Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 1 and 2
about acquiring knowledge and being able to apply it wisely to our lives while
improving the lives of others. Students may learn physical and emotional abilities,
education. Education aims to ensure that students have the knowledge and skills
necessary to work and succeed and the compassion and emotional means to be
part of a safe and peaceful society (Bhat, 2018). A teacher plays a vital role in
the entire process of education. Teachers are social engineers. They broaden
the young minds of the pupils to build up a society embedded with social values.
The teacher encourages the curiosity and imagination of the pupil to create a
magical learning experience. They give children a purpose, prepare them for
success as citizens of our world, and inspire them to succeed. The role of the
Many factors influence the teachers to play a pivotal role in society. Society
perceptions, and attitudes impact their practice and, in turn, influence their
students' performance. (Eggen & Kauchak, 2001). It was also found that teacher
psychological experiences and their views of their job may be causes of stress,
which might reduce their effectiveness as educators. (Ransford et al., 2009). The
stress levels. Additionally, the responsibility of shaping young minds and dealing
with diverse student needs requires significant emotional and mental energy.
Some individuals may prefer professions with more predictable working hours
hard job. A lot of kids laugh in the faces of teachers and act like it's easy but in
This section presents the literature, readings and articles that have
bearing on the present study as taken from books, journal articles, magazines
from the internet with reliable websites. The readings were carefully chosen as to
its significant contribution to the purpose of this study that was focused on
and dedication.
(Woolfolk, 2016; Adiguzel and Karagol 2022) or a force that drives an individual
towards a specific goal (Eren, 2000; Adiguzel and Karagol 2022), is one of the
most essential factors that shape human behavior, and is a basic concept that
understand why they made the choice to become teachers and to explain these
factors. Further, study of Adiguzel and Karagol (2022) found these reasons are
altruistic reasons (reasons for a desire to help society improve, a desire to help
children succeed), intrinsic reasons (reasons including the specific features of the
profession), and extrinsic reasons (status, long holidays, level of pay) (Kyriacou
et al., 1999).
2021, Ryan & Deci, 2021). Although the teachers’ motivation for their work is of
outstanding importance (Ahn et al., 2021; Orsini et al., 2020; Ryan & Deci, 2016),
support their students’ motivation, nurturing their basic psychological needs for
autonomy, competence, and belonging (Abós et al., 2018; Han & Yin, 2016). Han
motivation as the reasons that drive the decision for an activity, the intensity of
the effort spent and the persistence in the teaching activity, under the influence of
contextual factors. In this connection, Abós et al. (2018) add that the teachers’
motivation is clearly revealed in their teaching behaviors. Just like what has been
satisfaction for teaching and autonomous motivation (Ahn et al., 2021; Gorozidis
& Papaioannou, 2014; Han & Yin, 2016; Li et al., 2015; Ryan & Deci, 2019;
working with children and adolescents was in the top three of important motives
to become a teacher. As well, this motive predicted many factors relevant for the
leadership aspirations). Motives that have been mentioned in this study are
material reasons, such as job security; professional reasons, such as love for a
children (Bastick, 2000, Rinke, 2008, Roness and Smith, 2010). The most
motives, that is, focusing on the benefits of teaching or other external rewards,
teaching self-efficacy have all been found to positively affect teacher retention
(Eren and Tezel, 2010, Roness and Smith, 2010, Rots et al., 2007). Studies have
shown, for instance, that teachers with higher self-efficacy show more
enthusiasm, feel more involved in teaching, experience more support from their
peers and faculty, feel healthier, and drop out of teaching less often (Canrinus et
and Woolfolk Hoy, 2001). Furthermore, teacher self-efficacy has been related to
the expectancy to remain in the profession (Bruinsma and Jansen, 2010, Rots et
al., 2007, Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy, 2001) and even to teacher
Personal Fit
determining whether someone will find satisfaction and success in the teaching
field. Everyone has to have a passion for education. A deep interest in the
subject matter and a genuine desire to share knowledge with others are
essential. Teachers who are passionate about education are more likely to
inspire their students and find fulfillment in their work. One must have patience
and empathy. Teaching often involves working with students who have varying
levels of understanding and different learning styles. Patience and empathy help
adjust teaching methods to meet the needs of different students and to respond
are also present in the teaching field. Teaching can be demanding, with long
hours, heavy workloads, and emotional challenges. A personal fit for teaching
includes the ability to cope with stress and maintain a positive outlook even
during difficult times. A faculty must have collaboration and teamwork. Teachers
often work as part of a team with other educators, administrators, and parents.
teachers are motivated by a sense of purpose, whether it's the desire to make a
intrinsic motivation can sustain them through challenges. If these above qualities
resonate with someone considering teaching, they may have a strong personal fit
aspects and a person's traits or values, they might find teaching less fulfilling or
merely enrolled education to find out if they fit to their chosen profession.
Education serves as a powerful tool for individuals to explore their interests and
passions. Since education explores interests and passions, this exposure allows
them to discover areas that spark their curiosity and ignite their passion. Through
opportunity to delve into different domains and uncover their genuine interests. By
has the ability of discovering strengths and weaknesses. Through various learning
experiences and assessments, individuals gain insight into their abilities and
diverse tasks and challenges, allowing them to observe their own performance
individuals to recognize their areas of expertise and areas that require further
make informed decisions about their educational and career paths, maximizing
allows them to make conscious choices aligned with their authentic selves and
education enables individuals to explore their interests and passions, identify their
strong inclination toward a self-defining activity that one likes (or loves), finds
important, and in which one invests a significant amount of time and energy”.
