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Name: AIVIE M. GANGE Professor: Dr. Runato A.

Program: MAED-FILIPINO 1-A Subject: ED 103-Current Trends,
Issues and Concerns in Education


1. What is the complete title and who are the authors of the paper? Also give paper info. (Date
revised and date accepted)
 The research paper is entitled “Work Engagement of Public Elementary School
Teachers and Organizational Support” authored by Runato A. Basańes and Junelene
May C. Dagol. It was revised on December 12, 2020 and accepted last March 31,

2. What specific journal, volume no., and year of publication is the paper published?
 The paper was published in 2021 under the Journal of Management and Marketing
Review, volume number 6, issue 1 and can be located on pages 1-15.

3. What is the general objective of the study?

 This paper aims to determine the relationship between work engagement of public
elementary school (PES) teachers and organizational support in the District of San
Jose, School Division of Antique, Philippines.

4. What are the topics in the literature review?

 Topics presented and discussed in the literature review focused on work engagement,
aspects of work engagement and organizational support with different reliable studies
and authors presented as bases of the paper.

5. State the methodology/technique used in the study.

 Descriptive-correlational scheme was used in the conduct of study with 167 public
elementary schools that has participated. IPCRF ratings of the participants were
utilized as basis for the data on their work engagement and Perceived Organizational
Support Scale by Eisenberger (1986) was used to determine the level of
organizational support wherein they are asked to answer 35 items to know what they
feel and think about the support they received from the organization/ school. After the
data was gathered, it was analyzed using the frequency, percentage, mean, standard
deviation for the descriptive statistics while t-test for Independent Samples, One-way
ANOVA, and Pearson's r as inferential statistics. All statistical computations were
done using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) software, Version 22.0
(Hair, Black, Babin & Anderson, 2010).

6. What is/are the findings of the study?

 The results show that PES teachers' level of work engagement was very satisfactory
in all of 4 work engagement aspects - teaching-learning process, student outcomes,
community involvement, and professional growth and development. The results also
showed that the PES teachers have a high organizational support level when the
different variables were considered in this study - teaching load, teaching position,
sex, and marital status. Moreover, looking into the PES teachers' work engagement, a
significant difference was noted in community involvement when grouped according
to teaching load; and professional growth and development when grouped according
to sex. However, no significant difference was noted in all aspects when grouped
according to a teaching position and marital status. A significant difference was also
pointed out in organizational support in terms of teaching load, teaching position, sex,
and marital status. Finally, there was no significant relationship between work
engagement and organizational support of PES teachers.

7. What is the level of work engagement (based in 4 aspects) as an entire group?

 The level of work engagement as an entire group showed a very satisfactory result
having an overall mean of 3.99 and standard deviation of 0.49. This implies that PES
teachers are well-engaged in their work as manifested by their performance when it
comes to teaching and learning process (M=4.38, SD=.35); pupils-students outcomes
(M=4.24, SD=.40); community involvement (M=3.76, SD=.64); and professional
growth and development (M=3.56, SD=.56).

8. Summarize the conclusion in at least 2 sentences.

 There is a significant relationship in the work engagement practices of teachers and
organizational support they received from their schools/organizations. Public
elementary school teachers exhibited a high level of organizational support. They are
satisfied with their respective schools’ services, which afforded them the right
motivation as effective teachers. The different variables identified such as teaching
loads, sex and marital status has no effect also on the support given by the
organization. Study shown also that regardless of any form of organizational support,
teachers do well in performing their duties especially in teaching-learning process,
pupils-student’s outcomes, community involvement and professional growth and

9. Lesson/s you learned from the Study.

 In whatever endeavor we are doing, team work and support of each other is a big
factor in doing the best. This study has taught us that though teachers function well
and efficiently on their own, they can be at their best if the support of the organization
is present, visible and strong. Moreover, teaching-learning process is not only the
responsibility of the teacher but the whole community so organizational support is
vital to education and shaping the learners. Furthermore, the updates on the
knowledge, skills and professional development of a teacher is a responsibility also of
the school, so the support and motivation coming from them to equip the teachers
with updated knowledge and skills is also attainable with the strong support of the
organization. Finally, let us keep in mind the welfare of our primary clients-the
learners, we must work hand in hand so that we could deliver the best we have for
them to appreciate and value education.

10. If you were to cite the study in any of your research work related to the study being analyzed,
what is the suggested citation?
 According to Basańes & Dagol (2021), work engagement of public elementary
schools’ teachers is not influenced by the level of organizational support they
received and that teachers can perform well regardless of any form of organizational
support. However, Basańes & Dagol (2021) reiterated also that teachers must be
involved in planning and decision making to improve their engagement level, giving
emphasis also that when teachers’ needs were met, they are satisfied and it would
motivate them to do better. The organizational structure must also facilitate teamwork
for a better relationship among the school head and teachers.

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