Ideal Vacuum Catalog 2017 - Oils, Greases, Sealants, Hoses
Ideal Vacuum Catalog 2017 - Oils, Greases, Sealants, Hoses
Ideal Vacuum Catalog 2017 - Oils, Greases, Sealants, Hoses
• • •
APifZDN AP 201
Vapor Booster Diffusion Pump Fluid IDEAL
P/N Price*
Polyphenyl Ether Diffusion Pump Oil IDEAL
P/N Price*
Santovac 5 Polyphenyl Ether Diffusion Pump Oil, 100 mi. P 1 02288 $299.00
Santovac 5 Polyphenyl Ether Diffusion Pump Oil, 500 mi. P 1 02287 $899.00
Cambridge Mill C M P 704 Hig h Vacuum Diff usion Pump Oil, 1 g al. P1 03605 $995.00 A l l MSDS S heets o n
Diffusion P u m p O i l
C a n be Downloaded
off our website at
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
IllS For Oil Sealed Vacuum Pumps
e l �a�el
Adixen A102·A111 SIZE 1�1 � A� Price*
Adixen A 102 Hydrocarbon Mineral Pump Oil 2 1iters P104254 1 0996 $95.00 Adixen A 119 Standard Hydrocarbon Pump Oil 11iter. P1021 01 98101 $22.00
Adixen A 111 Synthetic Pump Oil 1 1iter P103305 064656 $76.00 Adixen A 119 Standard Hydrocarbon Pump Oil 4 1iter P1021 02 98102 $65.00
Adixen A 119 Standard Hydrocarbon Pump Oil 55 Gal. P1021 09 98103 $2,995.99
For Anti-Emulsion Water Vapor and Organic
Acids Vapor Pumping Applications. A119
A111 Standard Oil for A l l Adixen Alcatel Rotary
For High Pressure and High Tem p Vane & RSV Series Booster P u m ps.
adi·cen adi :en
Use In Alcatel Adixen Pumps: Use In Alcatel Adixen Pumps:
1005, 1010, 1015, 1021, 2005, 20055D, 2005H, 2005H1, 20051, 2010, 1005, 1010, 1015, 1021,2005, 20055D, 2005H, 2005H1, 20051, 2010, Direct Drive
Direct Drive
20105D, 2015, 20155D, 2015H, 2015H1, 20151,2021, 20215D, 20211, 20105D, 2015, 20155D, 2015H, 2015H1, 20151,2021, 20215D, 20211, Mechanlc•l VAtUUM
2002B, 2002BB, 20021, 2004A, 200BA, 2012A, 2012AH, 2020A, 2030, 2002B, 2002BB, 20021, 2004A, 200BA, 2012A, 2012AH, 2020A, 2030, PUMP
2060, 2033, 20335D,2033H, 2033H1, 2063, 2063H, 2063H1, 2100A, 2060, 2033, 20335D,2033H, 2033H1, 2063, 2063H, 2063H1, 2100A, •LCATUUt
..._,,__ ...
21005D, RUVAC Roots Blowers R5V151, R5V151B, R5V301, R5V301B, 21005D, RUVAC Roots Blowers R5V151, R5V151B, R5V301, R5V301B,
R5V601, R5V601B, R5V1000, R5V2000 R5V601, R5V601B, R5V1000, R5V2000
Adixen A 121 Hvrn,ttr�rhn n Based Mineral Oil 1 liter P104878 14128 $95.00 Adixen A155 Synthetic Di·Ester Pump Oil 1 liter P104879 109233 $ 1 25.00
For pumping of A m monia NH3 and
For High Pressure and High Temperature hydrocarbon vapors, for refrigeration
Frequent Cycling Applications. work of R 1 34A i n itial circuits evacuation,
resistant to oxidation and avoids formation
of deposits.
A200 A300
Double Distilled Hydrocarbon Oil; This fluid is very resistant to chemical attacks
providing low backstreaming , excellent and the pumping of Lewis Acids and
l ubrication and strong resistance to oxidaton,
adien adicen Halogens, Recom m ended for High Corrosive
Recommended for Corrosive Applications. Applications.
Direct on••
Direct Drtwe
......._. •·
.... ....
fliiiD FLUID
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
IllS For Oil Sealed Vacuum Pumps
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change (505)872-0037
Oils &�eases Sealants Hoses fl)
• • •
IVP 150 Ideal Vac Products Oil 1 gal. P 1 04033 $ 1 25.00 IVP 19 1deal Vac Products Oil 1 Qt. P1 06061 $29.95
IVP 191deal Vac Products Oil 1 gal. P1 06060 $79.95
IVP 19 1deal Vac Products Oil 5 gal. P1 06062 $299.00
IVP150 IVP 19 1deal Vac Products Oil 55 gal. P1 06063 $2,995.00
Excellent water separating characteristics
which prevent emulsion formulation. IVP19
Our SUBSTITUTE for DISCONTINUED leybold HE 1 5 0 Our Ideal Vacuum Products Oil is and excellent product
( 1 00% Compatible) for use in most Vacuum Pumps:
Alcatel I Adixen Fisher
Edwards I Savant I Labconco Pfeiffer
Use In Oerlikon Lebold Pumps: Oerlikon Leybold Welch
Trivac 8, E, DK and Ruvac Rotary Vane Pumps Agilent I Varian
IVP 100 Oil SIZE ���e�l Price* IVP 175 Oil SIZE ���e�l Price*
IVP 100 Ideal Vac Products Oil 1 Qt. P101482 $40.00 IVP 175 1deal Vac Products Oil 1 Qt. P 1 0461 1 $40.00
IVP 100 Ideal Vac Products Oil 1 gal. P101500 $ 1 25.00 IVP 175 1deal Vac Products Oil 1 gal. P 1 0461 2 $ 1 25.00
IVP 100 Ideal Vac Products Oil 5 gal. P1 0391 1 $475.00 IVP 175 1deal Vac Products Oil 5 gal. P 1 0461 3 $475.00
IVP 100 Ideal Vac Products Oil 55 gal. P101 506 $3,700.00
IVP100 IVP175
Mineral Oil with additives, low vapor pressure Mineral Oil FREE of additives, low vapor pressure, minimal
minimal foaming and very good water separation. foaming and very good water separation.