conceptualization are dedication, persistence, identification with and love for the
Further, study of Santoro, N., Pietsch, M., & Borg, T. (2012) suggested that
the pre-service teachers drew inspiration from the older teachers’ emotional
connection to the profession, and their own passion for teaching developed or
developing a passion for teaching and, ultimately, resilience and longevity in the
social utility values, prior teaching and learning experiences, intrinsic career
value and religious influences were the main motivations for choosing teacher
teacher education as a fallback career was lowest rated, and correlated positively
with all teacher education factors. Teaching was perceived as a highly expert
Moreover, study of Fokkens and Canrinus (2012) found that the main
working with children, prior teaching and learning experiences, and time for
family, as well as satisfaction with the choice of teaching and perceived task
Likewise, study of Perkmen, Cevik and Alkan (2012) revealed a result that
suggests that they would like to have a sense of accomplishment and control in
their future job. The degree to which their values fit their predictions about future
These results provided evidence that the vocational theories used in the current
that researchers in the field of music education may use these theories and MIQ
to examine the role of values in pre-service and in-service music teachers' job
Additionally, the study of Panoy (2024) found most notable finding is that
engagement and motivation. This suggests that teachers who fit well with their
organization and workgroup are more likely to be motivated and engaged. These
hiring and managing teachers. Overall, this study contributes to the growing
literature on P-E fit and its impact on work engagement and motivation. It
Job security
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Langbert (2002) asserted that security needs are
essential needs; for physical safety and the desire to be free from the fear of
employee on the job passes the probationary period, the need for job security
becomes relaxed and complacent in a job situation. Lankford (2002) opined that
of most workers in deciding how long they intend to stay on a job. Lankford
system and its absence threatens stability and spells doom for the organisation.
The finding of the study revealed that job security significantly relates with
indicated that the more teachers’ employment is secured, the higher the
explanation for this study is that the job security is the assurance an employee
has about the continuity of his gainful employment for the work life. When there is
Hence the chances of retaining the job become very high, this leads to career
retaining the job become very low. The absence of job security can result in
disenchantment with a job. Further, this finding agrees with earlier findings
of Lankford (2002) that job security is both intrinsic and extrinsic factor which
most workers consider in terms of how long they intend to stay on a job. Lankford
(2005) maintained that the absence of job security is equally responsible for high
turnover rate of teachers, this also agrees with the finding of this study. The
finding is also in line with Candle (2010) study which revealed that employers
related factors such as teachers’ job security, salary and working condition had a
or her job is uncertain and may end sooner than expected. From what has been
social, and psychological benefits associated with employment (De Witte, 1999).
The notion that job insecurity may produce negative effects among individuals is
countries has provided consistent evidence that job insecurity is associated with
employees will be less productive, resist change, and leave. Employees who
stay infer, on the basis of on-going organizational decline, that their own jobs are
Further, study of Paul, Kasivu and Mulwa (2022) found that teachers‟
employed teachers and even the experienced ones. Job security issues would
among other related professional areas. Also, results of the study of Ching
(2022) showed that in terms of job security, the respondents rated all
community linkages and job security , they rated the indicators much
and attitude self- learning and resourcefulness seeking help and openness
among private school teachers was high. It was found that job performance level
was moderate. The result of the study indicated a positive, but insignificant,
correlation between job security and job performance. In light of the results, the
measures that are based on clear indicators able to reflect the true job
suggest a positive impact as observed by senior peers. This will also mean that
and research. The results also show that job security influences positively the
Educational institutions are recommended to promote job security for their faculty
empowerment combined with job security may have positive impact on job
In contrast, study of Umosen and Oleforo (2019) found that job insecurity
responsible for the high turnover rate of teacher. Research findings abound
which indicate that when teachers are dissatisfied with their jobs as a result of
lack of job security they respond to the situation by seeking other jobs and
leaving teaching profession. Likely, several studies were found similar results like
Blazer (2006) study indicated that 20% of new teachers in Miami-Dade county
public school in Florida, United States of America leave the teaching profession
after three years and close to 30% left after five years due to perceived job
insecurity. In addition, Coulter and Abney (2009) reported that the trend in
Canada indicates that teachers are leaving the profession and at higher rate than
any other job. In parallel, study of Kamara (2002) asserted that a massive
number of teachers exit the teaching profession due to many reasons including
2000 newly qualified teachers who left for greener pastures in year 2000
because of perceived lack of job security. Chaika (2002) advocated that lack of
teachers’ mobility, lack of job security, inadequate induction programme and poor
working conditions as sources of teacher turnover. The same with the study of
related factors such as teachers’ low salary, lack of job security and poor working
studies reviewed revealed that most works were conducted outside Nigeria.
Other studies also revealed that many other works were conducted in firms and
public schools outside Nigeria. This is the existing gap in the literature. Hence,
Job Flexibility
positive outcome of work-life balance. According to Frank and Lowe (2003), most
balance between their work and family issues. In a study of (Gregory and Milner,
2009), it has been found that organizations have an important role to play for
improving the employees’ balance between work and life as individual choice
Also, from the employer’s point of view, if the employees can fulfill both
their working and non-working roles properly, they will be highly satisfied
lower turnover, however, trust between the employer and employee is the key
here as, if not monitored, flexible working practices might create even more
working practices are being widely embraced by employees as they allow them
to prioritize, some of the cons of the system, if not controlled and monitored
levels, isolation of work and so on (Maxwell et al, 2007). Intriguingly, it has been
women are now interested to work, yet maintain their family roles, it is important
to understand how the women balance their professional and domestic lives
(Narayana and Neelima, 2017). Also, it has been found that some women
bypass organizational norms. Although several male employees are now utilizing
flexible time schedules, it is still much more prevalent among the women in the
The study of Edwards, Clarke, Harrison and Reeve (2001) suggested that
responsibilities with consequent shifts in identity, for those who have worked in
further education for some time there is a tendency to certain forms of nostalgic
narratives about the good forms of flexibility in the past, compared with the
present. The interview data suggests a complex picture of the ways in which
within occupations. We conclude that trade unions have achieved varying levels
outsider occupation.
