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Analysis of Multi-Phase

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E. Orietti*, P. Mattavelli**, G. Spiazzi*, C. Adragna***, G. Gattavari***
Dept. of Information Engineering – University of Padova
Via Gradenigo 6/b, 35131 Padova, Italy. Tel.: +39.049.827.7755, Fax.: +39.049.827.7699
Dept. of Technology and Management of Industrial Systems – University of Padova
Stradella S. Nicola 3, 36100 Vicenza, Italy. Tel.: +39.0444.998734
ST Microelectronics, via C. Olivetti, 20041 Agrate Brianza (MI), Italy

Abstract - In this paper a topology for multi-phase

0B In this paper a three-phase topology of LLC resonant
interleaved LLC resonant converter is presented. The converter will be presented to avoid this great drawback by
proposed solution, based on three LLC modules with means of three modules properly connected. The basic
transformer primary windings star connection allows to scheme of one LLC module and the main specifications for
drastically reduce the output current ripple and the proposed multiphase resonant converter are illustrated in
consequently to minimize the output filter capacitor size. Section II. In Section III the three-phase LLC converter will

Differently from other multi-phase solutions, that are be introduced, highlighting the benefit in terms of output
greatly susceptible to resonant component mismatch and filter current ripple reduction. The effect of resonant
consequently can be affected by a considerable current component mismatch will also be explored and a suitable star
imbalance among modules, the proposed topology connection solution will be investigated to overcome current
exhibits an inherent balancing capability. Small-signal derating limits by means of intrinsic balancing. Section IV X X

analysis is presented and the possibility to turn-off one or will investigate the feasibility of phase-shedding for the three
two modules (phase shedding) at reduced output current phase LLC resonant converter with star connection exploring
levels is discussed, highlighting the trade-off between the benefits in terms of converter efficiency, effects on
converter efficiency and output capacitor current ripple current ripple reduction and switching frequency design.
reduction. Measurements on a prototype will be included Measurements on a prototype will be included in the paper as
in the paper as validation of assertions and proposals. validation of assertions and proposals.
Keywords – LLC resonant converter, multi-phase II. LLC RESONANT CONVERTER PROTOTYPE

interleaved converters.
In this section the prototype of LLC resonant converter,
with half-bridge topology, will be briefly introduced. The
design of the power section of such converter is not the aim
Resonant converters have been confined in the last thirty of the paper and more details can be found in literature [2,6-
years to niche applications such as very high-voltage 8]. The basic scheme of the prototype is depicted in Figure 1

applications or high fidelity audio systems while much effort and specifications listed in Table 1. As can be seen from the

was spent in research by industries and universities because specifications, the LLC converter is intended to operate in
of its attractive features: smooth waveforms, high efficiency conjunction with a boost PFC stage that regulates the
and high power density. In recent times the LLC resonant resonant converter input voltage at 400V nominal. The
converter [1,2], in particular in its half-bridge isolation transformer uses the magnetic integration approach,
implementation, has been widely and successfully applied to incorporating the resonant series (LR) and shunt (LM)
flat panel TV, 80+ ATX and small form factor PC, where the inductances. Thus, no additional external coils are needed for
requirements on efficiency, power density and EMC the resonance inductance. The transformer configuration
compliance of their switching mode power supplies (SMPS) chosen for the secondary windings is center-tap, and the
are getting more and more stringent. However future SMPS output rectifiers are Schottky type diodes, in order to limit
requirements will have to face one of the few remaining power losses. The output capacitor size is chosen quite large
drawbacks of LLC resonant converter topology that is related to conveniently reduce the output voltage ripple. The
to the output filter capacitors volume that represents the rectified “sine wave” output current presents indeed a large
major limit for such applications. The injection of rectified peak to peak ripple. Three identical modules were
sine wave currents into the output filter capacitor can be manufactured to fulfill the research purposes of this paper.
adequately mitigated by the parallel use of multiple modules
such as in interleaved buck solutions for voltage regulator III. INTERLEAVED THREE PHASE LLC RESONANT

modules. This topology has been presented in [3,4] for two CONVERTER
modules operating with 90 degrees phase shift. One of the
drawbacks of this solution is represented by the inherent LLC resonant converters exhibit a large voltage ripple on
current unbalance caused by resonant component mismatch output filter capacitor because of the rectified sine-wave
that may cause one of the two modules to reduce its output current injected through the transformer secondary windings.
power down to zero, thus requiring mandatory workarounds In order to reduce the capacitor size and/or the steady-state
to overcome the problem [5]. output voltage ripple, the interleaved approach can be

978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE 464

profitably applied. In Figure 2 a multi-phase LLC resonant
LR N1:N2,N2
converter is depicted: three identical modules (specifications D1 VOUT

listed in Table 1) are parallel connected and switched at the


same frequency but with 120 degrees phase-shift of their CR

driving signals. D2

Figure 3 shows the benefit of an increasing number of

Fig. 1. Scheme of a single module LLC resonant converter.

parallel modules on the total rectified current ripple, that is

the peak-to-peak AC current injected into the output filter
capacitor. The results in Figure 3 are obtained from

MATLAB Simulink simulations with 400 V input voltage, TABLE 1

24 V output voltage and different output currents. The huge Specifications and component sizing for the LLC
reduction of total current ripple in the three modules solution resonant converter. X

can be appreciated as compared to one and two modules VIN 320-420 V

counterparts, suggesting the possibility to drastically reduce VIN-NOMINAL 400 V
the output filter capacitor size. VOUT 24 V
The use of parallel connected LLC resonant converters to IOUT 0-6 A
supply the same load and share the same output filter
capacitor presents limitations and drawbacks caused by CR 22 nF
resonant devices mismatch. The modules are operated at the LR 110 µH
same switching frequency controlled by the voltage LM 585 µH
regulation loop, while resonant component mismatch causes COUT (4400+470) µF
the three phases to exhibit different voltage conversion N1 36 Turns
N2 4 Turns
ratios. As a consequence, the load current is no longer
equally supplied by the modules and one of the phases may
totally reduce its output power to zero. Table 2 illustrates the
results of some measurements on the prototype for different VIN M UP1 LR1 N1:N2,N2 VOUT
operating conditions in presence of resonant device
mismatch. In order to emphasize the mismatch the third
module resonant capacitor has been increased by 12 % by LM1
adding a 2.7 nF capacitor in parallel to the nominal one (22
nF). It can be noticed from the data in the left-half of the
table, that the third module delivers zero output current, in
M UP2 LR2 N1:N2,N2
presence of resonant component mismatch. This condition is
confirmed by the inspection of the primary-side currents
shown in Figure 4(a) (400 V input voltage, 8 A output LM2
current condition): the primary-side current of the third
module is indeed interested only by the magnetizing current.
In order to overcome such limitation, that is unavoidable in
M UP3 LR3 N1:N2,N2
mass production, a three-phase topology is proposed, as
depicted in Figure 5, where the transformers primary
windings are star connected. This modification allows, by M DN3 COUT3
means of the voltage modulation of star connection point, to
greatly reduce the mean current unbalance caused by
component mismatch. From data shown in the right-half of Fig. 2. LLC converter with three modules parallel connected.
Table 2, the intrinsic balancing capability of this topology is
pointed out compared to the simple parallel connection.
Moreover, the waveforms depicted in Figure 4(b) confirm
the great balancing ability of the star connection topology
compared to a simple parallel interleaved connection.

Average currents supplied by each module at different operating conditions (CR3 = CR + 2.7 nF).
(Figure 2) (Figure 3)
VIN =320 V VIN =320 V VIN =400 V VIN =400 V VIN =320 V VIN =320 V VIN =400 V VIN =400 V
IOUT = 6 A IOUT = 8 A IOUT = 6 A IOUT = 8 A IOUT = 6 A IOUT = 8 A IOUT = 6 A IOUT = 8 A
IOUT-1 [A] 4.2 5.2 4.1 5.2 2.1 2.8 2.1 2.8
IOUT-2 [A] 1.8 2.8 1.7 2.6 2.0 2.7 2.0 2.6
IOUT-3 [A] 0 0 0.2 0.2 1.9 2.5 1.9 2.6

978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE 465







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
MUP3 LR3 N1:N2,N2
Fig. 3. Simulated peak to peak current injected on output filter
capacitor as a function of output current: one module, two modules MDN3 LM3
with 90° phase-shift and three modules with 120° phase shift. CR3
(@ VIN = 400V)

Fig. 5. Interleaved three phases LLC resonant converter using

transformers primary windings star connection.

