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TYPE – ‘A’


Tender Documents


Contains : 4 Booklets

(Upto ` 100.00 Lakhs)

B OOK L E T : 1

CONTAINS PAGES : 24 (Twenty four only)



Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle




1. Rates should be quoted in the coding sheet enclosed in the tender schedule without

2.1 This tender schedule includes (i) Booklet : 1 – Tender Notice, Booklet : 2 – Detailed
tender specification (ie. Schedule ‘A’), Booklet : 3 – Other terms & Conditions of the
tender including drawings and Booklet : 4 - Tender Coding sheet (BoQ). In order to
simplify the work and for early decision to be taken on the tender the quantities of
items are given only in the tender coding sheet (BoQ). The contractors are requested
to read the detailed specification and quote the rates clearly in the tender coding
sheet (BoQ). Quoting the rates in the tender coding sheet (BoQ) for all the items will
only be taken up for comparison and shall be final. The contractors need not quote
the rates in the schedule containing detailed specification. Even if it is quoted in the
schedule containing detailed specification, it will not be taken up for tender

2.2. The tenders invited are only for item war rates. Any lumpsum deductions or increase
or rebate offered either in the tender or in the covering letter or at any portion of
the tender will be ignored and only the rates offered in the tender coding sheet i.e.
BoQ available in the Booklet – 4 alone will be taken as valid rates and taken up for
tender comparison. Rates or Lumpsum amounts for items not called for shall not be
included in the tender. Any alteration made by tenderer in the contract form,
the conditions to Contract, the drawings, specification, or quantities accompanying
the same will not be recognised and if any such alterations are made the tender will
be void.
3. The tenderer / contractor will make his/her/their own arrangements to procure and
use ISI Brand Cement and ISI Brand steel required for the work.

4. It should be clearly understood that the rate quoted by the tenderer / contractor is
inclusive of the cost of 43 grade ordinary portland cement / SRC and steel and other
incidental charges such as conveyance, loading, unloading, stacking at site and
testing charges etc., complete.
5. The tenderer / contractor will produce test certificate obtained from any one of the
Govt. institutions for cement and steel brought to site. As and when required by the
Department the cement and steel brought to the site shall be tested by the
Department from any one of the approved Govt. institutions and only when
the test results confirm to the ISI specification they will be allowed to be used in
the works.

6. Tender processing fee of Rs.5,900/- (Including GST at 18%) for

Non - Pre Qualification works to be remitted by the tenderers in the form
of DD in the name of respective Executive Engineers and the same will be
uploaded along with Tender documents which will not be refunded.
Original of the DD should be handed over to the tender opening authority
during opening of tender. The tender received without original DD will be
summarily rejected.
7. The tenderer / Contractor should strictly follow above instructions without fail.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


1. FILE NUMBER : SE/CC/DB/1341/2023
2. e-TENDER NOTICE NUMBER : SE/CC.No.13/2023-24 Dt:27.06.2023
3. NAME OF WORK : Annual Maintenance charges for 16 Nos.
of Passenger Lift (13 persons capacity)
for the work of Construction of 596
PC/HC Quarters at Pudupet in Chennai
4. APPROXIMATE VALUE OF PUT TO TENDER : ` 62.85 lakhs + GST @ 12%
5. a) DATE OF AVAILABILITY OF : 10.07.2023
TENDER DOCUMENTS (From 12.00 Noon onwards)



a) START DATE & TIME : 10.07.2023

(12.00 Noon onwards)
b) END DATE & TIME : 17.07.2023
(Upto 6.00 P.M.)
7. DATE OF OPENING OF TENDER : 19.07.2023 (at 11.15 AM)
8. EMD AMOUNT (with GST) : 47,100/-
(Rupees Forty seven thousand and one
hundred only)
e-tenders EMD payment made by the bidders only through online payment gateway mode.
The EMD for the above work is related to the Executive Engineer/Chennai Division-II
under the Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle.
a. The online payment Gateway has been enabled for TNPHC in TN Tenders Portal
(www.tntenders.gov.in). All the payments for the tenders like EMD… etc., will be
carried out by the Bidders only through online payment mode.
b. The EMD amount should be the exact amount and no excess or less amount should
be transferred through online payment gateway. If excess or short, the tender status
will be shown as invalid.
The tender document for this work will be available in the website
http://tntenders.gov.in and submit the tender documents through e-Tendering.
10. Online tender processing fee of Rs.5,900/- (Including GST at 18%) for
Non-Pre Qualification works to be remitted by the tenderers in the form of
DD in the name of respective Executive Engineers and the same will be
uploaded along with Tender documents which will not be refunded. Original
of the DD should be handed over to the tender opening authority during
opening of tender. The tender received without original DD will be summarily

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


11. PERIOD OF COMPLETION OF WORK : 04 Years Annual maintenance


Chennai Circle, TNPHC Ltd.,
No.132, EVR Salai, Kilpauk, Chennai – 10.



Booklet :1 (Tender Notice ) : 24 pages

Booklet :2 (Detailed Tender Specification) : 02 pages PDF format
Booklet :3 (Other terms & conditions
of the tender including drawings) : 24 pages

Booklet :4 BoQ (i.e. Tender Coding Sheets) : 03 Pages (Excel format)

Total : 53 pages

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle



e- Tendering

1. I/we agree to abide by all the detailed specifications, terms and conditions
stipulated by the Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Ltd, which I/we have
read and understood.

2. I/we certify that I/we have fully read and understood the instruction to bidders
for online bid submission given by Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Ltd
and any lapse to properly submit the bids result in rejection of the bid

3. I/we certify that the tender is offered without any alteration / addition /

4. I/we certify that all the conditions of the tender are accepted.

5. I/we agree that the Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Ltd is not
responsible for any data corruption that might arise during the transmission /
uploading of data in the website or due to disruption in communication error in
my / our tender.

6. I/we agree that the Corporation has right to change schedule of opening or any
technical corrective action to resolve any error that might arise during the
opening of the e-tender by Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Ltd.

7. I/we certify that I/we are responsible for the uploading of correct copies of
scanned documents as per the e-tender procedure of Tamil Nadu Police
Housing Corporation Ltd & I /we understand that any error in doing so my /
our tender may be summarily rejected by Tamil Nadu Police Housing
Corporation Ltd.

8. In the event of failure on my / our part to comply with all the requirements
mentioned in this tender document I / we unconditionally agree that the
department is at its liberty to reject my / our tender.

Signature of Tenderer

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


E-Tendering – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDER for online submission:-

1. The above tender notice is available on the website i) www.tnphc.com,
ii) www.tnpolice.gov.in and iii) https://tntenders.gov.in.
2. The intending bidder may visit https://tntenders.gov.in. Website &
upload the tender documents on or before the due date and time as mentioned
in the Annexure ‘R’.
a. The Bidders should download the documents which is digitally signed
only from this website https://tntenders.gov.in.

b. The downloaded documents should be converted to word document and

edited at suitable places for filling the required information like

i. Letter of consent.
ii. Letter of application.
iii. Coding sheet duly filling the rate for each item (Available in
excel format in the tender schedule).
c. Necessary download option for free software converting .pdf to msword
format is available in the website itself.

3. The bidders are requested to digitally sign the Bid Document and convert them
to .pdf format.
4. Bidders are requested to use the Digital Signature (e-token) for Registration for
e-submission through the website https://tntenders.gov.in.
5. The Scanned copies of the following list of documents are also to be uploaded
by the bidder at the time of submission of bids through the website by
converting the documents to .pdf form
i. Earnest Money Deposit (with GST):-
a. The online payment Gateway has been enabled for TNPHC in TN
Tenders Portal (www.tntenders.gov.in). All the payments for the
tenders like EMD… etc., will be carried out by the Bidders only
through online payment mode.
b. The EMD amount should be the exact amount and no excess or less
amount should be transferred through online payment gateway. If
excess or short, the tender status will be shown as invalid.
c. Online tender processing fee of Rs.5,900/- (Including GST at
18%) for Non-Pre Qualification works to be remitted by the
tenderers in the form of DD in the name of respective Executive
Engineers and the same will be uploaded along with Tender
documents which will not be refunded. Original of the DD should
be handed over to the tender opening authority during opening
of tender. The tender received without original DD will be
summarily rejected.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


ii. The other needed documents like Registration details, Experience

Certificate, Income tax, GST Registration certificate and Solvency with
Encumbrance certificate (as mentioned in the check list) are to be
iii. All the necessary documents mentioned above may be joined together
and converted to zip files and uploaded as single file in the website.

