Biology is defined as the study of living things and their interactions with the
environment. There are 7 characteristics that distinguish living things from non- living
√ Growth
√ Respiration (release of energy from respiration to carry out life processes)
√ Irritability (respond to changes in the environment)
√ Movement
√ Nutrition
√ Excretion
√ Reproduction
The study of classifying and placing organisms into groups is called TAXONOMY.
Each group has its own unique set of features that help us to classify them. Species that
are obviously similar are placed together into groups called Genus. For example,
humans belong to the genus Homo and the species sapien. Similar genus can be grouped
into Families and so on and so forth. Each group of organism has its own set of features
that make them distinguishable. All living things can be grouped right down to the
species level. The following chart is an example of the classification of Homo sapiens i.e
Humans. (see Figure 1)
Living organisms are diverse and a classification system of 5 kingdoms is used today.
The 5 kingdoms include Prokaryotes, Protocists, Fungi, Plants and Animals. Viruses are
difficult to classify since they do not have a true nuclear structure and it is only when
they infect a host, can they exhibits some of the characteristics of life e.g. reproduction
etc. (see Figure 2)
Prokaryotes: (DNA not enclosed in a nucleus)
These organisms are commonly called bacteria. They occupy varying environments
including; soil, air, water. Some can even be found in extreme environments including
temperatures of 78oC and freezing ice etc. They are considered the most ancient group of
organisms and are considered the smallest organisms with a cellular structure. They are
usually unicellular and have no nucleus, no mitochondria and no chloroplasts. They
however possess a cell wall. They play a vital role in the decay of dead plants and
animals and release the nutrients back to the environment. e.g Nitrogen fixing bacteria.
Some can cause diseases such as cholera and Tuberculosis.
These are simple organisms which mainly live in water. The group includes; Algae and
Algae: can be found in marine, freshwater and damp places on land. They make their
own food via photosynthesis i.e AUTOTROPHIC. They may be unicellular of
multicellular e.g Seaweeds. They have structures like stem, roots and leaves but are
much simpler than plants hence they are classified as Proctocists. (see Figure 3)
Protozoa: e.g amoeba, they are animal like, may be unicellular and do not
photosynthesize but obtain food by feeding on other organisms. (see Figure 4)
Fungi are similar to plants, however they do NOT have chlorophyll and do NOT
photosynthesise. Instead, they feed heterotrophically; on organic material, dead plants
and animals. They range in size from unicellular yeast to large multicellular toadstools.
They digest their food outside the body using enzymes to make it soluble and then absorb
the food. Fungi reproduce by producing spores both sexually as well as asexually and are
wind dispersed. They are important to man since they are used in making antibiotics,
fermentation in alcoholic beverages, meat tenderizers. Examples include: moulds, yeasts,
mushrooms and toadstools. (see Figure 5)
Almost all plants are green because they some of the cells contain chloroplasts which
contains chlorophyll, the pigment for photosynthesis. They are unicellular or
multicellular, have cell walls, chlorophyll and feed by photosynthesis. Non flowering or
Gymnosperms plants e.g Mosses, liverworts, ferns and conifers (pine) which contain
seeds within cones as well as Angiosperms or flowering plants are considered in this
Flowering plants have true flowers and produces seeds. The seeds grow inside a fruit
which developed from and ovary, inside the flower. They are characteristic for having
roots, stems and leaves. They have xylem and phloem and reproduce by seeds. They are
two groups of flowering plants; Monocotlydons and Dicotyledons. Monocotlydons have
one seed leaf and parallel venation e.g corn (Zae mays) while Dicotyledons have two
seed leaves with net like branched venation e.g Hibiscus.
The animal kingdom contains multicellular, hetertrophic organisms which are grouped
into six phyla: (see Figure 6). Animals do not photosynthesize and do not have
chlorophyll. They eat other living organisms and are able to move in order to find food.
They do NOT have cell walls as in plants.
Cnidaria: are corals, jelly fish and sea anemones. They live in water due to their soft
bodies that would dry out quickly if they were on land. They have ring tentacles
surrounding a mouth only one opening to their digestive system. (see figure 7).
Mollusca: they consist of snails, squids and octopuses. They are unsegmented animals
with their ventral surface modified to have a muscular foot for movement and propulsion.
Some posess a shell to retreat into e.g snails while others e.g the squid and slug, the shell
is absent. (see Figure 8)
Annelids: These are usually round worms, whose bodies make up by ring like segments,
they possess no legs but have bristles about their body from locomotion. Most live in
water or moist soils. e.g earthworms (see Figure 9)
CRUSTACEAN; arthropod with more than 4 pairs of jointed legs, not millipede
or centipede, and breathe through gills
ARACHNIDA; 4 pairs of jointed legs that breathe through gills called book
INSECTA; arthropods with 3 pairs of jointed legs, 2 pairs of wings and breathe
through trachea
VERTEBRATES: (backbone)
CHORDATA; Most are vertebrates i.e. animals that have a backbone. These include
fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Fishes: All fishes live in water possess scaly skins with a vertebral column, have
fins and breathe through gills.
Amphibians: live most of their adult life on land but go back to the water to
breed. They have thin moist scale less skin, lay larva, eggs in water. Juvenile
breath through gills however, adult develop lungs for breathing.
Reptiles: they are vertebrates with scaly skin and lay eggs with a rubbery shell
which are waterproof.
Birds: they are vertebrates with feathers, forlimbs becomes wings, lays eggs in
had shells, are homeothermic and possess a beak.
Mammals: are vertebrates and posess hair. Have placenta, young are fed milk
from mammary glands, are homeothermic. The heart has four chambers, have a
diaphragm, possess different types of teeth as well as a well developed brain.
Binomial Nomenclature (NAMING SPECIES)
Carl Linnaeus was a Swedish scientist in the eighteen century who first grouped
organisms together in a natural classification. Organisms were organized into closely
related groups. The binomial system was used to classify organisms. It is the naming of
each species with a biological name. Each biological name consist of two parts Genus
and Species. The first letter of the first word starts in a capital letter while the second
starts with a common letter. The word (i.e genus) can be shortened e.g Escherichia Coli
to E. Coli. This classification can be used to classify living organisms since there may be
more than one common name for the same organism. Every known species has a place in
this classification. It starts with the major groups of general features and broken down
into more specific items or features. (refer to Figure 2 Homo sapien)
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Figure 4:
Figure 5:
Figure 6:
Figure 7:
Figure 8:
Figure 9: