Chen 2006
Chen 2006
Chen 2006
ABSTRACT: Composites of poly(butylene terephthalate) ric study revealed that the weight loss of the PBT/TTA
(PBT), 2,4,6-tris(2⬘,4⬘,6⬘-tribromophenoxy)-1,3,5-triazine (TTA), composite was very limited in the temperature range of
and glass fibers were prepared, and the effect of TTA on the 25–300°C, and scanning electron microscopy images of the
properties and morphologies of the composites was studied. blend demonstrated that the TTA particle sizes and their
The results showed that the addition of a suitable amount of distribution in the PBT matrix remained thermally stable
TTA could improve the flame retardancy of PBT composites when the system was heated at 130°C for 3 h. This suggested
reinforced with glass fibers, and good resistance to TTA good compatibility of TTA with PBT. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals,
emigration from the inside of the composites onto their Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 102: 1291–1296, 2006
surfaces was obtained. Fourier transform infrared spectros-
copy analyses of PBT, TTA, and their blend suggested that
there might be no chemical bonds formed on the interfaces Key words: flame retardance; mechanical properties; mor-
between PBT and TTA in the composite; a thermogravimet- phology; polyesters
Comparison of the Blooming Performances of TTA and DBDPO from PBT Composites
Sample PBT1-3 PBT1-4 PBT2-3 PBT2-4 PBT3-1 PBT3-2 PBT3-3 PBT3-4
Blooming F F F F E E E E
E ⫽ blooming; F ⫽ nonblooming.
cases. However, if the flame retardant incorporated and PBT because an ordinary filler normally has a
into the PBT system is not compatible with the matrix negative effect on the mechanical properties of its
and continues to transfer to the surfaces of the prod- composites with polymers. Moreover, the PBT com-
ucts in use, the flame-retardant properties of the prod- posite reinforced with 10 wt % glass fiber showed
ucts will be severely degraded after use for some tensile and flexural strengths of about 80 and 110 MPa,
period of time. Therefore, nonblooming characteristics respectively, exhibiting much better mechanical prop-
of the flame retardant are required to maintain the erties than the PBT/TTA composite to which no glass
permanent flame-retardant properties of the products fiber was added. These results could be easily under-
under their use conditions. In this respect, the bloom- stood with respect to the contribution by the glass
ing performance of TTA from PBT composites and a fiber. However, the notched Izod impact strength of
comparison of this behavior of TTA with that of DB- the composites either with or without glass-fiber rein-
DPO commonly used in industry were investigated; forcement deteriorated with increasing amounts of
the results are summarized in Table II. When flame TTA and Sb2O3; moreover, a higher impact strength
retardants TTA and DBDPO were added to PBT com- was obtained when glass fiber was added to the PBT/
posites, their blooming performances were strikingly TTA composite. This was similar to the case of the
different. For the PBT blends with flame retardant tensile and flexural strengths. Generally, the impact
TTA, no frost phenomenon could be observed on their strength of materials is related to the bond strength of
surfaces even after the composite containing as much molecules and polymer chain movement under cer-
as 15 wt % TTA was heated at 130°C for 3 h. The tain stress, as well as the stress distributions in the
results indicated that no observable number of TTA materials caused by this movement. In other words,
particles could emigrate onto the surface from the the impact strength actually reflects the flexibility of
inside of the composite, probably because of the good the materials. For glass-fiber-reinforced PBT compos-
compatibility of TTA with the matrix; therefore, TTA ites, the good flexibility of the PBT chain makes the
demonstrated an excellent antiblooming ability. How- energy transmission easier on the one hand; on the
ever, off-white frost could be easily and quickly found other hand, the interface of the glass fiber and matrix
on the surface of PBT containing 10 wt % DBDPO is improved after the glass-fiber surface treatment.
when the blend was heated for a very short time at the Under these conditions, the impact load can be easily
same temperature at which the PBT/TTA composite transmitted from the matrix to the glass fiber, leading
was heated. Further experiments showed that DBDPO to the so-called crazing phenomenon in the composite.