6. The Digital Signature Certificate / e-token may be obtained by the bidders

individually at the risk and cost of the bidder.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle



1. EMD (with GST) (Through online payment Gateway mode).
2. Scanned copy of the following credentials .
i) Registration as a contractor under Class – II & above with a monetary limit
of upto Rs.75 lakhs / Revised monetary limit under eligible category of
classes vide G.O.Ms.No.37 / Public works (G2) Dept, Dt:17.06.2022 in PWD
or TNPHC and Manufactures / reputed dealers of this specific nature of
work with upto date renewal. (i.e. registration should be valid on the date of
ii) Experience certificate as specified in the tender documents in Sl.No.31 of
page No.12
iii) Income Tax return certificate (2022-23).
iv) GST Registration Certificate.
v) Revenue Solvency / Banker Solvency for not less than the value of
Rs.22.50 Lakhs should be produced for specific nature for the above work.
Necessary Encumbrance Certificate (for Revenue Solvency) and Banker
certificate (for Banker Solvency) should be obtained on or after the date of
tender notice.

vi) Revenue solvency issued by the Tahsildar with upto date EC should be
uploaded. The details of Survey number, area etc., of the property mentioned
in the solvency certificate and Encumbrance certificate should be tallied.
Encumbrance certificate should be obtained from the date of solvency
certificate issued by the Tahsildar, on or after the date of tender notice of the
respective works. EC should be free from Encumbrance. EC obtained from
the Government website, shall be considered.
vii) In case the tender is made by an individual, the tender documents shall be
digitally signed by the individual with his name and address and submit
along with a copy of (duly attested by Notary Public/Gazatted Officer) proper
contractor registration certificate.
viii) Incase the tender is made by registered firm, it shall be digitally signed by
the Managing Partner (or) the person authorized by the firm, with full name
of the firm and address. The proof shall be submitted along with the copy of
Registered Partnership Deed and current renewal for Firm registration
i.e Form ‘C’ obtained from Registrar of Firms with proof of renewal. (Copies
should be duly attested by Notary Public / Gazetted Officer).

ix) Incase the tender is made by a limited company or a limited corporation, it

shall be digitally signed by a duly authorized person holding the power of
attorney for signing the tender in which case a certified copy of the power of
attorney shall accompany the tender. The articles of Memorandum of the
company and profile of the company with company incorporation certificate
copies with seal (duly attested by Notary Public / Gazetted officer) shall be
submitted along with his/her/their tender.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


x) Incase a tenderer tendered in the Name and Style of Proprietorship Concern

the tenderer should have registered his firm name in the respective registrar
office and enclose the copy of Proprietorship Deed (Duly attested by the
Notary Public / Gazatted Officer) along with the tender. The sole proprietor
alone should digitally sign in the tender document.

xi ) All the credentials enclosed in the tender document should be duly attested
by Notary / Gazetted officer.
3. Digitally signed and filled tender coding sheet (i.e. BoQ – in excel format
Booklet – 4) in addition to the digitally signed remaining three Booklets in
.pdf format (totally 4 Booklets.)

Note: The tenderer should furnish the above documents mentioned in the check
list for scrutiny and evaluation of the tender. Failure on the part of the
tenderer to comply with the above requirements, the tender shall be
rejected as per the provisions of TT Act Rule no.28 of 2000.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle




1. Bidder should get the registration in the tender site using the option available.
Then the Digital Signature registration has to be done with the E-token, after
logging into the site. The e-token may be obtained from any one of the
authorised Certifying Authorities such as SIFY/TCS/nCode/SCS.

2. Bidder then login to the site through the secured log in by giving the password
of the e-token & then the user id/password chosen during registration.

3. The e-token that is registered should be used by the bidder and should not be
misused by others.

4. After downloading / getting the tender schedules, the Bidder should go through
them carefully and then submit the documents as asked, otherwise, the bid will
be rejected.

5. Bidder should take into account of the corrigendum, if any, published before
submitting the bids online.

6. Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as

indicated in the tender schedule and they should be in .pdf format. If there are
more than one document, they can be clubbed together.

7. The online payment Gateway has been enabled for TNPHC in TN Tenders Portal
(www.tntenders.gov.in). All the payments for the tenders like EMD… etc., will be
carried out by the Bidders only through online payment mode.

8. The EMD amount should be the exact amount and no excess or less amount
should be transferred through online payment gateway. If excess or short, the
tender status will be shown as invalid.

9. The bidder should read the terms & conditions and abide by the same.

10. The bidder has to submit the tender document online well in advance before the
prescribed time to avoid any delay or problem during the submission process.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


11. After the bid submission, the acknowledgement number given by the
e-tendering system should be printed by the bidder and kept as record of
evidence for online submission of bid for the particular tender.

12. The EMD payments for the tenders will be carried out by the bidders only
through online payment mode. Otherwise the tender status will be shown as

13. The Corporation will not be held responsible for any sort of delay or the
difficulty faced in the submission of tenders through online by the bidders.

14. The bidder who participated in the tender, should submit the tender documents
through e-tendering online system only.

15. The rates have to be entered in the specified place given in the Tender Coding
Sheet (BoQ.xls file) and should be submitted as BoQ.xls file during the
e-bid submission.

16. The tendering system will give a successful bid update message after uploading
all the bid documents submitted & then a bid summary will be shown with the
bid number & the date & time of submission of the bid with all other relevant
details. The documents submitted by the bidders will be digitally signed with
the e-token of the bidder and then submitted.

17. The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement as a

token of the submission of the bid. The bid summary will act as a proof of bid
submission for a tender floated and will also act as an entry point to participate
in the bid opening date.

18. Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that he
submits the bid in time i.e., on or before the bid submission date & time.
If there is any delay, due to other issues, bidder only is responsible.

19. Each document to be uploaded thro’ online for the tenders should be less then
2 MB. If any document is more than 2 MB, it can be reduced thro’ zip and the
same can be uploaded. However, if the file size is less than 1 MB the
transaction uploading time will be very fast.

20. The time settings fixed in the server side & displayed at the top of the tender
site, will be valid for all actions of requesting, bid submission, bid opening etc.,
in the e-tender system. The bidders should follow this time during bid

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


21. All the data being entered by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to secrecy of the data. The data entered will not viewable
by unauthorized person during bid submission & not be viewable by any one
until the time of bid opening. Overall, the submitted tender documents become
readable only after the tender opening by the authorized individual.

22. The confidentiality of the bids is maintained since the secured Socket Layer
128 bit encryption technology is used. Data storage encryption of sensitive
fields is done.

23. The bidders are requested to furnish the tenders through e-tendering on line
system to the tender inviting authority before the scheduled time as mentioned
in the Annexure - R (as per Server System Clock).

24. Incase the tender is made by an individual, the tender documents shall be
digitally signed by the individual with his name and address and submit along
with a copy of (duly attested by Notary Public / Gazatted Officer ) proper
contractor registration certificate.

25. Incase the tender is made by registered firm, it shall be digitally signed by the
Managing Partner (or) the person authorized by the firm, with full name of the
firm and address. The proof shall be submitted along with the copy of
Registered Partnership Deed and current renewal for Firm registration i.e
Form C obtained from Registrar of Firms with proof of renewal. (Copies should
be duly attested by Notary Public / Gazetted Officer).

26. Incase the tender is made by a limited company or a limited corporation, it shall
be digitally signed by a duly authorized person holding the power of attorney for
signing the tender in which case a certified copy of the power of attorney shall
accompany the tender. The articles of Memorandum of the company and profile
of the company with company incorporation certificate copies with seal (duly
attested by Notary Public / Gazatted officer) shall be submitted along with
his/her/their tender.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


27. Incase a tenderer, tendered in the Name and Style of Proprietorship Concern
the tenderer should have registered his firm name in the respective registrar
office and enclose the copy of Proprietorship Deed (Duly attested by the Notary
Public / Gazatted Officer) along with the tender. The sole proprietor alone
should digitally sign in the tender document.
28. The tenderer should submit the EMD through online payment Gateway mode
only. Otherwise his/her/their tender will be rejected.
29. Revenue solvency issued by the Tahsildar with upto date EC should be
uploaded. The details of Survey number, area etc., of the property mentioned in
the solvency certificate and Encumbrance certificate should be tallied.
Encumbrance certificate should be obtained from the date of solvency
certificate issued by the Tahsildar, on or after the date of tender notice of the
respective works. EC should be free from Encumbrance. EC obtained from the
Government website, shall be considered.
30. Income tax return certificate (2022-23).

31. The performance certificate in having satisfactorily executed and completed

related works. (The completed value including taxes / GST) shall be more than
50% of the value of the contract put to tender (with GST) in a single contract)
directly issued by the concerned organization during past five years. (i.e. the
works executed under sub-contract will not be considered for this
purpose). The evidence for the same should be produced from an officer not
less than the rank of the Superintending Engineer or equivalent rank (i.e.
agreement executing authority) of the Government or Government
undertakings/Responsible person of the Private organizations.
The Private experience should be supported along with TDS statement
(i.e., Form 16A & Form 26AS).
In case, the contractors who have executed works in TNPHC Ltd., the
satisfactory performance certificate in the prescribed format from the
Superintending Engineer concerned of TNPHC Ltd., should be furnished.
Credentials of the tenderer(s) for the works executed by him/them within past
5 years supported by certificate issued by the authority not lower than the rank
of Superintending Engineer should be furnished. The date of completion of the
works stated in the experience certificate should be within the past 5 years
prior to the date of tender.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


32. The tenderer should furnish the Experience certificate with the details of Name
of work, Name of Contractor, Date of Commencement of work, Due date of
completion, Actual date of completion, Actual completion cost, fine imposed, if
any and reason for delayed completion of work with extention of time details.

33. Tenderers representative participating in tender opening should produce the

authentication from the tenderer on the date and time of opening of tender.

34. Tenders from joint ventures are not acceptable.

35. All xerox copies of the documents enclosed with tender as evidence or in
support of the experience or of any kind should be got attested from the Notary.

36. The tenderers eligibility will be calculated based on the documents / certificates
issued by the concerned prior to the date of tender and enclosed with the

37. Online tender processing fee of Rs.5,900/- (Including GST at 18%) for
Non-Pre Qualification works to be remitted by the tenderers in the form of
DD in the name of respective Executive Engineers and the same will be
uploaded along with Tender documents which will not be refunded.
Original of the DD should be handed over to the tender opening authority
during opening of tender. The tender received without original DD will be
summarily rejected.

38. “Contractors who succeed in the tenders should get their names registered
in TNPHC Ltd, in an appropriate class prior to the execution of the
agreement even though the contractors are registered in PWD”.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle





Office of the Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle, Tamil Nadu Police Housing

Corporation Limited.,

For and on behalf of the TNPHC Ltd e-tender is invited for the under mentioned work
so as to reach the Superintending Engineer/ Chennai Circle, Tamil Nadu Police Housing
Corporation Limited, Chennai-10 not later than the date and time mentioned in the
Annexure – ‘R’ (Serial No. 5(b)). The tenders will be opened by the Superintending
Engineer/Chennai Circle, Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Limited, at his office on the
date and time mentioned in the Annexure – ‘R’ (Serial No.6) in the presence of the
tenderers or their authorised representative, who are present at opening time for the work
of * ……………………………….(Refer Annexure “R”Serial No.3).