Module 1 Module 3

A. Voltage loop control design


The regulation of output voltage in a three-phase LLC

resonant converter with star connection is performed as for
other resonant converters by means of switching frequency
modulation. To correctly design such voltage loop control,
the small signal transfer function for the interleaved tree-
phase converter should be determined and quantified.
Module 2
Generally speaking, the generalized state-space averaging
method [9], that can be used to determine the transfer
function of a single LLC converter, cannot be easily
extended to the three-phase interleaved solution being the
number of variables too wide for an analytical solving.
To overcome such limitation a simulation method can be
Module 1 Module 3 adopted. The Bode diagram of the LLC small-signal transfer
function (δVOUT/δTSW) from converter switching period
(TSW) to output voltage (VOUT) can be evaluated through a
series of simulations with different noise frequency values.
The LLC model is operated open-loop, or with a very slow
voltage control loop, at the desired operating point, while a
small amplitude sinusoidal noise is superimposed to the
switching period. That sinusoidal noise amplitude represents
Module 2 the δTSW term and it is kept constant for all performed
simulations, while its frequency/period is changed over the
desired range for Bode diagram.
Generally, Bode diagrams from the converter switching
(b) period to output voltage (δVOUT/δTSW) can be easily
Fig. 4. Resonant currents flowing in the three modules of LLC transformed to the transfer function from converter switching
converter (400 mA/div, 2 μs/div) with simple parallel connection frequency (δVOUT/δFSW) taking into account expression (1) X X

(a) and with star connection of transformer primary windings (b) @

VIN = 400 V, IOUT = 8 A (CR3 = CR + 2.7 nF) δFSW ≅ δTSW ⋅ Fsw2 − nom (1 )

where δTSW represents the converter switching period

perturbation caused by the sinusoidal noise, Fsw-nom is the
mean switching frequency without superimposed
perturbations and δFSW is the equivalent converter switching
frequency perturbation. In the cases studied in the following,

978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE 466

the transfer functions exhibit a 197 dB constant gain shift of
magnitude diagrams related to Fsw-nom = 88.7 kHz. SIMULATION
The obtained simulation results, can be compared to the -80

analytical Bode Diagram derived using the generalized state- -100

space averaging method. Figure 6 depicts this comparison,
for a 400 V input voltage, 6 A output current condition, -120

suggesting the excellent agreement between simulations and 100 1k 10k

mathematical calculation and therefore the possibility to use
them without distinction. Bode diagrams depicted in Figure 6 0

represents the transfer function between the converter -50

switching frequency and the output voltage.

Using the same simulation approach, the three-phase LLC
converter with star connection transfer function was obtained
for different operating points. It is interesting to notice that -200
100 1k 10k
such transfer functions look pretty similar to the ones for a FREQUENCY [Hz]

single module LLC converter, taking into account the 197dB

Fig. 6. Bode diagram for the small-signal transfer function
gain shift between them. Figure 7 illustrates Bode diagrams
(δVOUT/δFSW) of one module obtained through generalized state-
for the transfer functions from the converter switching period space averaging method and through Simulink simulations.
to the converter output voltage, obtained in the nominal (VIN = 400 V, IOUT = 6 A)
operating point conditions (400 V input voltage, 18 A output
current), compared to the one from a single module (6 A 140
output current).
120 1 MODULE
Thus, we can conclude that the analytical approach used for

a single LLC resonant converter module can be extended 100


also to the three-phase interleaved solution. The generalized 3 MODULES

(star connection)
state-space averaging method for a single module, indeed, 80

adequately predicts also the small-signal transfer function of

the three-phase LLC converter with star connection. 100 1k 10k
A closed loop voltage control has been implemented for the 1 MODULE
three-phase LLC converter with transformer primary -50 &
windings star connection, based on a digital PID controller

(star connection)

implemented through a DSP by Texas Instruments. Figure 8
depicts the small-signal transfer function Bode diagrams of -150

the interleaved converter including also the pre-conditioning -200

circuitry. The PID controller analog function is also depicted 100 1k

together with the loop gain transfer function –T(s)–. The

design for the PID controller was performed at 400V input Fig. 7. Bode diagram for the small-signal transfer function
voltage and maximum output current in order to obtain a (δVOUT/δTS) of one module compared to three modules with star
loop bandwidth of approximately 5 kHz and a phase margin connection. (VIN = 400 V, IOUT = 6 A for 1 module and IOUT = 18 A
higher than 50 degrees. The digital implementation of the for 3 modules)
PID controller initially used Tustin bilinear transformation to
maintain the system stability. Some tests have been 50

performed at simulation level to initially check the LLC LLC CONVERTER

converter performances and finally some load-step variations


have been measured on the prototype. Figure 9 depicts the 0


measurements results of a load step variation from 0.2 A to

18 A on prototype of three-phase LLC converter with star PID(s)
connection. The system appears well-dumped, with a down- -50
shoot of 620 mV and a fast recovery time of approximately 90
1.2 ms. 45
Figure 10 depicts, on the contrary, a load step measurement 0
PHASE (deg)


from 18 A to 0.2 A. The system exhibits a small over-shoot
and a reasonable step response time. The recovery-time is -135
however really long being the system after load-step at very -180
low current absorption. 100 1k FREQUENCY (Hz) 10k 100k

Fig. 8. Bode diagrams for:single module transfer function

(including control pre-conditioning circuitry), PID regulator and
system loop gain T(s). (VIN = 400 V, IOUT = 18 A)

978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE 467

XFigure 11 depicts a possible “two-phase” solution obtained
from the three-phase LLC with star connection by turning off
module three (both MUP3 and MDN3 are turned off) and
changing the driving signal phase-shift of module two from
120 degrees to 180 degrees (respect to module 1). In
particular, module one and module two inverters are used as
in full-bridge converters, sharing the series of resonant
components for modules one and two.
Figure 12 depicts a possible “one-phase” solution for
phase-shedding of the three-phase LLC converter with
OUTPUT transformer primary windings star connection. In order to
CURRENT provide a return path for the resonant current flowing in
module one, the lower MOSFET of the second half-bridge
inverter (MDN2) is kept on while MUP2, MUP3 and MDN3 are
turned off. The resonant components of the first and second
Fig. 9. Measurement on three modules with star connection for a phases are therefore put in series and operated as in a half-
load step from 0.2 A to 18 A. Ch1: converter output voltage
bridge solution by the module one inverter. The “one-phase”
(100 mV/div); Ch4: output current (10 A/div); time scale:
200 µs/div. solution is not really based on the use of a single module,
since while the half-bridge inverters for modules two and
three are not switching, the resonant components of module
two and its secondary-side rectifier are involved in the
current conduction.



Fig. 10. Measurement on three modules with star connection for a S
load step from 18 A to 0.2 A. Ch1: converter output voltage (50
mV/div); Ch4: output current (10 A/div); time scale: 200 µs/div. S LR2

Fig. 11. Simplified scheme of the “two-phase” full-bridge topology


for phase-shedding.

The use of a three-phase LLC resonant converter with star

connection allows to drastically reduce the output current
ripple and consequently to minimize the filter capacitor. It is
moreover mandatory to ensure the highest converter S LR1
efficiency. The use of an increasing number of modules
parallel connected allows to improve the efficiency for high S
output currents and, as for interleaved VRMs, suggests the LM1
possibility to opportunely shut down some phases in order to
reduce power losses for low current absorption. The use of a
star connection, instead of a simple parallel connection
between modules, allows to introduce an inherent CR2
compensation of resonant component mismatch, while the LM2
traditional phase shedding is precluded. It is no more
possible to simply turn off one or even two modules because LR2
of the floating star connection. For this reason it is necessary
to adequately change the topology and modulation of the 3 Fig. 12. Simplified scheme for the “one-phase” topology.
phase LLC converter while performing phase-shedding in
order to ensure a correct connection to ground of the resonant

