SLRP For Acquisition G4
SLRP For Acquisition G4
SLRP For Acquisition G4
Content Content In order for The previous N/A The student is Distinguished: Tier 1 Universal Existing materials The partially
Standard: Standard: the students to grade level’s expected to be able I can interpret Instruction will be updated covered
The learner The learner graph missed LC to: the graph of involving the use with the inclusion learning
demonstrates demonstrates polynomial may be linear functions of the Chunking of the missed competency will
key concepts understanding functions they merged in 1. find the slope and polynomial Complexity type learning be covered in
of linear of key need to be the teaching and y-intercept of a functions. of scaffolding competency Week 2 of Q2
inequalities in concepts of able to acquire of the linear function; and procedural involving the in 6 class
two variables, polynomial the skills of current 2. graph linear Proficient: and Chunking meetings.
systems of functions graphing linear grade level’s functions; I can graph Metacognitive Complexity type
linear (G10Q2) functions. LC. 3. find the x- linear functions forms of of scaffolding Meeting 1:
inequalities in Hence, it is intercept and y- and polynomial Scaffolding. and procedural Modeling of the
two variables Performance important that Possible intercept of a functions. form of process of
and linear Standard: the missed LC Merged LC: polynomial Differentiation in scaffolding. graphing linear
functions The learner is is already done The learner function; Developing: the Environment/ functions.
(G8Q2) able to well by the graphs 4. graph polynomial I can graph Content will also Differentiation
conduct students. linear functions; linear be involved. will be done by Meeting 2:
Performanc systematically functions functions. Environment and (Guided
e Standard: a and Students will be Content. Practice)
The learner is mathematical polynomial Emerging: checked on their Worksheet 1 on
able to investigation functions. Learning Targets: I can find the mastery by graphing linear
formulate and involving slope, x- looking at rubric functions and
solve polynomial 1. I can determine intercept, and scores on to be answered
accurately functions in the slope and y- y-intercept of exercises in groups of 4.
real-life different fields intercept of a linear the given involving group,
problems (G10Q2) function. function. pairs, and Meeting 3:
involving individual work. Modeling of the
linear Learning 2. I can graph process of
inequalities in Competency: linear functions. See procedures graphing
two variables, The learner below. polynomial
systems of 20. graphs 3. I can find the x- functions.
linear polynomial intercept and y-
inequalities in functions intercept of a Meeting 4:
two variables (M10AL-IIa-b- polynomial function. (Guided
and linear 1) Practice)
functions 4. I can graph Worksheet 2 on
(G8Q2) polynomial graphing
functions. polynomial
Learning functions and
Competenc to be done in
y: The groups of 4.
32. graphs a Meeting 5:
linear (Guided
function’s Practice)
(a)domain; Worksheet 3 on
(b)range; graphing linear
(c)table of and polynomial
values; functions to be
(d)intercepts; done in triad.
and (e)slope
(M8AL-IId-e- Meeting 6:
1) Worksheet 4 on
graphing linear
and polynomial
functions to be
*adapted from National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET)
Rubric for Scoring Criteria:
Performance 1 2 3 4
Indicators Emerging Developing Proficient Distinguished
1. graphs linear I can find the slope, I can graph linear I can graph linear I can interpret the
functions and x-intercept, and y- functions. functions and graph of linear
polynomial intercept of the given polynomial functions. functions and
functions. function. polynomial
Write systematic and explicit intervention procedures showing the following:
a. learning targets
b. type and form of scaffolding
c. use of Acquisition strategies
d. use of Differentiation
1. Tell the students that they will learn to graph linear functions.
2. Distribute a copy of problems involving graphing of linear functions.
3. Let me demonstrate the first problem about graphing linear functions: “Graph the linear function f defined by
f(x)=2x-3.” Explain to the students that in graphing the linear function, we need to determine the slope and y-
intercept of the given function.
4. So let’s find out the answer to the given problem. We all know that to find the slope and y-intercept of the function,
it must be in its slope-intercept form f(x)=mx+b. Thus, it is a linear function with a slope m=2 and y-intercept
b=-3. A slope of 2 means there is a 2 unit increase in y for every unit increase in x. A y-intercept of -3 means the
graph of the function intersects the y-axis at y=-3. We will use the technique you learned on graphing functions by
constructing a table of ordered pairs for f(x)=2x-3. After completing the table of values, we will plot the ordered
pairs on the Cartesian plane.