The tender should be in the prescribed form available in the website


1. The tenderers or their agents should be present at the time of opening of tenders.

2. Incase the tender is made by an individual, the tender documents shall be digitally
signed by the individual with his name and address and submit along with a copy of
(duly attested by Notary Public / Gazatted Officer ) proper contractor registration
certificate. Otherwise his/their shall be rejected.

3. Incase the tender is made by registered firm, it shall be digitally signed by the
Managing Partner (or) the person authorized by the firm, with full name of the firm
and address. The proof shall be submitted along with the copy of Registered
Partnership Deed and current renewal for Firm registration i.e Form C obtained
from Registrar of Firms with proof of renewal. (Copies should be duly attested by
Notary Public / Gazetted Officer). Otherwise such tender shall be rejected.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


4. Incase the tender is made by a limited company or a limited corporation, it shall be

digitally signed by a duly authorized person holding the power of attorney for signing
the tender in which case a certified copy of the power of attorney shall accompany
the tender. The articles of Memorandum of the company and profile of the company
with company incorporation certificate copies with seal (duly attested by Notary
Public / Gazatted officer) shall be submitted along with his/her/their tender.
Otherwise his/their shall be rejected.

5. Incase a tenderer, tendered in the Name and Style of Proprietorship Concern the
tenderer should have registered his firm name in the respective registrar office and
enclose the copy of Proprietorship Deed (Duly attested by the Notary Public /
Gazatted Officer) along with the tender. The sole proprietor alone should digitally
sign in the tender document. Otherwise his/their shall be rejected.

6. Each tenderer must also send a certificate of the latest Income-tax return
acknowledgement in the form prescribed therefor.
All tenders received without certificate as aforementioned will be summarily rejected.

7. + Each tenderer must pay as Earnest Money deposit (with GST) of a sum of
`…………(Refer Annexure “R” Serial No.7) (Rupees………………………………..only) The online
payment Gateway has been enabled for TNPHC in TN Tenders Portal
(www.tntenders.gov.in). All the payments for the tenders like EMD… etc., will be carried out
by the Bidders only through online payment mode. The Rejected / Unsuccessful tenderer
EMD amount will be credited automatically on his/their Account from where he/they
transferred the EMD through the online payment Gateway.
The Earnest Money deposit (with GST) will be retained in the case of successful
tenderer and will not carry any interest. It will be dealt with as provided for in the tender.

* NAME OF WORK (Refer Annexure “R” Serial No.3).

8. The tender will remain valid for a period of 90 days from the last date for receipt of
tender. The validity period can be extended further if the contractor gives his
consent in writing, specifying the period of extension.
(i). The tenderer whose tender is under consideration shall attend the office
before the end of the period specified by written intimation to him. If the
tenderer fails to attend the office before the end of specified period,
his/her/their tender will not be considered. He shall forthwith, upon and
intimation being given to him of acceptance of his tender by the officer
authorized, make security deposit (with GST) of 2% of the value of contract in

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


one of the forms prescribed in TNPHC by taking into account of the amount of earnest
money deposit (with GST) already deposited with the tender. It would be sufficient to
pay the balance amount to make up the 2 % of the value of contract for the purpose
of security deposit (with GST), which has to be remitted only in the shape of deposit
by means of Demand Draft / Banker’s cheque from any one of the Nationalized Bank /
Scheduled Bank in favour of Executive Engineer concerned KVP/NSC (and other small
savings scripts issued by the Government) and the same should be pledged infavour
of the respective Executive Engineers. If the value of work more than 2 crores the
Bank Guarantee is also accepted as Security Deposit / Additional Security Deposit for
twice the agreement period in addition to that in the form of KVP, NSC from the
tenderer. Bank Guarantee should be unconditional and irrevocable and should be for a
period of not less than twice the agreement period after adjusting EMD, Bank
Guarantee to be issued by any scheduled commercial bank. The bids shall become
invalid / rejected and the bidder shall forfeit Earnest Money Deposit, Security Deposits
etc., and the Tender Acceptance Authority is empowered to initiate criminal (ie., filing
First Information Report), legal action in addition to taking steps to blacklist the bidder
in the event of Bank Guarantees being found forged / fake upon verification of the
genuineness / authenticity with the respective Bank. The security deposit together with
the earnest money deposit and the deductions made at 5% of the value of each bill
towards withheld amount vide clause 64-1 of General condition to the contract, shall
be retained as security for the due fulfillment of contract such deposit shall not bear
any interest.
(ii). On receipt of written communication of acceptance of tender if the tenderer fails to
pay the requisite security deposit (with GST) within the period specified in the written
communication or backs out from the tender or withdraws his tender, the earnest
money deposit (with GST) shall be forfeited. If the contractor fails to carryout the
contract, after paying the requisite deposits, then he will be liable for the excess
expenditure, if any incurred to complete the work as contemplated in the General
conditions to the contract.
(iii). It shall be expressly understood by the tenderer, that on receipt of written
communication of acceptance of tender from the accepting authority, there
emerges a valid contract between the TNPHC and the tenderer for execution
of the work without any separate written agreement. Hence for this purpose,
the tender documents i.e., tender notice, tender offered by the contractor,
General conditions to the contract, special conditions to the contract,
negotiation, correspondences, written communication of acceptance of tender,
etc., shall constitute a valid contract and that will be the foundation of the
rights of both the parties to the contract. Provided that, it shall be open to the
accepting authority to insist execution of any written agreement by the
tenderer, if administratively considered necessary or expedient.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


9. The tenderer shall examine closely the general conditions to the contract of Tamil
Nadu Building Practice and also general conditions to contract contained therein and
sign the copy of the Tamil Nadu Building Practice and its addenda volume in token
such study before submitting his tender unit rates which shall be for finished work in
site. He shall also carefully study the drawings and additional specifications and all
the documents connected with the contract. The Tamil Nadu Building Practice and
other documents connected with the contract such as specifications, plans,
descriptive specification sheet regarding materials etc., can be seen at any time
between 11.00a.m.to 5.00 p.m. on office days in the office of the Superintending
Engineer aforementioned.

10. The tenderer’s attention is directed to the requirements for materials under the
clause “Materials and Workmanship” in the General conditions to contract. Materials
confirming to the Indian Standard Specifications shall be used on the work and the
tenderer shall quote his rates accordingly.

11. Every tenderer is expected, before quoting his rates, to inspect the site of proposed
work. He should also inspect quarries, and satisfy himself about the quality and
availability of materials such as Bricks, Sand & HBS jelly etc. The best class of
materials shall be allowed to use on the work. In every case the materials must
comply with the relevant standard specifications. Samples of materials called for in
standard specifications, or in this tender notice or as required by the Executive
Engineer in any case shall be submitted for the Executive Engineer‘s approval before
the supply to the site of work is begun. Accordingly the tenderers are requested to
quote their own workable rates.

The Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Limited will not however after acceptance
of contract rate pay any extra charges for lead or for any other reasons in case the
contractor is found later on to have misjudged the materials available. Attention of
the contractor is drawn to the General conditions to the contract regarding payment
of seigniorages, tolls etc., subject to price adjustment clause provided for in this
tender schedule.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


12. The Tenderer’s particular attention is drawn to sections and clauses in the General
Conditions to contract dealing with:
a) Test, inspection and rejection of defective materials and work
b) Carriage
c) Construction plant
d) Water and Lighting
e) Mechanized Cleaning up during progress and for delivery
f) Accidents
g) Delays and
h) Particulars of Payment

The contractor should closely peruse all the specification clauses which govern the
rate his tendering.

13. A schedule of quantities accompanies this tender notice, it shall be definitely

understood that the Executive Engineer, aforementioned does not accept any
responsibility for the correctness or completeness of this schedule and that this
schedule is liable to alterations, omission, deductions or additions at the discretion of
the Executive Engineer, Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation or as set forth in the
conditions to contract. The Tenderer will however base his lump-sum tender on this
schedule of quantities. He should quote specific rates for each item in the schedule
and the rate should be in Rupees and Paise in two decimal only.

14. The tenders invited are only for item war rates. Any lumpsum deductions or increase
or rebate offered either in the tender or in the covering letter or at any portion of the
tender will be ignored and only the rates offered in the tender coding sheet i.e. BoQ
available in the Booklet – 4 alone will be taken as valid rates and taken up for tender
comparison. Rates or Lumpsum amounts for items not called for shall not be
included in the tender. No alteration which is made by tenderer in the contract form,
the conditions to Contract, the drawings, specification, or quantities accompanying
same will be recognised and if any such alterations are made the tender will be void.

15. The tenderer should work out his own rates without reference being made to the
Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Limited current schedule of rates or to the
estimated rates which are not open for inspection to tenderers.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


16. The attention of the tenderer is directed to the contract requirements as to the time
of beginning work, the rates of progress and the dates for the completion of the
whole work and its several parts. The following rate of progress and of proportionate
value of work done from time to time as will be indicated by the Executive Engineer’s
certificates of the value of work done will be required. Date of commencement of this
programme will be the date on which the site (or premises) is handed over to the
contractor. This subject to the G.O.Ms.No.101 PWD (G2) Dept.Dt.10.06.2009 forms
part of the agreement.

Period of Annual Maintenance works - 04 Years

Description Period after date of Percentage of work completed


Refer Annexure “R” 2nd Year (9 Months) 100% of 2nd Year AMC
Serial No.11 3 Year 100% of 3rd Year AMC
4 Year 100% of 4th Year AMC
5th Year 100% of 5th Year AMC
NOTE : The periods to be entered in column for the purpose of defining of the rate of
progress may be fixed by the Superintending Engineer / Executive Engineer to suit
each case.

17. No parts of the contract shall be sublet without written permission of the Executive
Engineer, nor shall transfer be made up power of attorney, authorizing others to
receive payment on the contractors behalf.