978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE 468

A. Converter Efficiency
8B B. Effect on current ripple

Using the phase-shedding solution discussed above, a set of The first drawback of phase-shedding is related to the
efficiency measurements was performed on the 3-phase LLC output current ripple applied to the capacitive filter. While
prototype with star connection. The results of such analyses the interleaved solution allows to greatly reduce the output
are depicted in Figure 13. The measurements are initially X X current ripple, both the full-bridge “two-phase” and half-
performed on the three-phase LLC with all modules active. bridge “one-phase” solutions exhibit a large output current
The output current is varied from 18 A (full load) to 1.8 A ripple because a rectified sine wave current is applied to the
(10 % of the maximum power). A second series of the capacitive filter. While for low output current this is not
measurements is then performed in the full-bridge “two- really a problem because also the peak to peak ripple
phase” solution varying the output current from 12 A, that decrease, for medium currents a trade-off between efficiency
represents the maximum output power for two modules, to improvement and output current ripple is mandatory. Figure
1.2 A. It can be noticed that at 45 % of the maximum power 14 shows the comparison of the total peak to peak current
(respect to the three-phase LLC converter) the two-phase ripple injected into the output filter capacitor in the three
solution equals the efficiency of the three-phase topology, phase-shedding conditions. It is evident that the benefits of
suggesting the better condition to activate phase-shedding. the interleaved topology are lost when shutting-down one or
Finally, the third efficiency measurements are performed on two phases, with a large increase of total ripple. In the case
the “one-phase” solution for output current from 6 A to 0.6A. of a phase-shedding implementation that maximize the
Also in this case an optimal condition can be found to switch converter efficiency, the output filter capacitor must be sized
from “two-phase” to “one-phase” (25 % of the maximum in the worst peak to peak ripple condition. In the case under
power). test, COUT must be designed to adequately filter 15 A peak to
The implementation of phase-shedding allows to improve peak (maximum ripple current if “one-phase” condition is
the converter efficiency over a wide output current range. turned-on at 25 % output power level and “two-phase”
However, the necessary topology and modulation strategy topology is activated at 45 % output power level).
modifications, compared to the initial three-phase interleaved
solution, have two major drawbacks, that are analyzed
C. Effect on Switching Frequency

The second drawback introduced by phase-shedding and
3 MODULES topology modifications is related to the switching frequency

93 In order to correctly investigate such effect, let’s initially
introduce the power-supply voltage conversion ratio for a
classical LLC resonant converter based on a unique module,
as the one depicted in Figure 1 [6]. This converter can be
conveniently described using the First Harmonic
90 Approximation (FHA) technique which enables the analysis
of resonant converters by means of classical complex ac
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
circuit analysis. Figure 15 depicts the FHA equivalent circuit
NORMALIZED OUTPUT POWER [%] of the single module LLC converter focusing, in particular,
to the ac resonant tank.
Fig. 13. Measured efficiency curves (@ VIN = 400 V) as a function The resonant devices are expressed as:
of the normalized output power (100% for IOUT = 18 A): interleaved
C R* = C R L*R = LR L*M = LM , (2)
three-phase; “two-phase” full bridge and “one phase”.
while the ac-equivalent load resistance in the FHA circuit
can be evaluated as:
*8 VOUT .
25 R EQ = (3)
π 2 I OUT
20 Finally, the FHA RMS values of input and output voltages

for the ac resonant tank can be generally expressed as:

15 "FULL-BRIDGE" 2 2
VO− FHA = VOUT (4)
⎧ 2
⎪⎪ VIN − HB −
3 MODULES VIN −FHA =⎨ π (5)
⎪2 2 V − FB −
⎩⎪ π
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
In particular, it must be noticed the doubled RMS input
voltage applied to the resonant tank by means of the full-
bridge switching topology (exploited in the “two-phase”
Fig. 14. Simulated peak to peak current injected on output filter
capacitor as a function of output current (@ VIN = 400V ):
solution for phase-shedding).
interleaved three-phase; “two-phase” full bridge and “one-phase”.

