Kendaraan Surabaya

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Tahun Sepeda Motor Mobil Penumpang Mobil Barang Mobil Bus

2006 928,686.00 228,195.00 84,371.00 1,887.00

2007 972,645.00 232,888.00 86,671.00 1,815.00
2008 1,028,686.00 244,435.00 84,968.00 1,884.00
2010 1,457,405.00 270,039.00 89,470.00 2,254.00

2006 0.7387203646328 0.181516996710827 0.0671126472074 0.001501008

2007 0.7448378371755 0.178342349186123 0.0663714306719 0.001389901
2008 0.7504641677117 0.178324298021569 0.0619872725031 0.001374447
2010 0.7964762577221 0.147577133438553 0.0488956266641 0.001231818

0.25 1 1.2 1.2

2006 232,171.50 228,195.00 101,245.20 2,264.40
2007 243,161.25 232,888.00 104,005.20 2,178.00
2008 257,171.50 244,435.00 101,961.60 2,260.80
2010 364,351.25 270,039.00 107,364.00 2,704.80

sepeda motor mobil bensin mobil solar mikrolet

BBM(L/Bln) 25 253 389 337
Mobil Penumpang Umum
12,010.00 1,255,149.00 1257155 21.81216 326,463.00
9,822.00 1,303,841.00 1305848 22.657 331,196.00
8,752.00 1,368,725.00 1370733 23.78278 340,039.00
8,638.00 1,827,806.00 1829816 31.74806 370401

12,010.00 575,886.10
9,822.00 592,054.45
8,752.00 614,580.90
8,638.00 753,097.05

bus truck
1315 353
Tahun Penduduk
2002 2,504,128.00
2003 2,543,918.00 0.02
2004 2,692,461.00 0.06
2005 2,740,490.00 0.02 3,500,000.00
2006 2,784,196.00 0.02
2007 2,829,552.00 0.02 3,000,000.00 f(x) = 45951.4725274725 x −
R² = 0.767262022968856
2008 2,902,507.00 0.03

Number of inhabitants
2009 2,938,225.00 0.01
2010 2,929,528.00 (0.00) 2,000,000.00
2011 3,024,321.00 0.03 1,500,000.00
2012 3,125,576.00 0.03
2013 3,200,454.00 0.02 1,000,000.00
2014 2,853,661.00 (0.12) 500,000.00

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

2000 1,902,000.00
2001 1,947,951.00
2002 1,993,902.00 2,504,128.00
2003 2,039,853.00 2,543,918.00
2004 2,085,804.00 2,692,461.00
2005 2,131,755.00 2,740,490.00
2006 2,177,706.00 2,784,196.00
2007 2,223,657.00 2,829,552.00
2008 2,269,608.00 2,902,507.00
2009 2,315,559.00 2,938,225.00
2010 2,361,510.00 2,929,528.00
2011 2,407,461.00 3,024,321.00
2012 2,453,412.00 3,125,576.00
2013 2,499,363.00 3,200,454.00
2014 2,545,314.00 2,853,661.00
Banyaknya penduduk menurut jenis kelamin ha
T a h u n/ Laki - laki/ Perempuan
Year Male Female
2008 1,453,135 1,449,372

f(x) = 45951.4725274725 x − 89419093.989011 2009 1,474,874 1,463,351

R² = 0.767262022968856

2010 1,469,916 1,459,612

2011 1,517,341 1,506,980

2012 1,566,072 1,559,504

2013 1,602,875 1,597,579

2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

2014 1,430,985 1,422,676
Sumber : Dinas Pendaftaran Penduduk dan Pen
Source : Registry of Inhabitants and Civil Regist

510,226.00 0.255893
504,065.00 0.247108
606,657.00 0.29085
608,735.00 0.285556
606,490.00 0.278499
605,895.00 0.272477
632,899.00 0.278858
622,666.00 0.268905
568,018.00 0.240532
616,860.00 0.256228
672,164.00 0.273971
701,091.00 0.280508
308,347.00 0.121143
k menurut jenis kelamin hasil registrasi tahun 2008 - 2014








aftaran Penduduk dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Surabaya

nhabitants and Civil Registration Service of Surabaya City
Banyaknya Kendaraan Bermotor Wajib Uji menurut Jenisnya 2009-2014
Number of Compulsory Tested Motor Vehicles by Type of Vehicles 2009-2014

Jenis Kendaraan/Type of Vehicles

Mobil Penumpang Umum/ 3,185 2,634 3,162 2,646

O t o b i s/B u s

-Umum/Public 5,172 5,148 5,048 3,485

-Bukan Umum/Private 729 774 696 743

Mobil Barang/Freight Car

-Umum/Public 11,342 12,515 10,793 13,684

-Bukan Umum/Private 60,403 60,068 60,549 82,022

Kereta Tempelan/Side Car

-Umum/Public 2,566 2,761 2,450 2,924

-Bukan Umum/Private 1,422 1,250 1,358 1,562

Kereta Gandengan/Trailer

-Umum/Public 1,082 1,101 1,033 1,064

-Bukan Umum/Private 418 419 399 404


Sumber : Dinas Perhubungan Kota Surabaya

Source : Transportation and Communication Service of Surabaya City
Keterangan/Note : *) Angka Diperbaiki/Number is revised
2,256 4,563

Number of Vehicles (unit) 100,000

4,815 3,302 80,000

1,782 1,205

14,538 17,230
64,940 66,576
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
3,038 3,441
1,613 1,685

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

86,319 86,670 85,488 108,534 94,412 99,426
1,030 1,027
400 397 0.128296
14 2015
2005 2006 2007
Vol kend data Lingkungna Hidup ### 1,485,332.00 1,498,080.00
Vol kend data BPS 575,886.10 592,054.45
0.03 0.04
16168.35 22526.4500000001
592,054.45 614,580.90

Volume of Vehicles
Year Statistic Center Agency Environmental Agency
2005 574,829.00 1,459,087.00
2006 575,886.10 1,485,332.00
2007 592,054.45 1,498,080.00
2008 614,580.90 1,468,177.00
2009 632,867.00 1,382,080.00
2010 753,097.05 1,410,941.00
2011 805,364.00 1,533,892.00
2012 874,622.00 1,375,062.00
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
1,468,177.00 1,382,080.00 1,410,941.00 1,533,892.00 1,375,062.00
614,580.90 663,747.37 753,097.05 805,813.84
0.08 0.1346 0.07 0.80 0.90
49166.472 89347.0337449 52716.7935
663,747.37 753,094.41 805,813.84


Environmental Agency 1,375,062.00


Volume of Vehicles

Statistic CenterAgency 874,622.00


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
l Agency 1,375,062.00

erAgency 874,622.00

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