18. If further necessary information is required the “Superintending Engineer” of the

Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Limited will furnish, details but it must be
clearly understood that tenders must be received in order, and according to

19. The Superintending Engineer, or other sanctioning authority reserves the right to
reject any tender or all the tenders without assigning any reasons therefor.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


20. The tenderers who are themselves not professionally qualified shall undertake to
employee qualified Technical men at their cost to look after work. The tenderer
should therefore state in clear terms whether they are professionally qualified or
whether they undertake to employ technical staff and if so give their professional
qualifications of the staff to be employed. In case the selected tenderer is one who
has undertaken to employ technical staff under him he should see that one of the
staff is always at site of the work during working hours personally checking all items
of work and paying extra attention to such works as may demand special attention
eg. reinforced concrete works etc.

21. Tenderer submitting a tender which the tender accepting authority considers
excessive and / or indicative of the insufficient knowledge of current prices or
definite attempt at profitering will render himself liable to be debarred permanently
from tendering or for such period as the tender accepting authority may decide.

22. The fact of submitting the tender implies that the tenderer have actually inspected
the site of works and have examined before tendering the nature and extent of
various kinds of soil at various depths and have based their tenders on such
examination by them and no future representation in this regard will be considered.

23. A statement giving particulars of equipment and resources that Will be put at the
disposal of the work under the following classification should accompany the tender.
(a) Equipment (Transport of materials Viz. lorries and carts, concrete mixers)
(b) Organisation (i) Technical (ii) Unskilled.
(c) Resources in materials like teak wood, steel etc. and extent to which
departmental help is not required for procurement of materials and transport of
the same.
(d) Methods that will be adopted to speed up the work to ensure completion within
or less than the time fixed for completion.

24. The Executive Engineer, reserves to himself the right of allotting the different sub-
works to different contractors or one and the same contractor as he may decide after
the receipt of tenders.
25. The contractors are liable to pay a penalty for non-employment of the technical staff
as laid down in the conditions of employment of Technically qualified personnel
26. The cost of materials if supplied by the department will be recovered from the bills or
any other amounts due from the contractors.
27. The online payment Gateway has been enabled for TNPHC in TN Tenders Portal
(www.tntenders.gov.in). All the payments for the tenders like EMD… etc., will be
carried out by the Bidders only through online payment mode.
28. The EMD amount should be the exact amount and no excess or less amount should
be transferred through online payment gateway. If excess or short, the tender status
will be shown as invalid.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


29. Retention money deposit (RMD) (with GST) at 5% shall be recovered from each bill
based on the value of work done by the contractors 50% of RMD (i.e., 2 1/2 %)
received from the bills would be paid to the contractor along with final bill. The
balance 50% (i.e., 2 1/2 %) of the total value of work will be retained on the final
bill of the work for the period one year reckoned from the date of completion of work
in order to enable the department to watch the effect of all seasons of the work. The
contractor should furnish an indemnity bond for further period of four years.
Defects, shrinkages, etc., after completion
If any defects, shrinkage or other faults which may appear in the above said period
from the completion of works arising, in the opinion of the Executive Engineer, from
faulty materials or workmanship not in accordance with the drawings, specification
and instructions of the Executive Engineer shall upon the directions in writing of the
Executive Engineer and within such reasonable time as shall be specified therein, be
amended and made good by the contractor at his own cost unless the Executive
Engineer shall decide that the contractor ought to be paid for the same at the rates
agreed on such reduced or other rates as the Executive Engineer may fix and incase
of default, the Executive Engineer may employ (and pay other persons to amend and
make food such defects, shrinkage or other faults or damage. And all expenses
consequent thereon and incidental thereto shall be borne by the contractor. If the
contractor fails to comply with the above provision, the action will be taken for
immediate cessation of all future business with the respective contractor, in a
addition to other legal remedies.

30. Action against the contractors who have participated in the earlier tenders but failed
to execute the agreement on some pretext after receipt of the work order will be
taken as per the G.O. in force.

31. No tenderer is permitted to withdraw his / her / their tender at any stage. If any
tenderer withdraws his / her / their offer with in the tender validity period his / her /
their EMD / SD (with GST) shall be forfeited and his / her / their name(s) will be
recommended for blacklisting.

32. Only Contractors registered under appropriate Class with Tamil Nadu Police Housing
Corporation / PWD and Manufactures / reputed dealers of this specific nature of work
(with up- to-date renewal) alone are eligible to tender.
33. The tender will be considered only after satisfactory production of the credentials by
the intending tenderers such as previous performance, nature and value of work
done and required valid Registration certificate, Income Tax, Solvency, GST
Certificate etc.

34. The tenderer should be registered with GST.

35. The Total value of a contract/Service which exceeds Rs.2.50 Lakhs, 2% GST Tax at
Source will be deducted. (1% CGST & 1% SGST) as applicable from time to time in
addition to 1% or 2% of TDS as per IT act.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle



Dated ...................................
The Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle,
Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Ltd.,
No.132, EVR Salai, Kilpauk, Chennai - 10.
I/We do hereby tender and if this tender be accepted, undertake to execute the
following works. viz. (Refer Annexure ‘R’ of Serial No.3)

As shown in the drawings and described in the specifications deposited in the Office
of the Superintending Engineer, Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Limited with such
variations by way of alterations, additions to, and omissions from the said works and
method of payment as are provided for in the conditions to contract for the sum of
Rupees......................................................................................(in words and figures)

or such other sum as may be arrived at under the clause of the General conditions to
contract relating to “Payment on lump-sum basis or by final measurement at unit prices”.
I/We have also completed the priced list of items of BoQ i.e. Tender Coding Sheet
annexed (in words and figures) for which I/We agree to execute the work and receive
payments on detailed final measurement at Unit Prices.

I/We hereby distinctly and expressly declare and acknowledge that, before the
submission of my/our tender I/We have carefully followed the instructions in the tender
notice and have read the Tamil Nadu Building Practice and the Preliminary Specifications
therein and that I/We have made such examination of the contract documents and the
plans, specifications and quantities and of the location where the said work is to be done
and such investigation of the work required to be done and in regard to the material
required to be furnished as to enable me/us thoroughly to understand the intention of the
same and the requirements, covenants, agreements, stipulations and restrictions contained
in the contract, and in the said plans and specification and distinctly agree that I/ we will
not hereafter make any claim or demand upon the Corporation based upon or arising out of
any alleged misunderstanding or misconception, or mistake on my part of the said
requirements, covenants, agreements, stipulations, restrictions and conditions.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


*** I/We being a registered contractor enclose an income-tax verification / have/ already
produced an income tax verification certificate in respect of (here particulars of the previous
occasion on which the certificate was produced should be given.

*** I/We enclose ..................................... the sum of `............................ (Rupees

...............................................) in the
form of .................................................................................................... as
prescribed in the Tender Notice towards Bid Security ( Earnest Money Deposit) (with GST)
which will not carry any interest.

*** I/We hereby enclose the proof of authority vide the payment of Bid Security
.................................................. exempting me/us from the payment of Bid Security.

Note. *** to be scored out if not applicable.

If my/our tender is not accepted this sum shall be returned to me/us on my/our
application when intimation is sent to me / us of rejection or at the expiry of 90 days from
the date of this tender whichever is earlier. If my / our tender is accepted, the Earnest
Money deposit (with GST) shall be retained by the Corporation as security for the due
fulfillment of the contract. If upon written intimation to me/us by the Superintending
Engineer indicating that my/our presence is required for the purpose of enquiry. I/we fail to
attend the said office before the end of Period specified on such intimation and if upon
intimation being given to me / us by the Superintending Engineer of acceptance of my/our
tender. If I/We fail to make the Security Deposit / Additional Security Deposit (with GST) or
to enter into the required agreement as defined in the tender notice, then I/We agree to the
forfeiture of Earnest Money deposit (with GST). Any notice required to be served to me / us
here under shall be sufficiently served on me / us if delivered to me / us personally or
forwarded to me / us by post (registered or ordinary) or left at my / our address given
herein such notice shall if sent by post be deemed to have been served on me/us at the
time when in due course of post it would be delivered at the address to which it is sent.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle


I/We fully understand that the written agreement to be entered into between me/us
and the Corporation shall be the foundation of the rights of both the parties and the contract
shall not be deemed to be complete under the agreement has first been signed by me / us
and then by the proper officer authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the

I am/we are professionally qualified and my / our qualification are given below.

Sl.No. Name Qualification Experience


I/We will employ the following technical staff for the supervising the work and will see that
one of them is always at site during working hours personally checking all item of works and
paying extra attention to such works as require special attention (e.g.) Reinforced Concrete

Name of members of technical staff Qualification Experience (in year)

Proposed to be employed

Note: (a) The last two clauses should be Scored out if the cost of the work involved
in less than Rs. 10,000/-

(b) The tenderer should score out the last clause or the penultimate according
as they are themselves professionally qualified or undertake to employ
technical staff under them.


(Fill in from tender notice)

Period after the Percentage of work to be

Commencement of Completed on the whole work

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle

B OOK L E T : 2

CONTAINS PAGES : 02 (Two only)

(Detailed Tender Specification)




Name of Work : (Refer Annexure-‘R’ Sl.No.3)

A. The Quantities given here are those upon which the lumpsum tender cost of
the work is based, but they are subject to alterations, omissions, deductions
or additions as provided for in the conditions of this contract and do not
necessarily show the actual quantities of work to be done. The Unit rates
quoted excluding GST amount are those governing payments for extras or
deductions or omissions according to the conditions of the contract as setforth
in the General conditions of the contract of the Tamil Nadu Building Practice
and other conditions or specifications of this contract.

B. It is to be expressly understood that the measured work is to be taken net (not

withstanding any custom or practice to the contrary) according to the actual
quantities when in place and finished according to the drawing or as may be
ordered from time to time by the Chief Engineer and the cost calculated -by
measurement or weight at the respective prices without any additional charge
for any necessary or contingent works connected therewith. The rates quoted
excluding GST amount are for works in site and complete in every respect.