978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE 469

The normalized LLC voltage conversion ratio, also known The resonance frequency for the “two-phases” and “one-
as “voltage gain” can be therefore evaluated as: phase” topologies appears to be the same as for the single
module and the three-phase converter since LR* = 2LR and
n ⋅ VO − FHA sL*M // n 2 REQ
* CR* = CR/2. Equally, it must be noticed that the ratio LR*/LM*
M FHA = = is unaltered for this topology modification, while the
+ sL*R + sL*M // n 2 REQ
) converter quality factor is modified by the variations of the
sC R* (6) characteristic impedance of the resonant circuit and REQ*.
= The dc voltage conversion ratio for the “two-phases” full
2 2
⎛ L* L* f 2 ⎞ ⎛f f ⎞ bridge solution can be therefore evaluated as:
⎜⎜1 + *R − *R R2 ⎟⎟ + Q *2 ⎜⎜ SW − R ⎟⎟
⎝ LM LM f SW ⎠ f
⎝ R f SW ⎠ M LLC −2 =
1 M FHA Q * = QLLC −2 , ) (12)
where: n 2
1 where:
fR = (7) 1 L
2π L*R CR* QLLC −2 = 2 R .
and 8 V CR (13)
n 2 4 ⋅ 2 OUT
* π I OUT
1 L .
Q* = R
n 2 REQ
Finally, the dc voltage conversion ratio for the “one-phase”
solution can be evaluated as:
The general expression for the dc voltage conversion ratio
can also be evaluated using (4), (5) and (6): M LLC −1 =
1 M FHA Q * = QLLC −1 , ) (14)
2n 2
⎧1 with
VOUT ⎪ 2n M FHA − HB − L
M LLC = =⎨ (9) QLLC −1 = 2 R
VIN 1 8 V C
⎪ M FHA − FB − n 2 4 ⋅ 2 OUT R (15)
⎩n π I OUT
The analysis above can now be applied to the three-phase Using (10), (12) and (14), the dc voltage conversion ratio
interleaved LLC resonant converter in the three different as a function of the switching frequency can be calculated in
topologies created by phase-shedding. all phase-shedding solutions evaluating therefore the
corresponding switching frequency ranges. Figure 17 shows
The voltage conversion ratio of the interleaved three-phase
these dc voltage gains superimposed to the maximum and
topology (that is all three modules activated) is equivalent to
minimum thresholds corresponding to minimum input
that of a single module delivering 1/3 of the total current.
voltage and maximum one (converter specification listed in
Thus, the interleaved three-phase dc voltage conversion ratio
Table 1). In order to adequately compare the three topologies
can be evaluated as:
the dc voltage conversion ratios are evaluated at no-load and
M LLC −3 =
M FHA Q* = QLLC −3 , )
(10) at “relative full load” that is the maximum deliverable
current for each solution (IMAX for the interleaved three-
with phase, 2/3 IMAX for the “two-phases” and 1/3 for the “one-
1 LR phase”). From the results plotted in Figure 17, as well from
QLLC −3 = (10) and (12), it must be noticed that the interleaved three-
8 V C (11)
n 2 3 2 OUT R
phase and the “two-phase” full bridge solutions share the
π I OUT same switching frequency range between 63 and 96 kHz
under the assumption that R0 represents the total converter (note that QLLC-2(2/3 IMAX) = QLLC-3(IMAX)). On the contrary,
load resistance. the switching frequency range for the “one-phase” phase-
shedding topology appears to be greatly reduced from
On the contrary, some additional topology manipulations 47 kHz to 53 kHz (QLLC-1(1/3 IMAX) = 0.5QLLC-3(IMAX) while
must be introduced for the two remaining phase-shedding MLLC-1=0.5MLLC-3). Therefore particular attention must be put
solutions. Fig. (a) depicts the FHA equivalent circuit of the in the controller design, since the switching frequency
ac resonant tank for the “two-phase” full bridge and “one- reduction increases the resonant current amplitude. In
phase” topologies. In order to apply the converter “voltage particular, being the current sensing for the phase-shedding
gain” formula derived in (9) for a single module an adequate control implemented at primary side, an adequate hysteresis
equivalent circuit can be obtained as depicted in Figure 16 must be added to the comparator current thresholds, used to
(b) taking into account the effect of transformers turns ratio: choose the appropriate number of modules to be activated, in
series connection at primary side and parallel connection at order to avoid jittering.
secondary side. It must be noticed that the equivalent single
module circuit exhibits a voltage drop at the series
transformer primary side that is doubled compared to the
circuit depicted in Figure 15. As a consequence, the “ac”
voltage gain must be conveniently halved.

978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE 470


FB In this paper a three-phase interleaved LLC resonant
+ + converter topology is described and analyzed. The proposed
REQ topology is made by three half-bridge LLC converters with
HB - - transformer primary windings star connection. This solution
allows to drastically reduce the output current ripple
compared to a single module, and exhibits an intrinsic
Fig. 15. First Harmonic Approximation circuit for a single module. balancing capability that is not common to other resonant
interleaved solutions. Small-signal analysis of the proposed
converter has been performed and a suitable digital control
CR1 LR1 implemented. The possibility of turning off one or two
n:1 phases depending on the overall output current level, is
+ investigated, and the trade off between converter efficiency
+ and output capacitor current ripple is discussed.
Experimental results have confirmed the theoretical
VIN-FHA expectations.

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