blooming could occur even if a very low amount of the
flame retardant was added to the PBT system, sug-
gesting that thermal emigration of the flame retardant TABLE III
from the inside of the composite onto its surface could Mechanical and Flame-Retardant Properties of PBT
easily take place because of the incompatibility of Composites Reinforced with Different Contents
DBDPO with the polymer matrix. of Glass Fibers
The effects of different amounts of PBT and TTA Tensile Flexural Impact Flame
together with Sb2O3 on the mechanical and flame- strength strength strength retardancy
retardant properties of PBT and its composites rein- Sample (MPa) (MPa) (J/m) LOI (%)
forced with glass fibers are demonstrated in Table III PBT1-1 77.6 107.7 57.1 20.2
(entries 1– 8). The tensile strength remained stable for PBT1-2 80.3 114.0 54.3 21.0
either PBT/TTA or PBT/TTA/glass-fiber composites, PBT1-3 80.0 115.5 48.4 25.6
regardless of the amounts of the components in the PBT1-4 83.3 115.7 38.2 31.3
PBT2-1 57.1 83.2 47.4 23.3
range of our study. The addition of TTA and the
PBT2-2 59.1 98.7 44.3 23.5
synergistic flame retardant Sb2O3 initially made the PBT2-3 57.8 100.0 36.4 23.5
flexural strength of the composites in both cases PBT2-4 60.5 100.0 32.3 24.7
slightly better, but the improvement leveled off when PBT3-1 56.5 107.0 33.0 24.1
the concentration of TTA was larger than about 5 wt PBT3-2 64.1 115.8 43.4 25.2
PBT3-3 89.1 134.7 64.9 32.8
%. The tensile and flexural properties of the compos-
PBT3-4 109.3 155.6 81.2 33.5
ites suggested favorable interactions between TTA
1294 CHEN ET AL.
3 shows the results of fractured surfaces of the PBT/ stable even after the sample was heated at 130°C for
TTA (90/10 w/w) composite with different thermal 3 h [Fig. 3(b)]. A close inspection of the SEM images
histories. As shown in Figure 3(a), TTA particles were with relatively high magnification for the same sam-
well dispersed in the PBT matrix before heating. ples indicated that the particle sizes, their distribution,
Moreover, the dispersion of TTA particles remained and the dispersion of the fire retardant remained sta-
ble when the composite was under different thermal
conditions; this provides convincing evident for the
good compatibility of TTA and PBT. The combination
of these SEM results and the FTIR spectra should give
a reasonable explanation for the excellent antibloom-
ing property of TTA in the PBT composites because no
obviously observable amount of TTA emigrated from
the inside of the composite onto its surface according
to the thermally stable sizes, size distribution, and
dispersion of TTA particles in the PBT composite.
The SEM micrographs of fractured surfaces of the
PBT/DBDPO (90/10 w/w) blend under different ther-
mal environments are illustrated in Figure 4(a,b).
Small DBDPO particles were relatively well dispersed
in the PBT matrix before heating [Fig. 4(a)]. However,
when the composite was heated for a short time, the
DBDPO particles were prone to agglomerate in the
inside of the blend; therefore, many large DBDPO
particles were detected [Fig. 4(b)]. Moreover, a poor
TTA distribution and obvious changes in the particle
size distribution in the composite were observed be-
cause of the agglomeration of DBDPO particles and
their thermal emigration from the inside of the com-
posite onto its surface to reduce the surface energy of
the particles and increase their stability in the PBT
matrix. Therefore, the phenomenon of whitening ap-
pearing on the surface of the composite inevitably
occurred, and this was in good agreement with our
Figure 3 SEM micrographs of PBT/TTA composites observations. These results suggested that the compat-
(90/10 w/w): (a) before heating and (b) after heating at ibility of DBDPO with PBT should not be as good as
130°C for 3 h. that of TTA with PBT.
1296 CHEN ET AL.
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