C. Unavoidable delays may entail in rate instances, for delays beyond 3 months
after execution of agreement, offer may be withdrawn/cancelled, validity shall
be however optional subject to mutual consent by the contractor and TNPHC
at agreed rates without extras.

D. As a result of continuous improvements contemplated by the TNPHC in

layouts / type design, substantial variations might occur in one more items.
The tenderer will be expected to adopt such modifications whenever
necessitated and ordered for.

E. If rarely owing to non availability of vacant lands in the site mentioned in the
notification change of site either partly or wholly is warranted, the tenderer
shall accept to execute work accordingly as may be necessitated and ordered
for at agreed rates or derived rates.

Contractor No. of Corrections Superintending Engineer/Chennai Circle

Chennai Circle Page 0

B OOK L E T : 3

CONTAINS PAGES : 24 (Twenty four only)




No.132, EVR Salai, Kilpauk, Chennai – 10.
duullee ‘‘B
Chennai Circle

Name of work: (Refer Annexure “R”Serial No.3)

Sl. No. Drawing No. Description Remarks

1. Lay out Note: (i) All drawings to be signed by the contractor

as well as the officer entering contract.

(ii) All drawings can be seen in Division Office.

2. Building plan

Page 1


Chennai Circle Page 2

duullee ‘‘C
Additional Specifications
1. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for clean, fresh water for use on the work and
shall meet all charges therefore.
2. All iron work or steel work of every kind, except such as is to be embedded in cement concrete
shall immediately on arrival at the site be properly scrapped and wire brushed and given a priming
coat of red lead paint without claim for extra.
3. The Teak Wood shall be of best Indian Wood only and the country wood shall be species like
Pillamarudu or Kariamarudhu or its equalent shall be subject to inspection and approval by the
Executive Engineer before use on work.
4. Holes and chasis for electric wiring, water supply, drainage etc., shall be provided as directed
during the progress of work without claiming any extra charges.
5. All external corners, edges of beams, edges of door and window openings etc., shall be finished
with camber and also truly vertical or horizontal as the case may be. The rate of plastering shall
include the cost of finishing as above. No extra for finishing the corners, edges etc., will be paid.
6. The arrangements for Steel rods for reinforcement for each RCC work shall be in accordance with
the working drawings supplied.
7. The planks for form work and centering for RCC work shall be of well seasoned timber approved
by the Executive Engineer according to sub clause 10 of T.N.B.P. No. 30. They must be made
smooth and perfectly level at top so as to give a smooth and even finish to the R.C.C. Ceiling.
Alternatively, the contractor may use steel sheets over wooden frame provided, the required finish
to the underside of the slabs is obtained. Mango planks shall not be used under any
circumstances. Centering and form works shall be provided to the extent and area ordered by the
Executive Engineer during the execution. Finishing shall be done as per sub-clause 15 of TNBP
No. 30.
8. All cement concrete for RCC works shall be machine mixed and vibrated.
9. All lime mortar shall be grinded in a mortar mill as per TNBP.
10. The rates for brick work in all the floors includes the labour charges for fixing the frames of doors
and windows and fixing G.I. pipes outlets for windows as per sub-clause 14 of TNBP No.31.
11. The rate for plastering includes providing cornice, band cornice, ceiling cornice and skirting
wherever necessary as directed by the Department officers.
12. It is not obligatory to supply any materials (Controlled or non-controlled) required for the
constructions. The contractor is expected to make his own arrangements. The quality of these
materials should confirm with the specification given in ISI. Ordinary Portland Cement 43 Grade
grey colour / SRC if necessary based on site condition (without any extra cost) confirming to IS
Specification should be used. Steel rods should also confirming to ISI.
13. Steel rods should be cut and placed as reinforcement with proper anchorage to the available rods
at site so as to ensure the minimum wastage possible.


Chennai Circle Page 3

14. The cement brought by the contractor for use should carefully stacked in approved stores and on
works as and when required the proper care so as to ensure the minimum wastage possible.

15. All the dismantled work should be made good plastered and cement painted to match the original
16. For all RCC works the rate shall include the treatment of bearings as per plan of TNBP. No extra
payment will be made.
17. If the rates are not separately called for, similar items of works in different floors, the contractor should
quote, one rate applicable for all the floors indicated in the detailed plans, any claims for extra rates for
such items floor wise will not be entertained under any circumstances.
18. The contractor should not employ the labour below the age of adults.
19. If night work required to fulfill the agreed rates of progress, all arrangement shall be made by the
contractor inclusive of lighting without any claim for extra rate.
20. Rates :- The tenderer shall quote their rates for the finished item of work only as given in the schedule it
shall be clearly understood that no increase in the rates tendered for will be permissible on any account
after the tenders are accepted.
However price adjustment will apply only when the fluctuation of rates exceeds by 3% compared to the
estimate rates (RBI Index Price). Price adjustment shall be made for both increase and decrease in the
cost of materials in accordance to the G.O.Ms.No.101 Public works (G2) Dept, Dated:10.06.2009. The
applicable class in the said G.O. form part of this tender and the interpretations, amendments and
corrections and deletions for the above G.O. issued after the G.O. date will be valid for this tender also
21. The rate for all the items shall be quoted for in the metric units.
22. The tenderer shall examine closely the General conditions of contract of the Tamil Nadu Building
practice and sign the copy kept in the office into taken of such study before submitting his tender. Unit
rates which shall be for finished work in site.
23. The electrical works should be executed by a person or firm holding ‘A’ grade or ‘B’ grade licence issued
by Licensing Board / Government of Tamil Nadu.
24. Once the offer of the tenderer is accepted by the TNPHC, if either the tenderers choose to withdraw this
tender or for any reason refused to execute the agreement and comply with the terms of the tender and
agreement, the amount deposited by the tenderer towards the EMD / SD and A.S.D. (with GST) shall
be forfeited and tenderer shall not be entitled to refund the same.
25. The contractor should take risk insurance against fire, other usual risk for all or any loss or damages
occasioned by or arising out of acts of God, and in particular unprecedented flood, volcanic eruption,
earthquake or other convulsion of nature, invasion, the act of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike
operations (before or after declaration of war) rebellion, military or usurped power, such policy should
cover the construction period against the risk by the construction at his / their own cost and produce to
the concerned Executive Engineer / Superintending Engineer within one month from the date of
execution of the agreement failing which the TNPHC shall be entitled to take out whatever policy as may
be required to cover those eventualities and to effect recovery towards the cost of such policies from the
contractor’s payments with a penalty of 50% on the cost of such policies.


Chennai Circle Page 4

26. Water closet, basins, urinals, sinks and other sanitary ware shall be of approved make as required in the
relevant items. The fixing of these should be in accordance with the special specifications after the
completion of the work.
27. The clamps of G.I. pipes fittings should not be spaced more than 6’ part from the wooden plug for pipe
and bracket fittings should be properly fixed in C.M1:3 in holes made in and not hammered into the
walls. The size of plugs should be not less than 1”sq. at this end and at the other end with the depth of
not less than 3”.
28. The contractor should procure approved quality of paint only in containers. The above container should
be used in the presence of the Assistant Executive Engineer and got approved before use. On any
account paint in other than original container will not be allowed for use.
29. The contractor should procure the M-Sand from the BIS licensed manufacturer.
30. Recovery under Revenue recovery Act: Whenever any amount has to be paid by the contractor inlieu of
determination of the contract by virtue of clause 57.4 (TNBP) for any amount that may be due or may
become due from the contractor under the present and the contractor is not responding to the demand
for the payments of the said amount, then the TNPHC Ltd. shall be entitled to recover the said amount
under the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Revenue Recovery Act
31. Any extension of time may not be granted by the authority unless the delay is caused by the
32. The contractor is bound by all the condition of clauses of standard General condition to contract
as amended time to time if in the course the contract, any G.O. is issued introducing new
condition or clauses (for PWD / Other department), Supplemental Agreement must be executed
by the contractor for implementing the condition.
33. In the event of the work transferred to any other unit Division the Executive Engineer / Assistant
Executive Engineer who is incharge of the units / Divisions / Sub Division having jurisdiction over
the above shall be competent authority to exercise all the powers and privilege of TNPHC and to
act on behalf of TNPHC.
34. The contractor shall form his own approach road to the work sites for which no extra will be paid
to him. On completion of work the contractor shall not be permitted to remove the materials laid
for the formation of road. If the contractor is allowed to use the existing roads, he shall maintain
them in good condition at his own cost throughout the period of contract.
35. The work should be executed in accordance with the circular instruction of the Chief Engineer
issued from time to time. Copy of the circular instruction can be perused in the department office
during office hours.
36. During the course of contract period deductions of Income Tax shall be made as per the
provisions of the Income Tax Act amended from time to time as applicable.

37. Royalty / seigniorage charges due for use of any quarry land shall be paid by the contractor.
38. The contractor should be responsible for the safe custody storage of materials under dry
conditions at the place of work spot approved by the Executive Engineer.
39. The contractor should abide by the contractor’s labour regulation of PWD framed by Tamil Nadu.


