Bioseguridad - Glosario #1 - Ingles

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1.- Biosafety
Set of rules and procedures that guarantee the control of risk factors, the prevention of
effects on the health of people who work and handle biochemical elements or agents,
achieving the prevention of harmful impacts, ensuring that the development or final product
of said procedures do not threaten the health and safety of health workers, patients, visitors
and the environment.

2.- Salud
The World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." (1) This definition
dates back to 1948 and, although it has suffered numerous criticisms, it is still today the best
known and accepted globally by the health community and the general population. Ordering
knowledge, either of reality or of the knowledge that experts have of it is a previous step for
the establishment of automatic systems that allow operating with them. This article presents
the description of the concept of Health of the WHO analytically in natural language from the
terms that compose it and then the formal representation of the relationships of these terms
through Karnaugh Tables establishing the multiple possibilities of the state of Health of a

3.- Enfermedad
According to the WHO, the definition of disease is that of "Alteration or deviation of the
physiological state in one or more parts of the body, for causes generally known, manifested
by symptoms and characteristic signs, and whose evolution is more or less predictable since
the disease is considered as any state where there is a deterioration of the health of the
human organism. All diseases involve a weakening of the body's natural defense system.

4.- Riesgo
Risk is the probability (possibility) that a hazard will not be controlled at one stage of the
process and affect the safety of the food, which can be established through a statistical
analysis of the performance of the respective stage of the process. The risk assessment
should take into account the frequency with which this occurs in consumers and also its
severity. Although there are data on quantitative risk assessment of some hazards, their
numerical determination is not always available.

5.- Aplicación
They are the famous applications that respond to a disease finder by symptoms. Its
operation consists of asking questions to identify the symptoms, and thus cross this
information with its database to find a possible diagnosis. Thanks to them you can get quick
attention without having to go to health centers, and thus avoid crowds and infections, These
systems consist of virtual consultations through video call, or instant messaging, where a
professional can resolve queries immediately without the need to make any type of transfer.

6.- Predisposición
Increased likelihood or chance of contracting a specific disease due to the presence of one
or more genetic variants or by a family history indicating an increased risk of the disease, the
tendency to have a disease that can be triggered by certain conditions. For example, while a
genetic predisposition to cancer increases a person's risk of getting cancer, it's not known
for sure if the person will get it.

7.- Normas
They are technical regulations of mandatory observance issued by the competent agencies,
whose purpose is to establish the characteristics that processes or services must meet when
they may constitute a risk to the safety of people or harm human health; as well as those
related to terminology and those that refer to its compliance and application .

8.- Indefenso
They are like conditions "that appear as a result of inborn errors in the immune system."
PIDs usually manifest in childhood through persistent infections. These complications are
usually located in the ears, lungs, skin and intestine, which lead to inflammatory or
autoimmune processes," he adds. Any component of the immune system can be seriously
compromised. Thus, PIDs are classified into: phagocyte dysfunctions (chronic
granulomatous disease, etc.); deficiencies of B lymphocyte or common variable
immunodeficiency antibodies, hyper-IgM syndrome, functional antibody deficiency, etc.); T-
cell or cellular deficiencies (severe combined immunodeficiencies, etc.) and complement

9.- Inmunización
Immunization is the process by which a person becomes resistant to a disease, either by
contact with certain diseases, or by administering a vaccine. Vaccines stimulate the body's
immune system to protect the person against infection or disease. Immunization prevents
disease, disability and death from vaccine-preventable diseases such as cervical cancer,
polio, measles, rubella, paroditis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis A and B, bacterial
pneumonia, rotavirus diarrhoeal diseases and bacterial meningitis.

10.- Vacuna
Vaccines stimulate the body's immune system to protect the person against infection or
disease. Vaccines are shots, liquids, lozenges, or nasal sprays that you take to teach your
body's immune system to recognize and defend itself against harmful germs. For example,
there are vaccines to protect against diseases caused by: Viruses, such as those that cause
the flu and COVID-19 Bacteria, such as tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis

11.- Vector
Vectors are organisms that transmit infectious diseases to people: mosquitoes, sandflies,
ticks, fleas, rats, etc. Other animals, although they do not transmit diseases in our country,
cause discomfort by their bites, bites or hives: black fly, lice, pine processionary, transmitted
with a set of pathologies in which viruses, parasites, and bacteria are transmitted through
the bite.

12.- Agente Biológico

Biological agents include micro-organisms (viruses, bacteria and fungi) including genetically
modified microorganisms, human endoparasites (protozoa and helminths) and cell cultures.
They have a great adaptability to the changes that occur in the environment, which means
that they can be present in any environment and cause damage to health such as infection,
allergy or toxicity.
13.- Infección
It is defined as the presence and multiplication of a microorganism in the tissues of the host.
Representing the interaction of the pathogen with the host. These cause half of the diseases
today, for which specific treatments are often necessary to eliminate the microorganism such
as antivirals, antibiotics, antiparasitics or antifungals. Infections are usually contagious and
this contagion can occur in many ways: through contaminated water, spoiled food or
contact / proximity to sick people, among others. Some of these well-known diseases are
influenza (influenza virus), conjunctivitis (viruses or bacteria), salmonellosis (bacteria),
common herpes (virus), candidiasis (fungus), tapeworm (parasite).

