Texture is also one of the important characteristics used in 2. THE STUDY AREA
identifying objects or region in an image. It is an innate property
of virtually all surfaces which includes the pattern of different The selected area for this study is village Foloda which is located
crops in a field. Texture contains important information about the in Muzaffarnagar District, India, Measuring approximately 8 km2
structural arrangement of surfaces and their relationship to which lies between 29°36'22.70"N - 29°38'41.11"N Latitude
surrounding environment. In pixel-based approach, each pixel is and 77°47'50.26"E - 77°50'38.21"E Longitude. The ground truth
classified individually, without considering contextual information of the study area, including field wise information of
information. Several studies have explored the potential for using various crops and non-crop were collected using Trimble JUNO
these texture statistics derived from satellite imagery as input Global Positing System (GPS).The main crop growing in this
features for land cover classification (Haralick et al, 1973, Harris, region are sorghum, paddy, wheat and sugarcane. The study area
1980, Shih et al, 1983). is shown in Figure 1.
* Corresponding author
LISS IV Sensor
DN Raw Data
Input Stack
(Green, Red and NIR)
b2 : 520-590
TOA Reflectance Surface Reflectance
b3 : 620-680 70/23 Km 5.8 meter 10 bit
b4: 770-860
Figure 4. Flow diagram of atmospheric correction
nir red
nir red L
(1 L) (Where L= 0.16) (9) h(i) ( f ( x, y), i)
x 0 y 0
Dividing the values h (i) by total number of pixels in the image
(2* nir 1 (2* nir 1) 2 8*( nir red ) (10) one obtain the approximate probability density of the intensity
0.125 p(i ) h(i ) / NM , i 0,1,......G 1 (13)
GEMI (1 0.25 ) red (11)
1 red )
Different useful image parameters can be worked out from the
[2*( 2nir 2red ) 1.5nir 0.5red ]
Where histogram to quantitatively describe the first-order statistical
nir red 0.5 properties of the image. Most often the so-called central moments
(Papoulis 1965) are derived from it to characterize the texture
[Eq. 1: (Sripada et al., 2006); Eq. 2: (Sripada et al., 2006); Eq. 3: (Levine 1985, Pratt 1991), as defined by Equations (14)-(17)
below and the generated texture images is shown in Figure 6.
(Sripada et al., 2006); Eq. 4: (Gitelson et al., 2002); Eq. 5:
(Tucker, 1979); Eq. 6: (Rouse et al., 1974); Eq. 7: (Buschmann
G 1
and Nagel, 1993); Eq. 8: (McFeeters, 1996); Eq. 9: (Rondeaux et
al., 1996); Eq. 10: (Qi et al., 1994); Eq. 11: (Pinty and Verstraete, Mean( ) (14)
1992)] i 0
G 1
Node 1: if VIgreen < 0.0971 then node 2 else if
Skewness( 3 ) 3
(i )
i 0
p(i) (16)
VIgreen >= 0.0971 then node 3 else class fallow
Node 2: if DVI < 0.0303 then node 4 else if
DVI >=0.0303 then node 5 else class fallow
G 1 Node 3: if NNIR < 0.642 then node 6 else if
Kurtosis( 4 ) 4 (i )
i 0
p(i) 3 (17) NNIR >= 0.642 then node 7 else class orchard
Node 4: class = settlement
Node 5: if NR < 0.297 then node 8 else if
NR >= 0.297 then node 9 else fallow
Node 6: class = water
Node 7: if GEMI < 0.302 then node 10 else if
GEMI >= 0.302 then node 11 else orchard
Node 8: if MSAVI2 < 0.0597 then node 12 else if
MSAVI2 >= 0.0597 then node 13 else sorghum
Node 9: class = fallow
Node 10: class = poplar tree
Node 11: if NDVI < 0.586 then node 14 else if
NDVI >= 0.586 then node 15 else orchard
Node 12: if DVI < 0.0386 then node 16 else if
DVI >= 0.0386 then node 17 else sugarcane
Node 13: class = sorghum
Node 14: if OSAVI< 0.198 then node 18 else if
OSAVI >= 0.198 then node 19 else sugarcane
