Convention de Stage
Convention de Stage
Convention de Stage
Preamble: the signatories of this work placement agreement declare that they are familiar with the
French law 2006-396 on equal opportunities and subsequent implementation decrees and the charter
on work placements and accept the principles.
with emlyon business school, 23 avenue Guy de Collongues, 69130 Ecully, France
and Mr. Marc Pérénnes, Director Employer Engagement emlyon business school
ARTICLE 6 : Discipline
The Trainee shall comply with the rules and regulations and code of conduct of the Company, and in
particular with hours of work and Company health, safety and hygiene guidelines throughout the period of
the placement. Only the School can take disciplinary action against the Trainee. Any case of misconduct
should be reported by the Company to the School and supported by evidence.
The Company may terminate the Placement prematurely in case of gross misconduct on the part of the
Trainee under article 10 of the present agreement.
If the trainee receives fringe benefits or benefits in kind (e.g. free meals, etc.), the corresponding amount
should be added to the monthly compensation.
Travel and living expenses incurred by the Trainee on official business at the Company’s request, as well as
any training costs pertaining to the Placement shall be incurred by the Company in accordance with the
Company’s normal practice and terms.
Details of fringe benefits and benefits in kind: All include but no salary
8.1. Health and Sickness coverage for Placements abroad: 1) Coverage from French student status:
* Wherever applicable the Trainee should complete the form requesting the extension of existing health and
sickness coverage abroad: o For Placements undertaken by nationals of the European Economic Community
in the European Economic Area, Trainees should be in possession of a valid European Health Insurance
Card. o For Placements undertaken in Quebec by French nationals, Trainees must be in possession of form
SE401Q (104 for placements undertaken in companies; 106 for placements undertaken in universities). * In
all other cases: Trainees who incur medical costs abroad can be reimbursed by the mutual insurance
organisation that handles their student French Sécurité Sociale health and sickness cover upon their return by
providing receipts of costs incurred. The amount of the reimbursement is calculated on the basis of standard
French rates. Important differences may exist between the costs paid and the reimbursement received. o The
student must take out complementary medical insurance with an organisation of their choice (e.g. student or
other mutual insurance organisation, ad hoc private insurance company, etc.) to fully cover their stay in the
foreign country, o Exceptions: if the Company provides the Trainee with statutory local medical insurance
coverage (see 2 below), the Trainee may choose to benefit from it. However, the Trainee should carefully
consider the extent of the coverage provided before making his/her choice
2) Coverage provided by the Company:
NO (the Trainee will only be covered by the extension of existing French health and sickness cover abroad)
8.2. Insurance coverage for Accidents in the Workplace for Trainees abroad:
1) In order to benefit from French legislation on accidents in the workplace, the Placement: • should not
exceed 12 months including all extensions
• should not include any form of remuneration entitling the Trainee to workplace accident insurance in the
foreign country (compensation or gratuities not exceeding 15 % of the ceiling of the French Sécurité
sociale for a statutory 35 hour working week under condition of obtaining the agreement of the CPAM)
• should take place exclusively in the Company designated in this agreement
• should take place exclusively in the foreign country mentioned in this agreement.
2) Notification of accidents in the workplace is the responsibility of the School. The Company must inform
the School in writing no later than 48 hours after the accident. 3) Coverage for accidents in the workplace
includes accidents that occur: • Within the perimeter of the place of work and during the hours of work;
• On the inward or outward journey between the Trainee’s place of residence and place of work abroad;
• On the inward or outward journey between the Trainee’s normal place of residence in France and the place
of his/her Placement abroad;
• On an external assignment entrusted to the Trainee by the Company and covered by a Company
4) The Company undertakes to cover the Trainee against risk of accident in the workplace, risk of accident on
the way to and from the place of work and risk of occupational illnesses or disease, and to make all necessary
notifications and declarations duly if any one of the conditions outlined in paragraph 8.2-1 is not fulfilled. 5)
Under all circumstances • the Company must immediately notify the School if the Trainee suffers an accident
in the workplace during the Placement;
• the Company should provide full insurance coverage for the Trainee if he/she is required to undertake
assignments outside the perimeter of the place of work or in another country.
Whenever the required conditions are not fulfilled the Company undertakes to subscribe to all necessary
policies to ensure the protection and coverage of the Trainee, and to make all necessary declarations in case
of an accident in the workplace.
N.B. The Company reserves the right to restrict the circulation or the Work Placement Report or to request
the removal of restricted or confidential information from the Report in the interests of confidentiality. All
persons who read the report in the line of their professional duty shall equally observe professional
confidentiality and shall not divulge information contained therein.
The Trainee
Name and signature
Signé par Benjamin NAVARRO
Le 12/04/2023
Director GBBA
Mrs Myriam SFAR