VCS Program Guide v4.2
VCS Program Guide v4.2
VCS Program Guide v4.2
Verra’s certification programs include the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program and its Jurisdictional
and Nested REDD+ (JNR) framework, the Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards (CCBS) Program,
the Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) Program, and the Plastic Waste
Reduction Program.
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modify, copy, distribute, transmit, store, reproduce, or otherwise use, publish, license, transfer, sell, or
create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or any information obtained from this
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All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in this document must be retained on any copy that
you make. All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved.
The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program provides a global program and standard for GHG emission
reduction and removal projects and programs. It uses as its core the requirements set out in ISO 14064-
2:2006, ISO 14064-3:2006 and ISO 14065:2013. The VCS Program Guide (this document) is the
overarching program document and provides the rules and requirements governing the VCS Program, and
describes the constituent parts of the program such as the project and program registration process, the
Verra Registry system, the methodology approval process, and the accreditation requirements for
validation/verification bodies.
1.1 Version
VCS Program editions are labeled with a version number and program documents are correspondingly
version controlled. VCS Version 4 is the fourth working version of the VCS, having been preceded by VCS
Version 1 (the initial version), VCS 2007 and VCS 2007.1 (which were two releases of the same version,
but with the latter version incorporating the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU)
specifications), and VCS Version 3.
VCS Version 4 was released on 19 September 2019 and becomes the applicable version with immediate
effect, except where grace periods were set out for particular requirements.
VCS Version 4 is comprised of all the program documents labeled v4.x, where x is a running number
starting at zero. Individual program documents may be updated from time-to-time, as developments
require, and their version numbers will be incremented using the v4.x format. Such updated documents
still form part of version 4 and the VCS Program edition should be referred to as VCS Version 4 regardless
of the version numbers of the individual program documents. Where documents are updated, an
appendix to the document will clearly state the updates made and their effective date. VCS Program
stakeholders will be informed of the updates and the updates will also be catalogued on the Verra
website. Readers shall ensure that they are using the most current version of this and all other program
Note that errata documents may also be issued on a periodic basis to correct typographical errors in text,
equations or figures in VCS Program documents or methodologies. In addition, clarification documents
may be issued to provide additional guidance on the VCS Program rules or methodological requirements.
Errata and clarification documents are posted to the Verra website alongside the relevant program
document or methodology, and are effective on their issuance date. Project proponents and
validation/verification bodies shall apply and interpret the VCS Program rules and methodological
requirements consistent with any errata and clarifications. Errata and clarifications will be incorporated
into the next issued version of the relevant program document or methodology.
1 Introduction
New versions of the VCS Program will be issued on a periodic basis when major edition updates are
required. Development of new versions of the program will include public stakeholder consultation and
will be announced on the Verra website and to VCS Program stakeholders.
The VCS Program documents for previous versions of the VCS Program are available on the Verra website
and these should be referred to for the rules and requirements under such previous versions of the VCS
Note that projects, programs and verified carbon units (VCUs) are not labeled in the Verra Registry with a
specific version of the VCS Program (i.e., projects are not “Version 3 projects” or “Version 4 projects”, and
likewise with VCUs). The VCS Program documentation is merely labeled with a version in order to provide
version control over the program documents.
1.2 Language
The operating language of the VCS Program is English. The VCS Program documents may be translated
into other languages to facilitate local use. However, the English versions of VCS Program documents,
and the interpretation of same, shall take precedence over any other language translations.
1.3 Definitions
Definitions as set out in the VCS Program document Program Definitions, ISO 14064-2:2006, ISO 14064-
3:2006 and ISO 14065:2013 shall apply to all VCS Program documentation. Note that defined terms in
the VCS Program documents, in common with ISO convention, are used without capital first letters.
