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Typology of the New Caledonian Ni-laterite deposits: from natural to industrial


Conference Paper · August 2015


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Fabien Trotet


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Typology of the New Caledonian Ni-laterite deposits:
from natural to industrial processes
Fabien Trotet,
Exploration Geology Division, Société Le Nickel – SLN,

Mohamed Kadar,
Department of the Geology & Mining Engineering, Société Le Nickel – SLN,

Daniel Marini,
Managing Mine Director, Société Le Nickel – SLN,

Abstract. SLN has a large nickel mining area in NC distribution

which is operated since c.a.1880. During the first
decades, the exceptionally high Ni-saprolite (garnierite-
Weathering processes under humid tropical climate led
bearing) has been hand-mined. However, continuous
decrease of nickel-rich resources led the company to to formation of thick regolith with typical following
conduct extensive petrology, mineralogy, beneficiation sequence:
studies (since the 1970’s) in the order to understand - Iron crust and gravels (pisolites), 1-5m thick, made of
trapping processes of Ni in lateritic ores, and to develop goethite (FeOOH) and haematite (Fe2O3), with very
processing techniques. Industrial expertise together with low nickel content (0.3 wt.% Ni),
fundamental research led to decipher the relationship - Colluvial limonite 1-20m thick, made of pisolites in a
between ores typology and geological processes. The matrix of poorly crystallized goethite, generally low
results show that nickel ore-types are strongly dependent nickel content,
on the relationship between the lithology, structural
- Limonite, 1-20m thick, made of poorly crystallized
pattern, serpentinisation and weathering stages of the
original ultramafic rock. In particular, the relationships goethite, ferric oxy-hydroxides, and asbolan, Co-Ni-Mn-
between the nickel content of the ore and nickel-bearing hydroxides. This horizon is generally mineralized at the
phases (mainly serpentine and limonite) together with the base with Ni content over 1 wt.% and Co content over
amount of weathered products in the Ni-saprolite led SLN 0.1 wt.%.
to develop ore beneficiation methods to address more - Saprolite, 1-20m thick, constituted by remnant of fresh
complex ores (fine-grained saprolite with heterogeneous peridotites separated by joints and/or a fine to coarse
distribution of nickel) best-adapted to maximize nickel grained matrix of weathered peridotite (earthy to rocky
recovery. We herein review different types of lateritic ores products) containing residual serpentine, smectite,
and associated nickel distribution patterns. Innovation
amorphous silica, limonites, garnierites and, depending
perspectives in this application field will lead us to new
geometallurgical approaches. on redox conditions, Fe-Mg smectites (saponite).

Keywords: nickel, laterite, typology, processing Saprolite characteristics change from rocky to earthy
with increasing weathering intensity. Weathering process
results in decreasing apparent density of the rock,
1 Introduction leaching of both Si and Mg, and increasing Fe content in
saprolite. Pelletier (1996) showed that Ni content in
Regoliths result from intensive deep weathering of saprolite is highly variable (generally between 1 to 4 wt.
more or less serpentinized peridotites under humid %) and is not directly correlated to the intensity of the
tropical conditions, leading to formation of Nickel weathering process.
deposits which subsequently evolved under climatic Weathering of olivine generally lead to the formation of
and/or tectonic conditions that have been changing over silica (amorphous) and iron oxyhydroxides, mainly
time (Freyssinet et al. 2005; Golightly 2010). Butt & poorly crystalline or amorphous (FeOOH, nH2O). When
Cluzel (2013) summarized the factors controlling the water drainage is poor, smectite formation will be
origin and occurrence of deep lateritic regoliths and the favored. Silica will evolve to opal, chalcedony, and to a
relationship between their chemical and mineralogical lesser extent, to microcrystalline quartz. During
characteristics and their genesis. As SLN in New weathering, primary serpentine is progressively replaced
Caledonia has a large domain and has been mining for by limonites and amorphous silica, although weathered
more than 130 years, we hereby contribute to document primary serpentines remains with progressively
ores typology, focusing on saprolites, in particular changing compositions (see below). X-ray diffraction
textures, nickel distribution and factors controlling its also showed smectite neoformation, but these clay
location. We also link those parameters to mineralogy minerals are generally not very abundant. Amorphous
and the development of ore processing techniques, and silica was detected by TEM. It has been shown that
illustrate through examples the factors influencing metal weathered primary serpentine is a mixture of well-
recovery towards a geometallurgical approach. crystallized residual lizardite, amorphous silica and
some very thin smectite lamellar crystals (Pelletier,
2 Mineralogy of the regolith and Nickel 1996). Smectites and lizardite were distinguished by
electron diffraction (typical turbostratic stacking of
layers). There are also some flakes constituted of
amorphous iron oxy-hydroxide (limonite). During
weathering, neoformation of serpentines also occurs,
some of which being nickel-rich and iron poor:
garnierite. Garnierite is either found as fracture / veins
filling or as impregnation in saprolite.

