Q2eSE - RW1 - U1 - Test A
Q2eSE - RW1 - U1 - Test A
Q2eSE - RW1 - U1 - Test A
Section I
One of the important things we learn while growing up is that finding a job plays a huge role in our lives.
A job gives us independence as well as a way of making our own living. Earning your own money is
always a good thing and there is no better time to start doing this than as a student.
Section II
When students live away from home it can be very expensive for their parents to support them. Paying
for accommodation, books, food, and bills costs a great deal of money. Because of this, many university
students find a part-time job while they are studying. It doesn’t really matter what the job is, as long as
it fits in with their program and earns them some extra cash. It not only helps with their expenses but
also teaches them how to manage their money and become more responsible. Trying to fit all of this
into their daily lives can be difficult in the beginning. It takes careful planning and organization to bring it
all together. However, it is an important lesson to prepare them for life as independent adults.
Section III
Students can learn how to manage their daily timetable by working while studying. For example, they
need to arrange their working time so as not to overlap with such things as group projects or end-of-
semester exams. They also need to inform their supervisors as soon as possible if for any reason they
cannot turn up for work. Planning ahead is a strategy that gets better with practice and this is the
perfect time to practice it.
Section IV
Eventually the tasks mentioned above will help you on your way to becoming successful in whichever
profession you choose. Getting a degree will show the world that you have mastered knowledge, but
actually working towards it will have taught you many valuable things about life. Last but not least, find
time to relax. Life isn’t all about work alone. As the old proverb goes: “All work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy.”
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Q2e Reading and Writing 1 Unit 1 Test A
© Oxford University Press. Permission to edit and reproduce for instructional use. 2
Q2e Reading and Writing 1 Unit 1 Test A
© Oxford University Press. Permission to edit and reproduce for instructional use. 3