Our SUBSTITUTE for leybold HE 1 00 ( 1 00% Compatible) Our SUBSTITUTE for leybold HE 1 75 (1 00% Compatible)
Use In Oerlikon Lebold Pumps:
5ogevac 5V16, 5V25, 5V40, 5V65, 5ogevac 5V108, 5V168, 5V258 Use In Oerlikon Lebold Pumps:
5ogevac 5V1681, 5V2B81, 5V4081, 5V6581 Trivac A series D2A, D4A, DBA, D16A, D30A, 560A, D60A, D90A.
IVP 200 Oil SIZE 1�i�1 Price* IVP 82 Oil SIZE ���e�l Price*
IVP 200 Ideal Vac Products Oil 1 Qt. P 1 0 1 503 $40.00 IVP 62 1deal Vac Products Oil 1 Qt. P 1 02903 $40.00
IVP 200 Ideal Vac Products Oil 1 gal. P 1 0 1 501 $ 1 25 .00 IVP 62 1deal Vac Products Oil 1 gal. P 1 02904 $ 1 25 .00
IVP 200 Ideal Vac Products Oil 5 gal. P 1 0 1 504 $475.00 IVP 62 1deal Vac Products Oil 5 gal. P 1 02905 $475.00
IVP 200 Ideal Vac Products Oil 55 gal. P 1 0 1 505 $3,700.00 IVP 62 1deal Vac Products Oil 55 gal. P 1 02906 $3,700.00
IVP200 IVP62
Standard mineral oil with no additives, low vapor pressure, Standard mineral oil with no additives, low vapor pressure,
minimal foaming, good water separation. minimal foaming, good water separation.
Our SUBSTITUTE for leybold HE200 ( 1 00% Compatible) Our SUBSTITUTE for leybold N62 ( 1 00% Compatible)
Use In Oerlikon Lebold Pumps: Use In Oerlikon Lebold Pumps:
D2A, D4A, DBA, D16A, D30A, D60A, D90A, D2.SE, D1.68, D48, DB8, D168, D258, D408, D2A, D4A, DBA, D16A, D30A, D60A, D90A, D2.SE, D1.68, D48, DB8, D168, D258, D408,
D658, •WAfWAU 251, WAfWAU 501, WAfWAU 501H, WAfWAU 1001, WAfWAU 1001H, D658, • WAfWAU 251, WAfWAU 501, WAfWAU 501H, WAfWAU 1001, WAfWAU 1001H,
WAfWAU 2001, WAfWAU 2001H, RA 3001, RA 5001, •DK50, DK100, DK 200, E75, E225, & E250 WAfWAU 2001, WAfWAU 2001H, RA 3001, RA 5001, •DKSO, DK100, DK 200, E75, E225, & E250
IVP 700 Oil SIZE ���e�l Price* IVP 77 Oil SIZE 1�i�1 Price*
IVP 700 Ideal Vac Products Oil 1 Qt. P1 03971 $40.00 IVP 77 1deal Vac Products Oil 1 Qt. P 1 03382 $44.50
IVP 700 Ideal Vac Products Oil 1 gal. P 1 0 1 502 $ 1 20.00 IVP 77 1deal Vac Products Oil 1 gal. P 1 03383 $ 1 25.00
IVP 700 Ideal Vac Products Oil 5 gal. P1 03882 $395 .00 IVP 77 1deal Vac Products Oil 5 gal. P 1 03384 $455.00
IVP 700 Ideal Vac Products Oil 55 gal. P 1 0 1 507 $2,995.00
IVP700 IVP77
Mineral Oil with additives, low vapor pressure Mineral Oil with additives, low vapor pressure
minimal foaming and very good water separation. minimal foaming and very good water separation.
Our SUBSTITUTE for leybold HE700 ( 1 00% Compatible) Our SUBSTITUTE for leybold GS7 7 (1 00% Compatible)
Use In Oerlikon Lebold Pumps: Use In Oerlikon Lebold Pumps:
5ogevac 5V100, 5V1BO, 5V200, 5V300, 5V500, 5V630, 5V750, 5V1200 5ogevac 5V100, 5V1BO, 5V200, 5V300, 5V500, 5V630, 5V750, 5V1200
5ogevac V408, 5V658, 5V1008, 5V1208, 5V3008, 5V5008, 5V6308/8F, 5V7508/8F 5ogevac V408, 5V658, 5V1008, 5V1208, 5V3008, 5V5008, 5V6308/8F, 5V7508/8F
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
IllS For Oil Sealed Vacuum Pumps
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
IllS For Oil Sealed Vacuum Pumps
Agilent Varian GP DS19 General Purpose Oil 1 1iter P 1 04289 K75 1 6301
tB $49.50 Agilent Varian GP DS31 General Purpose Oil O.S iiter P1 03281 94993 0 5
- $49.50
Agilent Varian GP DS19 General Purpose Oil 1 gal. P1 04290 K75 1 6302 $ 1 25.00
GP 0531
GP 0519 Recommended for use in non-corrosive
Recommended for use in non-corrosive
a pplications. As a result of molecular
a pplications. As a result of molecular distil lation, it has low vapor pressure
d istillation, it has low vapor pressure and therefore, back-streams less than
and therefore, back-stream s less than u n-distilled refinery products. Prepared
u n-distilled refinery products. specifically for the DS-42 Rotary Vane
Vacuum Pump.