Chennai Circle Page 5

40. Impounding minimum 10 cm of water over roofs for 48 hours before laying the weathering course
and pressed tiles to check the water tightness.
41. Xerox copy of the certificate for the technical personnels to be enclosed along with the tender.
42. Action against the contractors who have participated in the earlier tenders but failed to execute
the agreement on some pretext after receipt of the work order will be taken as per the G.O. in
43. No tender is permitted to withdraw his / her / their at any stage. If any tender withdraws his/ her/
their offer within the tender validity period his / her / their EMD/ SD (with GST) shall be forfeited
and his / her / their name will become noted for blacklisting in future
44. Only contractors registered under appropriate Class with Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation
Limited and PWD and Manufactures / reputed dealers of this specific nature of work
(With up-to-date renewal) alone are eligible to tender
45. The performance Certificate in having satisfactorily executed and completed building works or
similar nature of STP work. (The completed value shall be more than 50% of the value of the
contract put to tender [with GST] in a single contract) directly issued by the concerned
organization during past five years. The evidence for the same should be produced from an
officer not less than the rank of the Superintending Engineer or equivalent rank (i.e. agreement
executing authority) of the Government or Government undertakings /responsible person of the
Private organizations.
In case, the contractors who have executed works in TNPHC Ltd., the satisfactory performance
certificate in the prescribed format from the Superintending Engineer concerned of TNPHC Ltd.,
should be furnished
The Private experience should be supported along with TDS statement (ie Form 16A &
Form 26AS)
Credentials of the tenderer(s) for the works executed by him / them in the past 5 years supported
by certificates issued by the authority not lower than the rank of Superintending Engineer should
be furnished. The date of completion of the works stated in the experience certificate should be
within the past 5 years prior to the date of tender.
46. The tenderer should be registered with GST
47. The Total value of a contract/Service which exceeds Rs.2.50 Lakhs, 2% GST Tax at source
will be deducted. (1% CGST & 1% SGST) as applicable from time to time in addition to 1% or
2% of TDS as per IT act


Chennai Circle Page 6

duullee ‘‘D
Applicable to all cases of work where a minimum of fifty workers are employed except works relating
to roads, Channels and Canals.

For the provision of health and sanitary arrangements for workers:

The contractor’s special attention is invited to clauses to the General conditions to contract of Tamil
Nadu Building Practice and he is requested to provide at his own expense the following amenities to the
satisfaction of the Chief Engineer.

1. First Aid:
At the work site there shall be maintained in a readily accessible place, first aid appliances and
medicines including adequate supply of sterilized dressings and sterilized cotton wool. The
appliances shall be kept in good order. They shall be placed under the charge of the responsible
person who shall be readily available during working hours.

2. Drinking Water:
a. Water of good quality fit for drinking purposes shall be provided for the work people on a scale of
not less than 15 litres per head per day.

b. Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent public water supply, each work place shall
be provided with storage tank where such drinking water shall be stored.

c. Every water supply storage shall be at a distance of not less than 15 metres from any latrine drain
or other source of Pollution. Where water has to be drawn from an existing well which is within
such prominently of latrine, drain or any other source of pollution the well shall be properly
chlorinated before water is drawn from it for drinking. All such wells shall be entirely closed it and
to be provided with a trap door which shall be dust and water proof.

d. A reliable pump shall be fitted each covered well, the trap door shall be kept locked and opened
only for cleaning or inspection which shall be done atleast once a month.

3. Latrines and Urinals:

There shall be provided within the precincts of every work place latrines and urinals in an accessible
place and the accommodation separately for each of them, shall be on the following scale or on the
same as directed by the Executive Engineer in any particular case.
i. Where the number of person employed does not exceed 50 persons 2 Nos
ii. Where the number of persons employed exceed 50 but does not exceed 100 3 Nos
iii. For every additional 100 3 Nos

If women are employed separate latrines and urinals screened from those for men shall be provided
on the same scale.

Except in work places provided with water flushed latrines connected with a water store sewage
system all latrines shall be provided with receipt table on dry earth system which shall be cleaned atleast four
times daily and atleast twice during working hours and kept in a strictly sanitary conditions. The receiptance
shall be tarred inside and outside atleast once a year.


Chennai Circle Page 7

4. Washing and Bathing places:

Adequate washing and bathing places shall be provided separately for men and women, such
places shall be kept in clean and drained condition. Bathing or washing should not be allowed in or
near any drinking water well.

The excreta from the latrines shall be disposed off at the contractor’s expense to the out way pits
approved by the local public health authority. The contractor shall also employ adequate number of
scavengers and conservancy staff to keep the latrines and urinals in a clean condition.

5. Sheds During Rest:

At the work site there shall be provided free of cost two suitable sheds one for male and the other for
female for rest fit for the use of labourers.

6. At every work place at which 50 or more women workers are ordinarily employed there shall be
provided two huts of suitable size for the use of children under age of 6 years belonging to such
women. One hut shall be used for infants games and play and the other as their shed room. The
huts shall not be constructed on a lower standard than following.

i. Metal Sheet roofs

ii. Mud floors and walls
iii. Planks spread over the mud floor and covered with matting.
The use of the huts shall be restricted to children, their attendants and mothers of the children.
7. Canteen:
A cooked food canteen on a moderate scale be provided for the benefits of workers if it is considered
8. Shed for Women:
The contractor should provide at his expense shed for housing his workman. The shed shall be on a
standard not less than the cheap shelter type to live in which the work people in the locality are
accustomed to. A foot area of about 6'5' for 2 persons shall be provided. The sheds are to be in
rows with five feet clear space between rows if conditions could permit. The work people shall be laid
out in units of 400 persons each. Each unit to have a clear space of 12m alround.


Chennai Circle Page 8



1. Once the offer of the tender is accepted by the Corporation, if either the tenderer chooses to withdraw his
tender or any reason refused to execute the agreement and comply with the terms of the tender and
agreement the amount deposited by the tenderer towards EMD/SD and ASD (with GST) shall be forfeited and
the tenderer shall not be entitled for the refund for the same.

2. The contractor/ Contractors shall take risk insurance at his/her/their own cost against losses due to floods and
other acts of God. No claim from the Contractor shall be entertained by the department for such losses.
3. i) Earnest Money Deposit (with GST) : 1% (one) upto Rs. 20.00 lakhs of estimate value plus 1/2%
(half) of the amount by which the estimated value exceeds
Rs. 20.00 lakhs.

ii) Security Deposit (with GST) : Will be 2% (two) of the contract value minus the E.M.D.
(with GST) already remitted alongwith the tender

iii) Retention Money Deposit : At 5% (five) shall be recovered from the each bill
(with GST) based on the value of work done by the contractors.

4. (a) 50% of retention money deposit (with GST) amount recovered from the bills would be paid to the
contractor along with final bill .
(b) The E.M.D., SD and A.S.D. (with GST) shall be released only after the expiry of six months from the
date of completion of work.
(c ) Balance 50 % of RMD (with GST) will be released after expiry of one year from the date of completion of
work for which the contractor has to give a written under taking in the form of an indemnity bond for
further period of 4 years ( AS per G.O Ms No.283 Public Works (G2) Dept dated:21.05.1999

5. The Total value of contact / service which exceeds Rs.2.50 Lakhs, 2% GST Tax at Source will be deducted.
(1% CGST & 1% SGST) as applicable from time to time in addition to 1% or 2% of TDS as per IT act

6. In the case disputes for claims upto Rs.50,000/- the Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation
Limited shall be final deciding authority. In case of claims exceeds Rs.50,000/- it should be referred to court of
law in Tami Nadu

7. The contractor / tenderers who are covered under the Employees Provident fund and Miscellaneous Provision
Act 1952 shall produce the Cod No.(Reg No) of their establishment. If the contractors are not covered under
the above said Act, they shall furnish a declaration to that fact.

It is obligatory on the part of the contractor to recover the Employees Provident Fund Subscription from the
Employees who work under them/him/her and remit to the Regional Provident fund Commissioner.


Chennai Circle Page 9

8. Further if any modifications or amendments are issued by the concerned department / Government from time
to time, the same is applicable as and when such orders are issued. The contractors should be aware of the
rules stipulated on this by the concerned department/ Government

9. All the dismantled work should be made good to match the original surface

10. The contractor shall make use of kiln burnt ground moulded country bricks/stock bricks of clear designation so
having average compressive strength of 35 kg/cm for country bricks and 50 kg/cm2 for chamber Burnt/stock

11. The testing shall be done by the contractor at their own cost of the materials such as cement, sand, bricks,
steel, pressed tiles, water, etc., & the finished products like concrete cubes. Every consignment of cement and
steel supply should be tested for quality at contractors own cost.

12. On evaluation of tender, if it is found that if the overall quoted amount of the tender is less than 5 to 15% of the
value put to tender, the contractor shall pay an additional security deposit at 2% of the estimate value put to
tender. If the tender discount exceeds 15% the contractor shall pay an additional security deposit of 50% of
the difference between the quoted amount and estimate amount by means of Demand Draft / Pay Order /
Banker’s Cheque from any one of the Nationalized bank / Scheduled bank in favour of the Executive Engineer
Concerned / NSC / KVP should be pledged in favour of the respective the Executive Engineers. Failure to
furnish the additional security deposit within 15 days from the date of receipt of acceptance order and execute
the agreement shall entail cancellation of award of contract with forfeiture of EMD furnished.

13. If the value of work more than 2 crores the Bank Guarantee is also accepted as Security Deposit / Additional
Security Deposit for twice the agreement period in addition to that in the form of KVP, NSC from the
tenderer. Bank Guarantee should be unconditional and irrevocable and should be for a period of not less than
twice the agreement period after adjusting EMD, Bank Guarantee to be issued by any scheduled commercial
bank. The bids shall become invalid / rejected and the bidder shall forfeit Earnest Money Deposit, Security
Deposits etc., and the Tender Acceptance Authority is empowered to initiate criminal (ie., filing First
Information Report), legal action in addition to taking steps to blacklist the bidder in the event of Bank
Guarantees being found forged / fake upon verification of the genuineness / authenticity with the respective

14. The contractor shall make their own arrangements for the leveling instruments at site of work.

15. The tenderer / Contractor will make his/her/their own arrangements to procure and use ISI brand cement and
Steel required for the work..

16. It should be clearly understood that the rate quoted by the tenderer / contractor is inclusive the cost of
43 grade ordinary Portland cement / SRC and steel and other incidental charges such as conveyance,
loading, unloading, stacking at site and testing charges etc. complete.

