First, we would like to acknowledge the students who broke their silence and let
us hear their lived experiences. We are really honored to have the opportunity to listen
and learn from you. We will forever be grateful to you and hope that sharing your
experiences may lift up some of your burdens. Your stories had moved and awaken us
in one way or another. We would also like to acknowledge the advisers of Senior High
School for helping us find the participants of our study.
To our Thesis Adviser, Mr. Joseph Munalem, thank you for all the guidance,
resources, feedback, reassurance and time you have spared for us. Thank you for the
encouragement, your timely, constructive and detailed feedback and for sharing your
wealth of knowledge about qualitative research. Without you, this study would never
have started or finished.
To our friends, classmates and colleagues who help and encouraged us in this
endeavor, thank you very much. Your endless motivations during those times that we
lost hope, the jokes that you fired to us during those challenging times had help us
enlighten our mood to continue our study.
We also want to acknowledge our school, San Jose National High School for
allowing us to conduct this research study.
To our Almighty Father, we give our greatest thanks for empowering us with
knowledge and strengths to withstand all odds, for guiding us all throughout our
research study. This study would not be possible without the help and guide from Him.
Collectively, our thesis adviser, the student participants, school faculties and
staffs, our parents and friends are all the heart of this research project. We are beyond
fortunate and thankful to have them from the beginning till the end.
The Researchers
This study intends to analyze obstacle that homeless person faces their day-to-
day life. By exploring the Lived experiences of a homeless persons. The researcher
might to discover live experiences.