CI Installment Classroom Sheet

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1. A sum of Rs. 2100 is to be paid back in 2 (a) Rs. 1,644 (b) Rs. 1,824
equal annual installments. How much is
(c) Rs. 1,914 (d) Rs. 1,734
each installment if the interest is
compounded annually at 10% per annum ? 5. A loan is to be returned in two equal
2100 #- dh jkf'k 2 okf"kZd cjkcj fdLrksa esa vnk yearly installments. If the rate of interest
djuh gSA izR;sd fdLr D;k gksxh ;fn C;kt okf"kZd is 10% p.a., compounded annually and
each installment is Rs 6534, then the total
la;ksftr gksrk gS rFkk C;kt dh nj 10» izfro"kZ gSA
interest charged (in Rs) is:
(a) Rs. 1210 (b) Rs. 1240
fdlh Í.k dks nks leku okf"kZd fd'rksa esa okil djuk

(c) Rs. 1230 (d) Rs. 1220
2. A sum of Rs. 4,620 is to be paid back in 2 gSA ;fn C;kt nj izfr o"kZ 10» gS] ftldh x.kuk okf"kZd

equal annual installments. How much is pØo`f¼ vk/kj ij gksrh gS] vkSj izR;sd fd'r 6534
each installment (in Rs.) if the interest is #i;s gS yxk;k x;k dqy C;kt (: esa) Kkr djsaA
an by
compounded annually at 10% per annum?
#- 4]620 dh jkf'k 2 cjkcj okf"kZd fd'rksa esa okil (a) 1728
SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Shift 03)

(b) 1867
Hkqxrku dh tkrh gSA ;fn C;kt nj okf"kZd nj ls (c) 1642 (d) 1579
pØo`f¼ gksus okyh 10» okf"kZd gS rks izR;sd fd'r
(#- esa) fdruh gksxh\
6. A man borrowed money and paid back in
R s
two equal annual installments of Rs
SSC CGL 13/04/2022(Shift-02) 1,089, at 10% compound interest
a th

(a) 2,662 (b) 2,420 compounded annually for 2 years. What

(c) 2,552 (d) 2,750 was the sum (in Rs) borrowed?
3. A man borrowed some money and dksbZ vkneh] 10» okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj ij
ty a

returned it in two equal installments of 2 o"kZ ds fy, iSlk m/kj ysrk gS vkSj :i;s 1089
Rs.3,025 each. If the rate of interest is
dh nks cjkcj okf"kZd fd'rksa esa okil Hkqxrku djrk
di M

10% per annum, compound annually,

find the sum borrowed. gSA ;fn C;kt dh x.kuk okf"kZd :i esa gksrh gS rks m/
,d O;fDr us dqN iSls mèkkj fy, vkSj mls 3]025 kj yh xbZ jkf'k (:i; esa) Kkr djsaA
#i;s dh nks leku fd'rksa esa okil dj fn;kA ;fn SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Shift- 02)
C;kt dh nj 10» izfr o"kZ gS] ok£"kd pØo`f¼] rks (a) 1890 (b) 2178
mèkkj yh xbZ jkf'k Kkr dhft,A
(c) 1800 (d) 2090
SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Shift- 2)
7. A sum of money was borrowed and paid back
(a) Rs.5,575 (b) Rs.6,250 in two equal annual installments of Rs. 980,
(c) Rs.6,525 (d) Rs.5,250 allowing 4% compound interest. The sum (in
4. loan is to be repaid in two equal yearly Rs, to the nearest tens) borrowed was:

instalments. If the rate of interest is 10%

per annum, compounded annually, and
,d jkf'k m/kj yh XkbZ vkSj
Rs.980 dh nks leku
each installment is Rs. 6,897, then find okf"kZd fd'rksa esa okil HkqXkrku dh XkbZ] ftlesa 4»
the total interest charged. pØo`f¼ C;kt fy;k Xk;kA m/kj yh XkbZ Rs. esa]
,d ½.k dks nks leku okf"kZd fdLrksa esa pqdk;k tkukfudVre ngkbZ esa) fdruh Fkh\
gSA ;fn C;kt dh nj 10» okf"kZd gS] tks okf"kZd :i SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-03)
ls pØo`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj izR;sd fdLr #- 6]897 dh
gS] rks fy;k tkus okyk dqy C;kt Kkr dhft,A (a) 1850 (b) 1960

SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 (Shift- 1) (c) 1760 (d) 2050

8. A sum of Rs. x was borrowed and paid back (a) Rs. 4,372 (b) Rs. 4,732
in two equal yearly installments, each of
(c) Rs. 4,654 (d) Rs. 4,564
Rs. 35,280. If the rate of interest was 5%,
compounded annually, then the value of x is: 12. A loan is to be returned in two equal
#- x dh ,d jkf'k m/kj yh xbZ vkSj bldk Hkqxrku yearly installments. If the rate of interest
nks cjkcj okf"kZd fdLrksa esa fd;k x;k ftlesa izR;sdis 10% p.a. compounded annually and
each installment is Rs 5,808, then 60% of
fdLr #- 35]280 dh FkhA ;fn okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt
the total interest (nearest to a Rs) charged
dh nj 5» gS] rksx dk eku Kkr djsaA
in this scheme is:
SSC CGL 07/06/2019 (Shift-03)
,d ½.k nks leku okf"kZd fd'rksa esa okil fd;k tkuk
(a) 64,400 (b) 65,600 gSA ;fn C;kt nj 10» çfr o"kZ gSA lkykuk pØo`f¼
(c) 64,800 (d) 65,400 vkSj çR;sd fdLr 5]808 #i;s gS] rks bl ;kstuk esa
9. Neeraj took Rs. 6800 as a loan which along fy, tkus okys dqy C;kt dk 60» (:i;s esa fudVre)
with interest is to be repaid in two equal Kkr djsaA
annual installments. If the rate of interest
SSC CGL MAINS 29/02/2022

is 12 % compounded annually, then the (a) 917 (b) 911

value of each installment is : (c) 913 (d) 922
uhjt us 6800 #- m/kj ds :i esa fy, ftudk C;kt 13. A sum of Rs. 45500 is to be paid back in 3
an by
lfgr] nks leku okf"kZd fdLrksa eas Hkqxrku fd;k tkuk
equal annual installments. How much is
each installment if the interest is

gS ;fn okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr C;kt dh nj 12 » compounded annually at 20% per annum ?
;fn 45500 dh jkf'k dks 3 cjkcj okf"kZd fdLr esa
gS] rks izR;sd fdLr dh jkf'k gS \
ja vnk djuk gSA izR;sd fdLr dh jkf'k Kkr djsa ;fn
R s
(a) Rs. 8100 (b) Rs. 4150
C;kt okf"kZd la;ksftr gksrk gS rFkk C;kt nj 20» izfro"kZ gSA
a th

(c) Rs. 4050 (d) Rs. 4000

(a) Rs. 21600 (b) Rs. 21700
10. Surekha borrowed a sum of money and
(c) Rs. 21800 (d) Rs. 21900
returned it in two equal annual
14. A sum of Rs. 25220 is to be paid back in 3
intallments of Rs. 5547 each. If the rate
ty a

equal annual installments. How much is

1 each installment if the interest is
of interest was 7 % p.a. compounded yearly,
2 compounded annually at 5% per annum ?
di M

the the total interest paid by her was: ;fn 25220 dh jkf'k 3 cjkcj okf"kZd fdLr esa vnk
lqjs[kk us dqN jkf'k m/kj yh vkSj bls izR;sd o"kZ #-djuh gSA izR;sd fdLr dh jkf'k crk,¡ ;fn C;kt okf"kZd
5547 dh nks cjkcj okf"kZd fdLrksa esa ykSVk fn;kA la;ksftr
;fn gksrk gS rFkk C;kt nj 5» izfro"kZ gSA
1 (a) Rs. 9361
C;kt dh nj okf"kZd :i ls la;kstu ij 7 % izfr
2 (b) Rs. 9261
o"kZ Fkh] rks mlds }kjk fn;k x;k dqy C;kt Fkk% (c) Rs. 9621
SSC CGL MAINS 15/11/2020 (d) Rs. 9216
15. A sum of Rs. 52725 is to be paid back in 3
(a) Rs. 1,144 (b) Rs. 1,134
equal annual installments. How much is
(c) Rs. 1,096 (d) Rs. 1,126 each installment if the interest is

compounded annually at 12% per annum ?