P3 Mineral Oil General Purpose 1 1iter P1 03283 PK001 1 06T $49.75 Inland 19 General Purpose P1 04618 $59.95
---------- � Oil 1 1iter
P3 Mineral Oil General Purpose Siiters P1 03347 PK00 1 1 07T $ 1 25.00
P3 Mineral Oil General Purpose 20 liters P1 03348 PK00 1 1 08T $325.00
P3 Mineral
Mineral oil for standard applications Inland 19
to pump a i r, i nert gases, noble gases,
a� R )- VACUUM
Standard vacuum pump oil for
a mmonia, weak aggressive solvent PFEIFFER
.Q;:\;;!;t4 A�•br
Pfeiffer rotary vane and roots ��f.!Inland
:f3Oil 19 1,0 I
fumes, hydrogen, silane and oxygen Oil P 3 1,0 I
blowers. imiii005
u p to 2 1 %. liiliiii'-
106 -T
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
IllS For Oil Sealed Vacuum Pumps
Cambridge Mill Products
Ideal Cambridge . * Ideal
. * Cambridge
CMP 19 01-1 SIZE P/N P/N P nee CMP 20 01-1 SIZE
P/N P nee
CMP 19 0il 1 1iter $ 1 9.99
P101436 CMP19L CMP20 0il 1 gallon CMP20GAL $ 75.00
----------------�----------------------�-- ----------------�--------------------------
CMP 19 0il 1 gallon P101437 CMP1 9GAL $39.95
CMP 19 Oil 55 gallons P101443 CMP1 955GAL $ 1 ,350.00
CMP 20
CMP 19 This is a severely hydro-treated paraffinic
oil that is double distilled through a
This mechanical pump fluid is a severely
molecular distillation process to remove
hydro-treated paraffinic oil. It is highly
light end fractions. It is unique in
saturated and contains less than 0.01 o/o
comparison to other competitive products
sulfur. With high molecular weight and
because it is highly saturated and contains
viscosity index providing longer life and
less than 0.01 o/o sulfur similar to technical
reduced build-up of varnish and carbonized
white oils. It also has a higher molecular
oil on internal vacuum pump components.
weight and viscosity index providing longer
It is made specifically for high use
service life and reduced build up of varnish
mechanical vacuum pump processes.
and carbonized oil on the internal pump
components. REPLACEMENT for Leybold
HE200, Alcatel AE 200 and INVOIL 20.
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
IllS For Oil Sealed Vacuum Pumps
WflCH lflllllff Tuthill
P e Vl{, �h
Gold DirecTorr Oil s1zE 1 1 �1 ] Price*
Welch Gold DirecTorr Vacuum Pump Oil 1 1iter P102111 8995G-11 $90.00 Kinney
Tuthill AX Oil 1 Qt. P102728 2030830000 $34.40
-- ------------------------------------�--
Welch Gold DirecTorr Vacuum Pump Oil 41iters P102112 8995G-15 $240.00 Kinney
Tuthill AX Oil 1 Gal. P102729 2030840000 $91 .29
-- ------------------------------------�--
Welch Gold DirecTorr Vacuum Pump Oil 5 gal. P102115 8995G-20 $723.55 Kinney Tuthill AX Oil 5 Gal. P102730 2030790000 $263.28
Welch Gold DirecTorr Vacuum Pump Oil 55 gal. P102116 8995G-25 $7,800.00 AX OIL
Gold DirecTorr High quality, high boiling range, low vapor pressure,
Welch Gold DirecTorr Vacuum Pump Oil is fractionated and non-additive petroleum, for Kinney single and
especially for use in Welch Direct Drive and Belt Driven two stage pumps. Other makes of high vacuum pumps
Pumps where resistance to CHEMICAL ATTACK is required. up to .0002 Torr Ultimate Vacuum Pressure may also use
this AX oil. Viscosity: Approx. 340 SSU@ 1 00 degrees F.
Use In Welch Pumps:
8806,8811,8814,8816,8821,8851,8905,8905A,8907A,8910A,8912A,8915,8915A, Use In Kinney Tuthill Pumps:
E 1P e� 1 Vl{,] �h
8917A,8920,8920A,8925A,Corrosive Gas Models 1400N,1402N,1376 N. KT,KD,KDH,KS,KC,KTC series pumps
Use In Stokes Edwards Piston Pumps:
s ch E 1 Pi�1 5�1�es
146H,148H,149H 149HS,212H, 212J,412H,412J,612H, 612J.
Ideal Bu s1z
1,11111u'1n1illl,lA P/N /N -
V-lube Oil Grade H
Stokes Edwards V-lube Oil Grade H 1 gal. P103037 424051001
Busch R·530 Vacuum Pump Oil 1 Qt. P103282 BUS831 $19.95
Stokes Edwards V-lube Oil Grade H 5 gal. P103036 41 9699001 $200.00
Detergent free oil derived from highly refined paraffinic Stokes Edwards V-lube Oil Grade H 55 gal. P103035 41 9698001 $2,1 00.00
crudes with excellent lubricating properties. The V-Lube Grade H
combination of high viscosity indexes and low pour The V-lube Grade H series oil lubricant offers good
points ensures ease of handling and flow in all but
extreme temperature situations. .
, ,.
thermal stability and oxidation resistance and has
been selected for use with the Edwards Stokes
Use In Busch RS Pumps: Vacuum Blower pumps.
0004,0006,0010,0012,0016,0021' 0025,0040,0063,0100, 0160,0165,0205, Use In Stokes Edwards Pumps:
0250,0255,0305,0400,0502,0630,1000,1600,Vacuum Pumps. ALL Edwards Stokes Vacuum Blower Pumps.
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
IllS Heat Transfer and Flushing Fluid
GAlDfN Heat Transfer PfPf fluids
(For Etchers, CVD, PVD and Ideal
lon Implanters) SIZE P/N Price*
Gal den HT-55 PFPE- Boiling Point 55• C (131• F) ?kg (15.41bs.) P105082 $995.00
Gal den HT-70 PFPE- Boiling Point 70• C (1 58• F) ?kg (15.41bs.) P105078 $995.00
Gal den HT·SO PFPE- Boiling Point so• C ( 176• F) ?kg (15.41bs.) P105084 $995.00
Gal den HT· 1 1 0 PFPE- Boiling Point 11o• C (230• F) ?kg (15.41bs.) P105079 $995.00
Gal den HT-135 PFPE- Boiling Point 135 C (275' F) ?kg (15.41bs.) P105080 $995.00
Gal den HT-170 PFPE- Boiling Point 170• C (338' F) ?kg (15.41bs.) P105083 $ 1 ,095.00
Gal den HT-200 PFPE· Boiling Point 200• C (392' F) ?kg (15.41bs.) P105085 $ 1 ,095.00
Gal den HT-230 PFPE- Boiling Point 230• C (446' F) ?kg (15.41bs.) P105081 $ 1 ,1 55.00
Gal den HT-270 PFPE- Boiling Point 270• C (518' F) ?kg (15.41bs.) P105086 $ 1 ,495.00
GAL DEN HT is a line of dielectric fluids with boiling points from 55 co to 270 C0•
Their excellent dielectric properties, high chemical stability combined with their capacity
to operate at very low as well as elevated temperatures make them the best Heat Transfer
Fluids for the aggressive conditions used in Semiconductor and Electronic Industry. Galden
HT series sold here by the 7 kg ( 1 5.41bs) containers is used for applications with component
immersion, wafer etching, ion implantation, radar equipment, transformers, power supplies,
UF6 production, chillers, cooling towers, and freeze dryers.