and behavioral flexibility. The study showed that flexibility and competence
job satisfaction among young teachers in Sistan and Baluchistan province. The
results of the research further showed that examining the role of job flexibility and
job satisfaction can lead to efficient and satisfactory performance in the field of
teachers with high work experience because they usually look for
Work flexibility allows members of staff to carry their duties outside the
normal job schedules. Anaja and Peter (2022) described work flexibility
practices as arrangements that allow staff to exercise control over their job
choose where and when to carry out some duties within the framework of
where to work, for how long and the people to work with. Work flexibility
practices involve allowing members of staff to decide when, where, and how to
carried out the official duties. Work flexibility practices could be considered in
posited that the three major forms of work flexibility practices are: flexibility
in the scheduling of hours, the place of work, and the numbers of work hours.
carryout official duties at home and any location other than the school
control of the amount of work to start and complete task at a given time. Prasad
and Mishra (2021) maintained that work flexibility covers hours to carry out
tasks, the location and also includes the following; shift working, part-time,
The findings of the study of Chidi, Adaobi and Uchenna (2024) revealed
that among others work flexibility practices is a strong and significant predictor of
also found out that organizational supports is a strong and significant predictor of
practices for high job performance of teachers. This supported the finding of
for this finding is that work flexibility practices create work-life balance
makes teachers feel valued which could boost their morale to work hard
State. Work flexibility enhances the use of initiatives which could account
for the strong predictor of teachers’ job performance. It was also discovered
finding of Ajayi, Olaniyi and Abubakar (2022) which indicated that a significant
performance. This agreed with the finding of Anaja and Peter (2022)
teachers discharge their duties at their own pace could encourage them to
put their efforts in discharging their duties to improve their job performance. It
was found that work flexibility practices and organizational supports are
in Anambra State. This agreed with the finding of Dwianto, Darka and
supports which help teachers to satisfy their physical, social and emotional
Teachers who exercise control over their work schedules and provided with
Teachers need to pay more attention on their students' well-being rather than
means to benefit oneself, as long as the self-benefits are internally rather than
are self-sacrificing and directing their concern toward others. According to some
Berkowitz, 1970). Mayers (1993) defined altruism as helping others without any
other than the belief that someone else will benefit or avoid harm (Fung, 1988).
either permit or coerce individuals to take responsibility for or care for another
and to sacrifice things dearly held. Traditionally the caring professions have been
or for others (Thompson, 1994). standard of goodness or morality. The link
conduct good without considering the rewards, meanwhile the duty focus on the
people can feel altruism as well as duty, while others don't. Altruism has a close
motivation arises because there are internal reasons within self that lead to
positive feelings. So, they can raise actions to help others (Gintis, Bowles, Boyd
& Fehr, 2003). The aspects of altruism refer to Myer (2012, p.205-229) stated
that in altruism consists of five things: (1) Empathy; (2) Belief in a just world; (3)
Social responsibility (4) Internal locus of control (Internal self-control) (5) Low
egocentrism. Altruism is the concern for the welfare of others without consider to
self (Campbell, 2006). Altruism describes a selfless concern for the needs of
others. In the world of inclusive education, students may have certain limitations,
parties or the surrounding environment. In this case, the teacher's duties become
more severe with skills and certain skills required both in the field methodology
and in the field of therapeutic services. This is not easy and often can affect the
competence of teachers who teach in inclusive schools. So, the teacher is also
hoping to get any reward. In contrast, egoism prioritizes its own interests over the
with altruism tends to be more willing to care and pay attention to other people
who need help. Teachers with high altruism will be willing and sincere in
providing services to students in the learning activities. So, it will give positive
correlation test with a significant value of 0.00 rtable (0.244). Then, Ho rejected
and Ha accepted. Based on theory and research results, found out that self-
teachers with high self-efficacy, then teacher competencies will also increase
learning. And, it is expected that teachers on the inclusive elementary school can
teachers. In short, it concluded that the higher among emotional intelligence, self-
efficacy, and altruism, the better the teacher's competency. In other words, it may
Regency. The findings showed that the factors of emotional intelligence, self-
such as bullying and school fighting are the responsibility of their own teacher at
wants to educate the teacher to be more loving and caring, so they can be a
teacher who teach with awareness from their heart, with the hope when the
teacher teach, they also transferred the good communication with the students.
But, this research results describes that the score of teacher altruism level are
high, and they have the connectedness with their students. The assumed from
Indonesia's government about Jakarta's teacher does not fit. Teachers who teach
the primary school (from toddler to elementary) have the highest altruism among
all. To fit the job description of this level of profession requires more caring
knowledge, skills and abilities, because students at this level still needs adults for
development, they still in the early development stage. The highest altruism
teachers are also to those who work as teacher for 16 to 20 years. In this group,
age ranges to those who were in the late young adulthood and early middle
adulthood. The issues are generativity versus stagnation. The generativity people
are the caring people, their self-actualization are developing by developing their
self. It can be expressed by caring its own child or grandchild, mentoring others,
teaching others, productivity or creativity, re-generate them self, and still doing
the activity to enhance their personal growth (Papalia, Old & Feldman, 2007).
The altruism teacher who spent others time with their students are at their
highest level of altruism. These teachers are able to spend their time to the
from the inquiry section, generally said those teachers (altruistic teacher) asked
for changes in increasing moral education section, and supporting teaching and
housing, transportation, salary increase, etc. The altruist teacher that have the
connectedness with their students can be the protective factor for students,
which in resiliency theory the protective factor is the importance factor to build
between the individual factor with the environment (Banaag, 2002). Resiliency is
the capacity to adapt successfully in the face of threats or disaster. People can
improve their capacity for resilience at any time of life (Grotberg, 1993).
Automatically, the teacher with altruist and connect with their students became
basic human capacity, nascent in all children. Parents and other caregivers
promote resilience in children through their words, actions, and the environment
they provide. Adults who promote resilience make family and institutional
people and situations with hope, faith, and trust. They teach them how to
active in promoting their own resilience. Children need these abilities and
resources to face many common - and some not so common - crises (Grotberg,
1993). When the altruist teachers have the connectedness with their students,
they build students resilience, and its impact to the school resilience. One of the
characteristic of resilience school is able to become the protective factor for their
environment and have the connectedness with the entire school element;
students, partner, school staff and parents, then the resilience school are build.
With resilience school, the entire elements have the extra protective solid factor,
and it will give big impacts in child development, especially children with
students? We create the student school connectedness. When students feel their
caring teacher, they feel connected with them as individuals. And after they feel
connected with the individuals, the will feel connected with the institutions. So
with this link, we hope we can create a better future, a world who filled with love
and positive connections. Teachers are the heart of education. They are the tools
educating with love, compassion and caring without limits, if we want to make a
The results show that although teachers’ judgement of the quality of life in
their workplaces reflects the strengths of their altruistic values and their capacity
satisfaction. The research adds new evidence to current debate on the quality
retention of teachers.
teaching as a career presents its necessity and importance when dealing with
service teachers’ career choices would not only help increase the retention of
familial influences and personal career preferences, which play a role in the
structured and functional model that can serve as a foundation for future
research into the development of altruistic motivation. It also offers insights into
Similarly, study of Mori (1965); Li and Guo (2024) revealed that one of the
first to identify factors that contribute to the choice of teaching as a career, with
In the early 1990s, some scholars mentioned that altruistic goals should be
society) (Rutten and Badiali, 2020; Wang and Wang, 2023), was gradually
Former definitions are variants. Friedman (2016) put forward that ‘teachers’
Heinz (2015) suggested that ‘Individuals entering teaching for altruistic reasons
see teaching as a socially worthwhile and important job; they want to contribute
to society and work with/help children and adolescents. Many researchers prefer
Personal development
esteem, increases your skills, and fulfills your aspirations. It is the act of looking
and passion in life. Personal development is much larger than just career
you’d like to see personal growth — and it doesn’t discriminate on where it shows
improving yourself in various aspects of life, including but not limited to career,
personal and professional goals that align with your values and passions. The
fulfilling and meaningful life, and to make a positive impact on the world.
learning, growth, and self-discovery, and can lead to greater happiness, success,
and fulfillment in all areas of life. Personal development as the conscious pursuit
including but not limited to career, relationships, health, spirituality, and creativity.
The importance of taking personal responsibility for one’s life and investing time
and evolution that requires continuous effort and a willingness to learn from
improvement across many areas including: Building valuable life skills: Personal
more. Mastering these skills leads to greater success. Setting and achieving
goals: Creating short and long-term personal and professional goals and then
reach your potential. This can be done through courses, books, mentorship and
unhelpful habits and behaviors, then making focused changes. Common areas
include health habits, financial habits, relational habits, organization and time
assurance in your abilities and skills and improve your opinion about yourself.
an effective teacher. Like other careers, there are those who are more natural at
it than others. Even those with the most natural teaching ability must put in the
time necessary to cultivate their innate talent. Personal growth and development
is a critical component that all teachers must embrace in order to maximize their
can lead to a pay increase, and allows you to specialize in an area where you
can offer valuable advice for teachers. Teachers should not be afraid to seek
prepare you for the adversity that a teacher can face in the real world. Each day
and year brings about new challenges, but experience allows us to adapt quickly
reflection. It allows you to capture moments in your teaching career that may be
beneficial to reference at other points along the way. Journaling does not have to
take a lot of your time. 10-15 minutes a day can provide you with a lot of valuable
plethora of terrific books and periodicals to help improve in any area you may
programs. Every young teacher should be paired with a veteran teacher. This
relationship can prove to be beneficial for both teachers so long as both sides
keep an open mind. Young teachers can lean on a veteran teacher’s experience
and knowledge while veteran teachers can gain a fresh perspective and insight
year. Social Media: Connecting with other educators on social media platforms.
Social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Google +, and Pinterest have created a
Learning Networks (PLN) are providing teachers with a new avenue for personal
growth and development. These connections provide teachers with a vast array
of knowledge and information from other professionals across the globe (Bradley,
The study of Danijela (2018) discussed that the role of a teacher is defined
by cultural and social events and the environment, and they influence the
differences that occur in the concept of teacher roles within different cultures,
societies, including the geographic environment. The study showed that factors
such as teachers’ beliefs about their own qualifications, as well as years of work
of the teachers’ professional identity. The main findings of the study are that
teachers with several years of service experience feel better qualified to perform
their duties (tasks related to planning and teaching were rated the most highly)
than teachers with less work experience, and that teachers with more work
identity and consequently, their role through their personality traits, which shows
that we must not ignore teachers’ personality traits, as they play an important role
characteristics were displayed in the first year; the second, third, and fourth
years; and the fifth year and beyond. At each phase or stage, there seemed to be
professional development were other teachers and prior contact with children.
Recommendations arising from this study are provided in the areas of: research,
education, and supervision and administration. Study of Malm (2009) found that
and complexity of the post‐modern era places new and important challenges on
teacher education. The crucial role that personal dispositions have for
into account not only the cognitive but also the social and emotional aspects of
constitute the starting point for a wider discussion on the decisive role of beliefs
and emotions in being and becoming a teacher. Issues raised here should be
Further, study of Kirkwood (2019) sought that the use of matrices and
impactful career moves, we must first employ strategies to understand and reflect
on who we are, where we want to go, and why. Utilizing matrices and lived
experience, this paper argues that there are ways to maximize what we can give
factors that influence school dropout and academic performance. The evaluated
objectives related to the motivation of the students and their relationship skills
major need existing on the labor market is the need to educate young people to
have the attitude of a winner and to find solutions to problems .The behavioral
ability to think things out for themselves. The process will lead to enhanced
clinical skills, which will yield significant returns to those physicians. Research
often generates results that lead to further research, continuously bringing the joy
you feel you have made a contribution, albeit a small one, to history, enhancing
your feeling of self-worth. The significance and pleasure of basic research lie in
pursuing well-established truths and to even physically feeling the insatiable spirit
of inquiry. In the pursuit of knowledge through research, you have the ambition to
generate results that could lead to a Nobel Prize, or an international patent that
you surely must be highly research oriented. In fact, this may truly be the best
Easy Option
Being a teacher is one of the most meaningful careers one can pursue.