Eramet-SLN conducted extensive work on lateritic ores

since the 1970’s to the 1980’s in collaboration with
BRGM and CNRS (e.g. Troly et al., 1979; Pelletier,
1983; Pelletier, 1996).
Typical saprolite (optical microscopy) exhibits primary
homogeneous serpentine, apparently unweathered, while
Figure 1. Schematic cross section of ultramafic units showing
olivine is completely replaced by pulverulent limonites,
the regolith, representative texture and mineralogy of saprolites
with some amorphous silica and smectites. Electron
microprobe analyses have indicated that residual
primary serpentine and limonites have high nickel 3 Saprolites structure and impacts on
concentration. valorization processes
Many investigations on serpentines from Poro (‘vert
As serpentine is more resistant than olivine during
clair facies’), Népoui ('normal faciès') and Tiébaghi
weathering, saprolites derived from serpentinized
('normal' and 'basal faciès') showed that chemical
peridotites exhibit a better cohesion compared to
composition of residual primary serpentine varies over a
weakly-serpentinized rocks, which are transformed into
wide range. During weathering, chemical composition
earthy materials (Orloff, 1968). Orloff first described the
of residual primary serpentine show increasing Fe and
structure of saprolites in relationship with the amount of
Ni content. In lizardite, Ni content is commonly > 3
serpentine in whole rock.
wt.% reaching up to 5 - 6 wt.%. Optically homogeneous
Green facies address peridotites with < 15 wt.%
serpentine can exhibit chemical compositions similar to
serpentine in whole rock. In this facies, weathering
those of smectites. Also, microanalyses made at regular
concentrates in joints and fractures resulting in saprolite
intervals across serpentine veinlets often show a strong
with large blocks of fresh peridotites (over 20 cm
nickel enrichment (around 10 wt.%), together with a
average), separated by sharp saprolitic joints. This facies
depletion of magnesia, near the axial zone. Semi-
results in ochrous earthy saprolites named 'gingerbread
quantitative analyses have shown that residual lizardite
saprolites’ where olivine is replaced by limonites with
crystals have the highest nickel content, especially in the
amorphous silica and Mg-Fe smectites. The presence of
smallest crystals. Besides, microanalyses of neoformed
smectite can be correlated to the (small) available
smectites showed significant Ni content, but generally
volume of water circulation, which generated locally
lower Ni contents than lizardite. TEM Investigations on
saturated reducing conditions.Nickel-bearing solutions
single crystals of residual lizardite indicate a relatively
homogeneous distribution of nickel in the serpentine get supersaturated in this facies resulting in common
crystallization of garnierite (Fig. 2) giving a highly
lattice. The above authors also noticed that when
contrasting Ni grades in saprolites. Typology of ores
saprolites result from weathering of completely
derived from green facies is characterized by massive
serpentinized peridotites, nickel distribution in residual
blocks of peridotite that systematically need to be
primary serpentine is more homogeneous.
blasted, and fine-grained saprolites with highest Ni
grades in the smallest fractions.

Figure 2. Green facies

When peridotites are moderately serpentinized, olivine is

commonly replaced by Mg-Fe smectites instead of
limonites, resulting in greenish earthy saprolites
(‘mustard saprolites’). This facies, called ‘intermediate’
is characterized by rocky + earthy saprolite as ‘onion-
like’ layers wrapping boulders of fresh peridotite (Fig.3).
Boulders of peridotite tend to split at the border which
can significantly dilute the nickel grade of the saprolite the other facies, however, mineralization may show a
and cannot be eliminated by a basic screening. This is a better continuity.
challenging point, which led Eramet-SLN to develop
beneficiation processes.