17. The tenderer / contractors will produce test certificate obtained from any one of the Government institutions for
cement and steel brought to site. As and when required by the department the cement and steel brought to
the site shall be tested by the department from any one of the approved Government institutions and only
when the test results confirm to the ISI specifications they will be allowed to be used in the works.


Chennai Circle Page 10

18. The tender shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the last date for receipt of tenders.

19. Every tenderer is expected, before quoting his rates to inspect the site of proposed work. He should also
inspect quarries, and satisfy himself about the quality and availability of materials such as Bricks, Sand & HBS
jelly etc. The best class of materials shall be allowed to use on the work. In every case the materials must
comply with the relevant standard specifications. Samples of materials called for in standard specifications, or
in this tender notice or as required by the Executive Engineer in any case shall be submitted for the Executive
Engineer’s approval before the supply to the site of works is began. Accordingly the tenderers are requested
to quote their own workable rates.

The Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Limited will not however after acceptance of contract rate pay any
extra charges for lead or for any other reasons in case the contractors is found later on to have misjudged the
materials available. Attention of the contractor is direct to the General conditions of the contract regarding
payment of seigniorages tolls etc. subject to price adjustment clause provided for in this tender schedule

20. The best class and renowned brand of approved quality of materials shall be allowed to use in the works. The
samples of materials to be supplied / required (i.e. Cement, Sand, M.Sand (Crushed Stone sand), Bricks,
Fly Ash Bricks, Steel, HBS jelly, Electrical, Water supply, Sanitary items, Paints, Furniture fittings etc.,) for the
work shall be got approved from the Chief Engineer / Superintending Engineer / Executive Engineer of
concerned before delivery made.

21. Tenderer’s representative participating in tender opening should produce the authentication letter from the
tenderer on the date and time of opening of tender

22. Tenders from joint ventures will not be considered

23. All Xerox copies of the documents enclosed with tender should be got attested from the notary public ./
Gazatted officer.

24. Telegraphic tenders will not be accepted.

25. The tenderers are not permitted to produce / submit any documents after opening/during opening of tender ( i.e.
The tenders along with supporting documents received through online alone will be taken into account for
processing of the e-tender).
26. Insurance : The contractor should insure the construction workers employed by them for an amount fixed by the
respective department / State Government / Central Government / Honorable Court of Law with modifications
and amendments if issued from time to time at the own cost of the contractor.

27. Condition for Engaging the migrated interstate workers in the Construction work site by the
Contractors in the Construction work site:
a. The Contractor should take the labour insurance for the construction workers employed by them as per
the statutory Government norms.
b. The contractor should have the labour license while engaging more than 20 Labours.
c. The contractor should also have all the details of labours engaged by them like Aadhar card, Photos
etc., and the same should be handed over to the local Police Station to avoid the difficulties and
problem facing the unpleasant issues in the site like group clash among the construction workers / life
loss / any legal problem rising with the labours.
d. The contractor should engage the watch and ward during the night time in the construction work site
without fail so as to maintain the safety of the labours.


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Technical qualified man should be employed as follows:

SL.NO. Value of Contract Qualification and No. of Technical Assistant to be employed

(with GST)
(1) (2) (3)

1.1 Upto 1 Lakh No Technical Assistant need be employed. However, if the officer
who accepts the agreement, feels that the nature of work required a Technical
Assistant conditions may be stipulated in the tender notice that one diploma
holder in Civil Engineering or a retired Junior Engineer may be employed.
1.2. Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 3 Lakhs One Diploma holder in Civil Engineering or not less than one
retired Junior Engineer.
1.3. Rs. 3 Lakhs to Rs.10 Lakhs One B.E., (Civil) or equivalent degree holder or not less than one
retired sub-divisional officer (Assistant Executive Engineer or Assistant
Divisional Engineer).
1.4. Rs.10 Lakhs to Rs.25 Lakhs One B.E., (Civil) or equivalent degree holder with three years
experience in Civil Engineering works not less than one retired sub-divisional
Officer plus one Diploma holder in Civil Engineering.
1.5. Rs.25 Lakhs to Rs.50 Lakhs One B.E., (Civil) or equivalent degree holder with three years
experience or not less than one retired sub-divisional officer (retired Assistant
Executive Engineer) plus two Diploma holders in Civil or two retired Junior

One B.E., (Civil) or equivalent degree holder with three years
experience or not less than one retired Sub-Divisional Officer and one more
B.E., (Civil) or equivalent degree holder.
1.6. Above Rs.50 Lakhs To be examined in individual case depending on the nature of and the
technical skill involved and defined in the Tender Notice regarding the number
of qualified technical person to be employed by the contractor.
2. A penalty of Rs.500/- p.m. for Diploma holder and Rs.1,000/- p.m. for Degree holder be levied in case of default
on the part of contractors in following the norms laid down above.
3 The employment of Technical Assistant could be based only on the value of contract. Engineers with
Mechanical Engineering Qualification and retired from Civil Engineering department are also suitable to
supervise the Civil Engineering works because of their experience in Civil Engineering field.

** I am / we are professionally qualified and my / our qualifications are given below.



Chennai Circle Page 16

I / we will employ the following technical staff for supervision the work and will see that one of them is, always
at site during working hours personally checking all items of work that paying extra attention to such works is
required special attention (e.g.) reinforcement concrete work.

Name of member of technical QUALIFICATION EXPERIENCE

staff proposed to be employed

In deciding the period of absence, the certificate from the Assistant Exe. Engineer in-charge of the work
Counter signed by the Executive Engineer – in-charge shall be taken as the conclusive evidence and
I/we shall be bound by such a certificate.

** Note : 1. In case of contractor, who is professionally qualified is not in a position to remain

always at the site of the work during working hours personally checking all items of
work and paying extra attention to such works as may demand special attention. (e.g.)
R.C. work etc., he should employ technically qualified men (as prescribed for the

2. The Tenderers should score out the last clause if they are themselves professionally
qualified and undertake to employ technical staff under them.


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1. The work shall be carried out in accordance with the General specification for electrical works and the
code of practice for electrical wiring installation I.S. 732-1963 & I.S. 3043-1964 and as amended upto
date. All installation shall comply with the requirements of Indian Electricity Rules 1956 & Act and I.S.
Code amended upto date.
2. Approval of the Engineer in-charge shall be taken well in advance for all materials and brand of
materials to be used on work by the contractors, based on the approved brand of materials. The
choice of brand of materials from the approved list is at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge and
his decision will be final. The contractor is bound to use the brand of materials selected by the
3. Bad workmanship is liable to be rejected in to.
4. The contractor shall supply on completion of work completed plan along with insulation polarity and
earth tests reports before the installation is handed over to the Engineer in-charge in good condition
in triplicate. The tests should be carried out in the presence of Engineer-in-charge at contractors cost.
5. All repairs and patch work shall be neatly carried out to match the original finish and to the entire
satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
6. The contractor shall make his own arrangement at his own cost for all general T&P and spl. T&P
required on the job.
7. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for storage of materials and watch and ward at his
own cost, till the installation (completed work) is handed over to the Department after obtaining
service connection from Electricity Board and testing the line. Any loss and tampering of materials for
which the payment was made good by the Department will be made by the contractor at his own cost.
8. Issue of the materials to the contractor wherever stipulated will be regulated to the needs from time to
time depending upon the progress.
9. Materials stipulated for issue shall be taken over to the site of work and the safe custody till
completion of the job is the responsibility of the contractor.
10. All the debris due to electrical works shall be removed from site by the contractor as soon as the work
is completed.
11. Electrical works shall be progressed by the Contractor side by side with the progress of the building
work burying of conduits for recessed portion shall be planned together with the building progress so
that there is no hindrance to the buildings progress at any stage.
12. The internal E.I. shall be ordinarily carried out according to the drawing supplied with the schedule of
work subject to change made by the Engineer-in-charge.
13. The wiring route shall be marked at site first and get approval from the Engineer-in-charge before
commencement of actual work. The work must be carried out as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
14. PVC wiring shall be neatly painted with two coats for non-cracking paint / distemper suitable for
painting PVC wire and of suitable colour to match the surroundings as per the direction of Engineer-
15. In place where electrical conduit is required to pass through wall/RCC column beam etc., the conduit
shall be laid during the execution of work in consultation with the Engineer-in-charge so as to avoid
the need for cutting the structure at the later date.


Chennai Circle Page 18

16. The T.W. materials such as fillets specials TW boxes and all materials shall be got approved from
the Engineer-in-charge before use to ensure the quality of materials.
17. In the case of recessed conduit works, the MS boxes shall also be recessed and covered with 1/8” (3
mm) hyleam / Bakelite sheet. The thickness of MS sheet shall not be less than 3 mm thick.
18. Provision of fittings.
a. All switch Board shall be so placed that the bottom is normally 1.22 meter above floor level of
such height as decided by the Engineer-in-charge.
b. All fittings shall be provided at 2.6 metre from the floor level or such height as decided by the
Engineer in-charge.
c. The convenient 5/15 Amps. plug socket shall be 25cm. above the floor level or such height as
decided by the Engineer in-charge.
d. Wiring shall run normally at 2.6 metre from the floor level or such height as decided by
the Engineer in-charge.
19. The materials issued if any by the Department to the contractor, the cost will be recovered at the
stores issue rate. If the contractor fails to return the surplus materials after completion of work, the
cost will be recovered at double the stores issue rate or market rate whichever is higher.
20. Tools and plant General and Spl. as required on the work is to be arranged by the contractor at his
own cost.
21. Brass tinned like/joint clips of 0.32 mm (30 gauge) thick upto 40mm length and 0.40 (28 gauge) thick
above 40mm length and of width shall be used on the work.
22. Brass hinged brass hooks and eyes, single plank teak wood boards of 60mm minimum depth in case
of open wiring and minimum depth of 100 mm in the case of concealed wiring and not less than 6.5
mm thickness shall be used to the works.
23. Fixing of wooden battens.
a. The Screws shall be used for fixing the wooden batten and accessories at an interval not
exceeding 50cm. The thickness of batten shall be less than 10mm.
b. The clips are provided on the wooden batten with screws/pins and spaced at an interval of
15cm both in the case of horizontal and vertical run.
c. Round block shall not be less than 75mm dia. and 40mm deep and fixed by means of 2 nos.
of screws.
24. Piano type switches outlet of approved make wherever needed shall be used for recessed boards
after getting the approval of Engineer in-charge.
25. Only brass screws shall be used for fixing fitting switches plugs and sockets main boards and
distribution board and T.W. accessories etc., required for the, wiring.
26. All conduit pipe shall be approved gauge (not less than 16 SWG : 14SWG) solid drawn of lap welded
finished with galvanized stone enameled finished. The saddles used shall not be less than 24 gauge
upto 25mm dia pipes and not less than 20 gauge for inner dia pipes.