Few people have the influence that teachers do when it comes to shaping the
lives of young people and helping them mature into productive members of
society. When you decide to be a teacher, choosing the right teaching degree
a university professor, finding the best program that aligns with your goals and
the number of available choices increases, as it has in our consumer culture, the
autonomy, control, and liberation this variety brings are powerful and positive.
multitude of options begin to appear. As the number of choices grows further, the
and demanding. Here are a few reasons why it might seem like an easy option to
some, but is far from it: Perceived Simplicity: To outsiders, teaching might appear
Teachers play a crucial role in shaping students' academic and personal growth.
Life Balance: While teachers typically have vacations and weekends off, many
spend additional hours outside of class preparing lessons, grading, and attending
personal life can be demanding. Emotional Labor: Teachers often deal with a
range of emotional issues, both from students and their families. Providing
draining. Resource Constraints: Many teachers work with limited resources and
support, which can add to the difficulty of the job. Managing a classroom with
teaching might appear easy from the outside, it involves a high level of
dedication, skill, and hard work. It's a profession that requires a genuine passion
The findings revealed that early exposures to the role of teachers and
had positive regard for teachers and the teaching profession. The students
served as model for them. On the other hand, the positive and negative
most valued by teachers. The 2014 study Teachers Know Best: Teachers’ Views
Foundation, found: “those [teachers] who choose all or most of their professional
development as those with fewer options.” Additionally, there has been quite a bit
and tap into perceived strengths. Both of these factors build teacher self-efficacy
The study of Onyefulu, Madalinska and Bavli (2023) showed that extrinsic,
were the main reasons teachers in the three countries chose the teaching
to make a positive difference in students’ life, job satisfaction, and connected with
in this area could use a more representative sample size to generalize the
most significant and costly resource in schools, teachers are seen as a priority
for public policy and are likely to become even more so in future years. Improving
the quality of schools mainly depends on ensuring that competent people want to
work as teachers and their teaching is of high quality. Motivation for choosing
staying in the profession. According to Amos and Loko (2015), ‘...teachers need
(2015) stated that extrinsic versus intrinsic incentives are an important issue for
found that the main reasons that lead to choose teaching profession, despite
the intrinsic value of the qualification, the fact that this profession contributes
demanding profession and they are satisfied with the degree choice. The most
reasons that can lead to considering being a teacher focus primarily on material
aspects, such as job stability, professional aspects, such as a taste for certain
(2007) have pointed out the pleasure of teaching and working with children as
main reasons. Following the same line, Avendaño and González (2012) have
indicated as reasons to choose the teaching career the pleasure of teaching, the
role of education in society, and the taste for the subjects taught. In any case,
associated with the teaching profession and the opportunities to acquire valuable
for students doing training courses abroad (Gao and Trent, 2009).
Study of Padhy, Emo, Djira and Deokar (2015) pointed out that one’s
values and the expectation one has that a given choice will meet those values
are highly personal and are formed through past experiences, the stereotypes
that one holds, and the way a person self-perceives his or her abilities to perform
well in given situations (Eccles, Adler, & Meece, 1984). Good choices are the
result of understanding one’s personal values and how the array of options in a
given choice will allow one to meet those values. The theory has been
2002, 2006). Watt and Richardson (2007) have contended that expectancy-value
expectations of doing well in an activity and the extent to which they value that
Their study showed that respondents’ highly valued career factors had
teaching and the influence of a variety of related previous experiences were the
option. The highest positive (0.895) and significant regression path coefficient
can get along with,” “A career that I find enjoyable,” and “A pleasant working
agrees with the findings of Kyriacou and Coulthard (2000) who did not use SEMs
for their study. Our results indicate that students must be confident that the
working environment of schools, including other faculty and staff with whom they
work, will provide a positive and collegial atmosphere, which they will enjoy. Prior
with others, teachers whom they have known, and a desire to share their
the positive support of parents and friends has a positive influence on students’
professional respect and career mobility, the ability to make positive contributions
care for others, to help others, and to work with children and youth, and to be a
career that combines easily with parenthood. These are the kinds of career
ability to exercise personal expertise and choice in working to bring about change
in the lives of students. The findings suggested that a good recruitment program
will educate potential teachers about the career so they know what to expect and
experience teaching to better discern whether the profession is one they would
Professional values are complex and they work to shape who we arer as
relationships and practices. The connections between values and practices need
al., 2013). Professional values are the principles that guide your decisions and
actions in your career. Although some values are considered more important
than the others in certain professions, there are some universal values that
should be, and usually are, held and practiced in all of them. these universal
values are first, do no harm; keep it simple; and honesty is the best policy. While
these values may seem intuitive, failure to adhere to these principles is at the
root of much of the economic and social damage that brought the entire world
Professional values are the guiding beliefs and principles that influence
you work behavior. Professional values are usually an extension of your personal
values such as honesty, generosity and helpfulness. While these values may
change over time and around different life events, the core beliefs should stay
outlines teachers’ main responsibilities to their students and defines that their
role in students’ lives. Above all, teachers must demonstrate integrity, impartiality
and ethical behavior in the classroom and in their conduct with parents and
respectful course through their career in teaching and to uphold the honor and
and the wider public to inform their understanding and expectations of the
is the fuel in the fire of action. When individuals have passion for something, they
love it even when they hate it (Carbonneau et al., 2012). Passion is a strong
inclination or desire towards an activity that one likes and finds important and in
which one invests time and energy. Passionate teachers are distinguish by their
motivational factor that affects teacher performance. It drives the teachers for a
creativity; therefore, passionate teachers have thr ability to think anf produce new
notions in an easy way. Passionate teachers are committed and dedicated to thei
and dedication (Hansen, 2014). A desire fueled by passion will bring about the
greatest results in life. Passion can push individuals through difficult times
because they don’t care what it takes to become better. People all have the
ability to create whatever kind of life we want. The secret to living the dream is
make a real difference in the lives of young children, they have one of the most
important qualities of a great preschool teacher. There will be many days when
teaching feels extra difficult. Whether the pay seems too low or the parents act
However, when individuals have a true passion for educating young children,
their positive drive will sustain them through the hard times.