14.- Infección nosocomial

Hospital-acquired infections are frequent and severe complications of hospital care. About
3% of nosocomial infections are associated with the death of patients. The cost of caring for
a patient with nosocomial infection is what is expected in patients with similar diseases, but
without nosocomial infection, allowing to maintain an active epidemiological surveillance
system, perform interventions for the most frequent nosocomial infections, focus
interventions on nosocomial infections associated with patient care procedures and use
scientific knowledge to standardize care practices according to to existing evidence.
Epidemiological surveillance itself has had an effect on the reduction of nosocomial
infections, in addition to allowing to know the local situation for interventions.

15.- Contaminación
 Alteration of the (initial) state of purity of a medium or culture by the development of
unwanted microorganisms in it. It can mean both the loss of sterility of a medium, and the
growth in it of a type of unwanted microorganism in a culture that was previously pure.
Exposure to high levels of pollution can cause a variety of adverse health outcomes: it
increases the risk of respiratory infections, heart disease, stroke and lung cancer which
affect vulnerable populations, children, and older adults in greater proportion.

16.- Pronóstico
A prognosis in the medical term is the prediction based on the evolution of a patient, or the
possible outcome after an intervention or treatment of a condition or disease. In the area of
medicine it is used to indicate the probability that certain favorable situations will happen or
not for the patient during the development of the disease that he is suffering and can be
started with immediate treatment.
17.- Contagio
The contagion of a disease, therefore, occurs when a healthy individual comes into direct or
indirect contact with another suffering from a certain infectious disease. Among the
contagious diseases can be named those that are known as exanthema, characterized by a
rash on the skin or with different symptoms due to the infection by which we receive the

18.- Síntomas y signos

Clinical signs and symptoms are warning signs of the body, indicating some pathological
condition. The evaluating specialist during the examination is responsible for checking,
observing and questioning the patient regarding the signs and symptoms that afflict him, and
thus be able to establish a diagnosis. Semiology is part of medicine and allows to optimally
appreciate the clinic of the patient examined, helping in the identification of diseases.

19.- Promoción
Health Promotion is a global political and social process that includes actions aimed at
modifying social, environmental and economic conditions, in order to favor their positive
impact on individual and collective health, much broader in which actions of diverse nature
can be used to check and promote better options for the health of all people who need
medical help in one way or another.

20.- Prevención
Prevention refers to disease control with emphasis on risk factors, and at-risk populations;
On the other hand, health promotion is focused on health and emphasizes the determinants
of health and the social determinants of it (when referring to prevention it is about controlling
any type of disease or virus that is putting at risk the life and health of people and have to
take care of themselves on their own.

21.- Asepsia
Set of procedures that prevent the introduction of germs and the absence or lack of septic
matter of some microbes that cause infection Minimize the risk of infections or diseases by
germs, bacteria, viruses and fungi, goes through a set of procedures and techniques aimed
at achieving the absence of these microorganisms, and is what is called asepsis. These
procedures range from hand washing or other action protocols, to the sterilization of
surfaces and materials.

22.- Desinfección
Disinfection is an activity that consists of eliminating a large part of the pathogenic
microorganisms that live on the surfaces of the device. It should be done right after the
cleaning activity to ensure that all other organic materials have been removed. Disinfection
can be carried out by chemical and/or heating activities, depending on the nature of the
equipment, the disinfectant used and the processes selected. The disinfection method
should be selected based on its documented efficacy with different microorganisms,
including viruses, bacteria and fungi that may contaminate the device. The chemicals used
must be registered for use in medical settings and must be recommended by their

23.- Higienización
It applies to those cleaning processes in which through the use of products called sanitizers
it is assumed that in addition to cleaning, the bacterial load is reduced. Sanitizing products
(or sanitizing detergents), not regulated by any regulatory framework, usually incorporate
one or more biocidal active substances in their composition, but they are not registered or
authorized according to the biocidal product legislation, which is why their disinfectant
efficacy cannot be legally accredited.

24.- Desinfectante
Chemical product that leads to malnutrition of microorganisms that are intended to eliminate,
counteract neutralize, any substance or process that is used to destroy germs, such as
viruses, bacteria and other microbes that cause infections and diseases. Disinfectants are
used mainly in objects, and not in living beings so they allow the disinfection of them so as
not to be able to contaminate anything or worse to contract some type of disease by not
performing the proper disinfection in the objects.

25.- Antiséptico
Chemical solution to be used on body surfaces, are less toxic than disinfectants. They are
substances that, applied topically, on living tissues, have the ability to destroy
microorganisms or inhibit their reproduction. The most frequent application is on the skin,
mucous membranes and wounds. Substances used on inanimate objects for the same
purpose are called disinfectants. The difference between antiseptic and disinfectant depends
essentially on the concentration used. In low doses, a substance can behave as an
antiseptic, while in higher doses, which would be harmful to tissues, it is used as a

9. file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/care-cleaning-disinfection-and-sterilization-es.pdf

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