Chennai Circle Page 19

27. The main earthening shall not less than 8 SWG copper (4.06mm) in case of copper wire earthening
or 6 SWG.GI wire (4.98mm) in case of G.I. wire earthening. Separate earthing shall be provided for
all mountings of rain Boards, distribution boards, 5/15 amps. C.S. plug sockets with not less than 14
SWG of copper (2.03 mm).

28. Earthing shall confirm to relevant I.S. Code 3043-1966, the G.I. Pipe earth electrode system is
adopted G.I. pipe shall be of medium class 38/40mm dia. 3.75 metres long. The electrode/ shall be
buried in the ground vertically with its top not less than 20 cm. below ground level, Normally an earth
electrode shall provide 1.5 metres away from any building., In case of providing twin earthing the
distance between the earth pits shall be 10 feet. Alternate layers of charcoal or cock and seal of
minimum 15 cm thick are to be provided from the bottom of earth pit upto 1 metre below ground level
and the masonry work is to be carried out in brick with the cement mortar 1:4 above the last layer and
the top is to be covered by Suitable cast iron frame and cover.
29. The staircase light point wiring must be done by looping or piece wire system and which must control
phase or live wire only.
30. Looping in system is to be adopted for wiring. Normally the looping of neutral of light, fan, plugpoint
etc., should be restricted to three points for a single wire from the switch board.
31. The wooden batten and specials shall not butt jointed and joints should be lap joined.
32. The wiring must be done using bend and corners wherever necessary sharp bending or cable must
be avoided.
33. The lighting circuit shall not have more than 10 point or a load of 800 watts whichever is less.
34. Power wiring shall be kept separate and distinct from the lighting wiring.
35. The contractor should be present at the premises at the times of effecting service connection by the
Electricity Board authority and afford all facility for testing and commissioning the installation.
36. The contractor should provide sufficient leads for connecting the main switches to meters and cut out
provided by the Electricity Board at his own cost.
37. The apartment main switches and the main switches at the Electricity Board service connection
boards should be numbered in paint for easily identification and the danger boards should be
provided wherever necessary according to I.E Rules and Act regulations.
38. Looping of neutral and connection wires in the switch boards must be carried out through mechanical
connectors and proper insulation shall be provided inside the switch board wherever necessary to
avoid short circuiting the system.
39. The scaffolding and the shed required for the electrical installation works should be put up by the
contractor at his own cost.
40. The run of main relates to the mains run from the main switch provided inside the apartments to the
main switch provided for service connection by the Electricity Board authorities. The Distribution Box
used shall be metallic enclosed type with fuse unit and neutral link. The earthing for the, main
switches provided in the service connection Board should be properly interconnected and connected
to the main earthing system.


Chennai Circle Page 20

X ((G

1. Cost of Tender schedule for sale, includes applicable (GST).

2. The amount of EMD inclusive of GST (Basic Rate + GST) will be calculated as 1%
of the contract value of work put to tender for upto Rs.20.00 Lakhs plus 0.5% of
the value of work put to tender for above Rs.20.00 Lakhs (Including the GST
3. The tenderer shall quote the rates and prices (both in figures and words) for all
the items of the works described in the Bill of Quantities excluding GST along
with sum of the quoted tender value excluding GST at the end (both in figures
and words).

4. Government of India has notified vide Notification No.20/ 2017 – Central Tax
(Rate), dated 22nd August , 2017 and Notification No. 24 / 2017 – Central Tax
(Rate) dated 21st September, 2017, the concessional rate of the Goods and
Services Tax (GST) at 12% [ CGST at 6% + SGST at 6%] is leviable for any
Government Contract, whether Civil or Electrical, irrespective of the Goods and
Services Tax (GST) rate applicable on purchase of goods used in the execution of
Government Contract. However, with effect from 01.01.2022 CBIC
notification number 15/2021 (CTR) dated 18 th November 2021 by
amending principal notification number 11/2017 has removed the
Government entity from the above concession rate and made all the works
contract services provided to government entity are taxable at 18%. Hence,
the GST amount will be calculated at 18% from the sum of total tendered
value quoted by the tenderer for construction cost (excluding GST)
specified in the BoQ, subject to GST rate applicable from time to time as
recommended by the GST Council.
5. All duties, taxes, and other levies except GST, payable by the contractor under
the contract, or for any other cause shall be included in the rates, prices and
total Bid Price submitted by the Bidder.
6. As per Notification 202, dated 29.06.2017 and as per sub-section (2) of section 7
of the Tamil Nadu Goods and Services Act, 2017, (Tamil Nadu Act 19 of 2017),
activities or transactions undertaken by State Government shall be treated
neither as supply of goods nor a supply of service.
7. As per Chapter IX (Section 41) of the Tamil Nadu Goods and Services Act, 2017,
every registered persons may be entitled to take the credit of eligible input tax,
as self-assessed, in his return and such amount shall be credited on a
provisional basis to his electronic credit ledger.


Chennai Circle Page 21

8. As per PWD Revised SoR (2017-18), dt: 21.10.2017, Under General Note, 8 (ix),
the Contractor is eligible to get refund of excess tax paid over or liable to pay tax
for this Contract Work.
9. The total bid price will be the cumulative of Value quoted for construction (Total
Basic rate + GST) shall be substituted

10. The security Deposit (With GST) of 2% (Two percentage) of the value of contract
in one of the forms prescribed in TNPHC by taking into account of the amount of
EMD already deposited with the tender, it would be sufficient to pay the balance
amount to make up the 2% of the value of contract for the purpose of security
deposit (Including of GST amount).
11. In addition to the aforesaid security deposit, retention amount shall be deducted
from the running account bills, a sum equivalent to 5% (Five Percent) of the total
value (including the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Amount for all the running
account bill) of each bill as retention money.
12. Out of the 5% retention amount (with GST), 2½ % (Two and Half Percent) of the
total value of the work so far executed will be released to the contractor on
payment of final bill.

13. The balance 2½ % will be retained for a period as specified in the tender
schedule reckoned from the date of completion of the work, as all defects shall
have been made good according to the true intent and meaning hereof,
whichever shall happen last.

14. The retention amount of 2½ % including GST (Two and half Percent) of the total
value of contract after deducting any amount due to Department, shall be
refunded to the Bidder without interest after the defects liabilities attached to
the contract is over.
15. Negotiation of rates will be made only with the lowest tenderer for reducing the
quoted rates.
16. The lowest tenderer will be identified who quotes lowest total tender price which
including GST as per the clause Sl.No.9. The Negotiation of rates will be made
only with the lowest tenderer for reducing the quoted rates and the negotiation
will be made for the rates quoted to the items in the construction part alone and
not for GST amount. After negotiation with lowest tenderer, the GST amount will
be recalculated at 18% of the sum of the Negotiated tender value (excluding GST)
for Construction Cost specified in the BOQ, subject to GST rate applicable from
time to time as recommended by the GST council.


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17. For every Bill, 18% of GST will be paid to the contractor based on the value of
work done for Construction by the contractor. After the payment including 18%
of GST, the Contractor should pay the GST Amount to Government through his
GST Registration No. Also the contractor needs to submit the Material purchase
bill mentioning the name of the works in the package and GST No. to the
18. At the time of payment for first running account bill, the contractor should
produce the GST paid details on goods (Materials) to the department along with
Input Tax Credit (ITC).
19. At the time of payment for next running account bills, the contractor should
produce the GST paid details of services upto previous bill payment (i.e. GST
paid detail for the previous work bill) along with Input Tax Credit (ITC) availed at
the time of payment of intermediate bill to the department.
20. The contractor should produce the GST paid details for all the materials used for
Construction work and GST paid details of services for the upto previous
payment (i.e. GST paid detail for the upto previous work bill) to the department
along with Input Tax Credit (ITC) availed at the time of payment of final bill to
the department.
21. In the final bill, the Goods and Service Tax (GST) amount retained in previous
payment has to be released to the contractor without interest.
22. After receipt of final work bill payment for construction, the contractor shall
furnish to the department, with the complete GST paid details along with Input
Tax Credit (ITC) details within 3 months matched with GSTN (Goods and Service
Tax Net work).
23. The rates tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities shall, except in so far as it is
otherwise provided under the Contract, including all Constructional plant,
labour, supervision, materials, erection, maintenance, insurance, profit, taxes
and duties (except GST), together with all general risks, liabilities and
obligations set out in the Contract.
24. The Contractor should be required to indicate their GST registration number
under the Goods and Service Tax (GST) Act 2017 in the tender form. The Central
Goods and Service (CGST) Act 2017, the Integrated Goods and Services (IGST)
Act 2017 and the Tamil Nadu Goods and Services (TNGST) Act 2017 have been
enacted and enforced from 01.07.2017. Under the new CBIC notification
number 15/2021 (CTR) dated 18.11.2021 by amending principal notification
number 11/2017 with effect from 01.01.2022 all the work contract services
provided by Government entity are taxable at 18%.


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