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
fOMBliN 14/8 PfPf SIZE 1�t�1 Fo��lin Price* fOMBliN 25/8RP PfPf SIZE ��
1 e l Fo
; ��lin Price*
Fomblin 14/6 PFPE 1 kg., 0.51iter P1 04929 440228 $209.99 Fomblin 25/6RP PFPE (w/ anti-rust additive) 1 kg., 0.5 1 iter P1 027 1 5 409029 $255.00
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
For use in chemical processes which require
Krytox1506 inert mechanical vacuu m pump oil fluids.
For use in chemical processes which require Krytox XP oils contai n a solu ble additive to
inert mechanical vacuu m pump oil fluids. prevent rust. This patented additive en hances
Krytox oil is specified for Rotary Vane chemical the performance of Krytox VPF fluids, g iving
inert vacuum pump specifications. them im proved performance properties.
The long-term anti-rust properties repel
m oisture, providing extra protection from
corrosion of metal parts and bearing surfaces.
Krytox 1 506XP PFPE Oil 2.2 1bs(1 kg.,O.Siiter) P102711 409031 $235.00 Krytox 1 525 PFPE Oil 2.2 1bs(1 kg.,O.Siiter) P1 02709 409030 $ 1 99.99
For use in chemical processes which require
inert mechanical vacuu m pump oil fluids. Krytox1525
Krytox XP oils contai n a solu ble additive to For use in chemical processes which require
prevent rust. This patented additive en hances inert mechanical vacuu m pump oil fluids.
the performance of Krytox VPF fluids, g iving Krytox oil is specified for Rotary Vane chemical
them im proved performance properties. inert vacuum pump specifications.
The long-term anti-rust properties repel
m oisture, providing extra protection from
corrosion of metal parts and bearing surfaces.
Krytox 1 5 1 4 PFPE Oil 2.2 1bs(1 kg.,O.Siiter) P 1 02137 H11308018 $199.99 Krytox 1 525XP PFPE Oil 2.2 1bs(1 kg.,0.5 1iter) P10271 0 409033 $235.00
For use in chemical processes which require
Krytox1514 inert mechanical vacu u m pump oil fl uids.
For use in chemical processes which require Krytox XP oils contai n a soluble additive to
inert mechanical vacuu m pump oil fluids. prevent rust. This patented additive enhances
Krytox oil i s specified for Boost Pump chemical the performance of Krytox VPF fluids, giving
inert vacuu m pump specifications. them improved performance properties.
The long-term anti-rust properties repel
m oisture, providing extra protection from
corrosion of metal parts and bearing surfaces.
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change (505)872-0037
Oils &�eases Sealants Hoses fl)
• • •
Alcatel Adixen A 1 13 PFPE (Fomblin 25/6) 1kg., 0.5 liter P102130 98703 $330.00 PFEIFFER F4 PFPE (Perfluorpolyether) Oil 1 kg., O.Siiter P103420 PK005886-T $668.00
Alcatel Adixen A1 1 3 PFPE (Fomblin 25/6) 8kg., 1 gal. P102132 98705 $ 1 ,880.00 F4 PFPE (Perfluorpolyether)
A113 (Fomblin 25/6) For the ultimate performance of your Chemical
Fomlin 25/6 oil is specified by Alcatel to meet Resistant Pfeiffer Rotary Vane pumps. This oil is
Rotary Vane and Roots RUVAC Boost Pump for pumping Oxygen, Ozone, Halogens, Uranium Oii F4 051iler
Chemical Inert vacuum pump specifications. Compounds, Organic and Inorganic Solvents, t�I!!�!:p.,
Use In Alcatel Adixen Pumps: HCL, BF3, P03, and Fluorine.
RUVAC Roots Blowers, RSV151, RSV1 51B, RSV301, RSV301B, RSV601,
RSV601B, RSV1000, RSV2000.
Use In Pfeiffer Corrsive Pumps:
Duo 1.SC, 2.SC, 5mC, 1OMC, 20mC, 35C, 6SC, 120C, 250C, 004BC,
Rotary Vane, 100SC, 2005C, 200SCP, 200SC1, 201OC, 2010CP, 2010C1,
008BC, 012BC, 016BC, UNO 2.SC, 030AC, 060AC, Penta 1OC, 20C, 3SC.
2010C2, 2015C, 2015CP, 2015C1, 2015C2, 2021C, 2021 CP, 2021 C1, 2021C2,
1 1 EdP/�rds
Edwards 08/8 PFPE s1zE �i� Price*
F5 PFPE (Perfluorpolyether)
For the ultimate performance of your Chemical
Resistant Pfeiffer Rotary Vane pumps. This oil is
Edwards (Fomblin 06/6) PFPE Oil 21bs. (0.91 kg., O.Siiter) P102117 H11301 019 $255.00 PFEIFFER VACUUM
for pumping Oxygen, Ozone, Halogens, Uranium Oil F5 0.511 ter
Edwards (Fomblin 06/6) PFPE Oil 161bs. (8 kg., 41iter) P102120 H026004006 $ 1 ,930.00 Compounds, Organic and Inorganic Solvents, ��!!!!��:PEl
HCL, BF3, P03, and Fluorine.