5. So, to graph linear functions, I did the following steps:
a. First, I determine the slope and y-intercept of the given function.
b. Second, I construct table of ordered pairs for the given function.
c. Lastly, I plot the ordered pairs on the Cartesian plane.
6. Are you ready to try to do what I demonstrated? Don’t worry I will be guiding you and you will be working in
7. Now, let us try these steps again with another topic.
ACTIVITY 2: Graphing Linear Functions
1. Distribute Worksheet 1 on graphing linear functions to the students. The worksheet is divided into two parts: Part1
contains a few blanks on graphing linear functions while Part 2 has multiple choice questions.
2. The students will answer the worksheets in groups of 4 employing Team-Stay-One-Stray Strategy. A student in the
group can ask questions with another students in another group.
3. Constantly monitor students’ work and progress by roaming around the classroom and giving immediate feedbacks
on how the students are doing the activity.
4. Check the students’ answers in the worksheets and have the students determine whether the answer is correct and
explain why.
5. Address difficulties encountered by the students in answering the worksheets.
ACTIVITY 3: Graphing Polynomial Functions
1. Tell the students that they will learn to graph polynomial functions.
2. Distribute a copy of problems involving graphing of polynomial functions.
3. Let me demonstrate the first problem about graphing polynomial functions: “Graph the polynomial function
f(x)= -x3 + 3x2 – 2x.” Explain to the students that in graphing polynomial functions we need to find the x-intercept
and y-intercept of the given function. Then, we will apply the concept of symmetry whenever applicable. Since
f(-x)≠f(x) and f(-x)≠-f(x), the graph is not symmetric with respect to the y-axis and to the origin. Next, we will
identify the multiplicity of a zero. All the zeros are of multiplicity 1. Hence, the graph crosses the x-axis at 0,1, and
2. Then, we will use the leading coefficient test. Since n is odd (n=3) and the leading coefficient is negative
(an=-1), the graph falls to the right and rises to the left.
4. So, to graph polynomial functions, I did the following steps:
a. First, I determine the x-intercept and y-intercept of the given function.
b. Second, I apply the concept of symmetry whenever applicable in the given function.
c. Third, I identify the multiplicity of a zero.
d. Lastly, I used the leading coefficient test.
ACTIVITY 4: Graphing Polynomial Functions
1. Distribute Worksheet 2 on graphing polynomial functions to the students. The worksheet is divided into two parts:
Part1 contains a few blanks on graphing polynomial functions while Part 2 has multiple choice questions.
2. The students will answer the worksheets in groups of 4 employing Team-Stay-One-Stray Strategy. A student in the
group can ask questions with another students in another group.
3. Constantly monitor students’ work and progress by roaming around the classroom and giving immediate feedbacks
on how the students are doing the activity.
4. Check the students’ answers in the worksheets and have the students determine whether the answer is correct and
explain why.
5. Address difficulties encountered by the students in answering the worksheets.
ACTIVITY 5: Graphing Linear and Polynomial Functions
1. Distribute Worksheet 3 on graphing linear and polynomial functions to the students. The worksheet is divided into
two parts: Part1 students will show the steps in graphing linear and polynomial functions while Part 2 has an error
analysis and correction format of assessment.
2. The students will answer the worksheets in triad.
3. Constantly monitor students’ work and progress by roaming around the classroom and giving immediate feedbacks
on how the students are doing the activity.
4. Check the students’ answers in the worksheets and have the students determine whether the answer is correct and
explain why.
5. Address difficulties encountered by the students in answering the worksheets.
ACTIVITY 2: Graphing Linear and Polynomial Functions
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Work – Metacognitive Scaffolding
1. Distribute Worksheet 4 with varied functions on graphing linear and polynomial functions. Have students select two
functions to graph.
2. Tell the students to work individually.
3. Remind the students to assess whether they completed each step of graphing the linear and polynomial functions.
4. Ask the students about significant learning they gained in answering the worksheets.