someone in love with a field of knowledge, deeply stirred by issues that change
our world, drawn to the dilemmas and potentials of the young people who come
into class every day. Passion cannot be faked. The reality is that many teachers
are going to be forced to teach things that are outside their core interests. That
(Hargreaves (2014) revealed that teachers with passion inspire students. They
get students interested and even excited about what they are learning. Passion is
what makes students decide to study more. The reality is that many teachers are
going to be forced to teach things that are outside their core interests.
teachers will find a way to get more interested in what they are teaching and to
make things more interesting for their students. It requires a little more work, a
little more imagination, and maybe even a little acting ability. Additionally,
teachers who do that well deserve our support and most of all our gratitude.
important quality that a teacher should have is patience. A great teacher is very
patient with their students and their parents to deal with the same questions and
problems over and over again. You never give up on your students and would try
out new ways to help them succeed in school. In addition, Johnson et. al., (2014)
opined that along with an undying passion for teaching, great preschool
educators need plenty of patience. Every class has students with different
manners, hygiene and classroom procedures are part of a typical school day.
Study of Jones and Vesilind (2014) found that patience with students who
are tying to learn, however, is part and parcel of the teaching profession.
long enough to make informed decisions, thus paving the path to a happy and
peaceful life. Further, study of Kagan (2015), accentuated that a patient teacher
will also have the willingness to adapt to different classroom situations. Students
vary from class to class. Some may be attentive, while others, trouble-makers.
Others aren’t disruptive, only because they may be busy texting their friends
while sitting in the back of the classroom. Different learning strategies may have
in role-playing, while others prefer to quietly write notes and listen. A good
instruction? Increasing our wait time after posing a question to the class and
before calling on a student to answer and allowing wait time for a student to
aspect in teaching. Most of the time, teachers become impatient when a student
delays to provide an answer and just go ahead to answer it if they don’t pass it
on to the next student. A good teacher patiently waits and may even give clues to
prompt the stuck students to encourage a free and fair classroom environment.
classroom is more than making fun art projects for your students. For instance,
The class may also require creativity on his part to teach children from different
cultures or backgrounds. One may also need to draw from his creative side to
take risks and make decisions outside the norm in the best interest of his
students. Of course, creativity is essential to make learning fun and exciting for
the preschool class. Also, Barbo et. al., (2015) averred that creativity gives them
that freedom to explore the surroundings and learn new things from them.
Students would always love a classroom setting that helps them to explore freely
broadly and deeply using skills, behaviors and dispositions such as reason, logic,
their lives beyond school. Das et. al., (2013) nited that creativity involves
students learning to generate and apply new ideas in specific contexts, seeing
or making new links that generate a positive outcome. This includes combining
Further, study of Montuori and Alfonso (2014) posited that creativity allows
you to express yourself. An integral part of the human condition involves learning
who are and recognizing how that fits into the rest of the world. Creativity allows
(2015), opined that creativity reduces stress and anxiety. People usually pursue
creative projects because they enjoy the process or the outcome. Just the act of
to enter their happy zone and have fun. Creativity is really another form of play,
and play is universally important to each individual’s sense of joy and well-being.
Moreover, study of Russ et. al., (2020) explained that creativity gives
those words whether they make money at their craft or not. Their creative
method is their way of processing to the world and a way of describing who they
Davidoditch and Milgram (2021), expounded that creativity can link someone to
others with the same passion, improves his ability to focus, promotes risk-taking
know that there’s always room for improvement and a commitment to continue
that every teacher must possess. Flexibility is the idea that plans can change
very quickly, sometimes with notice and sometimes without. Receiving criticism
because it will force individuals to change up what they are used to doing. Study
of Eliot (2021) opined that being flexible means incorporating this feedback into
your teaching. Also, on-the-spot changes may also need to me made based on
looser structure, letting discussions and thoughts play out and following them to
Further, study of Finn (2022) found that individuals can everything planned
out for each lesson, but great preschool teachers know that unexpected turns
can happen at any time. When individuals remain flexible to deal with change,
they can handle almost anything. This could include something as simple as
having an alternative plan for rainy days or more drastic like adjusting your entire
teaching young children requires constant fine tuning and dealing with minor
responsible for learners from a mix of backgrounds, or older students who study
part-time, and have other work and have family commitments, flexibility should
certainly be one of the most central tenets to individuals teaching style. The more
flexible a teacher’s approach, and the better able they are to think on their feet,
the higher the chances are of increase student participation ensuring that no
loving the subject matter or simply being dedicated to the work. To a student, this
means a teacher should be always willing to help and give time (Thapan, 2019).
Great teachers re dedicated to their students and their career. When individuals
are determined to stand up for their beliefs on behalf of their educational values
or their student’s needs, they will gain respect from their colleagues, parents and
students. Moreover, excellent educators are dedicated to the love of learning and
inspire their students to learn more. At the preschool level, making the classroom
a place where learning is fun can resonate with children for the rest of their lives.