2 Overview of the VCS Program
1) Establish clear rules and procedures to enable the successful development of GHG projects and
programs, and the creation of high quality GHG credits;
3) Stimulate innovation in GHG mitigation technologies and measures as well as procedures for
validation, verification and registration, all within a context of quality, credibility and transparency;
4) Provide a secure registry system for all VCUs that offers assurance against double counting and
provides transparency to the public;
5) Demonstrate workable frameworks and offer lessons that can be incorporated into other GHG
programs and climate change regulation;
6) Provide oversight to ensure that investors, buyers and the market recognizes VCUs as being real,
additional and permanent; and
The members of the steering committee were Jan-Willem Bode, Derik Broekhoff, Mike Burnett, Robert Dornau, Steve
Drummond, Mitchell Feierstein, Yoshito Izumi, Mark Kenber, Adam Kirkman, Andrei Marcu, Erin Meezan, Ken Newcombe, Mark
Proegler, Robert Routliffe, Richard Samans, Marc Stuart, Einar Telnes, Bill Townsend and Diane Wittenberg.
2 Overview of the VCS Program
Participation is voluntary and based on objective criteria. The VCS Program is not discriminatory to project
proponents, jurisdictional proponents, methodology element developers, validation/verification bodies, or
VCU buyers, sellers or brokers.
The structure of the program documents is summarized in Diagram 1. The VCS Program Guide is the
overarching program document, providing the rules and requirements governing the VCS Program and
further describing the constituent parts of the program such as the project and program registration
process, the Verra Registry system, the methodology approval process, and the accreditation
requirements for validation/verification bodies. Complementing the VCS Program Guide are requirements
documents, procedural documents and templates and forms. Verra may issue new documents, as
developments in the VCS Program require, and the complete and current list of the program documents is
available on the Verra website.
2 Overview of the VCS Program
VCS Program
Verification Verification
Program Definitions Report Representation
Non- Other
Permanence Templates and
Risk Report Forms
In addition to the VCS Program Guide, the program documents currently include the following:
1) Requirements Documents
a) VCS Standard. Provides the requirements for developing projects and for the validation and
verification process.
2 Overview of the VCS Program
d) Program Definitions. Provides the definitions for terms used in the VCS Program documents.
e) Program Fee Schedule. Provides the fees related to the various parts of the VCS Program.
2) Procedural Documents
a) Registration and Issuance Process. Provides the procedures and rules for registering projects
and issuing VCUs.
b) JNR Registration and Issuance Process. Provides the procedures and rules for registering
jurisdictional baselines and jurisdictional REDD+ programs, as well as projects nested in
jurisdictional programs and standalone projects operating under Scenario 1.
c) JNR Validation and Verification Process. Provides the process and requirements for the
validation and verification of jurisdictional baselines and jurisdictional REDD+ programs.
d) Methodology Approval Process. Provides the procedures and rules for approval of VCS
Program methodology elements.
e) AFOLU Non-Permanence Risk Tool. Provides the procedure for conducting non-permanence
risk analysis and buffer determination for AFOLU projects.
a) VCS Program Templates. Templates for project descriptions, validation reports, monitoring
reports, verification reports and methodologies.
c) Forms. Forms such as for submitting methodology elements under the methodology approval
process and for applying to be an AFOLU expert.
The following are normative (referenced) documents for the VCS Program:
4) ISO 14064-2:2006, Greenhouse gases – Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level
for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal
enhancements, ISO, 2006.
5) ISO 14064-3:2006, Greenhouse gases – Part 3: Specification with guidance for the validation
and verification of greenhouse gas assertions, ISO 2006.
6) ISO 14065:2013, Greenhouse gases – Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and
verification bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition, BSI, 2007.
7) The GHG Protocol for Project Accounting (Chapter 7, guidance related to additionality and
common practice), WRI, 2005.
2 Overview of the VCS Program
The four standards above are part of the requirements of the VCS Program and their requirements shall
be met either by the project proponent (ISO 14064-2:2006) or validation/verification body (ISO 14064-
3:2006 and ISO 14065:2013). Where there is any conflict between VCS Program documentation and the
above normative references, the VCS Program documentation shall take precedence.
The program documents are also complemented by a number of guidance documents. These guidance
documents do not set out VCS Program rules and requirements, but they provide additional information
to assist with the interpretation of the rules and requirements. It is strongly encouraged that such
guidance is followed.