Figure 5. Basal facies

As shown above, the structure of saprolite will govern

Figure 3. Intermediate facies
the weathering pattern, and in some extent, the
distribution of nickel. This structure has major impact on
Saprolites derived from strongly serpentinized
the design and selection of the beneficiation processes.
peridotites (Normal facies) exhibit a regular transition
Because of dilution of the average nickel grade in
from fresh rock to 'hard' saprolites and then to earthy
saprolite by low-grade fractions, Eramet-SLN designed
saprolites (Fig.4, left). Nickel is generally distributed
beneficiation units combining wet screening, attrition
between hard saprolite in the boulders and earthy
and density separation. We designed proxies to estimate
saprolite (see Ni grade indicated in Fig.4, right, as
the performance of processes according to geological
analyzed with portable XRF spectrometer). These
and geochemical parameters, which have been
saprolites are pink to green, depending on the serpentine
integrated to ore estimates in a geometallurgical
content of the weathered peridotite. SLN designed
specific screening units (tritout) to efficient recovering
of metal distributed in earthy saprolite, and separate
nickel-rich rocky saprolite from barren blocks of fresh 4 Geological controls on ore typology
Nickel laterites in New Caledonia show deep and
strongly weathered regolith. We generally distinguish
two mains types of ores: “gisement de Plateau” marked
by deep lateritic profile and high-angle faulting pattern;
and “gisement de crêtes” occurring on slopes, generally
preserved from erosion by either major tectonic faults or
contact with a more resistant unit (lithology contrast,
weathering contrast for example; Fig. 6).
In environments marked by low relief and high water-
tables Tiebaghi Massif, Massif du Grand Sud) poor
drainage resulted in smectite clay deposits in the
saprolite, and silica accumulation. Besides, in most other
deposits, areas of higher relief, the regolith is generally
free-draining with a deep water-table. This maximizes
the rate of leaching and movement of groundwater,
generally expressed by high-grade hydrous Mg silicates
in saprolite and a well-developed oxide zone. Therefore,
the richest deposits (>3 wt.% Ni) formed where oxide-
rich regoliths were uplifted and Ni leached downwards
to concentrate in residual primary serpentines and neo-
formed iron oxides and silicates in the saprolite.
However, the effects of uplift in relation with tectonic
activity, results in erosion rates which limit their
Figure 4. Normal facies thickness and degree of preservation (“gisements de
Saprolites derived from serpentinized peridotites (more Fractures, faults and shear zones in bedrock and regolith,
than 75% serpentine in whole rock) are generally found often marked by primary serpentine, can strongly
at the base of ultramafic units. They are greenish to influence the thickness, grade and, in places, type of Ni
brown with continuous transition from cores of fresh laterite deposit. Mostly, these effects are passive, with
rock and rocky saprolite to progressive earthy saprolite. pre-existing structures affecting drainage characteristics
As shown in Fig.5, it is difficult to reliably locate the either by forming barriers to water flow or, more
exact limit of boulders. Nickel in this facies is generally commonly, by increasing permeability and promoting
distributed with little contrasts. As opposed to green deeper weathering and preferential concentration of Ni
facies, garnierite is scarce. As nickel is distributed in along the fracture zone (Leguéré, 1976; Guillon, 1975;
larger volumes, grades are generally much lower than in
Butt & Cluzel, 2013). However, some lithologic the Ni-ore grade decrease since the end of the 19th
discontinuities can play a similar role as shown in Fig.6 century, and various type of deposits. Later, the
(dyke of gabbro, pyroxenites, contact with dunite). relationships found between the Ni content of the ore
Multiple striations and differing mineral habits and and the amount of Ni-bearing phases such as serpentine
assemblages indicate that tectonic activity and and limonite, together with the texture and proportion of
supergene mineralization were synchronous and weathered products within the saprolite, led SLN to
occurred under changing weathering conditions (Cluzel adapt ore processing techniques to new types of deposits
and Vigier 2008). The stepped land surfaces indicate that (more heterogeneous with a lower Ni-content). SLN has
lateritic weathering initially occurred on a landscape of therefore continuously improved methods and
low to moderate relief and continued as these surfaces techniques in order to maximize Ni recovery.
were uplifted and partially dissected (Chevillotte et al. In future, further innovative perspectives regarding
2006). Multi-stage formation tectonic uplift has mineralogy and beneficiation processes will lead us to
probably played an important role in the formation of develop new geometallurgical approaches.
some deposits in areas of originally low relief.
Genna et al. (2005) provided however another Acknowledgements
explanation for multi-stage faulting, based on the
observation of crack seal-like features. They developed a We acknowledge B.Pelletier and the Eramet Group for
mineralization model based on karstification working as extensive work and historical contribution to the
cell-units, resulting from fluid circulations and fluid knowledge of laterite deposits mineralogy. We also
pressure variations. This model would also account for thank JJ.Reverdy for his support to this paper.
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