Most of all, truly successful teachers are dedicated to bring out the best in their
development of their students and they profoundly struggle how to keep students’
in their profession and commitment to students and their learning, play crucial
teachers have tendency to perform the roles effectively that their job requires and
of terminal behaviors. However, in the clash of the career goals and values, and
the goals and values of school, the importance of dedication increases. The
basic goals and values of teaching profession effectively shape student behavior
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
studies on the motivation for becoming a teacher tended to focus on values, the
variables that influence choices: (a) expectancy/ability beliefs, (b) subjective task
value, and (c) perceived task difficulty. These three sets of variables are divided
into the following five factors: (1) socialisation influences, (2) perceptions of the
task, (3) self-perceptions, (4) values, (5) fallback career. The authors identified
security, time for family), and five additional motivations (ability, fallback career,
intrinsic career value, social influences, prior teaching and learning experiences).
Watt and Richardson (2007) applied this scale to the students in three different
ability, and social utility motivations were the most influential when choosing the
scale focuses on how satisfied a person is with his/her choice for the teaching
Choosing A Non-
Teaching Jobs by
● Personal Fit
Drafting of Survey,
● Job Security
● Job Flexibility
Validation &
● Altruism
● Personal Proposed minimize
● Easy Option irrelevant employment
Data Gathering
among teacher
Statistical Analysis
Career satisfaction education graduates
● Passion program
● Patience
● Creativity
● Flexibility
● Dedication
Additionally, the study dug deeper to determine what quantitative results need
This study aimed to determine the level of student motivation to pursue teaching
1.4 Altruism
2.1 Passion
2.2 Patience
2.3 Creativity
2.4 Flexibility
2.5 Dedication
The null hypotheses of this study were formulated and tested at 0.05
policy. This can be basis for policy solutions to the dilemma such as how to
simultaneously upgrade the quality and attractiveness of the job and many other
educators too often fall short of the depth and detail needed to successfully serve
students, thus this will be the basis for policy academic planners of the school in
redirecting their school plan giving more emphasis on uplifting the desire and
Teachers. The findings of the study would hear their experiences and
sentiments in relation to their profession. This would give them a chance to voice
out the daily issues they face as well as the difficulties they encounter in their
career. The knowledge gained from this study would offer a clear understanding
realities of the current job, and how such disparities affect their performance and
Graduating Senior High School students. The findings of the study will
Future Researchers. This finding of the study provide baseline data who
will conduct the same field of study but could focus on different variables as
The following operational definitions are provided to ensure that all terms
Personal Fit. It refers to how likely you are to excel in a particular job or
career path. It takes into account factors such as motivation, alignment with
for fostering a positive and conducive learning environment, and how they impact
Job security. Job security is a sense of knowing that your job is safe from
being cut. It is an assurance that you will be able to work in your current
employment for the near future. Job security comes with a feeling of protection
against things like layoffs, economic downfalls, and other factors that could
impact employment. Job security is the assurance an employee has that they
can continue working their current job for the foreseeable future. It means you're
confident that your employment status with a company can stay consistent,
regardless of any external forces that might impact the business. Job security
means feeling safe from factors like layoffs, sudden changes in business
employees can change how and when they work when something unusual
precaution, its employees may still work from another location and complete their
even at a risk or cost to ourselves. Though some believe that humans are
found that people’s first impulse is to cooperate rather than compete; that
toddlers spontaneously help people in need out of a genuine concern for their
welfare; and that even non-human primates display altruism (Greater Good,
mindset, and overall well-being to reach your fullest potential. It involves activities
wants to go for the "soft option", they can get a qualification in three
years instead of two. The term is often used in the context of making
Research Design
gather quantitative data and interviews to gather qualitative insights. This study
al. 2003). In this design, a researcher first collects and analyses the quantitative
(numeric) data. The qualitative (text) data are collected and analyzed second in
the sequence and help explain, or elaborate on, the quantitative results obtained
in the first phase. The second builds to follow the results on the first, quantitative
phase, and the two phases are connected in the intermediate stage in the study
for the interpretation. The rationale for this approach is that the quantitative data
problem. The qualitative data and their analysis refine and explain those
Wilson 1985; Tashakkori and Teddie 1998; Creswell 2003). In the first
influencing their career satisfaction. Moreover, since the views and feelings of
these students were crucial in this analysis, the researcher used a qualitative
research design to document the experiences of the teachers with regards to the
Research Respondents/Participants
education graduates and then following up with five (5) purposefully selected on
in-depth interview. For this study, certain inclusion criteria were implemented in
this study was to choose teacher respondents who could provide information to
achieve the purpose of this study. Hence, only those teachers who were officially
alumni of Rizal Memorial Colleges (RMC). Moreover, the study was delimited
only to the nature of the problem based on the research questions and thus it did
Research Instrument
were used. The tools were subjected to content validity by panel of experts and
pilot tested to obtain its reliability. The first part of the instrument was choosing a
non-teaching job by education graduates, which was adapted from the study of
graduates. The adapted questionnaire has a Cronbach alpha value of .865 which means that it
Range of Descriptive
Means Equivalent
(2020) was used to measure the career satisfaction. The adapted questionnaire
has a Cronbach alpha value of .967 which means that it has a good reliability.
career satisfaction.
Range of Descriptive
Means Equivalent
the experts evaluated the questionnaire. The researcher considered the advice
and comments of the experts. The instrument underwent pilot testing prior to its
final administration.
interview guide in this study. With the participants’ permission, the interviewer
conduct of the study. These steps were indicated below to gather the quantitative
data needed:
survey request to the Dean of the Graduate School of Rizal Memorial Colleges
study. After the approval, the approved letter was presented to the principals of
panel of experts. They were given a validation sheet to assess the items which
were based on certain criteria. This was conducted via face-to-face setup. The
experts had affixed their signature in the form and indicated their responses and
selected teachers who were not covered in the study. A total of 30 teachers were
subjected to pilot testing. These teachers were not part of the official
respondents. The purpose of pilot testing was to assess the reliability of the
respondents of the study. Enough time was given to them to answer the survey
form. Another way of accomplishing the survey was to personally hand the
using statistical treatments. The statistical tools used were Mean and Pearson r.