Project and jurisdictional proponents are the entities with overall control and responsibility for projects or
programs. A project may have one project or jurisdictional proponent, or there may be a number of project
or jurisdictional proponents who collectively have overall control and responsibility for a project or
program. Project and jurisdictional proponents establish and operate projects and programs in
accordance with the VCS Program rules. They are responsible for providing the project or program
description, monitoring report and supporting documentation (including evidence of project ownership or
program ownership) to facilitate validation and verification.
Project and jurisdictional proponents sign unilateral representations with respect to their projects or
programs and VCUs, and these are made available on the Verra Registry. Project proponents assume
limited liability for replacement of excess VCUs, as set out in Section 4.2.
Note – In order to aid the readability of the VCS Program documentation, the documents use project and
jurisdictional proponent in the singular. For projects and programs with multiple project or jurisdictional
proponents, “project proponents” or “jurisdictional proponents” should be substituted in place of “project
proponent” or “jurisdictional proponent”, as appropriate.
Methodology element developers are entities that develop methodologies, methodology revisions,
modules and tools that are subject to the methodology approval process.
2 Overview of the VCS Program
Validation/verification bodies are only eligible to carry out work for the sectoral scopes for validation and
verification for which they hold accreditation and must sign the required agreement with Verra before they
can perform validation or verification in connection with the VCS Program. The list of
validation/verification bodies is available on the Verra website.
The Verra Registry is responsible for ensuring that all required project and program documents have been
submitted to Verra; issuing and maintaining accounts of VCUs for accountholders; ensuring the seamless
flow of VCUs throughout the entire Verra Registry system; tracking and reporting the deposit/withdrawal
of buffer credits to/from the centrally managed AFOLU pooled buffer account and jurisdictional pooled
buffer account; and maintaining custody and records of VCU legal ownership.
Buyers, sellers and brokers are companies, organizations or individuals who transact VCUs or facilitate
the transaction of VCUs.
2.5.6 Verra
The VCS Program is managed by Verra, which is an independent, non-profit organization incorporated
under the laws of the District of Columbia in the United States. Verra is responsible for managing,
overseeing and developing the program. It maintains an impartial position in the market and does not
develop projects, programs or methodologies, nor does it provide validation, verification or consulting
One of Verra’s roles is in respect of overseeing and ensuring the integrity of projects, programs and VCUs
in the Verra Registry system. Verra conducts reviews of project and program registration and VCU
issuance requests. Verra is also responsible for overseeing the validation/verification bodies operating
under the VCS Program. Where Verra identifies shortcomings in a validation/verification body’s
performance, it may provide feedback and require the validation/verification body to address non-
Verra reserves the right not to register projects and programs, or issue VCUs where it deems that they are
not in compliance with the VCS Program rules or may otherwise impact the integrity of the VCS Program or
the functioning of the broader carbon market, and to delist projects, programs and VCUs where it deems
that they have not been registered or issued in accordance with the VCS Program rules. Verra also
reserves the right to take action against validation/verification bodies in accordance with the provisions
set out in the agreements signed with Verra. The rights and obligations for validation/verification bodies
are set out in such agreements.
Verra is also responsible for managing the methodology approval process, and it reserves the right to not
accept methodology elements into the process, not approve methodology elements, or review and
update, put on hold or withdraw approved methodology elements where it deems that they are not in
compliance with the VCS Program rules, would sanction politically or ethically contentious project
2 Overview of the VCS Program
activities, or may otherwise impact the integrity of the VCS Program or the functioning of the broader
carbon market.
Verra may convene steering committees, advisory committees or working groups to support its work in
specific areas. These groups draw in expertise from outside the organization to develop and support
specific elements of the VCS Program. A full list of steering committees and working groups is available
on the Verra website.
3 VCS Program Criteria for GHG Projects and Programs
GHG emission reductions and removals verified under the VCS Program and issued as VCUs shall meet
the following principles:
All GHG emission reductions and removals and the projects or programs that generate them must be
proven to have genuinely taken place.
All GHG emission reductions and removals must be quantifiable using recognized measurement tools
(including adjustments for uncertainty and leakage) against a credible emissions baseline.
Where GHG emission reductions or removals are generated by projects or programs that carry a risk of
reversibility, adequate safeguards must be in place to ensure that the risk of reversal is minimized and
that, should any reversal occur, a mechanism is in place that guarantees the reductions or removals will
be replaced or compensated.