Fomblin 06/6
Is for use in chemical processes which Use In Pfeiffer Corrsive Pumps:
Duo 1.5C, 2.SC, 5mC, 1OMC, 20mC, 35C, 65C, 120C, 250C, 004BC,
require inert mechanical vacuum pump
008BC, 012BC, 016BC, UNO 2.SC, 030AC, 060AC, Penta 1OC, 20C, 35C.
oil fluids. Fomlin 06/6 oil is specified by
Derfikon le
Edwards to meet Rotary Vane chemical
inert vacuum pump specifications.
Use In Edwards Rotary Vane Pumps:
RV3, RVS, RV8, RV12, Elab2, Speedivac2, E2M0.7, E2M1, E2M1.S,
E2M2, E2M5, E2M8, E1M12, E2M12, E1M18, E2M18, E2M28, E2M30,
E1M40, E2M40, E1M80, E2M80, E1M175, E2M17S, E1M27S, E2M275.
Ed �rds
Edwards Y18/8 PFPE s1zE 1�i�1 P/ Price* Leybonol LVO 400 PFPE
Edwards (Fomblin Y 16/6) PFPE Oil 21bs. (0.91 kg., O.Siiter) P102123 H11306019 $245.00 LV0400
Edwards (Fomblin Y 16/6) PFPE Oil 161bs. (8 kg., 41iter) P102120 $ 1 ,930.00 Oerlikon Leybold LVO 400 Leybonol PFPE
chemical inert vacuum pump oil is specified to meet
Fomblin Y16/6 Ruvac Roots PFPE chemical inert vacuum pumps,
Is for use in chemical processes which and Trivac A & B, BCS Rotary Vane specifications.
require inert mechanical vacuum pump Replaces HE1600 PFPE Oil.
oil fluids. Fomlin Y1 6/6 oil is specified by
Use In Oerlikon Leybold Pumps:
Edwards to meet Boost Pump chemical RUVAC BLOWERS- WS251, WSU251, WS501, WSU501, WS501W, WS1001,
inert vacuum pump specifications. WSU1001, WS1001W, WSU1001W, WS2001, WSU2001, WSU2001W, WSU2001W
ROTARY VANE- D2A, D4A, DBA, D16A, D30A, D60A, D90A, D2.SE, D1.6B, D4B,
Use In Edwards Boost Pumps: , D65BCS.
EH250, EH500, EH1200, EH2600, EH4200
QMB250, QMB500, QMB1200, iQMB250, iQMB500, & iQMB1200.
Ed �rds
Edwards 25/8 PFPE s1zE 1�i�1 P/ Price*
Edwards (Fomblin 25/6) PFPE Oil 21bs. (0.91 kg., O.Siiter) P102128 H1131 2019 $245.00 Leybonol LVO 4 1 0 PFPE 2.0 kg., 11iter P104252
Edwards (Fomblin 25/6) PFPE Oil 161bs. (8 kg., 41iter) P102129 H026008006 $ 1 ,930.00
Fomblin 25/6
Oerlikon Ley bold LVO 41 0 Leybonol PFPE
Is for use in chemical processes which
chemical inert vacuum pump oil is specified
require inert mechanical vacuum pump
to meet Rotary Piston Pump specifications.
oil fluids. Fomlin 25/6 oil is specified by
Replaces HE2700 PFPE Oil.
Edwards to meet Semiconductor Dry
chemical inert vacuum pump specifications.
Use In Edwards Semiconductor Pumps: Use In Oerlikon Leybold Pumps:
QDP40, iQDP40, QDP80, iQDP80, iH80, iH160, iH600,
ROTARY PISTON PUMPS- DK50, DK100, DK 200, E75, E225, & E250.
iH1000, iH1800, iH1800HTX.
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
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Oils For Turbo Pumps
.... ...
Alcatel/Adixen Grease Syringe P103325 200027 $ 1 45.00 Pfeiffer Oil Fluid lubricant Felt Reservoir with 0-ring P102776 PM1 03593AT $99.99
Oil Fluid Reservoir
Turbo Pump Grease Syringe
The lubricant reservoir
These Alcatel Adixen PFPE lubricating grease should be replaced at least every
syringes are used to lubricate the bearings in three years. Where extreme
Alcatel turbo vacuum pumps and systems. The
operating conditions or unclean
grease syringe holds the correct amount of processes are involved, the r,. o;l flu;d ••••,..;r •
grease needed when servicing your vacuum pump. replacement should occur No. PM 103 593 AT
1 � 7� 1 A �}�en 1 1 Pf�)�er
PFEIFFER BALZERS: TPH/U 020, 040, 050, 060, 062, 065 and 071P.
Alcatei/Adixen Grease Syringe P103324 200028 $ 149.95 Pfeiffer Oil Fluid lubricant Felt Reservoir with 0-ring P102777 PM063265T $99.99
Oil Fluid Reservoir
Turbo Pump Grease Syringe The lubricant reservoir
These Alcatel Adixen PFPE lubricating grease should be replaced at least every
syringes are used to lubricate the bearings in three years. Where extreme
Alcatel turbo vacuum pumps and systems. The operating conditions or unclean
grease syringe holds the correct amount of processes are involved, the PFE I F F E R b VACUUM
grease needed when servicing your vacuum pump. replacement should occur 1lP oil fiul freservolr
more frequently. ��, PM 063 265 .T
lP HiU 1
80H 1 90 240.
Use On Turbo Pumps: Use On Turbo Pumps: �
TMP 5150, TMP 5400, TMP 5900
Alcatel/Adixen Grease Syringe Stock ABG400 50m l P104890 20003 1 $450.00 Pfeiffer Oil Fluid lubricant Felt Reservoir P103665 PM063266T $99.99
� Oil Fluid Reservoir
The lubricant reservoir
Turbo Pump Grease Syringe
should be replaced at least once a year
These Alcatel Adixen PFPE lubricating grease or when replacing the bearing of the
syringes are used to lubricate the bearings in pump. Lubricant Reservoir and
Alcatel turbo vacuum pumps and systems.
Porex Rods are included (if needed).
SO mi.
