Manageengine Endpoint Central: Roi Calculation
Manageengine Endpoint Central: Roi Calculation
Manageengine Endpoint Central: Roi Calculation
- ROI Calculation
This document will help you arrive at the ROI (Return on Investment) using Endpoint Central versus doing it
Network of 100 computers.
Hourly salary for a technician to be $35.
The following graph depicts the time spent on each of these tasks manually versus doing it with Endpoint Central. You
will save a whopping 90% of cost and efforts when you use Endpoint Central.
The graph shown above is for doing these tasks juct once. When you increase the number of times you
perform these tasks, you would tend to save even more as most of these taks gets automated in Endpoint
While the cost of doing each task manually can be calcuated, it is hard to do it for Endpoint Central as it is an
integrated software. The graph above shows the total cost of performing these tasks uisng Endpoint Central
Whether or not you do these taks once or multiple times a year, the cost of doing it with Endpoinyt Central is
going to remain the same or may increase marginally, if you take into account the time spent by the technician
initiating the tasks from the management console.
Now, we will see the break-up of the data shown above for each tasks/modules.
Manual Procedure
Comparing the time taken to do things manually and using Endpoint Central
Task Doing Manually Using Endpoint Annual
Central Savings
Man hours Cost Man Cost*
Performing asset scanning, patch management, 114 $3990 2.63 $1087 $2903
software deployment, and configurations once in
a year
Perform Asset scanning once in a quarter, install 284.92 $9972 2.63 $1087 $8885
patches once a month (excluding Microsoft
Patches), Install software and configure systems
once a year
Perform asset scanning once in a quarter, install 484.84 $16969 2.63 $1087 $15882
patches once a month (including Microsoft
Patches), install software and configure systems
once a year
*- includes an additional $995 towards the annual subscription fee for 100 computers.
Bandwidth consumption analysis between Manual and Endpoint Central for MS
critical patches:
Ten patches per system (Data based on the 2012 first quarter).
For one system: Once, the patch is downloaded in the server (i.e.
80MB file).
8MB*10 patches=80 MB
It can be deployed any number of times, without any
For 100 systems:
additional consumption of internet bandwidth.
Result: Save bandwidth cost up to 100 times.
Plan and implement power management to desktop power consumption and money.
Get comprehensive reports to meet your audit requirements anytime.
Get a complete insight into your Active Directory infrastructure components.
Schedule running system tools like disk defrag, check disk etc., to improve the system performance.
Get complete details about actual user logion time with history.