GHG emission reductions and removals must be additional to what would have happened under a
business-as-usual scenario if the project had not been carried out.
Independently Audited
All GHG emission reductions and removals must be verified to a reasonable level of assurance by an
accredited validation/verification body with the expertise necessary in both the country and sector in
which the project is taking place.
Each VCU must be unique and must only be associated with a single GHG emission reduction or removal
activity. There must be no double counting, or double claiming of the environmental benefit, in respect of
the GHG emission reductions or removals.
There must be sufficient and appropriate public disclosure of GHG-related information to allow intended
users to make decisions with reasonable confidence.
Conservative assumptions, values and procedures must be used to ensure that the GHG emission
reductions or removals are not over-estimated.
4 Verra Registry
The Verra Registry provides the public interface to all project, program and VCU information. VCU serial
numbers are generated by the registry, which ensures uniqueness of projects, programs and VCUs. In
addition, the Verra Registry provides full transparency on project and program documentation, together
with information on project and jurisdictional proponents, VCU issuance and retirement, the AFOLU
pooled buffer account and the jurisdictional pooled buffer account.
The AFOLU pooled buffer account holds non-tradable buffer credits to cover the non-permanence risk
associated with AFOLU projects. It is a single account that holds the buffer credits for all projects. The
account is subject to a periodic reconciliation, as set out in the VCS Program document VCS Standard.
Likewise, the jurisdictional pooled buffer account holds the non-tradable buffer credits to cover the non-
permanence risk associated with jurisdictional REDD+ programs and nested projects.
The Verra Registry provides accountholder services and is the entry point into the registry system for
project and jurisdictional proponents, and VCU buyers and sellers. Such market participants open an
account with the Verra Registry and project and program registration and VCU issuance is initiated with
the Verra Registry.
The Verra Registry is responsible for ensuring that projects and programs are registered and VCUs are
issued in accordance with the VCS Program rules; providing services for holding, transferring and retiring
VCUs; managing AFOLU and jurisdictional buffer credits; and providing custodial services for VCUs and
maintaining records of VCU legal ownership.
Project and jurisdictional proponents (or other eligible entities, as set out in the VCS Program documents
Registration and Issuance Process and JNR Registration and Issuance Process) request listing and
registration of projects and programs, and VCU issuance, with the Verra Registry. Diagram 2 outlines the
project life cycle and registration process, which is similar to the program life cycle and registration
process. Once the project or program has been validated and the GHG emission reductions or removals
verified, the project or jurisdictional proponent submits the relevant documents to the Verra Registry.
Verra conducts a completeness review of the documents, and may conduct a further accuracy review to
assess compliance with the VCS Program rules. Where it is determined that the project or program
complies with the VCS Program rules, Verra uploads the documents to the public Verra Registry and
issues VCUs into the project or jurisdictional proponent’s account. Note that validation and verification
may be undertaken simultaneously, with registration and issuance of the VCUs occurring at the same
time, or validation may occur before verification, with registration occurring before any subsequent
issuance of VCUs.
4 Verra Registry
4 Verra Registry
The process and detailed rules and requirements for project pipeline listing, program listing, project and
program registration, and VCU issuance are set out in the VCS Program documents Registration and
Issuance Process and JNR Registration and Issuance Process.
2) 12 months after the date upon which any second verification report with respect to the relevant
VCU is accepted on the Verra Registry.2
2 The relevant VCU will be issued following acceptance of a verification report for a project. For some types of AFOLU projects in
particular, verification cycles may be longer than 6 years. In this regard, if the second verification report shows a VCU has been
erroneously issued, Verra will have an additional 12 months to deal with that issue. Note also that where a VCU is erroneously
issued from the last verification report of a project, Section 4.2(1) applies.
5 VCS Program Accreditation
2) Accredited under ISO 14065:2013 for scope VCS by an accreditation body that is a member of
the International Accreditation Forum;
The validation/verification body shall hold such accreditation or approval for validation or verification (as
applicable) for the sectoral scope(s) applicable to the methodology applied to the project. Where the
methodology falls under more than one sectoral scope, the validation/verification body shall hold
accreditation or approval for validation or verification (as applicable) for all relevant sectoral scopes.