Node 15: if GEMI<0.3042 then node 20 else if
GEMI >= 0.3042 then node 21 else orchard
Node 16: class = sorghum
Node 17: class = fallow
Node 18: class = orchard
Node 19: if DVI < 0.0439 then node 22 else if
Figure 6. Generated texture images
DVI >= 0.0439 then node 23 else sugarcane
Node 20: if NG < 0.252 then node 24 else if
NG >= 0.252 then node 25 else orchard
4.4 Decision Tree Classification Node 21: if NDWI < -0.416 then node 26 else if
NDWI >= - 0.416 then node 27 else other crops
The decision tree is an approach where pixels are classified based Node 22: if DVI < 0.0422 then node 28 else if
on a sequence of binary decisions (Safavian and Landgrebe, DVI >= 0.0422 then node 29 else sugarcane
1991). According to decision tree, the first conditional statement Node 23: if GNDVI < 0.377 then node 30 else if
leads to the second, the second to the third and so on. Decision GNDVI >= 0.377 then node 31 else sugarcane
tree is an inductive learning algorithms which generates Node 24: class = poplar tree
classification tree using the training samples. MATLAB 15a was Node 25: class = orchard
used to build decision trees. In this study training samples are Node 26: class = orchard
selected based on Google Earth and GPS field observations. The Node 27: class = paddy
characteristics of training sample ROIs is summarize in Table 2. Node 28: class = paddy
Node 29: class = sugarcane
Node 30: class = orchard
Number of ROIs Number of pixels
Node 31: if NDWI < -0.383 then node 32 else if
Water 11 203 NDWI >= - 0.383 then node 33 else sugarcane
Node 32: class = sugarcane
Fallow 16 320 Node 33: if DVI < 0.044 then node 34 else if
DVI >= 0.044 then node 35 else sugarcane
Settlement 9 272 Node 34: class = sugarcane
Node 35: class = paddy
Poplar Tree 12 237
4.4.2 Decision tree classification based on vegetation indices
Orchard 9 210 and textural features: The steps used in this classification are
given below:
Sugarcane 21 421
4.5 Accuracy Assessment Figure 7. Classified image using decision tree (VI)
Class Name DT ( VI)
(VI + Texture)
Indian satellite IRS-P6 LISS IV sensor imagery has been Levine, M., 1985. Vision in Man and Machine, McGraw-Hill.
classified using decision tree method. The first decision tree was
constructed based on only vegetation indices and the second one McFeeters, S. K., 1996. The use of normalized difference water
was constructed using vegetation indices with textural features. index (NDWI) in the delineation of open water features.
The final image was classified into eight major classes (water, International Journal of Remote Sensing (17), pp. 1425–1432.
fallow, settlement, poplar tree, orchard, sugarcane, paddy and
sorghum). The overall accuracy and kappa coefficient is found to Papoulis, A., 1965. Probability, Random Variables and
be 81.08 % and 0.79 for decision tree using vegetation indices Stochastic Processes, McGraw-Hill.
method. Inclusion of textural feature with vegetation indices
decision tree, overall accuracy and kappa coefficient is 89.42 % Pinty, B. and Verstraete, M. M., 1992. GEMI: a non-linear index
and 0.87 respectively. The results indicates that LISS IV imagery to monitor global vegetation from satellites. Vegetatio (101), pp.
can be effectively implemented to produce classified maps with 15–20.
higher accuracy.
Pratt, W., 1991. Digital Image Processing, Wiley.
Gitelson, A., Kaufman Y. J., Stark, R., and Rundquist, D., 2002.
Novel algorithms for remote estimation of vegetation fraction.
Remote Sensing of Environment (80), pp. 76–87.