Use On Turbo Pumps: 0Peraung fluid rese r v o
PFEIFFER BALZERS: TMH/U 261Y thur 521Y and TPH/U 180 thru 520
Use On Turbo Pumps:
TMP 5150, TMP 5400, TMP 5900, 5080, 5081, 5101, ATP80, ATP1SO, ATP400, ATP900,
MDP-5010, MDP-5011, Drytel 30, Drytel 31, Drytel 100, Drytel 1 025, Danielson TD-20,
Danielson TD-30/16, Danielson TD-100/16, Danielson TD-200/16, and others.
Derlilfon leyiJold
lVO 250 Turbovac fluid 1 � 7� 1 oeP��on Price*
CMP-500 Turbo Pump Oil - l liter lVO 250 Oerlikon leybold Diester Turbovac Fluid 300 cc P104036 L 250 00 $ 1 25.00
LVO 250
CMP-500 Synthetic diester fluid for Leybold Turbovac
Used as a lubricant in older oil bearing turbo pumps. standard and corrosive applications. Has very
low viscosity and low volatility. The high speed
Use On Turbo Pumps:
Edwards: EXT 70, 200, 250, 255, 351, 551
bearings in a turbomolecular pump require
Leybold: TMP-150, TMP-360, TMP-220, TMP-450 a low viscosity oil.
Pfeiffer: TPH/TPU 050, 060, 062,064, 071, 100, 110, 170, 190, 240, 260, 270, 330, 510, etc. Use On Oerlikon Lebold Pumps:
Varian: V80, V200, V300, V450 All Leybold Turbovac Turbomolecular vacuum pumps
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change (505)872-0037
Oils lireases Sealants Hoses fl)
• • •
Ifilii For Com plete MSDS Information
Download .pdf's from www.idea
Apiezon AP1 01 Anti Seize Vacuum Grease 5 0 gram P 1 02545 AP1 0 1 5 0G $64.6 9 Apiezon N Cryogenic 4K High Vacuum Grease 25 gra m P l 02142 APN25 G $ 1 45 .02
Apiezon AP101 Grease
Key features, anti-seize properties, critical
Apiezon N Cryogenic 4 K Grease
For low temperature applications, nothing
lubricant, non-silicone based, contains
comes close in performance to Apiezon N Grease.
micronized particles of PTFE, solvent/chemical
The product retains most of its important
resistance, and wide temperature range. Contains
properties all the way down to -269°C/-452°F/4°K.
PTFE which confers superior anti-seize properties
providing long-lasting lubrication and ensuring smooth This innovative new lubricant solution to those low
temperature challenges can also be cycled from these
operation of stop cocks and taps. Optimum consistency
over the - 1 5 to + 1 50 oc (+5 to 302 °F) temperature range, low temperatures up to room temperature and then back
down without showing visible signs of cracking. This grease
but is usable down to -40 oc (-40 °F) and for limited periods,
is also completely free of any silicones or halogens.
up to + 1 80 oc (356 °F).
A piezon H Vacuu m Grease 50 gram P1 025 46 APH50G $1 28.6 1 Apiezon T Medium Temp. Vacuum Grease 25 gram Pl 02542 APT25 G $1 24.27
Apiezon H Grease
Apiezon H is designed for applications at Apiezon T Grease
higher temperatures and of all the Apiezon For medium temperature and stopcock grease
greases, is the formulation for the highest and for other general lubrication requirements.
temperatures. Apiezon H grease can be used It is guaranteed to be silicon free. The vapor
over a wide range of temperatures from - 1 0 to + pressure is 5x1 0-9 torr at 20oc. The maximum
240° C, while optimum consistency is retained at recommended use temperature if 1 20°C.
between + 1 0 and + 1 1 ooc.
A piezon l Ultra H i g h Vac u u m Grease 25 gram P 1 025 41 APL25 G $94.70 Apiezon Q Compound Soft Sealing Wax l kg P1 02548 APQ1 KG $ 1 34.6 0
A piezon l Ultra H i g h Vac u u m Grease 5 0 gram P 1 025 85 APL50G $ 1 3 1 .07
Apiezon Q Wax
Apiezon L Ultra Grease The key features: Temporary seal, Low vacuum range
Apiezon Grease, Type L relative to the other only, Versatile, and Easy to use. Apiezon Sealing
greases, contains lower molecular weight wax and Compound Q exhibits good vacuum properties in the
is reported to contain absolutely no additives whatsoever. lower vacuum range. Typical working temperature range
The ultimate vapor pressure is 2x1 0-1 1 torr at 20°C - 1 0 to + 30°C, ambient temperature for application,
and the best of all the Apiezon greases. The grease can be approximate softening point 40-50°C, 1 kg packaging,
used in gas liquid chromatography applications and also the and vapor pressure 1 x1 0-4 Torr@ 20°C.
ground glass joints of any vacuum system.
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
IPifllll fiMBllll
A iezon W Wa x s1zE 1�j�1 Ap�j�on Price* F o m bl in AR 555 SIZE 1�j�1 F o�� lin Price*
Apiezon W Hard Sealing Wax 25X20g sticks P1 02550 APW20 $ 1 32.64 Fomblin A R5 5 5 Grease 1 00 grams P1 02907 H 1 1 350013 $21 7.25
Apiezon W Hard Sealing Wax 1kg block P1 04530 $ 1 1 1 .76
Apiezon Hard W Wax Fomblin ARSSS Grease
Key features: Jointing media, "Gettering" qualities, Excellent lubricant for sliding elastomer seals.
etch fluid resistant, mounting media, and low to It has a very low vapor pressure and is suitable for
medium vacuum range. Apiezon wax being a solid use in the presence of gaseous and liquid oxygen
at ambient temperatures is ideal for use where a rigid under severe condition. A general purpose grease
permanent or semi-permanent sealed joint is required. but the vapor pressure is not specifically controlled.