In the qualitative side of the study, the researcher conducts the interview
initiated individually for about 10-20 minutes. One-on-one in depth interview was
conducted to gather the live experiences of the participants with regards to the
school program that they may suggest to enrich the performance of non-
was unfolded according to how he/she viewed it and not as the researcher
viewed it. The interview involved a personal interaction where cooperation was
essential (Creswell, 2007). During the in-depth interview, the participants were
informed first that the process is going to be recorded. The responses were
recorded with the permission of the participants and they were saved in a flash
Ethical Considerations
Research Ethics. These principles were social value, informed consent, risk,
Social Value. The goal of this study is to determine the extent of choosing
this will provide relevant data to teachers who are teaching in the post pandemic.
activities to acquire valuable skills. To the learners, this will enable them to
words, making them easier to interpret for the respondents. It offers them a clear
picture of their advantages due to undertaking the study. The notion of respect
for the individual who may seek consent how and when it will be done is applied
to this study's informed consent approach. The researcher will ask permission
from the respondents through written consent. Approved letter from the Schools
their duties and responsibilities while participating in the study. However, they
Risks, Benefits, and Safety. The study will not involve high risks of
socio-economic concerns. The researcher believes that this research entails little
risk, with the probability and extent of any damages resulting from involvement in
the study is no more than those they could experience in their daily lives.
However, the researcher has a high risk of getting harmed physically due to
traveling to different locations as the research locale of the study. To lessen the
probability of occurrence, the research will evaluate the risk and decides on the
precautions on health and safety. Meanwhile, the result of the study will benefit
the respondents' personal information, which is essential for the study, will be
kept private and secured. At all times, the data acquired for this study will be kept
of personal information (Data Privacy Act of 2012). This move will protect the
identities of the respondents and ensures that the data cannot be traced back to
the respondents. The manner of storage of data will be done in electronic saving.
The data will be kept to the researcher's email so that it could be retrieved
Justice. In this study, the researcher will treat all respondents equal. The
researcher will provide tokens to compensate the time spent by the respondents.
Additionally, this study will ensure that the rights of the respondents are
Transparency. In carrying out this study, the researcher will orient the
oriented on the methods utilized in this study. All the necessary documents that
will support the data analysis and will give the readers access to read to gain a
better understanding of the study's results and findings will be included. In the
in a LAC session.
researcher not comfortable since this requires the knowledge of statistician thus,
he asks the assistance of his adviser and panel members. Additionally, he can
also ask the expertise of his peers for coaching and mentoring purposes only.
needed facilities and resources since it is available in the area like internet
sources and library. In case the researcher will find difficulty in the analysis of
data, he can tap a group of experts that will provide valuable feedbacks and
suggestions not only in conducting the study but also in communicating the
Community Involvement. The success of this study will not only benefit the
researcher but it will also contribute big to the community members. The findings
of the study will be shared to the people in the community on the significance of
the adaptability of teachers and anxiety. In this regard, they will be more aware
Data Analysis
The following statistical tools were used to answer the research questions:
Mean. This was used to assess the extent of choosing a non-teaching job
Qualitative data mat take form of interview transcripts collected from research
participants or other identified texts that reflect experientially on the topic of the
study. In this study, transcripts gathered from the interview or focus group
The six steps prescribed by Braun and Clarke (2006) to carry out a
thematic analysis are guidelines and should not be used as prescriptive, linear,
and inflexible rules when analysing data. They should rather be used in relation
to the research question and the available data. The six steps are as follows:
transcribing the interactions and then reading (and re-reading) the transcripts
of the interaction and has familiarized him-/herself with all aspects of the data.
2. Generating initial codes – Once familiar with the data, the researcher
must then start identifying preliminary codes, which are the features of the data
that appear interesting and meaningful. These codes are more numerous and
specific that themes, but provide an indication of the context of the conversation.
3. Searching for themes – The third step in the process is the start of
the interpretive analysis of the collated codes. Relevant data extracts are sorted
themes. This is usually done over two phases, where the themes need to be
checked in relation to the coded extracts (phase 1), and then for the overall data
set (phase 2). A thematic ‘map’ can be generated form this step.
defining’ themes and potential subthemes within the data. On-going analysis is
provide theme names and clear working definitions that capture the essence of
each theme in a concise and punchy manner. At this point, a unified story of the
compelling extracts examples that relate to the themes, research question, and
literature. The report must rely on the results of the analysis in a way that
convinces the reader of the merit and validity of the analysis. It must go beyond
study. This means that both the quantitative phase and qualitative phase were
the variables in this study taken from previous researchers bearing similar topic
made interview guide was crafted to elicit information form the research
participants during the in-depth interview. The information was then transcribed
and analysed using coding and thematic analysis to determine the emerging
emphasis in this study. The findings were integrated during the interpretation
phase of the study. The convergent design framework shows two strands with
the data collection and analysis from the quantitative and qualitative strands.
data collection given the two separate phases. The researcher typically
connected the two strands (Creswell, 2003). The rationale for this approach was
that the quantitative data and their subsequent analysis provided a general
understanding of the research problem. The quantitative data and their analysis
more depth (Rossman and Wilson 1985; Tashakkori and Teddie 1998; Creswell,
Then, after giving adequate time, the survey questionnaires were collected by
questionnaire was analysed using computer application and the answers of the
quantitative data, appropriate statistical tools used were weighted mean and
participants based on the quantitative data findings for the in-depth interview.
considering that the participants have classes being learners. Every detail of the
responses was taken into consideration but those that were not relevant to the
study were not reflected. In addition, the interview proceedings were recorded
with the consent of the participants. In analysing the qualitative data, discourse
and narrative analysis were used. The results from qualitative strand were