Where the validation/verification body holds accreditation or approval for the verification for the relevant
sectoral scope(s) but does not hold accreditation or approval for validation, it may validate project
description deviations and inclusion of new project activity instances in grouped projects at the time of
verification, under the following circumstances:
1) It holds accreditation or approval for validation in at least one other sectoral scope.
2) It has completed validation of at least five projects under the VCS Program or an approved GHG
program, and such projects have been registered under the relevant program.
3) The validation activity does not entail the validation of a project description deviation that
impacts the applicability of the methodology, additionality or the appropriateness of the baseline
scenario (see the VCS Standard for further information on such deviations).
To apply to become an approved validation/verification body with the VCS Program, organizations must
complete a Verra Validation/Verification Body Application Form and submit the signed application, along
with any supporting evidence (as required by the application) to
A list of validation/verification bodies approved to undertake validation and verification services under
the VCS Program is available on the Verra website.
3 Note that accreditation under an approved GHG program shall be recognized only until such time as Verra determines that a
sufficient number of validation/verification bodies are accredited under other recognized accreditation pathways, or two years
from the date of release of VCS Version 4, whichever is earlier. After such date, all validation/verification bodies must be
accredited through another approved accreditation pathway.
6 Methodology Approval Process
The full rules and requirements for methodology elements with respect to the methodology approval
process are set out in the VCS Program document Methodology Approval Process.
Compensation will be paid according to the number of VCUs issued to projects using the methodology or
a revision of the methodology, at the rate and in accordance with the payment terms set out in the VCS
Program document Program Fee Schedule. Compensation is payable with respect to VCUs issued on or
after 15 June 2010. Methodology developers may elect not to receive compensation by notifying Verra at
any time.
Where Verra sanctions the consolidation of a number of methodologies, the compensation due to the
developer of the consolidated methodology and the underlying methodologies respectively will be
determined on a case-by-case basis by Verra.
Where an eligible methodology is withdrawn or put on hold, compensation remains payable in respect of
continuing issuance of VCUs to registered projects that have applied the methodology or a revision of the
Only methodologies developed under the VCS Program methodology approval process are eligible for the
compensation mechanism. Developers of methodology revisions, modules and tools are not
6 Methodology Approval Process
Note – Project proponents pay the same VCU issuance levy regardless of the methodology applied to the
project. Verra pays any compensation to the methodology developer out of the VCU issuance levy it
7 Linking to Other GHG Programs
1) GHG credits under the approved GHG program may be cancelled and issued as VCUs (converted
into VCUs).
2) Validation/verification bodies under the approved GHG program are approved for validation and
verification under the VCS Program (for the corresponding sectoral scopes for validation and
verification, respectively, and provided they have signed the required agreement with Verra).
3) Most methodology elements under the approved GHG program may be used for developing
projects under the VCS Program. See the Verra website for exclusions.
The latest version of the approved GHG program methodology element shall be used and relevant
grace periods apply.
The list of approved GHG programs is available on the Verra website, together with any specific conditions
or further clarifications with respect to the scope of approval.
Any party may initiate a gap analysis of another GHG program with the VCS Program. All relevant
documentation in relation to the GHG program shall be provided to Verra, with appropriate authorization
The onus is on the GHG program to demonstrate that it meets the VCS Program criteria. The costs of the
assessment are borne by the GHG program or whoever initiates the gap analysis.
Based on the gap analysis report, the Verra Board will make a decision on whether to approve the full
GHG program or elements of the program.
7 Linking to Other GHG Programs
8 Complaints and Appeals Procedure
Appendix 1: Document History
v4.1 20 Jan 2022 Clarified that a GHG program shall demonstrate alignment, rather than compliance,
with the VCS Program principles and requirements in order to become an approved
GHG program.
V4.2 22 Jun 2022 Incorporated clarification to indicate that proponents must use the latest version of
an approved GHG program methodology element for developing projects under the
VCS Program, and that the lengths of grace periods under the approved GHG
program for transition to new methodology element versions apply to projects using
such methodology elements in the VCS Program (Section 7).
Standards for a Sustainable Future