Equally effective at maintaining seals in vacuum systems Vapor pressure <1 0-7 mbar at 20 'C. Torr.
down to 1 0-9 torr at 20'C (dependent on the wax) and in
systems at small positive pressures.
mt/A,,,tt,,,, ,:11n SIZE Ideal Ar:>iezo P/N P/N F ombl in R T1 5 s1zE 1�j�1 F o��lin Price*
Apiezon J Vacuum Sealing Oil 500 mil. P1 0426 0 APOJ $262.5 5 Fomblin RT1 5 Grease 1 00 gram P1 030 1 2 407923 $ 1 35 .00
Apiezon K Vacuum Sealing Oil 500 mil. P1 0426 1 APOK $377.69
Apiezon J & K Sealing Oil Fomblin RT15 Grease
Used i n situations were m oderate viscosity Based on Fomblin Y (PFPE) fluid with
and low vapor pressures a re required. tetrafluoroethylene telomer. This grease
J - Viscosity, k inematic, eSt@ 40'C/1 04' F 3330 resists oxidation and aggressive chemical
1 00'C/21 2'F 1 07 reagents, compatible with glasses, metals,
Viscosity, dynamic (cP) @40'(/1 04'F 3005 and elastomers. Lubricates o-rings and glass
or metal joints designed for vacuum.
K- Viscosity' kinematic ' eSt@ 40'C/104' F 5 7 1 0
1 00'C/21 2'F 1 77
Viscosity, dynamic (cP) @40'C/1 04'F 5 1 60
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change (505)872-0037
Oils lireases Sealants Hoses fl)
• • •
AlillENT Varian
Ideal Agilent .
P/N /N P/N P/N Pnee*
Agilent/Varian Medium High Vacuum Grease l ib. Pl 02632 LGCMID100 $236 .68 Agilent/Varian Heavy High Vacuum Grease l ib. Pl 02634 LGCHEV100 $ 1 38.00
made by combining a silicone oil with made by combining a silicone oil with
a thickener. Silicone g rease i s comm o n ly a thickener. Silicone g rease i s comm o n ly
used for lubricating and preserving rubber used for lubricating and preserving rubber
.. �
parts, such as 0-rings. Additionally, silicone parts, such as 0-rings. Additionally, silicone ��
g rease does not swell or soften the rubber, g rease does not swell or soften the rubber, VAR I A N
which can be a problem with hydrocarbon which can be a problem with hydrocarbon
based g reases. It functions well as a corrosion based g reases. It functions well as a corrosion
-inhibitor and lubricant for purposes that -inhibitor and lubricant for purposes that
requires a vacuu m tight thicker l ubricant. requires a vacuu m tight thicker l ubricant.
�7� K���ox
Chemical Inert Grease s1zE 1 1 Price*
Dow Corning High Vacuum G rease is a
stiff, non melting silicone lubricating
material and has much higher stability
at the highe r end of the tem perature rr�n1nP,,.,...
(-40°( to 200°(), than hydrocarbon greases
Chemical Inert Vacuum Grease
A hig h-performance, non-flammable
and chemically inert lubricant that is
...,. "-,
.,. ,,
such as Apiezon® M, however, its initial room compatible with oxygen and has a strong
...,�"'�:>.-,. -....._, ,
temperature pump down characteristics a re resistance to aggressive chemicals. Provides
'II�,,� "'-,
not quite as good taking noticeably longer to
out-gas. This g rease is very popular as a general
extended l ife across a wide range of high
-temperature applications.
�-.� ',,
laboratory lubricant, in large part to its low cost G>
relative to the a lternatives. The product is very popular
a s a stop cock g rease as well a s for use a s a n anti-seize
g rease i n ground g lass joints.
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change
Swage I 0 k AGILENT Varian
For technical information on these products
go to our webs1te and
�7� ���
plug the Ideal Vacuum P/N in our search bar
ID�"�rt;lll1� t...OO•,t,"l011f...,f,llpll4
l II Torr Seal f OX s1zE
1 1 A � nt
Swagelok SWAK MS-PTS-50 Pipe Anaerobic Thread Sealant 1 .6 9 oz. P1 03997 MS-PTS-50 $33.00 Varian Torr Seal High Vacuum Epoxy good to mo-9 Torr 1 1 8 grams P1 02144 9530001 $65.25
Swagelok PTFE-Free MS-TFS-50 Pipe Thread Sealant 1 .6 9 oz. P1 04538 MS-TF S-50 $49.00 Varian Torr Seal Epoxy Mixing System Gun 2 oz. with gun P1 026 1 9 9530002 $ 1 46.00
Swagelok VAC GOOP Fluorosilicone Based Thread lubricant 1 oz. P1 04551 MS-Tl-VGT $70.00 Varian Torr Seal Epoxy Mixing Replacement Mixers 6 to package P1 026 3 1 9530005 $25.00
Swagelok PTFE Teflon Tape - Pipe Thread Sealant 1 /4" X 576 " P1 04552 MS-STR-4 $ 1 2.50 Varian Torr Seal Epoxy Cartridge & 3 Mixers for Gun 2 oz. cartridge P1 03240 9530004 $72.00
Swagelok PTFE Teflon Tape - Pipe Thread Sealant 1 /2" X 288" P1 04553 MS-STR-8 $ 1 2.50
P1 04538
P1 04552 I P1 04553
P1 03997
�""'- l
fi4 P1 02631
Permatex Rigid High Torque Ultra GRAY Silicone Sealant 3.5 oz. P1 02143 82194 $29.50 loctite 5 92 Thread Sealant & Gasket Maker PTFE 1 .6 9 oz. P1 02145 59231 $29.50
Permatex RED High Temp RTV Silicone Gasket Maker 3 oz. p 1 026 29 81 160 $29.50 loctite 1 CV Hysol Epoxy Patch Adhesive 4.2 oz. P1 03551 442-83200 $49.50
Permatex CLEAR RTV Silicone Vacuum Adhesive Sealant 3 oz. p 1 026 3 0 668 $29.50 loctite Chisel Paint Stripper 1 8 oz. P1 03496 79040 $59.95
Three Bond 1211V Silicone White Gasket Maker 3.5 oz. P1 03550 G9l010 $49.62
I �'I-
P1 02145 '\, -
·� P103496
Ideal Vacuum Products
1 �7� 1
Vacuum Sealant s1zE Price*
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change (505)872-0037
Oils lireases Sealants Hoses fl)
• • •
Pre-M ade PVC Hose F l ange & Length
1 �i� 1 Price*