11. A loan of Rs. 8,925 is to be paid back in
two equal half-yearly installments. How 52725 dh jkf'k dks 3 cjkcj fdLrksa esa vnk djuk
much is each instalment if the interest is gSA izR;sd fdLr fdruh gS ;fn C;kt izfr'kr 12» izfro"kZ
compounded half-yearly at 8% per annum? gS rFkk C;kt lkykuk la;ksftr gksrk gSA
#- 8]925 dk ½.k nks leku v/Zokf"kZd fdLrks esa pqdk;k(a) Rs. 21952
tkuk gSA ;fn C;kt v/Zokf"kZd :i ls 8» izfr o"kZ dh nj (b) Rs. 21592
ls l;ksftr fd;k tkrk gS] rks izR;sd fdLr fdruh gksxh\ (c) Rs. 21852
SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Shift- 1) (d) Rs. 21259

16. A sum is to be paid back in 3 equal annual 18. Atul borrowed a sum of Rs12000 and
installments. The interest is compounded agreed to repay it by paying Rs 4800 at the
annually at 30% per annum. If each installment end of first year and Rs 9240 at the end
be Rs. 21970 then what is the sum ? of second year. What is the rate of
fdlh jkf'k dks rhu cjkcj fdLrksa esa vnk djuk gSA compound interest compounded annually?
;fn C;kt lkykuk la;ksftr gksrk gS rFkk C;kt dh nj vrqy #i;s 12000 dh jkf'k m/kj ysrk gS vkSj igys
30» izfro"kZ gSA ;fn izR;sd fdLr 21970 gS rks jkf'ko"kZ ds var esa #i;s 4800 vksj nwljs o"kZ ds var esa
Kkr djsaA 9240 #i;s dk Hkqxrku djds bls pqdkus ds fy, rS;kj
(a) Rs. 39800 (b) Rs. 39900 gksrk gSA okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj Kkr djsaA
(c) Rs. 39950 (d) Rs. 39990 SSC CGL 24/08/2021 (Shift 02)
17. A man borrowed a certain sum and agrees
(a) 10% (b) 12%
to repay it by paying Rs. 4000 at the end
(c) 8/5% (d) 8%
of first year and Rs. 7700 at the end of
19. A man borrowed Rs. 9000 at the rate of
second year. If the rate of compound
10% p.a. compound interest. At the end of

interest compounded annually is 10% per every year he return Rs. 3000. At the end
annum, then find the sum (in Rs.) of 3rd year how much money should he

fdlh O;fÙkQ us ,d fuf'pr jkf'k m/kj yh vkSj igys paid so that the whole sum be paid.

an by
o"kZ ds var esa 4000 #i;s vkSj nwljs o"kZ ds var
7700 #i;s dk Hkqxrku djds bls pqdkus ds fy, lger
,d vkneh 9000 #- 10» okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt nj
ij m/kj fy;kA izR;sd o"kZ ds vUr esa og 3000 #-

gks x;kA ;fn okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr pØo`f¼ C;kt okil dj nsrk gSA rhljs o"kZ ds vUr esa mls vkSj fdrus
dh nj 10» çfr o"kZ gS] rks jkf'k (#i;s esa) Kkr dhft, #i;s Hkqxrku djuk pkfg, ftlls fd laiw.kZ jkf'k dk
ja Hkqxrku gks tk, \
R s
SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Shift 03)
(a) 5049 (b) 5050
a th

(a) 11500 (b) 11000

(c) 9000 (d) 10000 (c) 5070 (d) 5060
ty a

Answer Key
di M

1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(b) 5.(a) 6.(a) 7.(a) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(b)

11.(d) 12.(b) 13.(a) 14.(b) 15.(a) 16.(b) 17.(d) 18.(a) 19.(a)



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