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF1 6, 1 fto long P1 03799 $66.00 PVC Steel Reinforced Clear Vacuum Hose 1 /4" ID X 7/16" OD P 1 0 3 1 75 $3.95
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF1 6, 2 fto long P1 03800 $72.00 PVC Steel Reinforced Clear Vacuum Hose 3/8" ID X 5/8" OD P 1 0 3 1 74 $3.95
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF1 6, 3 fto long P1 03801 $78.00 PVC Steel Reinforced Clear Vacuum Hose 1 /2" ID X .861 " OD P 1 02 1 39 $3.95
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF1 6, 6 fto long P1 03802 $96.00 PVC Steel Reinforced Clear Vacuum Hose 5/8" ID X .861 " OD P 1 0 1 409 $4.00
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF25, 1 fto long P1 03796 $76.00 PVC Steel Reinforced Clear Vacuum Hose 3/4" ID X 1 .028" OD P101410 $5.00
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF25, 2 fto long P1 03797 $82.00 PVC Steel Reinforced Clear Vacuum Hose 1 .0" ID X 1 .290" OD P1 0141 1 $6.00
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF25, 3 fto long P1 03798 $88.00 PVC Steel Reinforced Clear Vacuum Hose 1 1/4" ID X 1 .604" OD P101412 $8.00
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF25, 6 fto long P1 03805 $ 1 06.00 PVC Steel Reinforced Clear Vacuum Hose 1 1/2" ID X 1 .854" OD P101413 $ 1 1 .00
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF40, 1 fto long P1 03803 $85.50 PVC Steel Reinforced Clear Vacuum Hose 2.00" ID X 2.394" OD P101414 $ 1 4.00
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF40, 2 fto long P1 03804 $96.50
KF40, 3 fto long P1 03806 $ 1 07.50
(Sold by the Foot}
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF40, 6 fto long P1 03808 $ 1 40.50 PVC Hose
PVC vacuum hose is steel wire
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF50, 1 fto long P1 03807 $ 1 1 1 .50 reinforced with a temp range
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF50, 2 fto long P1 03809 $ 1 25.40 from 2 0 to 1 50F. Resistant to
chemicals, non-marking, non
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF50, 3 fto long P 1 03810 $ 1 53.40 toxic, silicone-free, is flexible
PVC Pre-made Hose with Flanges & Clamps KF50, 6 fto long P1 0381 1 $ 1 81 .40 and developed for mechanical
vacuum pumps . Fastens with
PVC Pre-Made Hose with KF Flanges and Hose Clamps hose clamps and PVC adapters.
PVC vacuu m hose is steel wire reinforced with a temp range from 2 0
to 1 50 F . Resistant t o chemicals, non-marking, non-toxic, silicone-free,
is flexible and developed for mechanical vacuum pumps . This hose is
PRE-MADE with KF flanges and hose clamps and is ready to go.
Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 1 /8" ID X 1 /1 6" wall P1 02622 $5.40
�"" 0 0 'n H �Mr,....,.-,..
,....... Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 3/16" ID X 3/1 6" wall P1 02623 $5.40
Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 5/16" ID X 1 /4" wall P1 02624 $5.40
Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 1 /4" ID X 3/8" wall P1 02625 $6.00
Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 3/8" ID X 7/16" wall P 1 0 3 1 77 $7.75
Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 1 /2" ID X 3/8" wall P 1 0 3 1 76 $7.00
Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 5/8" ID X 3/8" wall P 1 0 1 427 $7.50
Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 3/4" ID X 3/8" wall P 1 0 1 420 $850
Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 1 3/16" ID X 3/8" wall P 1 0 1 421 $ 1 0.00
Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 1 " 1D X 1 /2" wall P 1 0 1 422 $ 1 4.00
SIZE p e r foot Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 1 1 /4" ID X 1 /2" wall P 1 0 1 423 $ 1 6.00
1 /4" ID X 5/8" OD P1 03303 $7.50 Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 1 1 /2" ID X 1 /2" wall P 1 0 1 424 $35.00
3/8" ID X 7/8" OD P1 03304 $ 1 2.75
0 Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 1 5/8" ID X 1 1 /16" wall P 1 0 1 426 $21 .00
Pure Gum Rubber Vacuum Hose Tubing 2" ID X 1 /2" wall P 1 0 1 425 $21 .00
IIt I tilde;;illf,
�·iiP. iiii�ii�
t111f&U �iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�
UI!I (Sold by the Foot}
PVC Hose I deal e R�!�e r Ideal R�!�e r Ideal Pure Gum Rubber Hose
Size ID P/N Price* Size ID P/N Price* Size ID P/N Price* Pure g u m rubber hose tubing is
1 /4" P1 05221 $2.00 1 /8" P1 05229 $2.00 1 .0" P1 05238 $4.00 tear resistan t and keeps its
3/8" P1 05222 $2.00 3/1 6" P1 05230 $2.00 1 - 1 /4" P 1 0 1 428 $4.00 memory. It safely conducts acids,
1 /2 " P1 05223 $2.50 5/1 6" P1 05231 $2.50 1 - 1 12 " P 1 0 1 430 $4.50 chemicals and gases. Resistant
5/8" P1 05224 $2.50 1 /4" P1 05232 $2.50 1 -5/8" P 1 0 1 432 $4.50 to cold and hot temps and very
3/4" P1 05225 $2.50 3/8" P1 05233 $2.50 2.0" P1 01431 $4.50 versatile, is flexible and
1 .0" P1 05226 $3.00 1 /2 " P1 05234 $3.00 developed especially for
1 - 1 /4" P101429 $3.00 5/8" P1 05235 $3.00 sold as mechanical vacu u m pumps.
1 - 1 /2" P1 05227 $4.50 3/4" P1 05236 $3.00 On e Each Fastens with hose cia m ps and
200" P1 05228 $4.50 1 3/ 1 6" P1 05237 $3.00 KF rubber hose adapters.
*Catalog Pricing
Subject to Change